Title:Dash Malaysia Exclusive Support Center : Dash Lounge
One-time payment: 145 DASH (3725 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-08)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 253 Yes / 499 No / 4 Abstain

Proposal description

Our Pre-proposal Thread

Greetings Dash Network. It’s me, Amzar from RocketTeam once again. First of all, we would like to thank the Dash Network, especially MNO and Dash Core Group for providing thorough support on our first proposal. I am pleased to announce that the project is currently underway and going strong especially with regards to adapting Dash to the local community. You can view our progress here. As has been mentioned previously, this will be the first and biggest pilot project in ASEAN countries, especially in Malaysia.

To further awareness of the exclusivity agreement, as well as our plan for the widespread adoption of Dash in ASEAN countries, we are rolling out a constructive plan to showcase Dash’s virtual and real world presence.

In order to move forward, we need to increase the level of Dash awareness among Malaysians. Therefore, we are planning to operate an Event Space to conduct any events. The Event Space will display catchy and useful information about Dash and will be administered by our highly trained and knowledgeable Dash Experts, or best known as Dashperts.

At the same time, partial of the premises will be utilized as a Dash Exclusive Support Centre, the one and only Dash Support Centre in Malaysia. The Support Centre will provide 24/7 assistance to Dash Users and Merchants. It will be efficiently operated by out Dash Assistant, or Dashssistant.

Here is our internal interview in between me and my project manager :

We have already delved into development of the MVP and you can learn more about the space that we will be providing in this video:

Our marketing video for the event space can be found here:

We have prepared the center as an MVP with further improvements coming up through the support of the Dash Network. We will work hard to ensure that the center serves its purpose in raising awareness of Dash and establishing Dash’s presence through highlighting its many real-world applications.

Before we are into further explanation, we have simplified the explanation into one simple graphic.

The plan

Operate a 2-in-1 Dash related premises known as Dash Exclusive Support Centre and Event Space

Free Event Space
  • Spreading awareness about Dash through FREE consultations
  • Attract the public to Dash by offering FREE use of event space and consultations
  • Delegate a team of Dash Experts, or Dashperts for  FREE consultation on Dash only
  • Establishing awareness on the advantages of Dash usage among merchants and users
  • Creating awareness of Blockchain and Dash’s unique features
  • Creating an exclusive, conducive and comfortable lounge for use by the public and community

Dash Exclusive Support Centre
  • The First and Exclusive Dash Support Centre in Malaysia
  • Provide 24/7 support to Dash Users and Merchants
  • Managed by well trained and efficient Dash Assistant, or Dashssistant
  • Answer enquiries and perform troubleshooting to Dash related activities
  • Guarantee to provide Practical and Fast support

Why is this needed?

Event Space
  • To increase the interest of the public towards Dash by providing Free Consultations and Free Use of Event Space.
  • We will naturally attract many of these merchants with our free event space. Due to many businesses at the startup level struggling with costing problems when it comes to holding their events, conferences, seminars and talks, In return, we will increase awareness amongst these merchants and their audiences.
  • As mentioned when we spoke to DFN, although Dash is still relatively unknown within the region, we have taken it upon ourselves to make it widespread and turn it into a significant player in the region
  • Providing a free event space will greatly impact the Small Medium Enterprise (SME) community. Opportunities for us to educate them about Dash will be increased as they grab the chance to hold their events in a much needed free event space   
  • In order to spur adoption among the masses and increase awareness among potential users, this event space will be provided free of charge to anyone looking for a space to hold any type of event (online merchant seminars…etc). Priority will be given to Dash events first
  • This increased attention has created a demand for a space where new adopters of the technology can find the support they need (a physical space or center)
  • In addition, as mentioned in the newspaper, the space will also host general Blockchain technology related events (a large part of the focus will continue to be on Dash however)

Dash Exclusive Support Centre
  • To cater the needs of Dash Users and Merchants 24/7
  • Troubleshoot the problems faced by Dash Users and Merchants
  • Provide assistance and consultations regarding the advantages and benefits of Dash
  • Increase the confidence level of Existing, New, and Potential Dash Users by knowing that there is a physical center (not just a virtual presence) to deal with their needs

  • Malaysia, Selangor, Shah Alam
  • Address: 2E-3 (Floor 3), Jalan Jubli Perak 22/1, Seksyen 22 Shah Alam, 40400 Malaysia
  • We have already worked hard to ensure that the name of this event space appears in both Google Maps and Waze so that people can easily locate it 
  • We will update the name from 'RocketPay' to 'Dash Lounge by RocketPay' as per suggested by the community once the proposal passed. ( thanks to everyone for giving us the feedback )


  • There will be 6 computers for public usage
  • LCD Projector for event purpose
  • PA System for event purpose
  • Adequate chair and table for the audience
  • Air conditioners space
  • Bar counter with the only Dash as payment ( Strictly no cash )
  • Full CCTV system within the premise

Costing Breakdown ( 145 Dash with means price $520/Dash ) / 1 Month

  • 140 Dash spent on space
  • 5 Dash for proposal fee
Website (book online)

We are currently developing a website where bookings for the space can be made. You may refer to this website URL (under construction)
The website will be developed for free and we will never charge any money for the system. It has been undertaken as part of our responsibility to The Dash Network


It is our goal to make this proposal the best that it can be in order to serve its purpose well and as such, we look forward to receiving your opinions and comments. Your opinions and comments will be taken very seriously and will help us ensure that we remain aligned to the needs of the Dash Network.

We also humbly request that you stay tuned to our next move as we continue to penetrate further into Southeast Asia very soon.

Thank you in advance!



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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,6 years ago
If the support staff are your own staff, staff that you need and have already then I don't see why DASH should be paying for that part of the job. This just leaves the event space cost with the accessories. Which is equivalent to $59,000 USD per year? That seems very very expensive for renting out an event space - especially in a place like Malaysia where the cost for both renting and buying real estate is some of the lowest in the World.

The problem with this proposal is that it was not clearly laid out what we are paying for. You mention you have your own staff therefore why are they included in the cost? This proposal is still very confusing and not clear exactly what we are getting.

To me it looks like we are paying for the rental of an event space. We will be paying for kitting out that event space with music systems, coffee makers etc.

We will not be paying for Support staff because they are Rocket pay's own support staff that you need anyway for your business. Therefore it is not really a support centre. This job appears to be paying for a space (lounge) that will house your support staff.
0 points,6 years ago
Where do you see the staff included in the cost? I can only find costs for the space in the breakdown. Also, I think most of this is a one time cost and not one that will have to be paid every year.

Then if we compare it to the Dash Help Venezuela project it's a similar cost but only for 3 months afaik. This proposal will provide us with a support centre for a whole year.

And as long as people can get their questions about dash answered I really don't care who employs the support staff. I see that as the big positive with this project that we won't have to pay for that.

Also having a lounge for event's to draw in potential customers seems like a reasonable thing.
0 points,6 years ago
Having to vote no because of higher priority proposals on this cycle.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear dashuser33,

Thank you for your feedback sir. We will proceed to provide the service to show our effort and we will be back with our better proposal soon. We will keep update on our pre-proposal to all of you.

-1 point,6 years ago
Greeting MNO and Dash Community,

We really value all of your feedback about our proposal and we have rewrite the proposal accordingly to ensure it can be easily understand among The Community. There's a bit confusion since the support center is involving a lot of additional element such as free event space.

I have already explained in our internal interview in first video why do we need free event space ? Why its not solely acting as support center? we have to stress it out again it is because of Dash awareness is still relatively unknown within the region. Hence, we need a Unique Selling Point to attract people to come to our place at the first place.

Then, we will take the opportunity to introduce Dash to people and there will be full information about Dash at all over the wall.

Hopefully, we this version will fully supply the information to you, Dash Network.

Let us know about your thought and yes, we highly value your opinion, advice and comment.

Thank you again.


1 point,6 years ago
If proposal owners have the courage and take the time to put a proposal together it would be good for us to recognize that effort by giving some constructive feedback on a proposal.

I have seen proposals completely turn around when MNO's get involved and support the proposals by just taking a few minutes to give their feedback, whether positive of negative the reality is both is useful and needed.

We want MNO to voice their objections as much as possible. This is the very best way for the proposal owner to learn, modify and improve their proposals so that the DASH MNOs can get what we need.

The value in the DASH network is not in DASH which is just a set of numbers. It is a measure of the efforts that each person puts into every aspect of DASH.

I would like to see more support centres for DASH so I hope this proposal improves.

I have other questions like where are the customers for the support going to come from if DASH is not yet that popular in Malaysia?

What are the support staff going to do when they are not fielding questions?

What types of meetings will the "lounge" be used for? Will the attendees pay for the lounge?

Other questions arise such as if there was a meeting there that is not related to crypto then why would the people attending the meeting be interested in DASH and how would the support staff stimulate their interest in it?

How will the support centre operation? Will it only help people attending in the lounge or will it also deal with calls, email, live chat?

What setup is there for the support - computers, phones? Automated scripts? Who are the support staff?

How can we be sure the support staff are qualified to answer tech support questions?

These are just a few of the questions I have about this project.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi again DeepBlue. Let us answer your question our best.

1) where are the customers for the support going to come from if DASH is not yet that popular in Malaysia?
- Currently, the support will accommodate Dash user from Rocketpay. Most of them asking for our support to know more about Dash potential, characteristic and aim. So, we do give them to introduce to Dash Forum, Dashvotetracker, and any other Dash related website for them to learn more in detail about Dash. We are serving 2,400 ++ users for Rocketpay first and then moving to our FX Trader which having around 32k ++ trading accounts.

2)What are the support staff going to do when they are not fielding questions?

3)What types of meetings will the "lounge" be used for? Will the attendees pay for the lounge?
- any type of meeting, seminar and event can be used here but the priority will be given to Dash related event first and as per we mentioned, it will be fully Free Of Charge.

4)if there was a meeting there that is not related to crypto then why would the people attending the meeting be interested in DASH and how would the support staff stimulate their interest in it?
- We do believe in subliminal advertising when they have their meeting in our space, we will highlight about the space is FOC to create the curiosity among the attendee on how the space can be free. That will be how we will create the interest among them. Apart from that, we will have full of information at space wall to tell about how and why its free. Our support staff will be there to attend to their question for sure.

5) How will the support centre operation? Will it only help people attending in the lounge or will it also deal with calls, email, live chat? What setup is there for the support - computers, phones? Automated scripts? Who are the support staff?
- We will do most of the channel mentioned. We will have a facebook page ( this is the best engagement platform so far in Malaysia ), providing a landline for receiving a call and call will be diverted to Person in charge phone when no one pick it up more then 15 seconds to reduce number of call never be picked up, and support ticket as well. Support staff is our in house support team that have been well trained by us. We are going to expand the support team soon and their salary will be covered by us.

6) How can we be sure the support staff are qualified to answer tech support questions?
- Rocket Integration Technology already having 4 years time experience in giving support to public regarding our forex trading platform. so, we do train them first to ensure they have sufficient knowledge about Dash first to accommodate any clients in future.

Hopefully most of your question been answered accordingly and please let us know more on how we can improvise further our proposal and we really thanks to you for giving us a lot of input for us to improve more our proposal.


0 points,6 years ago
2)What are the support staff going to do when they are not fielding questions?
- the support team is our in house support staff. So, they will keep maintain the space and do the marketing for support center itself till we have solid traffic to our center, then they will fully on support task.
2 points,7 years ago
You want a reason why MNO are not voting for this project? The reason is it is not well presented. It is confusing. You say you are providing exclusive support for DASH but then show images of a lounge with speakers and other items? Where is the support service? It is a lounge or is it a support service. The message is very very confusing. I took 30 minutes and I still could not figure out exactly what we are getting for our money. I was confused about the link between "Rocketpay" and DASH. I then clicked on the link to your past proposal and watched the interview with Craig Mason - which had nothing to do with this proposal. This proposal is disorganized, is confusing, not well presented and basically I've spent 30 minutes of my time and still cannot properly understand what this is about.

Do you really think MNO have got that much time to spend trying to figure out what this proposal is offering us, What the ROI is, How it is actually going to improve the DASH network. The answer is no. We don't have the time to do that.

YOU need to do the work for us so that we can see at a glance what it is your offering. You say a support centre but then give next to no details about it. How it will work. If you have I cannot see that information AT A GLANCE.

Confusing, Confusing, Confusing. We don't have time to work on your behalf to figure out what it is that you're offering.

Your idea may well be a very good idea. But it does not come across at all well. If you want to learn how to put a DASH HELP CENTRE proposal together go and see DASH HELP VENEZUELA proposal that went through last month. Now that is a professional well laid out proposal where we know at a glance what we are getting.

I hope you find this feedback of some value.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear Mr/Ms deepblue,

Thank you for your constructive feedback. We really appreciate it.

However, due to all respect, please let us clarify our proposal.

Support Centre and Event Space

As stated in the proposal, we are working on a premise that will work as a Support Centre, that will also work as an Event Space. The Support Centre will have the personnel to entertain inquiries from clients while the Event Space will give us the opportunity to promote Dash to Malaysians. For your information, the awareness about Dash in Malaysia is relatively low. Hence, our free event space will attract the public to our premises and give us the opportunity to work on the widespread of Dash. That will our potentially profitable contribution for the Dash network.

However, we do take counter on your comment and feedback regarding our project. We will renovate our proposal's content to reduce the confusion among the MNOs. Thank you so much for your feedback and comment.

Thank You

0 points,6 years ago
Additionally, we are now working on internal interview video to explain about the proposal well and hopefully it will provide full information at a glance as you mentioned and remove out the confusion with it.

As for comparison with Dash Help Venezuela, Yes we do fully agreed with their proposal is easy to understand but as per mentioned in our first comment, the reason why we provide FREE EVENT SPACE is to grab a chance to promote Dash to new people while they held any seminar there. Creating curiosity among the audience about how the Center can sustain by 'themselves' with free event space.

All over the wall will be full of information about Dash, how it works, aim etc etc. Wall will speak themselves to assist them for introduction of Dash as per the situation in museum where there's a lot of information all over the museum wall speak. We will keep playing a video at designated TV about Dash. That's how we let the people to aware about Dash and create the interest among them.

We will station a team to be there and expect any question from public audience and to answer them accordingly.

Hopefully, we will clear out the confusion and yes, we will renovate the proposal to make it easily understandable.

Thank you so much for your constructive advice and we will improvise it.


1 point,7 years ago
Voting yes. This will be another tool to promote Dash in Asia. I'm sure Amzar would be willing to make the Dash signage more prominent. Check out their web page for RocketPay/Dash from the previous proposal, very professional as well:

1 point,7 years ago
Hi @stillcantstop / solarguy

Great to have your support again. Really appreciate it ! We will never let Dash Network down and as per we said earlier, we already recorded an interview video to explain about our second proposal. Thank you again.


2 points,7 years ago
I have to say I'm confused about this project. If it is a DASH support centre why is it not called DASH support centre - instead it is saying "Rocketpay"?

DASH funded projects need to have DASH branding, not promoting another brand. The brand awareness is a big part of the value for the DASH funding. It seems to me that DASH funds are being used to promote a different brand - Rocket page. We need to increase DASH brand awareness and we prefer to fund projects that have DASH branding only.
0 points,7 years ago
Good day @DeepBlue. Thank you so much for your fruitful opinion. Let me explain on why is it.

First, we have no problem to change it to Dash Support Center as you asking for since the place will serve for that purpose too and we too have the exclusivity agreement where we only serve for Dash Network.

Secondly, we go as 'Rocketpay Lounge' because we want to make it general name. As we all might know, Facebook already taken step to ban crypto related ads and recently, Google announced do the same thing. So, it might become harder for us to get crowd to come and utilize our space.

As we already mentioned above, the place is not only serve for Support Center alone, we will make it 'free event space' for any event because we want to give more exposure to anyone who will utilize by asking the event organizer to highlight about the space is being sponsored by Dash DAO Treasury Fund. It will create more awareness and curiosity among peoples about Dash.

As for conclusion, if MNO agreed to change it the place from 'Rocketpay Lounge' to 'Dash Lounge', we really don't have any problem with it to ensure we can serve better.

Thank you again for your opinion and let us know again your opinion.


1 point,7 years ago
An important step in continuing to distinguish Dash from other Cryptocurrencies
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much @name3 for sharing the same exact opinion with us. Let's see the proposal pass and we can show how we, Dash Community is different from the rest.


3 points,7 years ago
Would all those MNOs that are voting no please explain why?
1 point,7 years ago
Definitely fueling the FUD of centralization among MNO when we see this kind of voting with no one bothering to explain their opinion.

Explain why you guys are voting this down?
0 points,6 years ago
When the main reasons for my vote are already expressed by someone else, I don't feel a need to have me or every other voter re-iterate the same points.
0 points,7 years ago
We will record a video to explain in detail about our aims and needs for the project. Hopefully this might be helpful to explain in detail and brief about the proposal and somehow the MNO might change their vote to Yes soon.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Dash MNO,

With all due respect, we would like to know why the no vote so that we can fix and discuss on how to improvise our proposal.

We are really looking forward for your opinion why and we will try our best to make it suit to the suggestion and advice.

Thank you so much for your cooperation.


1 point,7 years ago
A lot of potential here. Yes from me.
1 point,7 years ago
Good day @RobbyDash01

Thank you so much for your support and as per we spoke earlier we won't let the Dash Network down since we are fully in high speed to make it happen in mass !


1 point,7 years ago
you have my support, good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
Hey @qwizzie

Thank you for your continuously supporting us. We really appreciate it and will never let Dash Network down.


0 points,7 years ago
As I said in your pre-proposal I think this a is a great idea, and I think help centers will be a big part of moving mass-adoption throughout the world.
0 points,7 years ago
Good day @Arthyron.

Thank you so much for your support and yes, we are sharing the same idea about it. To get raise more confidence among the users / merchants, our existence in real world really play a big part and getting such support centers may cater the issue.

Since the center also acting as free event space, we have a Unique Selling Point to attract people to utilize the space and giving them an exposure about Dash itself.

Again, thank you so much for your support and we will never let Dash Community, especially MNO go waste.


2 points,7 years ago
Nice to seem more Help Centers. And we are probably the only crypto that can do something like that. voting yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Yep I think support center is big deal too. Voting yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Dear MrGold86

Thank you for sharing the same tone with us. The project will become a stepping stone for Dash Widespread here in the region and everyone is welcome to held any event here for free. I mean, for free. :)

Thank you again for your support.


1 point,7 years ago
Dear @thesingleton,

Thank you so much for your support, we will do our very best to make sure that the Dash Support Center will be fully utilize by community as well as increasing the awareness of Dash in Malaysia. Yes! We are the only crypto that could provide variety of services not only for the Dash but also for the community for sure.

Again, thank you so much for your support sir :)
