Proposal “Stanford-University-Economic-Summit“ (Completed)Back

Title:DASH Sponsorship of Stanford University’s Annual Economic Summit
One-time payment: 365 DASH (8458 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 365 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2017-10-18 (added on 2017-09-25)
Votes: 775 Yes / 37 No / 19 Abstain

Proposal description

Proposal: DASH Sponsorship of Stanford University’s Annual Economic Summit which is hosted by The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research. The next annual conference is scheduled for March 8th, 2018.  Stanford will be finalizing their sponsorship decisions in the coming weeks and have green lighted DASH. 

Amount: 365 Dash | $120,000 (Calculation is based on the price of DASH as of today, if the price fluctuates we will use the overage towards another conference)

SIEPR’s Annual Economic Summit is among the premier economic conferences in the world hosted by an institution with a strong and trusted brand.  The conference, which is already sold out for next spring is at 430 people which is max capacity for the venue. 

Sponsorship Level: Premier Sponsor, there is only one level of sponsorship for the summit and only two to three sponsorship slots available.  SIEPR seeks to confirm any new sponsors in the coming days and will be sending information via a Save the Date email to more than 1,000 donors, investors, and affiliates of the SIEPR institute.

Summit Sponsorship includes: 
  1. Logo recognition on the invitation, conference programs, and on the table signs
  2. Logo Recognition on monitors during the event in the main hall
  3. Logo will read DASH Digital Cash
  4. A booth and/or room to host educational sessions about DASH
  5. Link to from the SIEPR website
  6. A reserved table and reserved and priority seating throughout the Summit
  7. 12 tickets to the conference (six of these seats are reserved for members of DASH Core)
  8. Recognition by SIEPR Director at the opening of the Summit
  9. Priority for Sponsorship of the next SIEPR Economic Summit
  10. A seat at the head table for a member of DASH Core or a chosen representative and a chance to introduce one of the sessions during the event.

Trust is a critical part of DASH’s roadmap toward success and a partnership here with serious thinkers and leaders in economics and business is about building trust and partnership. 

We have attended this conference many times over the years.  Policy makers, academics business leaders and investors comprise this group with most attendees being business leaders or investors from Silicon Valley. 

The Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) is a nonpartisan economic research institution housed at Stanford University.  It was founded in 1982. Their stated mission is to support research that informs economic policy making while engaging future leaders and scholars. They seek to share knowledge and build relationships between academics, government officials, the business community and the public.

SIEPR is a thought leader and hosts events throughout the year and publishes research.  Their main annual event is the Summit held in the spring every year and will be held at Stanford on March 8th, 2018.  The Summit is a one day event and covers major topics in economics and hosts leading thinkers in policy, business and academia.  The event is already sold out for next spring is will host 430 people which is the maximum capacity for the venue at Stanford. 

As DASH continues to grow and innovate, the economic implications are many.  Engaging in conversations and garnering credibility with economic thought leaders only broadens it’s reach and staying power and contributes to the long term success of becoming a global currency. 

This is a marquee event about economics in the heart of silicon valley and has a chance to be a way positive way to introduce DASH to a group of individuals who are interested economics and who are active investors. It is also a way to open the dialogue with a team of researcher from Stanford University who are publishing among the most respected work in economics.

SIEPR Economic Summit 2017   

SIEPR Research

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,7 years ago
Met Jared at the Conference in London, genuine guy with big vision and great ideas. Supporting 100%
3 points,7 years ago
I met Jared and Mark at the Dash meetup in Scottsdale last March. They took a stake in Dash in 2016, IIRC. They are the real deal. This is a great proposal! Thanks for putting it together guys. Voted yes.
2 points,7 years ago
Can confirm 'real deal'ness of both Mark and Jared. I met Mark in Miss Denny's kindergarten class and have been close friends with him since. One of the best humans I know. Have also rubbed shoulders with Jared through the years - great assets for Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Very spendy, but it is a very new audience, as well -- I'm imagining there's nothing "crypto" about this crowd. Which is a good thing. Taking a chance on the idea and voting 'yes.'
0 points,7 years ago
Tip: including an "about us" section in this proposal would help, giving names/faces to a very large ask.
0 points,7 years ago
Classy, I like it.
0 points,7 years ago
Reveal yourself, please, as TanteStefana has already said, and bring here the voice of Core, so we know there will be someone at Stanford, if we have a deal.
2 points,7 years ago
hi there, this proposal was submitted by Jared Hutchings and Mark Campbell of PEER Venture Partners. We have talked to Core about this, Ryan said he can't make it but Fernando and Philip had interest in attending. we are holding other seats in reserve in case more want to join. I was in London this weekend and invited more of the team so we wanted to hold more in reserve in case more of the team wants to join.
0 points,7 years ago
Ok, thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
Who are you, and how do you know if any core members will make it to the event. This doesn't seem to include speaking time, so how will it benefit Dash? Thanks.
0 points,7 years ago
There are 10 goodies that we get with the premium sponsorship. You have to click for the expanded version.

I concur that it would be good to know if Ryan can go, and thinks it's valuable to go.