Proposal “Sunset-Roll-Powered-By-Dash“ (Closed)Back

Title:Sunset Roll Powered By Dash +10.000 wallets+ #1 Music Festival Venezuela+ / Greencandle Escrow /4 Month Budget
One-time payment: 512 DASH (13815 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-05-19 / 2018-06-17 (added on 2018-05-18)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 124 Yes / 232 No / 31 Abstain

Proposal description

This proposal was though to unite all the Venezuelan community effort in one single purpose and It count with the collaboration and support from almost all the previous Venezuelan proposal funded by a lot of you MNOs, so we hope you like this and vote YES to keep supporting what we firmly believe would become the First dash Nation.

this would be a milestone in the propagation of Dash in Venezuela.

you can see our proposal Video follow this link:

1. Summary

Sunset Dash is a proposal that unites all members of the Dash Venezuela Community, with the joint goal of organizing Dash as a respectable institution capable of gaining the trust of the venezuelan people without losing our core ideals of decentralization and autonomy, also enhancing it as a brand by merging it with the most popular music festival in the country to resemble emotion and convenience, reliability, security and a trustworthy option of the highest standards.

With an expanded and dedicated team, special alliances with merchants and local exchanges and an important marketing strategy, we plan to make of Puerto La Cruz a Dash capital of the world. During this event we expect to open wallets to more than 10,000 attendants with a market capitalization of more than $230,000.

Starting with $60,000 in ticket sales managed and sold throughout one of our proposed solutions, $100,000 in consumption during the event to be traded over our proposed offline payment solution (NFC Android App), $70,000 in extra capitalization as all supplier logistics will be paid off in Dash and incredible footage and multimedia content that will stay within the community.

2. Benefits and Return on Investment for the community

The first and foremost benefit of this initiative is to enhance Dash as a brand that resembles excitement, convenience and reliability by giving the people a great memory that associates Dash with an amazing experience such as the Sunset Roll powered by Dash music festival.
The forecasted Return on Investment excels over $230,000:

  • Incorporation of new users:
10,000 wallets will be created, 1 for every attendant.

  • Income on Ticket Sales: the number of attendants expected for this addition is around 10,000 people and even when we understand that not all will buy with Dash we expect at least 40% equivalent to 4.000 tickets
15$ Ticket price x 4,000 attendants = 60,000$ market capitalization.
  • Consumption or Spending Forecast: the average for every user to consume is more or less equivalent to the price of the ticket, even considering the economic situation Venezuelans are in, it is still possible for them to spend at least USD$ 10 on food, beverages or others.
$10 x 10,000 attendants (in 24 hours during the event)= $100,000 market capitalization.

  • Brand Exposure (over the line marketing):
with a national media campaign of over 3 months, included in premium sponsorship.

  • Merchants Development:
More than $70,000 of extra capitalization as all supplier logistics will be paid off in Dash

  • Multimedia content for the Dash community.

  • Final post event metrics report for the Dash community.

3. The Problem

Venezuela has a huge potential because of its unique set of conditions but even though many people have turned to crypto to get over the hyperinflation crisis, there are still many that remain isolated from all the benefits this technology has to offer. Despite of all the money Dash Treasury has invested in Venezuela and the great work done by community members in this country, still the name Dash has not gone viral yet, Bitcoin is still the most popular cryptocurrency in Venezuela as in the rest of the world.

4. Our Proposal

Create an experience great enough to allow thousands of people to come together in a place where they can have fun and use Dash with ease, so that it would forever stay in their imagination as a great memory that embodies emotion and convenience, reliability, security and a trustworthy option of the highest standards.

1) To create the Experience: Sunset Roll powered by Dash

Sunset Roll is the most important music festival in Venezuela according to the country’s most influential media outlets like El Nacional, El Universal, Nueva Prensa, Lider 94.7, Union Radio and others; with 4 successful editions so far Sunset Roll has created a reputation for combining amazing outdoor locations, great national and international musicians, plastic artists, food courts and even giant hot air balloons attracting more than 8.000 attendants from across the country in their last edition.
This event allures many influential brands that are willing to support the event not only because of the marketing opportunity but also because of the highly efficient organization backing it up that always manages to deliver a safe and enjoyable experience that without a doubt creates unforgettable memories for all attendants.
The idea is to take advantage of the enormous influence Sunset Roll has to offer and bind it together with Dash in order to create a unique experience throughout a Premium Sponsorship that involves collaborative marketing (co-branding).

2) Prepare & Spread the Word: Conference pre-event (Road to Sunset Roll powered by Dash)

in this process that we call “Road to Sunset” we plan to organize a Conference & Fair that can stand as a simulated scenario of the real thing, by presenting some of the local artists that will perform and set the mood with a fair area where the merchants can present their services or sell their goods with Dash.

5. The Goal: User Experience

Our goal as Dash Community is to create a consumer experience in our activities meaning that we must enable the conditions for that experience to happen in the most efficient and simplest way possible for the user so they can ultimately adopt Dash as their regular payment option. During our events we will require tech solutions to carry out this ideal and a qualified development team ready to work rapidly. We plan to assemble a programming team within the Simon Bolívar University campus, the best technologically driven university in the country. There we expect to attract the smartest and most proactive minds in Venezuela guided by an experienced Senior Project Manager directing operations.

1) Website for ticket sales with dash (

This project envisions the attendants purchasing their entrance tickets with Dash mainly throughout a website developed exclusively for this purpose

2) Develop Dash Offline Payment Solution

This offline solution can be developed through a NFC cold wallet: The NFC (Near field communication), is a form of contactless communication between devices like smartphones or tablets. Contactless communication allows a user to wave the smartphone over a NFC compatible device to send information without needing to touch the devices together or go through multiple steps setting up a connection.
Both merchants and attendants will benefit from near field communication technology mainly because of the speed, faster transaction times mean less waiting in line and happier customers.

6. The Budget:

7. Target Dates:

8. Team Roster

Jose Lopez Experienced business strategist that has successfully carried out many projects in several industries including internet-based companies, logistics, manufacturing, retail, engineering and others. He also holds a bachelor degree in Industrial Engineering and several certifications in Business Development, Finances, International Trade, Quality Control, Business Process Management, ISO Standards and recently certified in Enterprise Valuations for Start-ups by Yonsei University.Pedro SandovalEconomist from Universidad Catolica Andres Bello, Caracas Venezuela, side studies on corporate finance and capital markets from Universidad Pontificia De Comillas, Madrid spain,Owner and VP of sales of Renoca and Rezulca both Tire recycling companies, Specialist in Transfer Pricing with two years of experience in PWC venezuelan Branch. Co-founder and CFO of Meerkat Group Inc, Blockchain and Cryptocurrency company with offices in USA, Paraguay and Venezuela, co-founder of the first university blockchain lab in Venezuela, at Universidad Simón Bolívar.Felipe D’OnofrioCo-founder of Meerkat Group Inc Blockchain and Cryptocurrency company with offices in USA, Paraguay and Venezuela, tech enthusiast and self-learner to the highest extent with more than 2 years of experience in Blockchain technology and value exchange systems that includes mining, trading and others. Co-founder of the first university blockchain lab in Venezuela, at Universidad Simón Bolívar.completely devoted on finding new and innovative applications for this technology Cristyan MorenoEntrepreneur, Founder/CEO of Vista Creativa Film Productions with more than 12 years of experience creating and directing. Expert in Composition and Motion Graphics with an After Effects Certification, with the ability to pull off very interesting content with help of illustrators and designers in his team. Always involved in various aspects of the process as creative direction and direction of photography in TV ads, Music Videos, Internet Spots, Aftermovies, and Shorts. Working for large brand companies such as KPMG, IGLO, LOCTITE, BISSELL, GREEN GIANT. The creation of content for clients has enabled him to dive into marketing research and create strategies for all kinds of brands to assure their message gets to their target audience successfully.Santiago NogueraSystems Engineer, Web Project Management specialist and Blockchain enthusiast. He worked for 6 years as Coordinator of the Web Project Department at Analiticom, one of the most recognized digital agencies in Venezuela, also with offices in Panama and Miami. Nowadays, CTO of Spot58 Digital Agency based in Venezuela and Panama with clients worldwide.Rubén Guía Chirino Attorney at Law,  specialist in constitutional law, researcher on the cryptocurrency law. Founder of a multi-disciplinary think tank focused in new technologies education  and investigation. Author of some published articles. Speaker in the Eighth Dash Venezuela Conferencias: Legal status of mining and using of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela.  Juan Carlos FerminAttorney at law, specialist in criminal law, from Universidad Santa Maria, Caracas Venezuela. Businessman, working in the entertainment industry (bar, restaurants, nightclubs, music festivals, artist manager) since 2005. Founder/CEO of MVP Bar/restaurant. Co- Founder/Executive Director of EL TOQUE bar & restaurant. Manager/Executive Producer of TRIPLAND Music band. Founder/CEO of SUNSET ROLL FESTIVAL Music festival. With more than 14 years of experience in customer service, public relationships, bar/restaurant management & administration, employees management, festival & party producer, branding & networking.More Information:

If you want to read the full proposal follow this link:

If you want to know more abour our Dash PLC Community follow this link:

If you want to know more about the evolution of Sunset Roll follow this link:

if you wanna know everything that DASH PLC community been doing this past months check our youtube profile in the following link:

We appreciate your time reading our proposal and we hope to have your support and feedback in order to improve and make the best of this innitiative.

you can check our previous comments on the Pre Proposal posted on Dash forum thru this Link:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
I personally voted Yes on this, but I hope you guys come back with a lower ask since this seems to be too much for most masternodes.
0 points,6 years ago
Too expensive. Voting NO. We need to keep investing in granular growth by merchant and user adoption.
1 point,6 years ago
We are talking about 10k new users and wallets, add to that 100 merchants in a single event? Thats around the same number we have manage to achieve in Venezuela so far, and It has taken a lot of work.

I invite you to read this couple of tweets by Ryan Taylor:
0 points,6 years ago
Hello Mr. Thank you very much for reading our proposal and taking the time give us your feedback. First I'd like to say that all the services provided in the festival will be paid in Dash and most of the services needed for the festival will be paid in Dash also (music, lights, musician's). That implies two things: first that we will need to train Merchants how to use Dash as a point of sale, and second we will need to teach users about Dash. We will achieve this with the road to sunset.
Comparing to other proposals worldwide. Our proposal is not expensive, is BIG. We are achieving less than 18$/direct affected user without counting indirect affection due the huge media coverage sunset roll festival receives. A Sunset Roll powered by Dash, would be all Venezuela speaking about Dash.
We firmly believe that a massive event like ours can give the final push to make Venezuela a Dash Nation.

Also I'd like to ask you: which part of our financial structure of our proposal would you change?

1 point,6 years ago
Voting no not for 512DASH
0 points,6 years ago
hi schnuppdog, thats for taking the time and commenting.

considering your question, and given our budget structure... witch part of the financial structure of our proposal would you consider to reduce for funding?.

remember that the idea is to put DASH side by side with the main national brands in the country and more than 70k of the proposal are give aways to ensure the total success of the event and at least 10k attendance.
3 points,6 years ago
Venezuela can use all the help it can get. I vote "Yes".
1 point,6 years ago
Hello Mr. Tron thank you for your kind words. This country is full of prepared and responsible people that have delivered high quality job. That's our commitment with the network.
3 points,6 years ago
I would vote "yes" for something like an inexpensive sponsorship and Dash giveaway at this event. But the laundry list of other no-return, high expenses will cause me to have to vote "no."
4 points,6 years ago
Thank you for taking the time to read our proposal. I believe that you may have misunderstood all the added benefits that our proposal has to offer.
Regarding the high expenses, it is important to remark that this proposal will develop over a 4 month time table and all the funds will be managed by an escrow (GreenCandle) so the funds will only be released upon completion of established milestones.

Our budget plan has located great part of the funds to three goals:
1) Sponsorship
2) Tech Development
3) Dash Conference & Fair

Of course the Sponsorship holds a great importance for brand exposure and mainstream adoption but our projected scope is much wider.

The creation of (Ticket Sales website + NFC Cold Wallet) would represent an proprietary asset at the community’s disposal. It will enable ticket sales logistics not only for Venezuela but also to any other community in the world that might need it, this is not exclusive for music festivals it can be any event that requires an entrance system such as conferences, fairs, sports events, theater, rallies, etc. Any ticket sales platform usually charges a fee of at least 10% of the total amount of tickets sold, with this initiative that money could be spared.

We can also offer this tool to people outside of the community and introduce them to Dash as a payment option, that way there’s another window available for mainstream adoption and market capitalization. The other big portion of the funds is located in the Dash Conference & Fair for 500 people which represents our first real-life scenario to test out our tech developments and it is also going to be chance for the merchants to adopt and learn about our software and understand the form and flow of the processes that will exist in the Sunset Roll powered by Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
Why spend significant DASH to integrate into the weakest economy?
4 points,6 years ago
@Stone - Are you new to Dash, have you not been paying attention to all the stuff we've been doing in Venezuela over the last year or so and why, or are you asking more of a rhetorical question?
4 points,6 years ago
Hello Stone thanks for commenting on our proposal.

Venezuelan citizens are currently seeking for new options that may reinstate their financial freedom due to the hyperinflation crisis that has affected their savings capabilities (to store value), a behaviour that may not easily replicate in well developed countries where people find themselves in a comfort zone. If as a community we truly desire to bring change to the world we should involve people like venezuelans that are urged to use Dash to store their hard work earnings that are being harshly and rapidly diluted.

1) It is the “weakness” of our economy that opens a window of opportunity for us to develop tech solutions as the NFC and POS or run programs such as Dash Help or Dash Merchants (both programs participating in this proposal) with high quality standards and low costs that otherwise might be well-off over budget if developed in another country.

2) We believe that investing in the adoption of cryptocurrencies in an economy that accepts them as the only legal tool for moving capitals abroad is more than appealable. It’s an opportunity! Right now those people who are receiving funds from abroad use illegal and insecure means as the black market. When people discover the easiness associated with using Dash they will look to receive their funds through Dash Network and that includes people sending money to their family, entrepreneurs and businesses using Dash as a point of sale as well, considering that some of them are using other cryptocurrencies already. Right now Dash Volume in Venezuela is not high but when tools aimed to Dash start to gain momentum and popularity the market will grow accordingly.

3) The significant expense that you refer to does not account for the return on market capitalization that will inevitably happen during the event, thus to consider Venezuela as a weak economy is relative, the size of the crypto economy should be measured by the market penetration rather than the absolute value of the country’s overall economy. The details on this was thoroughly explained in our proposal and also commented in other posts in this thread.
I invite you to read our full proposal and if have any other doubts please reach out to us.
4 points,6 years ago
Sponsoring musical events have not shown returns since the exposure lasts only for a little time and forgotten easily. How will this event be different?
3 points,6 years ago
first of all let me thank you for reading and commenting our proposal.

let me begin by establishing the context under which this event is carried out, VENEZUELA is a country where people are victims of an inflation of more than 500% only in the last year, which enhances the interest of people to know new means of payment that allows them to maintain the value of their money (this is explained because we believe that once they know dash they will consider it as one of their payment method)

In addition to this, a ticketing and NFC development is structured on the proposal, that will be available for subsequent events that previously did not have DASH for the provision of these ticketing services.

Another reason is that within our proposal, there is a set of courses for merchants from all the areas surrounding the event (supported by the municipality) and a conference that will allow instructing potential users and businesses that want to know about the DASH functionality and its advantages, with mean more users and merchants.

if all the above is not enough, in one of the previous questions we commented how the event generated an EXTRA capitalization for the currency of around 210k, which will be capitalized by proposals previously financed by the treasury such as: Colibit (exchange) and CriptolifeX (P2P), add to that will have the support of all the communities of DASH VENEZUELA for the promotion of the event, and will also promote the use of our technical support system called DashHelpme.

For these and other reasons that could be explained in more detail if you consider them necessary, we believe that the Sunset Roll Powered By Dash differs from previous music events funded by the community.

we hope your doubts are fulfill, if not, please don't hesitated on asking anything else.
1 point,6 years ago
I can confirm that this team has planned very carefuly this proposal. They dont have any blind spots, every detail is well thought.

Besides, they are working with all Venezuelan Dash projects. From Dash Help I confirm that we will be the official support service of the event (10.000 people will need a proffessional assistance). And from Dash Merchant Venezuela we confirm our support to help this guys with integrations (POS, payment processors), educational content and more.

Escrow is important for this type of proposal and GreenCandle will provide it with an specific milestone program.

Best of luck and see you around guys!

Dash Help & Dash Merchant Venezuela
2 points,6 years ago
Sounds big and exciting. You are developing a new NFC wristband and Point of Sale system? Thanks in advance,

4 points,6 years ago
hey, first of all thanks for commenting an reading our proposal.

In did we are developing a new NFC, The bracelet NFC or near field communication device (ticket), contains a signature scrip which will sign the transaction written by the POS (in this case the merchant) who will send the transaction to the DASH network for validation. the information contained in the bracelet would be encrypted by PGP to make shure that only the POS can read the bracelet and thus be able to sign the transaction.

The POS system development would be linked to the NFC development, to allow people to spend their Cripto inside the event, either Thru the bracelet or with the NFC.

any other specific doubt don't hesitate to ask.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello, everyone!

I am really excited to see this proposal on...

The team from DASH PLC are as pasionate as profesional, and they are working together with the team of Sunset Roll, with proved experience in organizing this kind of big time music festivals. That is why, when they reach out to us (DASH Venezuela) for advisory, we were all in :)

This project is really exciting because:
* It means getting 10K people (between attendees, staff and merchants) to have direct experience with DASH, besides the huge presence in main stream media.
* Also, it will not be only centered in one city, because although the festival takes place in Puerto La Cruz, the people who come to this event come from all over the country, and all of the allies and DASH communities in Venezuela are going to have the opportunity to collaborate in order to make a succes out of this.
* Besides, the artist and influencers who will have this great experience with DASH are potential candidates to start talking about DASH and get people to get interested in the use of it.
* In top of that, the association with other stablished brands can be highly benefitial for DASH.

Dear MNOs, please read and vote this proposal.

Thank you :)
2 points,6 years ago
I really like this proposal. Voting yes.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello Mr. my name is Tomás Alfaro. I'm the communication manager of DASH-PLC. We really appreciate your comments, we won't let you down!.
3 points,6 years ago
This is an exciting proposal! Will introduce Dash to a lot of people, create a PoS system for future use, and serve as a case study for these types of events. This can further ingrain dash into the Venezuelan economy.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much for taking the time and commenting our proposal, thats right exactly for those reasons we are very exited to be able to show people all the use cases that Dash has to offer.
3 points,6 years ago
I can confirm that the address: XdJZWcgTmxXvbEhpF2yEoiENsXmTyQ4Fut is controlled by Green Candle and we have agreed to provide escrow services for the "SUNSET-ROLL-POWERED-BY-DASH" proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for clarifying our agreement to the MNOs.
3 points,6 years ago
If the festival gets the hoped 10,000 crowd level, plus 500 at the conference the cost will be approx $18.50 USD (of Dash) for each festival attendee. I realise there may be wider brand exposure.
This festival does thrust forth a Dash use case.
2 points,6 years ago
hy and thanks you for your comment and time reading our proposal.

the numbers your putting together are about right, but I will like to point out the numbers of the that pay back of those 18,5$

for every ticket you buy on dash, you would need to buy and extra 5$ if you buy on presale 4000 ticket, total extra market cap of 20k and for the rest 6000 ticket you would get a 15$ buy for a market cap of 90k.

now if we check the buying experience inside the event, you would receive 5$ give away and the historical data show the organizers that the average assistant spend at least the same amount of money as the ticket cost, sow that 10$ difference would be market cap as well, for a total of 100k

so just this 2 facts, put together a total market cap of 210k $ for dash in Vzla on a single event... thats around 25% what Btc moves daily on our country and would be in a use case and not only to move money arround.
4 points,6 years ago
voting YES at this point.
1 point,6 years ago
Well done. Nice video. Like the escrow and staged approach.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello Mr. Kevin thanks a lot for your comment here DASH-PLC is really committed and we work a lot to deliver the best possible outcome. I'll tell Mr. Cristyan your kind words. I'm sure he appreciate them!
2 points,6 years ago
I think this may be a great experiment, to test micro-payments with nfc and A new ticketing platform.

This experience is very important to diversify the Dash ecosystem
2 points,6 years ago
I can't agree more, thank you for your nice words, as we said before this is an activity that will join all Venezuelan communities in a huge event! I hope you sell a lot of tickets!
3 points,6 years ago
This is a great proposal. I am very exciting about the NFC technology. This Will Gonna be a huge step for the offline transactions in Dash and for all cryptocurrency ecosystem. Beside, the festival is the bigger one in Venezuela... so the nfc system + Dashticket + sunset roll is the perfect equation to test all this improvements
0 points,6 years ago
A very important message from someone committed to the development of Dash. I'm sure our NFC development will be very helpful in future Dash events! Thanks my friend!
3 points,6 years ago
Who is doing the escrow?
2 points,6 years ago
hello again mastermined, the escrow service would be provided by greencandle, Jeremy already have the link and shout comment here any moment.