Proposal “Renew-YouTubePodcastSocialMedia-Brazilia“ (Completed)Back

Monthly amount: 62 DASH (1471 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 186 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2017-12-13 (added on 2017-09-08)
Votes: 872 Yes / 208 No / 33 Abstain
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
No description?
0 points,7 years ago

Eager to learn something useful I gave your channel another try, sitting through the episode "How to declare income tax for Dash [and other crypto]".

Your first and only question to the uncredentialed accountant is different then the title: SHOULD you pay income tax, following a 20 minute rant about invasion and what government is currently able to track.

In facts any of the basic questions on how, where, when and how much tax you pay in Brasil stayed completely untouched.

Your only pertinent question about the ceiling for undeclared income remained unclear.

The concussion after 20 minutes: no way you can run from the tax lion?! Really? Newsflash: I WANT to pay taxes. But I still don't know how.

Dash specific matters regarding MNO payouts or in your personal case earning an exuberant salary directly from the blockchain left completely untouched.

As a serious investor (or through the eyes of a regulator) this kind of propaganda doesn't look very proffesional for Dash especially since you present yourself as the official Dash spokesperson in Brazil.

I'm afraid this budget does more harm then good.
0 points,7 years ago
Correction: Invasion>evasion
0 points,7 years ago
This guy is good! Keep it up!
1 point,7 years ago
I would like to say Thank You to All MNO's for commenting and voting on our Proposal for Dash Brazil. We are working really hard to expand Dash in this new market and continued to deliver a professional Dash channel with news and information in Portuguese. Thank You.
0 points,7 years ago
Congratulations Rodrigo! I hope my critics helped you to make better content. Regards, Paul
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks, Paul, feel free to reach out to us if you would like to collaborate with any ideas or suggestions.
3 points,7 years ago
I like your efforts so far, and would support you at a lower payout rate than what is being asked for here.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank You, I appreciate your comment, we are building an entire ecosystem among the Crypto Community in Brazil and this Channel is key to boost Dash in this new market.
3 points,7 years ago
Hi MNO's, Please spare 10 min to watch the video report ( ) posted in the proposal at Dash Treasury. I want to reasure all of you that I am committed to expand Dash in Brazil. Also please check it out my Interview with Tao of Satoshi. ( ) Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
Giving my feedback again for visibility, since first one was a reply to other review.

As a Brazilian, I think he is asking a lot of money for the quality of the shows. I would love to see DASH expanding in Brazil, but I am not sure who these videos are helping. I can't stand to watch it, they are boring, provides little information from both the guests and Rod itself. You can probably notice that in some of the videos he is not even paying attention to what the guests are saying.

I would prefer to wait until someone else with more insight into how things work and better plan to show up, than burning this money and later people say: "nah, we tried Brazil already and didn't work."
-1 point,7 years ago
I tried to upvote, stuck at 0.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi dashuer33, Are you active in the Dash Community in Brasil? we never heard from you before in the Dash Community on our website, telegram or Whatsapp. You might say I am boring, but the community and viewers say something different and anybody can see the high amount of thumbs up against thumbs down in ALL videos.
Also which video are you referring I am not paying attention to the guest? is it the podcast? Audio Only? because normally I record the video just for youtube. The audio is the main thing, also my studio setup provides me all the tech I need to while I am operating at the same time I am recording. my initial investment in equipment paid off. And if you are really from Brazil, please help me create content about Dash, let's work together, let's do an interview or if you don't want to be in front of the camera, that is ok, let's do a podcast to talk about the Masternode system? Are you up for it?

Thank You.
1 point,7 years ago
Also, a few numbers we achieved since the program started, 10 business started accepting Dash because of the TV in just 8 weeks, 2 web pages developer dropped the BTC p2p site and open an exclusive Dash p2p site. our Telegram groups and WhatsApp group got 250 users each in just 4/5 weeks, and we have our videos been shared in over 700 pages. in just 8 weeks.
-1 point,7 years ago
> Are you active in the Dash Community in Brasil?
I am not.

Sorry for saying your show is boring. I understand I am not the target audience. I give you that.

> Also which video are you referring I am not paying attention to the guest?
That is a general feeling I have from watching the videos. Might be just me. I recommend others to watch and tell I am wrong.

> And if you are really from Brazil

I am.

> Please help me create content about Dash, let's work together

I don't want to be rude, but I hope you are not implying that I cannot criticize your proposal unless I am willing to help you improve it.

To put differently, since the number of viewers and merchant adoption is low in Brazil, we will benefit from content explaining fundamentals of DASH and blockchain first, specially if contextualized to Brazilian needs. E.g. international purchases, store of value in front of weak Real etc.

I also believe that approaching merchants and establishing business relationships is what we need now.

> let's do an interview
I don't have interest in doing an interview, I prefer to not expose myself. Even via audio. Also, I am not really good at interviews anyway. But thanks for the offer.
2 points,7 years ago
This comes out to $36 per viewer... This is FAR too expensive for your viewership numbers. Especially considering that your viewers by definition are already interested in Dash, and does not help us reach new market space. I'm voting no.
1 point,7 years ago
I might add that $21,000 per month comes out to $240,000 a year.... a hell of a salary for someone with 1,800 subscribers.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi, Dash7476, At the moment we are at over 2300 followers in just 8 weeks and this is just on YouTube, there is also the podcast on SoundCloud and Social media management of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, since the channel started we had 10 businesses that started accepting Dash as Payment and 2 P2P websites who dropped BTC to start dealing with Dash Only. The Connect and convert strategy is working well. The videos are Highly produced as a National Broadcast Level and a branding standardization markating plan working in all medias. please spare 10 min to watch the video report of the achiviments ( ) and also the Interview with Tao of Satoshi where I present my background and the plan ahead. ( ) I understand that the Price of Dash went up in this past few Days, but it also dropped quit a lot last week affecting the overl cost. I am willing to extend this project till January as the price of Dash increase. My commitment with Dash is very strong and I am also orquestrating to bring someone important for a interview next month in English that I promisse that the Dash community will not be desapointed to know who is talking about Dash. Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
I think you need to grow your viewership base a lot more before asking for such amounts of Dash.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi, ichigo13, At the moment we are at over 2300 followers in just 8 weeks and this is just on YouTube, there is also the podcast on SoundCloud and Social media management of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, since the channel started we had 10 businesses that started accepting Dash as Payment and 2 P2P websites who dropped BTC to start dealing with Dash Only. The Connect and convert strategy is working well. The videos are Highly produced as a National Broadcast Level and a branding standardization marketing plan working in all media. Please spare 10 min to watch the video report of the achievements ( ) and also the Interview with Tao of Satoshi where I present my background and the plan ahead. ( ) I understand that the Price of Dash went up in this past few Days, but it also dropped quit a lot last week affecting the overl cost. I am willing to extend this project till January as the price of Dash increase. My commitment with Dash is very strong and I am also orquestrating to bring someone important for a interview next month in English that I promisse that the Dash community will not be desapointed to know who is talking about Dash. Thanks
3 points,7 years ago
I am a small member in Dash to talk about what is right or wrong within the community. But from what I accompany, Rodrigo is engaged to donate his blood daily to the Dash community.I believe that if Rodrigo invests in a high quality camera and in a more professional editor it will be one of the 100 best channels on YouTube. Rodrigo impact me in every show!
2 points,7 years ago
Rodrigo is our Portuguese Amanda =) he brings value to the Dash network . he engages people involved in other cryptocurrencies in Brazil to look into Dash and does a great job , and yes a better Camera / better quality is a good option to look at in the future !!! we need someone like him in our community ! he's part of the growth of Dash in Brazil and also helps outreach in other Portuguese countries ! MNO remember , almost 300M people speak Portuguese around the world !!!! Rodrigo got my support !!! Obrigado Dasheiro !
-1 point,7 years ago
Friend of Rodrigo, you're insulting comparing Amanda's brilliant performances.
0 points,7 years ago
you're insulting me and all portuguese contributers to this great project !!!! remember Dash is a Universal Cryptocurrency . comments like yours i put aside ! Yes i became friends with Rodrigo recently and we help each other . Dash Brazil community is Big and Engaged in Dash and i'm proud to be part of it !
-1 point,7 years ago
Just doing my job, sorry for insulting you.
1 point,7 years ago
if you're Portuguese and have interest in helping Dash Brazil community to grow by giving your inputs ,comments , propose outreach / marketing ideas or ways to improve what we already are working on . feel free to reach out to me @DashTuga on @DashBrasil on Telegram or @studioz on the Dash Forum.
-1 point,7 years ago
Are you involved in this proposal? I did not read about any team participation.

I gave my feedback since the beginning of the first proposal, to Rodrigo. But I'll repeat, just for you;

Please focus on quality, not quantity. Much less words, let those you do say be remembered.

Please don't use the word subscribe, like, share, facebook, twitter, download podcast, 20 times every episode. We came to listen to cryptoeconomics, "not monetizing Youtube, ¨just yet.... " as stated in presentation.

Dash exclusiveness. I really don't need to explain people you can comine some alt with eth. That is not of our interest to promote.

And if you do interview an alter, why not explain that Dash is the winner, hardly even mentioning Dash... Aren't you convinced

Instead why not explain anyone can submit a proposal with Dash, or even that he himself is being paid R$50.000+/month? Afraid for competition? I bet you'll get some views!
0 points,7 years ago
Insulting mostly the Brazilian people underestimating their intelligence.
5 points,7 years ago
For further information, please see Cash Alternative TV for my interview with Rod.
3 points,7 years ago
Thank You Tao
4 points,7 years ago
Thank You Tao, I appreciate your support.
5 points,7 years ago
Voted yes! it's an important channel for the Brazilian DASH community.
3 points,7 years ago
Thank You Tuapoma, I know you speak Portuguese and you have been following the Channel since the beginning. I appreciate your support.
3 points,7 years ago
I'm willing to fund the project and see how the viewership goes.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi stillcantstop, Thank You so much for your support, please take a look at the 10 min videos report I've made, also it is posted in my personal Youtube page and over there you will be able to see my previous work as a host and in production and technical shows. this is my background and the viewers are relating to the Show. Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
Hi, MNO, Please be patience regarding the Proposal Title and Ownership, I did contact Adm Rango and we are working on it, I did submit the proposal via Dash Treasury. Thank You
3 points,7 years ago
I am the specter and I write to the website dashbr ... this proposal is very good for the amount of videos, it will be great work
2 points,7 years ago
Hi Specter, Thank You very much for your support, your partnership have been key since the beginning. I really appreciate.
0 points,7 years ago
Did you do a pre proposal? If so please post that link. I used to check all the pre proposals but have not had time the last several months. I plan to make it a priority going forward but my plates is full right now, please post the link so we don't have to go digging for it.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi Mastermined, yes via Dash Treasury and also the first proposal at the Forum the links are in the current proposal at Dash Treasury, Please also if you could spare 10 min to watch the report I've made presenting the numbers of the channel and the strategic marketing plan used. Thank You.
0 points,7 years ago
Pretty sure this is it:
0 points,7 years ago
This is actually the approved previous proposal of 45 dash for 1 month. That's a 38% raise.
0 points,7 years ago
Who is the author of this proposal?
3 points,7 years ago
Hi tuapoma, It is my rambrissi, I already contact @rango for me to be able to claim Owner ship of the proposal, I've use a Exodus Wallet and at the moment I can not sign the adress of this Proposal. You Know my channel in portuguese. Thank You
-1 point,7 years ago
Hi rambrissi

I saw your video, but I couldn't understand how much of the 62 dash per month you are asking for are to cover the expenses and how much are for your and your helpers ( if any) wages.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi SCG, I'll be investing 5k per month in marketing via Add, I am not sure yet facebook or Google, and also I am partnering with and I'll be paying writers / journalist to write exclusive news about Dash in Brasil. Also there is a possibility of paying other you tubers to promote the Dash Channel inside their channels. the Brazilian Dash Community and the admins from the website keys in this project, also stay tune for an interview I have to Tao of Satoshi this week regarding my background and this project. Thank You.
1 point,7 years ago
I meant
1 point,7 years ago
Wow, that really is allot of money for just 3 month's I would be okay with it if it was at least 6months, otherwise I am leaning towards no,
0 points,7 years ago
Hi there, also stay tuned for an interview with Tao of Satoshi about the channel and the future plans. Thanks again.
0 points,7 years ago
I think he compares his salary with the 3 amigos, who make far better content. I watch Brazilian youtubers with more subscribers and more knowledge then Rodrigo Dinheiro Digital. I'm sorry to be so harsh but the salary he asks for is ridiculous, and he is lucky not many MNOs understand portuguese.
1 point,7 years ago
list those youtubers please ... i'm active in Dash community since early 2014 and i never heard of any YouTuber blogging like Rodrigo about Dash !
0 points,7 years ago
Ideais radicais: (320k subs)

Criptomoedas Fácil (7.7k sub):

Even Robson explained very well:

But for me It is not about the quantity of videos, views or subs. Amanda's videos are timeless and cannot be compared to the annoying rssreader Rodrigo presents.

In his last episode he read out 4 times the same news from different sources (China). OMG this is just dreadful.

He himself doesn't listen to the answers his guests answer.

I would prefer to refer to him as the Brazilian Jerry Banfield.
0 points,7 years ago
Raphael Lima from Ideias Radicais is receiving Dash from the internmational Outreach Funds (look who connected Ideias Radicais with DASH on 2nd comment from @Tungfa ) and talks about Dash when he feels like it but he does bring new users to DashBrazil and we're trying to have him on Rodrigo's Show , CriptomoedasFacil is a site for information
and news about all cryptos , and lately are not even writing about Dash ,great site and CEO Christian is often on our telegram group and Robson Ribeiro can make a proposal if he's interested doing so !!!! i already proposed him in the past . and don't compare Rodrigo to Jerry ! Jerry dumped Dash live on YT
, tomorrow he will dump Steemit same way or wrost and pump the next network .
0 points,7 years ago
...without the subscribers, of course...
1 point,7 years ago
*i'm active in Dash community since early 2014 and i never heard of any PORTUGUESE YouTuber blogging like Rodrigo about Dash !
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, Please spare 10 min if you can to watch the video report of the channel achievements in just 7 weeks. Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
Rodrigo, I tried to listen to some of your videos and besides some catchy video editing I found the quality and quantity of the content very low.

Dash accepting merchants talking about their work, cloudminers, tradekids, but worst of all, incomplete and in some cases incorrect information about Dash roadmap, hardware wallets, etc. How-to's arent to the point or even scripted.

I really recommend spending half the time you produce video on studying yourself instead of asking clueless guests.

Excessive budget for Non Dash exclusive low quality content.

No from a disappointed unsubscriber.
0 points,7 years ago
paulkuit , you must have something against Brazilians ? We're one of the strongest Dash International Communities .
besides batching the serious Brazilian members that want to bring value to the network , what have you done for the network ? Rodrigo is alone doing all this , be real ! i'm sure you are a Troller . are you on Dash Forum or Dash Nation ?
-1 point,7 years ago
I reached out to Rodrigo as soon as I read the previous approved proposal. I complimented his hard work and initiative but also criticized with the intent to to bring better content and correct wrong information.

Rodrigo did not bother to respond.

I know it is hard to receive constructive criticism, that is how I got to to know many Brazilians in the years I worked there.

I care very much for your country and I am available for anyone who is willing to work seriously with Dash, offering again my constructive criticism. Em pt-br msm.

Paul Kuit
0 points,7 years ago
I'm so sorry. I am wrong. We had contact.
0 points,7 years ago
He did not respond to the criticism in a way that it improved the channel or correct the information.

Did I make it worse?
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
Just to be clear.

Did not respond anymore after the criticism. Email was working :)
1 point,7 years ago
Although I really want to see DASH expanding in my home country Brazil, I agree that much effort seems to be put into video editing, but quality of content and information is low. It's a NO from me, too.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi paulkuit, I am sorry you see this way, but me interviewing business owners for 5 min to promote their business inside the Dash community in Brasil just because the accept Dash is working, just this week a dentist and an internet provider wants to start accepting Dash because they saw other interviews on the channel, and this is exactly the goal of the interviews. bring more merchants to the conversation. and about the road map you are right I did say the wrong block size and when you and other members pointed out to me I said the wrong numbers, I corrected and wrote on the discription the error message. Thanks for your time and I hope you change your mind about the channel in the future.
2 points,7 years ago
Yes -- really appreciate the work you're doing. Keep it up :)
1 point,7 years ago
Hi TroyDash, Stay tune for an interview I gave to Tao of Satoshi this week, I appreciate your support. Thanks
2 points,7 years ago
Hi TroyDASH, Thank You so much, I appreciate your vote, please if you have the chance watch the video report I've made about the channel achievements. Thank You.
2 points,7 years ago
Great initiative and great videos!
Well, 20.000 USD/month looks "a bit" expensive for current number of brazilian viewers - but quality of this videos is perfect and they will be working for Dash for many years - So I think it's a good long-term investment... Also - if this initiative will be supported by Dash network - it will give a strong signal to talents from other countries (= other languages) to help Dash spread the word all over the World.
1 point,7 years ago
Alex thank you !!!
3 points,7 years ago
Thank You, @Alex-ru , I really appreciate your comments and support. I am doing my best to create the most professional Dash TV channel on YoutTube.
3 points,7 years ago
20k for 16 videos that produce 100-500 views each is a no in my book
0 points,7 years ago
Yes it would help to see some budget info or we are left thinking you are asking for a salary of $20K+ / month.
1 point,7 years ago
do you know how much time it takes to plan /look for the news /translate/ record / edit / upload ... you don't !
I've been for 2 years in the dash Brazilian community and i know he brings value to the network .
0 points,7 years ago
Translations look good! Can you format, please?
0 points,7 years ago
DASH* i was upset with the comment sorry
0 points,7 years ago
Hi springshiker, I've made a video report in English linked to the proposal at Dash Treasury, please take a look if you have the chance. since my first proposal, I've offered more than my original commitment and delivering strong numbers. also, I made sure to make an Inicial investment in equipment that I did not include on my first proposal like other proposals I've seen in the past from other members. I took a huge chance on it and it paid off. also, the production value of the channel was one of the biggest achievements among the Brazilian Youtubers. There is no such a channel with the same production value in Brasil at the moment. please take this in consideration. my style since de beginning was to do it first and then ask for funds later and I did so, all the segments that are in the new proposal have been working for the past month as a trial. and all of the have been very successful. I appreciate your comments. Thank You.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Mizzymax, I think you got the wrong numbers there, my commitment was for 16 videos and I've made over 50 videos with a total of 35k views already, please spare 10 min to watch the video report of the channel I've made in English. The new proposal is for a total of 60 videos / Podcast in 3 months including a marketing plan and I am sure I'll make more than that. Thanks
1 point,7 years ago
Well at that rate, if you end up producing another 35k views on this. It will cost us almost $.58 cents PER VIEW. Which is just absolutely crazy! We could actually pay for YouTube Ads, and it will cost 5x less for the same amount of views you receive. So in theory, with the same amount of money you are getting, we could receive about 175k views just paying it to YouTube. Why should we not?

Not to mention your videos are not Dash exclusive.
0 points,7 years ago
Obvious skills, great motivation, Brazil is a big virtually untapped market. I vote yes. Note that he is promising an ADDITIONAL 16 shows, on top of the 50 he has already done, and a bunch of podcasts, and a bunch of social media stuff. Not just 16 shows.

solarguy on the forums.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi stillcantstop, Thank You for your support, My commitment with Dash for the next 3 months is a total of 60 videos and I'll do my best to go beyond that. Thanks again.
1 point,7 years ago
I watched the report and am very happy with the progress you've made and your future plans for growth as well. You should definitely not monetize the YouTube channel. Please keep it ad free. You have my votes.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi DashRedWhale, stay tuned for an interview I gave to Tao of Satoshi this week. Thanks again for your support.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank You for your support, Monetizing Youtube is a waste of time, the last thing I need is Karly Kloss telling users how to build their website on Wix. :( for the next few months, I will try a concept of a live show where users will get rewarded to interact. Thanks again I really appreciate your support.
3 points,7 years ago
Hi Everyone, First of all, a big 'THANK YOU' for approving the first proposal, after a lot of work the channel is a great success. Please make sure you watch the video with a report of how the first 7 weeks were and the numbers and statistics behind the channel.
2 points,7 years ago
Easy Yes.
2 points,7 years ago
Thank You @Fount4inhead , Did you have the chance to watch the report? :)