Proposal “NewDashMasternodeTutorialVideo“ (Closed)Back

Title:Please Watch Our Preview Video: New Dash Video - Comprehensive Intro And Masternode Tutorial For Non-Technical Investors
One-time payment: 235 DASH (6382 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-03-20 / 2017-04-19 (added on 2017-03-08)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 115 Yes / 595 No / 2 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello Dash Community! 

We would like to create a comprehensive introductory info and complete tutorial video teaching brand new crypto investors how and why to own Dash and how to set up from scratch and manage their own masternodes. Even though there are tutorials for this purpose already, our video will appeal to non-technical people and be very enjoyable and easy for any novice to understand and have fun with - which is what Dash's vision is all about!

Please watch this short preview video to see how we will create a wonderful experience for anyone getting into Dash ownership and learning exactly what steps to take to run and manage masternodes.

In the future, as changes happen and once Evolution is released, we will update the information in our video as quickly as possible, and not ask for any further payment. We will gladly completely re-make the both the intro and the tutorial portion when things change. We already do have a stake in Dash, and we want to do our best to help it grow and help new people use it. 

Thank you everyone in the Dash community for considering funding our video project. If we are approved, we'll work non-stop to hopefully have it completed by the end of April 2017. We've loved Dash ever since Darkcoin began in 2014, we're excited to contribute and we can't wait to make a great video for Dash!


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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
vâng 3 master là điều khó khăn với tôi thời gian đầu
0 points,7 years ago
We already have similar video. So ..........
But anyway thanks for submit this proposal. I will recommend you can "test the water" in the forum before submit proposal next time
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you! There is no comprehensive video like the one we want to create for Dash, and we believe our video will attract new non-technical users and investors. We hope you will vote yes to fund this proposal. :)
0 points,7 years ago
It looks like there's a lot of trolls lately making proposals in the tens of thousands of dollars just to make some easy money.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Johns. We're sorry you feel that way, but we genuinely really are trying to contribute to Dash, and we believe our video will be very useful and helpful for people who don't have much technical knowledge about cryptocurrency. A comprehensive video that appeals to regular people will be great for Dash because it will attract more of those kind of people now who will become interested and grow Dash's users and owners to include more regular kind of folks who we eventually want to all be using Dash as money. We hope you will see the value in our proposal. We're going to work VERY hard for a month to make an excellent video! :)
0 points,7 years ago
I see a fundamental problem in making a really high quality (i.e. expensive) video that walks people through the initial steps of investing in Dash and perhaps starting a masternode.

What if the process changes???? Yes, it is going to change, and likely soon.

Now we have a very expensive but useless video because it's outdated.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, thank you for mentioning this! We are adding the following to our proposal description above. :)

In the future, as changes happen and once Evolution is released, we will update the information in our video as quickly as possible, and not ask for any further payment. We will gladly completely re-make the both the intro and the tutorial portion when things change. We already do have a stake in Dash, and we want to do our best to help it grow and help new people use it.

And, it's likely that by the time the masternode setup process changes, the price will be much higher and it will be a different situation. Then, fewer investors will be able to afford setting up one or multiple entire masternodes, they might just be interested in holding part of a shared masternode. And eventually, Evolution will make it possible to automatically have a "savings account" that earns masternode interest. But in the meantime, while the price is still where it is currently, we think it would be great for Dash if more non-technical investors are able to get in right now and setup new masternodes. :)
0 points,7 years ago
Voting no because I dont see any evidence you make videos. What other videos have you made?
0 points,7 years ago
Hi, I hope you'll enjoy the the preview video that we just posted for our proposal. We have produced a lot of other videos in the past, including this Darkcoin video we made in 2014: Thank you for considering our proposal. :)
0 points,7 years ago
It's needed for the not so tech savvy but way overpriced. resubmit with a reasonable pricetag.
0 points,7 years ago
The video we plan to create will take a great deal of effort hard work to make, and we're going to spend all of our time next month making it perfect. I hope that when you see the preview video we posted, you'll change your mind and decide it is worth the amount we are asking. Thank you!
0 points,7 years ago
too expensive.
1 point,7 years ago
Not needed. For something technical like setting up a MN, written documentation is better. If somebody wants to set up a MN, and is tech-savvy enough to do it, he/she should read, "TAO 12.1 MASTERNODE UPDATE GUIDE FOR DUMMIES" in the docs. I'm voting no.
0 points,7 years ago
If investing in masternodes is an appealing idea to less-technical people, i.e. most people, they'll be more likely to join Dash Nation after seeing the fun and informative video we'd like to create. :)
0 points,7 years ago
I think a fun video series would be great, but way overpriced. I would echo fellow MN, please resubmit with a reasonable budget.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for agreeing that it would be great! :) I hope you'll see the value in having a complete introduction video and comprehensive start-from-scratch masternode tutorial for less technical people who love the idea of Dash. We're planning on working extremely hard to produce an excellent video that non-crypto people will love.
0 points,7 years ago
The more MNs that come on-line, the less we get paid. I spent months studying DASH before I got a single MN. MN creation should be reserved for DASH holders that 1) have the funds to posses one, and 2) The knowledge and/or know-how to create one with a full understanding of it's dynamic functions. An easy "quick-installation" guide is not going to fully help any DASH user if they don't take the time to fully understand what they are or are not doing. - loll - and YES, like @Meth said, "I'm not rich enough to 'have fun with' multiples of 50 thousand dollars. This got serious for most people a long time ago..."

That $50K USD is now at 150% giving us $75K USD per MN - I hope you have a LOT of RICH friends..................................


0 points,7 years ago
Hi MangledBlue, I'm sure you'd agree that helping new people join Dash Nation and own masternodes is a good thing for Dash, and our comprehensive video will appeal to lots of new non-crypto people who want to invest in Dash. If someone is serious about investing such a large amount of money, then we think this kind of information should be presented to them in the best way possible. :)

1 point,7 years ago
"....and have fun with - which is what Dash's vision is all about!"
I'm not rich enough to 'have fun with' multiples of 50 thousand dollars. This got serious for most people a long time ago I suspect.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, and many people with money looking to make large financial investments in crypto aren't technical and will love the helpful info and "fun" that will be in our video. It will be a comprehensive and professional video, instructing people on the exact right steps to take to be safe. :)
1 point,7 years ago
Extremely expensive. And i work in marketing.

The idea might still be good. Re-valuate a proper lvl of spending
1 point,7 years ago
Way to expensive, very good tutorials out there today compared to 3 years ago.
If u can't success putting up a masternode with these tutorials today you probably shouldn't run a masternode.
0 points,7 years ago
If you look at the current tutorials and you can't understand how to do it, or are too busy to do all that research, but you do have the financial means and the desire to own masternodes, then it would be a shame for you to miss out. Masternode ownership is awesome! :)
0 points,7 years ago
This is too expensive. There is a very excellent and easy to find walkthough of how to do this available now. I think anyone interested enough to put in the money will be able to find it and follow it without the need for a video. For non-technical people, you can pay $9 a month to get splawik to host it. Both routes are easy. The video isn't needed.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, paying someone to host your masternodes is good. But there will be less possibility of a central point of failure, as well as getting the full reward yourself, if you run your own masternodes. But yes, our video will inform people about Dash and tell about other options for having masternodes hosted if that's more convenient. We hope you decide that our video is needed. :)
0 points,7 years ago
(I know this because I was a complete novice when i started - it was not hard)
0 points,7 years ago
Too expensive, try making high quality videos first and presenting them and perhaps the community will consider funding you to continue.
0 points,7 years ago
Ya agree little expensive. Like to see some info about yourself and other work you have done voting abstain for now
1 point,7 years ago
this is very expensive, voting no... start smaller
0 points,7 years ago
I agree with unchained. Sample video?