Proposal “ProposalFeeReimbursements“ (Closed)Back

Title:Proposal Fee Reimbursements (Dash Song)
One-time payment: 10 DASH (528 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-06-19 / 2017-07-18 (added on 2017-06-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 235 Yes / 368 No / 54 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

A song writer approached us with an idea to produce a song for Dash to use as part of Dash's overall marketing arsenal.  He seems to be asking a fair rate for his work based on our research for alternatives, the samples he provided, and his very clear familiarity with Dash and crypto in general, which shows through in his lyrics.  As BTC holders flee to alternatives like Ethereum, we need to be selling directly to that target market.  A fun little tune that pokes at some of the other cryptos while casting Dash in an exciting light made a lot of sense (and makes for especially good timing with Dash's recent market cap bump).

However, he was justifiably unwilling to front the now $1000 listing fee simply for the chance to offer his $1500 song.  That's a lot of money to ask someone to risk for a fairly modest ROI.  On the other hand, why should the MNO's trust this artist to follow through, especially when the treasury has seen so many of its recent proposals end in excuses, endless delays, and other disappointments?

Fortunately, we were able to come to an agreement with the artist to share the risk between him and by fronting 4.5 DSH of his listing fee in exchange for him producing the song in advance.  The result is that the MNO's at least get to decide on a proposal we wouldn't have otherwise had the chance to see.  If you don't like what he's produced, you can still vote against it.  He would walk away disappointed at having developed the product for free, but at least he won't suffer double losses in the process.  If you do like what he has produced and you recognize its value as a marketing tool, you now have the option to buy something for a reasonable price with no risk or trust required.

We are requesting 9.50 DSH to cover:
* (5.00) proposal reimbursement fees for the one you are reading now;
* (4.50) proposal reimbursement fee for the 4.5 we fronted for the "Awesome Song for Dash" proposal.

You can view the song proposal at:

Note: DashCentral is incorrectly displaying our reimbursement amount as 10 (probably due to a rounding error), when it is actually 9.50.  You can confirm this on the blockchain with the following console command:

gobject get 0ec0b1a45a820a5cc1a8dcec34c190c61c677b654f37ba2038926b12b7205dc2

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,7 years ago
While I disagree that this is how things should have been done, I'm still voting YES because Dashtreasury obviously did this in the best interest for DASH.
2 points,7 years ago
This is a proposal with a proposal fee to reimburse the proposal fee for a different proposal? Spare me.
3 points,7 years ago
This seems like there could be some copyright issues, did billy joel grant you permission to use this audio track for profit? Not sure we should be paying for a parody song, if it was an original I would feel different about this as a budget item.
-1 point,7 years ago
Each country has different laws concerning copyright and fair use. In many cases, parodies, satire, comedy and educational use is not restricted. We don't know what country the author is from or whether he paid royalties for the audio track, but if the RIAA has a problem with it, it seems like their first step would be to block it from Youtube.

It should be noted that we had no involvement in the production of this song. Our role was simply to facilitate the listing of the proposal by fronting 4.5 DSH of the fee so that the content creator wouldn't have to risk as much of his own money on proposal fees.
4 points,7 years ago
Why not ask for donations, making a proposal that costs 5dash to cover 4.5dash makes no seance. Back in the days we would cover small things like this with donations easily. Often receiving more than asked for. Just saying :P
4 points,7 years ago
The reimbursement should be part of the song proposal and not it's own. Voting No.
4 points,7 years ago
Voted NO's for 2 reasons

1) This is fan made music, and its okay if dash fans want to make a joke, but it's very unprofessional of the dash masternode owners to endorse this video (what are we flufflypony/monero ?!?!?!?!) But feel free to chuckle (I know i did )

2) That DashTreasury actually paid for this !, and did not realize this is miss interpretation of what a digital currency should be. (this is way to hard of a political stance, currency should be neutral)
4 points,7 years ago
Totally agree. For Dash to be taken seriously, the budget shouldn't fund trolling tactics... NO on this one from me.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback. To reiterate, these funds are 100% for reimbursements on proposal fees paid to Dash. (9.5 DASH total) subsidized 4.5 DASH of Tunez's 5.0 DASH fee with the contingency that Tunez would provide the video BEFORE funding. We feel that's an important precedent for creative materials. (He still had 0.5 DASH skin in the game, plus whatever he spent to produce the video.)

The 4.5 BTC is a reimbursement to, and the other 5.0 BTC is just a reimbursement to ask for this reimbursement.

Not a perfect system, but we all need to work with what we've got for now. Time is of the essence and opportunities abound.
1 point,7 years ago
The work was done in good faith. The product is professional even if not to everyone's taste. (Music can never be that!). Considering we've been scammed by 'nere do wells' I think it is morally correct for us to pay out this relatively small amount. We will also reward the loyalty and good will in this musician's wider social circle.

Please, let's pay this one!
0 points,7 years ago
Voted yes again, but This mechanism of submitting 2 proposals for 1 small one obviously doesn't work and is the opposite result of the high proposal fee...
0 points,7 years ago
you have the proposal fee wrong. The masternodes seem to like to be paid 5 dash to vote, not .5, so you might be a bit short