Proposal “StudiesConsultationToolsForDashVenezuela“ (Closed)Back

Title:Target Dash Inclusion at Universities in Venezuela, Caracas
One-time payment: 44 DASH (1185 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2018-01-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 128 Yes / 382 No / 37 Abstain

Proposal description

Welcome Dear Dash Community

Please visit our website
Direct Team Overview Link  
Direct complete Proposal Link
Direct Budget only Link

Brief Explanation of Proposal:

At CoinSpree we identified the fact that misinformation and disinformation are currently the highest barriers for users to promote and engage in the use of Dash in Venezuela, this is why our goal is that of developing, publishing and communicating easy to access information about What is Dash to solidify the understanding of the economic, legal, accounting, financial aspects about it  by developing informative content  coupled with consultation tools for all types of users registered at a website ( ;a domain owned by CoinSpree already).
This way the necessary informational environment to promote data, aimed at different audiences, to stimulate the adoption of several participants into the Dash ecosystem will be available to all Dash users . Thus, published material will range from general purpose information about what are Blockchains, cryptocurrencies, to then explain why Dash benefits from other cryptocurrencies in Venezuela and Latin America; hence, pave the way for the creation of ideas and new Dash users as a more experienced and long term audience

Potential Audience to target

The current potential audience in Venezuela for initial adoption of Dash are millennials, CoinSpree chose to target such groups of people by facilitating conferences where they are located the most constantly i.e. colleges in Caracas, Venezuela. We will stimulate firstly the adoption of Dash by explaining all of the benefits it represents with regard to other cryptos within the Venezuelan Environment, each student will receive $5 in Dash as well after having downloaded the Dash Wallet and completed a brief Survey at our webpage, this will pave the way for the collection of extensive data to foster a much better understating of the Dash community in Venezuela. We already have the approval of several colleges since we ourselves, founders of CoinSpree, are millennials and graduated from most of them.

How we will efficiently promote the Learning Curve for new Dash users

Having concluded each conference, people from the audience will be able to have a digital space at our webpage and consult
the information discussed as well as other studies published. New users 90% of the time require further clarification of the knowledge they gained to retain it and feel confident about it. To increase the probabilities of fostering a truly knowledgeable Dash audience we will facilitate a discussion space under the form of a blog to promote the sites traffic, coupled
with customer service assistance via phone and email at first and a section of FAQs with a smart search for keywords. Dash users in Venezuela need digital tools accessible 24/7 and customer support to promote Dash inclusion properly and efficiently.

How the Dash Ecosystem Benefits:

CoinSpree worked at developing a mass adoption strategy for Dash in Venezuela, it is a unique cryptocurrency for  hyperinflationary economies because of its low transaction fee. Dash will be benefited mainly by fostering Dash inclusion of new users in Venezuela and offering them easy to access ways to clarify their doubts and important points to understand how to
properly engage in the use of Dash and not incur in illegal practices because of misinformation and disinformation.
Work Team

CoinSpree is located at Citibank Business Tower in Caracas where we foster advisory services destined to entrepreneurs, investors, corporations, universities, foundations, government entities, among others in the area of cryptocurrencies, CoinSpree was founded on September 2017. You may visit this link we prepared for you Dash Community to view all of our team , it will be under constant update as well as our webpage

Why our Project?

According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, the percentage of adults which suffer from financial exclusion is approximately 48% in Latin America, in fact 80% of the transactions in Latin America are made in cash because most people do not have a bank account. Cryptocurrencies have the ability to exponentially foster financial inclusion, however CoinSpree identified two main problems for Dash to achieve a wider adoption, being firstly: the lack of knowledge about the matter that the users of many of these nations have, creating reluctance and an under-supplied market and secondly: mobile and internet adoption in Emerging Countries. Since millenials represent the group with higher mobile adoption they are the potential audience to target. Venezuela needed a company providing good customer service and awareness in this area with exposure to Latin America; hence, we founded CoinSpree to facilitate our knowledge and study of such industry, human resources, group of advisors and funds to stimulate the adoption of cryptocurrencies. 

Why Dash for Venezuela

Moreover, 95% of Venezuela’s money supply is already electronic based on the latest report from Banco Central de Venezuela, depicting also a 14% increase in Venezuela’s M2 in only a week; now standing at 81.7 Trillion (Billions in Spanish) Bs. There is a shortage of cash since most people do not have a bank account, John Otis from Caracas wrote an excellent piece for The Guardian explaining the matter.This is why Venezuelans are positioned to be more inclined to accepting new methods of payment. Furthermore, the technological infrastructure in the national banking system is deficient and precarious, the points of sale are slow stimulated by scarce investing, in fact BCV’s report from 11/24 depicts in Pages 10 and 11 the number of Active Points of Sales and Active ATMs respectively, a total of 3609 PoS were inactivated last month. Therefore, Dash has unique qualities and opportunities to gain an excellent traction in Venezuela, more people need to hear from Dash.

  •  Develop 5 studies of Dash from different professional areas which will work to leverage its correct use in Venezuela 
  •  Facilitate 6 conferences at a total of 6 different Universities in Caracas:
  •  Enhance the CoinSpree Webpage to provide the mentioned services
  • ·Add 600 new Dash users
  •  Create a space at our offices to provide professional advisory services about Dash.
Key Deliverables 
With CoinSpree users will be able to:

  • ·Consult general information about crypto and Dash with the FAQs section
  • · Have access to a forum space to promote traffic for Dash Discussion within the community  
  • · Download and have 24/7 access to all of our developed informational studies and papers to foster knowledgeable incentives for the Dash Venezuelan and Latin-American community
  •  ·View our Customer Support Contact details 
  • · Receive Advisory at our offices for more experienced users ranging from: entrepreneurs, investors, corporations,        universities, foundations, government entities, among others 
Budget Proposal link: 3 Months Budget Proposal CoinSpree Dash - Venezuela

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Voting NO. Cost plus...I am not a fan of the Phd study process. Economics is a messy topic. Just look at the bottom line.
0 points,6 years ago
- No escrow arranged that I can see
- Too expensive for what you're planning, voting NO.
0 points,6 years ago
Too rich for my blood.
I would be happy to help y'all get something similar to this started through the Dash Force meetup and presentation program though...

Dash Force Meetup & Presentation Program:
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much Mastermined for your comment and
support, we will be in contact to carry out our work to increase the Dash marketcap through information and knowledge about the eco-system Dash.
please visit our website to check out our Work Team.
2 points,6 years ago
I want to vote yes. Without escrow, I cannot. I must vote no.
0 points,6 years ago
I agree, I would vote yes on this if there was some escrow in place to guarantee project delivery
1 point,6 years ago
Hi there Strophy. Would you be interested in being our escrow MNO? Would you have someone you could refer us to? We would very much want to show the Treasury our commitment for the project. Venezuela is great opportunity for Dash indeed.
Thank you very much
2 points,6 years ago
Do you have a pre-proposal?
0 points,6 years ago
Hi there. We did not establish a pre-proposal. We attended all of Dashccs team conferences and learned a lot about the Dash community by also watching live at Fernando from Dash Core Team. CoinSpree founders have been crypto enthusiasts since 2014. Thank you for you question, please visit our website to check out our Work Team, let us know if you have any further questions
0 points,6 years ago
Dear Masternodes, sorry for the inconveniences we may have experienced with the Settlement of our proposal. We would love to see if you could check our Detailed proposal with the link we provided at the beginning of it. We believe a paused review of our offer would seem quite interesting.
0 points,6 years ago
Check and Vote Now
0 points,6 years ago
We just published our proposal for the Dash Treasury and solved the issues previously stated. We encourage you to visit our webpage
0 points,6 years ago
We cotinue to experience delays because of this fact and are working on a solution with Dash Central Support Team
0 points,6 years ago
This Proposal has not been yet updated since we are experiencing errors when when trying to save the content we prepared for you