Proposal “PrivateSend-De-Anonymization-Contest“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash $100,000 PrivateSend De-Anonymization Contest
Monthly amount: 99 DASH (2536 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (4 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2018-01-16 (added on 2017-09-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 524 Yes / 317 No / 147 Abstain

Proposal description

Problem Statement: Dash has a robust, protocol level coin mixing service called PrivateSend, but it is frequently dismissed as inadequate by those favoring other coins such as Monero, Zcash and others.

Proposal Description and Goal: 
The purpose of this program is to create a Contest and Public Relations event to challenge people to determine where coins in a PrivateSend transaction originated from. The purpose of this is two fold:
  • First, this gives the Dash community ammunition to effectively respond to challenges that Dash isn't private enough. We can publicly challenge anyone who thinks PrivateSend is weak to try to claim the prize by breaking the anonymity.
  • Secondly, this is designed to be a huge PR event where we can promote Dash generally by publicly organizing, announcing and discussing the ongoing status and conclusion of the Contest.
Program Scope: 

The Contest will offer a prize worth up to $100,000 USD, paid in the winner's choice of cryptocurrency, to someone who can successfully determine the originating address of a small quantity of DASH in an address given out to the public.

  • an unspecified quantity of Dash is in a wallet in address(es) A
  • the dash is mixed using an unspecified number of PrivateSend rounds
  • 0.1 Dash is sent in a PrivateSend transaction to address B
  • address B is given to the public with a challenge to determine the address(es) A where it originated from before PrivateSend mixing began

Prize Schedule:

The contest will begin with a prize of $25,000 and then increase by $25,000 each quarter until a maximum prize of $100,000 is reached as follows:

Start of Contest to 3 Months: $25,000
3 to 6 months: $50,000
6 to 9 months: $75,000
9 to 12 months: $100,000

To help keep the contest impartial, I will arrange for a 3 person panel of prominent members of the crypto community to serve as contest judges. These people will not be generally connected to the Dash community. I will target members of the Bitcoin community to be judges to elevate Dash awareness among Bitcoin users.

As an incentive, at the conclusion of the contest the judges will each receive a donation of 100 Dash to be paid to the charity of their choice. The charitable donations will be made whether the contest prize is claimed or not.

How to make this a viral PR Event:
This is intended to be a big PR event and not just a simple bug bounty.
  • Preference will be given to judges with substantial social media presence
  • Involving members of the other crypto communities as judges will gain Dash exposure to a wide crypto audience.
  • Offering a contest with a significant prize demonstrates to all how the Dash treasury system can do things that other coins can't do
  • Offering a prize that increases each quarter makes the contest more newsworthy with fresh opportunities to discuss the new larger contest prize.
  • When promoting the contest we now have an excuse to go into "home forums" of other coins and gently plug the Dash contest
  • This gives Dash Force News and everyone else covering the crypto space something interesting to talk about to help increase Dash awareness
  • The contest improves confidence in the PrivateSend technology in a way that is more meaningful than simply just claiming "ours is the best."
  • Charitable donations will be paid in Dash expanding Dash awareness in the non-profit community.

Rules for claiming Contest Prize:

To claim the contest prize, the winner must do the following:
  • enter by sending an email to including "I won!" in the subject line. Communications should include an English translation if necessary. The size of the prize will be determined by the prize in effect when the entry email is received. Entries should include their choice of cryptocurrency and the payment address to receive any prize winnings. The conversion rate between the nominal USD prize and the cryptocurrency of the winner's choice to receive payment will be locked at the time the winning entry email is received by the contest administrator and at their sole discretion. Winner's choice of cryptocurrency must be among those supported by
  • correctly identify the originating address(es) of the PrivateSend transaction before the mixing started
  • reveal the method by which the PrivateSend transaction was de-anonymized in sufficient detail to convince at least 2 of the 3 judges that the anonymity was effectively compromised.
    • simply making a correct address guess will not be sufficient to claim the prize
    • the method used to de-anonymize the transaction must tie the origin and destination addresses together either directly or by greater than a 50% chance if using probabilistic methods
    • the DASH core team will have a least 14 days to review any de-anonymization method and provide a technical opinion to contest judges
    • any discovered PrivateSend vulnerability must be confidentially disclosed according to Responsible Disclosure principles in order to receive the contest prize.
  • contest entrants must supply an email address in case any questions regarding the de-anonymization methodology arise. Email addresses will not be used for any other purpose and will be destroyed following the conclusion of the contest.
  • If the contest prize is won it will be paid within 60 days.
  • entries not meeting the criteria above will be considered Spam and deleted
  • The contest announcement to the public will contain a cryptographic signature of a message which reveals the origination of the PrivateSend transaction funds (the solution to the contest). In the event of a dispute regarding the correct solution to the contest the signature may be used to verify the solution.
  • No member of the Dash core team or anyone involved with the contest in any way, including the judges may claim the prize.
  • If at least 2 of the 3 judges agree that the contest has been won following 14 days technical consultation with the Dash core team, judges agree that Dash will make the announcement regarding the conclusion of the program taking Responsible Disclosure principles into consideration.
In the event of a dispute regarding the contest Dash will make the final determination of the outcome. Contestants agree to hold contest judges and members of the Dash community harmless. Dash reserves the right to modify or terminate the contest at any time without notice.

I will work closely with the Dash core team to coordinate efforts. I will also coordinate PR or provide content to Dash Force News or others as appropriate. @mastermined

Upon approval of this proposal the administrator of shall create a contest landing page at for promotion and execution of the proposal. PO will provide the content for the landing page.

Duration of Contest: 
The contest will run for a period of 12 months.

Why Now? This is a critical time in the crypto community with news about Bitcoin forks taking all of the headlines. A new fork for "Bitcoin Cash" with 8 MB blocks and a stance toward on chain scaling was recently created. Another Bitcoin fork may come in October/November.

These forks more closely compete with Dash for the "digital cash" market segment so this is a good time to highlight Dash's advantages over these new Bitcoin forks and other digital cash coins. This contest helps to accomplish this by creating a PR coup to take some of the headlines back for Dash.

Program Risks:
  • It would obviously be an embarrassment if someone actually won this contest by de-anonymizing Dash. Need the core team to ensure that all known PrivateSend vulnerabilities have been addressed. This risk can be mitigated by correcting a discovered vulnerability and then launching a fresh contest with a doubled prize.
  • It is possible that a contest judge or other person may leak the origination address(es) or otherwise have the address(es) exposed due to security problems. This isn't really a concern since claiming the prize requires demonstrating how the source and destination addresses are linked.

Program Funding Request: 
Contest prize - will only be requested from treasury if needed to be paid to contest winner. Dash will be converted into the cryptocurrency of the winner's choice.
Charitable donations - 300 Dash (100 Dash each to be paid to the charity of the judges respective choice.)
Program promotional material development, judge recruitment, communications and program management - 80 Dash
Escrow fee - 10 Dash
Proposal fee reimbursement - 5 Dash
Total Request: 395 Dash

Treasury Payment Schedule (into escrow): 
98.75 Dash per month for 4 months - 395 Dash total.  An escrow service will receive the treasury payments and hold them until they are ready to be disbursed.

Escrow holder: Green Candle Inc. (
Background: Green Candle is an Canadian Incorporation formed by @coingun to act as an intermediary between proposal owners and the Dash network.

Milestone Payment Schedule

Month 1: 5 Dash - proposal fee reimbursement to PO and 10 Dash to Green Candle for escrow fee
Month 2: 80 Dash to PO following launch of contest
Month 12: From escrow to judges charities at the conclusion of the program - 300 Dash
From escrow to contest winner (only if necessary) - up to $100,000 worth of Dash depending on date claimed.​

Proposal Owner: Allow me to introduce myself. I've been into crypto about 2 years and am a reformed Bitcoin maximalist. I got bitten by the DASH bug recently because of all it's great features and all of the governance problems I see with Bitcoin. I bought my first DASH a few months ago.

I'm writing under a new handle DashDude, but for full transparency my name is Steve Dussault. I'm a professional working as a Sr. Product Manager in heavy industry with many years of blue chip company experience. I have extensive experience introducing new high-tech products worldwide and working to increase their market share and profitability.

My LinkedIn Profile

Link to pre-proposal and discussion.

Edit:  Bonus due to strong Dash price:

If the price of Dash is above $284 when the contest launches, I will also research and develop an infographic to highlight Dash's competitive position against Litecoin - something many have requested from me already. I will also translate it into 9 other languages in addition to English for a total of 10 infographics. 

For reference, please see this infographic I did previously called the "10 Stupid Things People Say About Dash". 

Thanks for your consideration and your votes!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
Too expensive for me
0 points,7 years ago
If it doesn't pass, would you consider a less expensive version? If we had to, I think we could find judges with integrity and technical skills for considerably less money. And perhaps a lower administrative cost...just looking for any way to remove impediments.

1 point,7 years ago
Perhaps we should table that discussion until after the voting ends.
0 points,7 years ago
It ain't over till it's over.
1 point,7 years ago
Less than 24 hours ago this proposal was around 9%. If there are some new objections I would appreciate knowing what they are so I might address them.
1 point,7 years ago
If I had to guess what other voters' sentiment is, I'd guess that it's nervousness from this being your very first proposal. As in, we've not had the pleasure of hiring you for a small, non-crucial job yet to see how you perform.

This job is both very expensive -- a small annual salary's worth of Dash per judge! -- and, if executed incorrectly, could be extremely embarrassing for DASH.

I really like the idea, though, and I'd like if you put in a smaller, less-crucial proposal in the future so that we may try you out as an employee.
1 point,7 years ago
I can appreciate that concern and I thank you for openly bringing it forward in case others share it quietly as well.

To improve your confidence in me I'd like to point out that I spent around 80 hours carefully refining this proposal over a two month period and turning it into the detailed, robust proposal before you. As a result of this careful preparation there have been very few objections to the way it has been proposed for implementation.

When the blocksci paper came out in the middle of this two month pre-proposal period I reviewed the details personally and also consulted with moocowmoo to ensure that PrivateSend remained robust and that the Dash community would not be embarrassed. I might add that any failure would be embarrassing to me personally as well!

I also anticipated concerns about my newness in the Dash community in advance which is why I proactively sought out escrow service before anyone suggested it, even though very few proposals use escrow currently. I consider it a best practice and wanted to lead Dash toward this improvement! I also provided my LinkedIn profile with my real life identity.

Managing a project of this size is well within my area of comfort. I am typically accustomed to managing programs with a few more zeros after them! This is small by comparison. Again, please peruse my LinkedIn profile. I would not survive in the industry and position I'm in if I were not capable of executing projects like this.

I have also already completed a small, non-crucial job for Dash. Please see this infographic that I produced called the "10 Stupid Things People Say About Dash" located here:

I did not ask MNOs for any funding for this so there is no proposal, but it is still an introductory job for the community. I might add that it has been well received and has been viewed over 6,700 times already! Hopefully it helped to convert some of the many new members we are seeing.

The size of the contributions to the judge's charities you mentioned are large by design. First, it will help to recruit the best, most prominent judges for maximum PR value. Second, it is an overt demonstration of the strength of the Dash network which will be emphasized in the contest communication strategy. I'm a big thinker and I didn't want to make this a lukewarm effort at a time when the treasury can afford to do something revolutionary!

I want the Dash marketcap to overtake Litecoin, Ripple and Bitcoin Cash within the next 12 months. A big move like what I'm proposing here will help us accomplish that, but it takes courage. A longer period for us to get to know one another better might feel good, but the delay will be costly. The time to attack is now!

Putting your faith in me and voting yes for this proposal will be a sound decision. If any MNO is on the fence and wishes to speak with me on the phone personally I would be happy to do so. Just PM me in the forum or slack.

Thanks again for your trust and consideration!
1 point,7 years ago
Which charities do you plan to donate the funds to if PrivateSend isn't broken?
1 point,7 years ago
The prize funds will not be requested unless needed to pay a winner. This solves the problem of what to do with the money if it goes unclaimed, USD exchange rate changes, etc.
0 points,7 years ago
Oh, I see. The ask amount is so large that I assumed it included the prize payout. I didn't realize you were aiming to offer each judge ~$30,000 each.
0 points,7 years ago
Small contribution, less prominent judge, less PR value. I wanted this to make a big splash!

Do you remember when XM radio was significantly larger than Sirius? Then Sirius made a huge, expensive deal to get Howard Stern and grabbed the publicity and the momentum. A short time later Sirius had gained share and was able to acquire their XM rival.

I want this to be Dash's Howard Stern moment!
0 points,7 years ago
Also, I really love this idea -- but as I suggested on the forum when you made the pre-proposal -- why not just ask for the funds if/when someone breaks PrivateSend? Why leave yourself with $100k in DASH that doesn't get paid to a successful contestant?
0 points,7 years ago
Due to this problem - and as a result of your comments and the comments of others - the contest funds are not requested in this proposal. They will only be requested in the remote chance PrivateSend is broken. The 300 Dash charitable donation goes to the three contest judges (100 Dash each) regardless of whether the contest prize is claimed or not. It is an incentive to attract prominent judges.
0 points,7 years ago
Within the proposal you will dedicate a part of the funds to advertise the contest
in appropriate forums? Universities, security forums, etc.

I think it is important that some of these funds be dedicated to promoting the contest. And it has not been detailed in the budget.

Thank you for your proposal
1 point,7 years ago
Hi blockchaintech - I will post notification of this contest in relevant forums, issue press releases and notify owners of various crypto related publications and channels. I will also coordinate communications with Dash Force News for article and video coverage as they feel appropriate. Recruitment of prominent judges will also help with publicity. This proposal is intended to generate viral PR by its design and is not intended to be or use paid advertising which is being handled in other proposals.

Thank you for your interest in this proposal and your consideration.
0 points,7 years ago
DashDude, are you aware of the BlockSci project? There are some interesting claims in the pdf linked on that page.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, of course. There are a bunch of comments further down about that. It only affects a few edge cases and will not affect this contest.
2 points,7 years ago
The devs looked the paper over and are confident that PrivateSend (in real life) is still unbreakable. We like that people are looking for flaws, so if anything, we should thank them not crap on their efforts. And the proposed contest will further prove that YES, PrivateSend is still unbreakable. Or, worst case scenario, we discover a legitimate flaw and fix it and perhaps double the bounty.

Hi Fluffy!

3 points,7 years ago
This is VERY important and a VERY good plan to execute it.
5 points,7 years ago
This proposal is already having the intended effect and it hasn't even passed yet. It received a nice mention today on The Cryptoverse, a Youtube channel with 28,000 subscribers. Let's bring this one home for the win!

Here's the link:
0 points,7 years ago
I've already left a comment about how I think the compensation you are providing yourself is too much, but there is one other point I want people to consider with this proposal.

You are fighting trolls. No matter what you do it will never be enough to convince alot of these people. They will still nitpick about how all the masternodes are owned by one person and he can see all the private send transactions. They are delusional, and in my opinion, there is no point in blowing valuable money trying to convince them of anything.
1 point,7 years ago
Shutting down trolls certainly feels good, but it’s not the most important part of this proposal. Over the course of the last couple of years the world has gone from believing that Bitcoin was completely untraceable to realizing it is a wide-open book. Demonstrating and publicizing Dash’s privacy features helps drive home our value proposition as a currency now more than ever. Doing so while utilizing the power of our treasury and governance system at a time when Bitcoin faces yet another governance related fork is just icing on the cake. Trolls will be trolls, but other coins simply can’t do what we propose to do here. It’s a win on many fronts!
1 point,7 years ago
I have no interest in trash talking about Monero, as there is plenty of room in the cryptoverse for many winners. But I would love to bring this up every time they talk about how craptastic our privacy function is. Make it so.
2 points,7 years ago
The current price of Dash is well above the 50 day average price of $284 I used in the cost calculations for this proposal. While this is great news for all of us who own Dash, it may hurt the value proposition of this proposal.

I've already put a ton of effort into this and received a lot of help and effort from the community as well. I think this contest would be a great boost for Dash and I want to make it easier for MNOs to vote yes, even if the price of Dash remains strong. Therefore, I've decided to improve the value side of this proposal.

If the price of Dash is above $284 when the contest launches, I will also research and develop an infographic to highlight Dash's competitive position against Litecoin - something many have requested already. I will also translate it into 9 other languages in addition to English for a total of 10 infographics.

For reference, please see this infographic I did previously called the "10 Stupid Things People Say About Dash" located here:

Again, I really want to see this move forward and I don't want to see Dash's rising price act as an impediment so I hope this value sweetener will make it easy to vote Yes!
1 point,7 years ago
Yes, onward to victory! Win/win. Can't happen soon enough.

The administration cost is not unreasonable. Are we not willing to pay a decent wage to the thoughtful, creative, innovative people that push the Dash ecosystem forward? If you hired a PR firm with the technical chops to design and administer this properly, I can assure you it would only cost more.

solarguy on the forums
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support!
3 points,7 years ago
Although there is no perfect way to implement a deanonymization contest for PrivateSend this proposal is "good enough" for me. I hope everything pans out as described.
2 points,7 years ago
It may not be 100% perfect but we really needed it to be able to shut down trolling easily.
-1 point,7 years ago
I suggest we have another 100k set aside to fix PrivateSend in the event the 100k bounty is ever claimed. Both should be burned at some future block number. Whether its 10 or 100 years in the future.
3 points,7 years ago
Taking almost 30,000 USD for setting up this contest is far in excesses of reasonable compensation. I like the idea, but I have no choice but to vote no for that reason.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi Ctafti - This is a valid concern. Here is some more detail on this. There have been a large number of small details to sort out on this proposal and I actually missed the previous cycle due to the difficulty of even a small item like finding a suitable escrow. I've got about 80 hours in this just to get it to the proposal stage.

I also expect a month's worth of work to set up the landing page, promote the contest and to get 3 high profile judges from outside the Dash community. I expect most judge candidates will decline due to not wanting to be associated with Dash due to other allegiances or just not being familiar with Dash at all.

I expect another 2-4 weeks worth of ongoing work to manage the contest throughout it's one year lifespan and to manage the charitable payouts at the close of the contest. Don't forget that this contest is designed to have a higher payout each quarter with additional rounds of PR. It's not a "set and forget" contest!

The Dash price looks decent now, but as a trader it looks to me to be in a consolidation triangle between $240 and $360. The current 50 day simple moving average price is $284. Using that metric the project execution and management portion is $22,720 for about 2 1/2 months worth of labor. This might seem high to one from India or China, but I don't think is out of line by Western standards.

Finally, as with all proposals the currency risk is carried by the PO. To protect MNOs I am not requesting payment until after the program launches. However, this means I carry currency risk much longer as I won't get paid for about 5-6 weeks. If Bitcoin takes another leg down (50-50 odds in my view) Dash will be dragged down too and the fee will look much lower.

I hope this helps you to better understand the labor aspect of the proposal and the risks I see going forward to allow you to vote yes. Thanks!
0 points,7 years ago
Nice catch, needs to be addresses allot more.
2 points,7 years ago
I will vote yes, once this is changed " A 0,1 to B 0,1 "

Here is why:
The amount in should not be the same amount as out. The in and out amount is a clue that should not be giving. Part of the mixing function is, that the amount('s) in are not the same as the amounts out. When and If you know that person A has 0,1 to mix and person B has 0,5 and C has 1 and they all do a 1 on 1 conversion. You perhaps not link them via decryption but you can know person A is person A simply because he is the only one with a wallet with 0,1 coins.

My request is this:
So contest should only providing wallet B.
The question now is, From which wallet OR wallets the coins came from.
Use a maximum of 8 rounds

*Because it's know that 8 rounds are used, the amount of address hops is known, which is in fact also a clue
** I am unaware how many individuals per round are active, seeing dash only process about 5000 transactions per day, this is still a risk, and mixing should be done at a busy time, if that falls, redo it.
1 point,7 years ago
Actually, I would be best that you do a private sent payment to a dash accepting company, like say bitcart (this company will also get a (free) promotion boost)
The payment will then come from multiple public key's. (this actually part of how private sent works as well).

*** The amount used in to mix does not need to be the complete amount either.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi, a node_to_a_master - I plant to send 0.1 dash to address B which will be given to the public. I intentionally did not state how much Dash was in address A or if it is in fact even a single address in the wallet. This is because this information would not normally be known to an attacker as you mentioned. Does this answer your question?
1 point,7 years ago
*plan, not plant. Also, please remember that this is a public forum and I can't reveal any information here that might compromise the contest!
0 points,7 years ago
I edited the Example for clarity:

*an unspecified quantity of Dash is in a wallet in address(es) A
*the Dash is mixed using an unspecified number of PrivateSend
*0.1 Dash is sent in a PrivateSend transaction to address B
*address B is given to the public with a challenge to determine the address(es) A where it originated from before PrivateSend mixing began
1 point,7 years ago
Ah cool, lol of course you can't even say certain things here :).
My votes are in and they are yes.
0 points,7 years ago
It seems friendly, but anyone can register here and I know from Reddit posts that Monero is already aware of this contest :-)
1 point,7 years ago
Obvious yes. Whoever's complaining about the management fee had ample opportunity in the pre-proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
the management fee was not included in the original pre-proposal months ago. it was added right before the proposal was posted
1 point,7 years ago
"Right before the proposal was posted" <- 100% not true. I first read the pre-proposal in late August and back then it already included the management fee. Feel free to prove otherwise...
2 points,7 years ago
72 comments over two months and many resulting revisions - thanks to valuable suggestions from all who helped to get it to this stage!
3 points,7 years ago
Please update this proposal with the requirement of RESPONSIBLE DISCLOSURE ( for any participant to qualify for the price ASAP! Otherwise whoever finds a bug will publish it into the wild and still have the right to receive the money. That would be a complete disaster.
1 point,7 years ago
Done, thanks!
3 points,7 years ago
Very well-thought proposal. An obvious YES.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you - I appreciate your support!
4 points,7 years ago
I like it a lot, yes votes incoming!
Before i read down to the escrow part i was thinking i would offer to escrow it for free but then i thought since it will be sitting around for awhile i might see if splawik21 would escrow it in his masternode shares program.
coingun's service seems great though and much more structured to keep tabs on progress than me or splawik.
I would however like to see the 10 Dash escrow fee lowered so maybe some kind of collaboration deal could be worked out with splawik to help with that.
2 points,7 years ago
I think coingun is trying to help bridge the gap between POs and the treasury with the escrow service. It's a needed function, but the business model will likely need some tweaking. I imagine with the feedback we gain on this deal it can be adjusted going forward. Coingun will be looking for MNO feedback on the escrow.
3 points,7 years ago
How many rounds will the coins be mixed? Will there be multiple inputs or just one? Bearing in mind the recent report claiming to have de-anonymized privatesend...
2 points,7 years ago
There will be multiple mixing rounds. I have discussed the contest with @moocowmoo with regard to the recent paper. He does not envision a problem with the way it will be set up.
1 point,7 years ago
Will there be multiple inputs? The recent paper said inputs with 10+ can always be deanonymized. I'm wondering if this is the case with 4 or 8 rounds, and more "real-world-like" conditions (i.e. starting funds not originating from one address)
0 points,7 years ago
There will not be a large number of inputs. I don't want to give away information in this contest that an attacker would not normally have such as the exact number of mixing rounds and the exact number of inputs.

What I can say is that I'm aware of the recent paper, have discussed it with moocowmoo and we will be OK. I will also make the transaction available to the core team for private review before publicizing it just to be sure.
1 point,7 years ago
I love this idea, and will be voting yes, however, it seems to me that this rule could be improved:

"...the method used to de-anonymize the transaction must tie the origin and destination addresses together either directly or by greater than a *50% chance* if using probabilistic methods" ---

If we're seeking to demonstrate the inability to de-anonymize, then 50% odds are way too high a standard. I suggest something more like 3-5%, i.e. beyond 2-3 standard deviations type of thing.

The fact is that if someone can demonstrate Private Send is traceable to a confidence level higher than that, they have a case. We don't want this to look like a straw man.

Just my view.
0 points,7 years ago
Get some statisticians' help upfront...they certainly will be there as critics, and we don't want this to backfire
0 points,7 years ago
<EDIT: meant that 50% is way too low of a bar, that is>
0 points,7 years ago
You're probably right! I was thinking a preponderance of the evidence court of law standard - hence more than 50% - but the real odds are a few orders of magnitude lower.

One of the rules is a catch all that gives Dash the right to modify or cancel the contest at any time. We could always wait a few months and then lower the odds requirement (with further community input) if anyone complains. Might be more newsworthy this way, too.
1 point,7 years ago
Competitions are an effective way of promoting. Voting yes.
0 points,7 years ago
What happens to the (unclaimed) prize money after the contest?

And how are the potentially significant changes in exchange rates handled?
0 points,7 years ago
The contest prize money has not been requested. It will only be requested in the future if PrivateSend is broken and it is needed to pay out. In the original pre-proposal I had the prize money requested up front, but most commenters thought it would be best to request it later because it avoids the problem of what to do with unclaimed prize money and because the odds of it being claimed are remote.