Proposal “North_American_DASH_ATM_Network“ (Closed)Back

Title:Should I quit my day job to devlop national DASH kiosk network while teaching people about DASH at the mall each day
One-time payment: 640 DASH (17318 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2017-10-18 (added on 2017-09-21)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 49 Yes / 481 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description

Need to have a little fun with this now I changed the title as the more I consider this that I really have to quit my current well paying safe job and its a huge risk but I want to do it but can't decide to take the plunge without a little support so I will let the network decide, its the only way to get some attention as my posts on forums are not responded to..

Do you support DASH ATM systems such as proposed by Alt36? Our proposals work well together we can spread DASH ATMs... Thats why its making me want to quit my job and put more effort towards DASH ecosystem. Do you like the idea to help make DASH accessible to the under banked and not just the people purchasing marijuana? I have been working on a similar offering and I am ready for operation today without a need to build the device but I just need to quit my day job with a jump start to offset the costs as well we can build this together.

I got this feeling after seeing alt36 proposal for an ATM startup project that I was also such an ATM startup that could find funding. I think we should be supporting startup companies focused on DASH so please review my similar proposal we are focused on bringing a solution to all of North America and beyond. Starting within New Jersey this will be the first “DASH bank” branch, where a person is there to help and guide people along the way in what is considered the first mall in America. We will advertise and market the locations so that locals can verify them.

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gobject vote-many 1ddce85c43612a37f0b9c281f2a22f69d042809f183e8bd8e3f7f45ee8554bef funding yes

Currently the problem is the same as atl36 proposes, purchasing Dash is near impossible for the
everyday person. Even for those who are familiar with digital currencies, one must often first purchase bitcoins
and then exchange them for Dash. If the end goal is mass adoption of the currency, this is a major problem. 
Regarding the accessibility of purchasing Dash, this problem can be solved with a user-friendly in place Kiosk for anybody and everybody to access, including the non-technical, to be able to obtain Dash both safely and
with ease. I have spoken with BTC operators, there is much frustration around ease of using BTM at times. We must work towards incentivizing people and educating them on why and how to purchase Dash directly without first buying bitcoins. I don't think this will be happening in the dispensaries.

We want to make DASH Kiosks a reality to the people who don't step foot into the cannabis shops and are more of your every day average user, think gas stations, apple store, outlet malls, airports. Our solution aims to offer extremely low to zero fee Kiosk systems that will eventually be made accessible to any small operators throughout USA and into Canada and then we will branch out globally. I have partnered with Cogent Law and they are providing the legal frame work to move this forward.

The proposal includes an initial operation of a mall cart during two of the busiest months of the year for the months of Nov and Dec. This mall has one of the few Apple stores in the area and has a good amount of
traffic between new devices and people getting them fixed. This will allow us to educate literary thousands of shoppers and patrons about DASH while giving the Kiosk system a big marketing boost to help launch the 12 kiosk locally and to spread awareness of other DASH ATMs. While at the same time giving focus on the
compliance portion and testing compliance alerts while directly in contact with customers. We can even run surveys and giveaways to teach people and get feeback of if they had ever head of DASH or bitcoin or what they do. Get a little pulse.  We need to spread this to the average husband who just hangs outside the stores while the gf or wife shops. This crypto thing is not just about money it’s also about people and teaching them each why this is important to society going forward.  Once we can dial in our compliance reporting we can take this nationally across USA and into Canada. To do this I would need to quit my full time job and go full on into this endeavor that I have already been working on part time for the past two years. This is a huge risk for me this is why I will be asking for 1 time funding to cover cost for the first three months of operation. During down time at the mall when I am not manning the cart and teaching others about DASH. I will be expanding the compliance footprint at a more accelerate rate than after work each day. I will also be more active  to review previous proposals and would be focused on DASH all day long.
I am ready with my product offering today right now there is no additional development time and I am approved for operation in NJ and prepared to start paperwork for the next state of operation. I am fully registered federally with FinCEN as a MSB and we have the General Bytes kiosk front end and back ends ready to go. Our AML / KYC EDD policy are under final review. And there are actually four machines that have been operational for the
past few months as we helped General Bytes identify some small bugs….

A mall cart would be rented and staffed for November and December and two DASH kiosk would be on display for use and teaching, staffed by yours truly to help guide and aid people in the registration process and the
understanding of what DASH is. The additional kiosks would be deployed in the surrounding areas and to accelerate the local interest I am also starting a local DASH meetup to help everyone along the journey.

We are requesting funding for the first 12 Kiosks, associated costs with operating them, additional development and operating costs and legal fees. The cost for operating include a staffed cart to educate and explain DASH in person will be priceless. It’s like a full time trade show with endless new customers. The twelve kiosks are required to allow us to scale quickly and continue this as a full time job as I would need to quit my regular full time job to focus on this and make it worth quitting my full time job. Our detailed proposed costs and funding request from the Dash network is listed below.
Requested Funding from Dash Network
1) ATM $11,000 x 12                                         $132,000​
2) Technical Support/Testing $100 x 12            $1,200
3) AML/KYC Legal Compliance Fees                  $10,000
4) Cash Collection for first three months          $3,000
5) ATM Manager Policy Management fine tune
                      $6,400 x 3 months                          $19,200
6) Operating and development costs                $48,000
7) ATM Security/Maintenance/Upgrades          $12,000
This proposal is a request for 635 DASH plus 5 Dash fee =640 DASH
If for any reason the kiosks are not ordered or not able to operate they will be returned to community.  The machines will be property of DASH core and as they see fit can designate a new location or owner if desired after the first 3 months.
We are registered with FinCEN as a money service business Lic#

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
please leave feedback about the original pre proposal... since there was no response for over a month i took a risk to ask for such a grant.
1 point,6 years ago
Give 'er another try when you get what you got up and running. You probably need to see if you can even make enough income on them anyway :) Sorry it's not passing this time around, but don't give up :D
11 points,6 years ago
The Dash Treasury paid you 75 Dash in March for an ATM. You promised to post weekly transaction volumes for this ATM. Where are they?
-2 points,6 years ago
This machine has just arrived from General Bytes this month...
8 points,6 years ago
So the first ATM is not yet installed after 6 months, and now you want money for 12 more. That's silly.

I'm voting no.
-2 points,6 years ago
just to add some information about your perceived delays as you are probably aware DASH is treated as a convertible virtual currency by the IRS which makes sales of DASH a taxable capital gains event. In order to not pay extra tax I have put dash aside for each month since Jan 2016 that is our inventory for the machines and we will Rebuy during sales and hold that for a year before it goes into the vending machine. my first proposal clearly stated we were in progress of setting everything up and the machine would be ordered when GB supported DASH in two way mode.

This isn't vending candy there are REAL consequences
-6 points,6 years ago
I am asking for the 12 units to replace the need for my full time job. Which then allows me to focus on moving a nationwide compliance package forward.
4 points,6 years ago
I hesitate to vote for more funding, when your previous proposal isn't completed yet. After this ATM has been up and running a few months would be a better time for this proposal.
-2 points,6 years ago
I hear you the DASH two way ATM that was funded by the network is not running right now but because of delays from General Bytes. We have been running 4 other units and one is a demo unit that is carried to locations. I have been facilitating getting the one way units to other members that could not get them from general bytes. And these units have been operating
2 points,6 years ago
Is there a video demonstrating the use of the demo ATM?
6 points,6 years ago
Why is this a copy and paste of the alt36 proposal? That doesn't inspire any confidence in your "business plan" if you simply copy what someone else says LITERALLY word for word. I'm sorry, but for over $200,000, the bar is MUCH higher than that. Alt36 took the time to draft a multi-page description of their ORIGINAL solution, goals with their pricing approach, and how it directly enables the onboarding of customers in the dispensaries as they are presented with the benefit of using Dash. This proposal in contrast is basically "give me money to start a regular Dash ATM business and I will place ATMs at 12 random locations near where I live" and selling it as a network for "north america". How are you going to scale globally as you claim? Outsourcing the operations? To whom? Or build it yourself? Partner? How about the name of your company?

This just feels like "hey, that alt36 thing seems like a great idea, I'll just copy and paste and that's worth $200k, right?"
-4 points,6 years ago
yep thats a great point and I don't take it lightly, But this is a quick to the table mock of what alt36 can bring I can bring as well. I have been working independently of from my own sources of income to launch a DASH based ATM system if the DASH MNO feel its beneficial to fund startup ATM companies I am also a DASH ATM startup company.
2 points,6 years ago
No investor would ever give you the money for this with a copy / paste. Put together a proper plan specific to your goals (expanding across North America) and how exactly you plan to do that. If you aren't willing to put the effort in to do that, what confidence can any of us have that you will put the effort in necessary to build a network? This isn't funding for a meetup, you're asking for over 200k!
1 point,6 years ago
Not to mention that you remain anonymous and avoided answering the question of the name of your company. What's the big secret? Like I said, this is not a meetup... It's close to a quarter million dollars.
0 points,6 years ago
I am not avoiding it, I have no problem giving my identity. The company name is About37 LLC and my name is Brian Damian. WE are based in New Jersey
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for providing that information. I will keep an eye on this budget proposal and its comments before making decision... consider me neutral for now.
3 points,6 years ago
I don't even support the alt36 ATM proposal (for reasons stated on the forum), which I think is superior to this one, so I don't think I'll be supporting this one either. PhilaDASHia is a long time Dash community member and I don't question his intentions, but I just don't think this is a good use of the network's budget.
1 point,6 years ago
Dashdisciple's words make sense. As usual.
2 points,6 years ago
Link :

Am i correct in assuming your company is trying to trademark the "Buy with Dash" in the US ?
-3 points,6 years ago
Yes this is my trademark application
2 points,6 years ago
Who are you and why should we trust you with a quarter million dollars?
-2 points,6 years ago
Hello thanks for asking, my name is Brian I have been a long time supporter of DASH. I have been working in the IT industry for many years and have been advocating for DASH with each of the end users and other IT pro that I meet with daily. I created the and will usually be found passing out dashswag to help spread the ideals of DASH.

I have a previous proposal you could reference here.
0 points,6 years ago
How profitable are the machines you do have? How quickly does the ATM network become self funding? How do you pick a site to install a machine?
-1 point,6 years ago
Locations are first based on shop support, if the store is not supportive of the technology its not a good fit, boxes get placed in front of the machine, it gets unplugged, the employees just don't care. I then look for places that are good for customers to remain anonymous. These are the number 1 customers right now seem to be girls buying btc to place ads on backpage, go figure. Not counting hardware cost one machine can be profitable after $5000 in sales which can be a few weeks or all month for some locations if they break even the machine is moved. Finding a good location can be better than lower fees.. But having a shop that earns a percentage of the machines revenue also helps because they will care for the machines.
0 points,6 years ago
This guy is a scammer. I am voting No!!!
-1 point,6 years ago
Thats fine I value your distrust in such a quick proposal for a large amount. But I am committed to bringing this vision through.