Proposal “Introduction-to-New-Users“ (Completed)Back

Title:Introduction and Dash Giveaway to New Users
Monthly amount: 5 DASH (176 USD)
Completed payments: 7 totaling in 35 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2018-04-15 (added on 2017-09-23)
Votes: 935 Yes / 92 No / 29 Abstain

Proposal description

I've been giving away Bitcoin for years to introduce people to the speed and ease of making peer-to-peer payments.  I've recently become frustrated by the high Bitcoin network fees.   I'd frequently give away $5 of my own Bitcoin to introduce the cryptocurrency, but at times the fees were so high that another $6 is spent just to send $5.   And with fees that high, the $5 becomes worthless because to use it would require paying most or all of it in fees.   Bitcoin Cash is much better in this regard, but does not yet have as much infrastructure as Dash.

My proposal is simple.   I'm proposing to give away Dash to people in my sphere of influence to introduce them to Dash and its benefits.   The Dash network benefits in three ways:
  • The Dash network gains new participants, which is a very important component to the value of any crypto-currency.
  • Introduce Dash to significant influencers in the space.  The nature of my work brings me in contact with entrepreneurs, millionaires, and influencers in the FinTech and cryptocurrency space.
  • Installation of the Dash wallet on more mobile phones and used by more people for peer-to-peer transactions.

  • Dash will be given to new users who have not yet been introduced to Dash.
  • No more than 1/10 (0.10) Dash per person.   Once Dash is over $500/Dash this will be adjusted to 1/20 (0.05) Dash.
  • New Dash users will be shown how to load a mobile wallet (Android or iOS) to use their new Dash.
  • New users will be given instructions on how to get more Dash, and how to spend Dash at merchants (like
  • Suggest to new users that they give some of their new Dash to others to continue the network effect.
  • I will not keep any of the Dash (except the refund of the 5 DASH proposal fee).  I will continue to find new users, or I will reduce the proposal to fit within my ability to introduce Dash to others.
Why me?
My name is Tron, and I currently work for a very influential company in the crypto space -- Medici Ventures (  It's owned by and focuses on advancing blockchain technology.  Medici Ventures invests in a portfolio of companies including Factom, Bitt, Ripio, Spera, and other crypto Fintech companies that fall into our six areas of investment.  Before working for Medici, I was buying, trading, mining, and created a company that tracked the value of cryptocurrency portfolios in real-time.   I worked for t0 (tzero), a portfolio company of Medici Ventures, that issued the first publicly traded SEC acknowledged parallel crypto-equity from (  I've also worked for ANX International, a Fintech company located in Hong Kong which runs a Bitcoin exchange, offers Bitcoin Debit cards, and is currently working on a decentralized exchange.  I'm working with another portfolio company, Spera, to enable the unbanked to participate in the western world's freedom economy while getting paid in crypto-currency.

As part of my work for Medici, I helped get Dash accepted by

I've written articles about Dash before it was called Dash.  Here is an article I wrote in Feb 2015 about Darkcoin (renamed a month later to Dash) where I recommend the technology, but suggest that "widespread adoption would be easier with a moniker less associated with the web’s underbelly."

Here is a video of a recent presentation I gave at the theater in the Peace Coliseum where I work.  We had people from two different Bitcoin meetup groups and people from the largest Dash meetup group, led by Rion Gull.

I operate a masternode and have Dash's best interest in mind.

I will give instruction, and Dash to 50 people per month.
I participated in a recent Dash sponsored event, TEDx Salt Lake City, where we introduced over a thousand people to Dash through event sponsorship and a Dash giveaway.   It is this very successful event, and my work with Rion and Alex, that inspired me to write this proposal.

5 Dash/Month for six months - distribution to 50 people/month
5 Dash - proposal fee

I submitted a pre-proposal and it seemed to be well liked, except by one individual that seemed to be universally recognized as a troll.

My intention was to submit for a recurring six-month proposal plus the 5 DASH proposal fee, but I didn't see an easy way to do that, so I submitted a seven-month recurring proposal.  Once approved, I'll begin right away and the final month will refund the proposal fee.  If it succeeds as well as I hope, I will submit a new proposal at the end of the six months.

Thank you fellow masternodes for your consideration of my proposal.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Super cool! Thanks! We could not spend those Dash any better!
0 points,6 years ago
Update: I have received the final payment that I will be giving away to new Dash users. I am about 1 month behind in giving out the Dash to new users, but I have it segmented into its own wallet and will give away 100% of it. The last (7th) payment of 5 Dash is reimbursement for the proposal fee. I was able to talk about Dash and give Dash away to the executives of a large public company that specializes in data storage last month. I am still working on the opportunity to present Dash in front of the executives of another public company headquartered in Utah.

I will be attending Bitcoin and Raven coin meetups in the near future and plan on giving away Dash at both.

I will consider doing the same proposal again in the future, but for now, I want to make sure I give away the remaining Dash to the best candidates.

Thank you to all the MN that voted for the proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
voting no because of your username
1 point,6 years ago
Not a fan of the movies?
0 points,7 years ago
Dear Tron, pleasure to meet you, my name is Kenny and I am new here. Any tips on how I can get started? Im a total noob but I'm smart and quick learner. I look forward to your response. You can reach here on this platform or you can email anytime at '' thank you in advanced ~Kenny
0 points,7 years ago
My name is James and I run a one day Crypto Crash Course Workshop where we teach people how to secure their cryptocurrency with a Ledger Nano S Hardware Wallet. On January 13th, Tron presented to 28 students about Dash and gave everyone Dash in their Wallets. The students were super excited to speak to Tron and were super excited to learn more about Dash. Thanks Tron for your leadership in Salt Lake City, UT!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks James. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to make it to the course this weekend. I’m in NH working on a project with Bruce Fenton. I hope to make it to the next one.
1 point,7 years ago
This proposal should be updated to add more value or voluntarily discontinued after this proposal cycle. There should now be plenty of extra leftover funds to run this programs for months.
Right now it looks like people are getting $60 to setup a Dash wallet at current prices.
How many people have you given away Dash to each month so far?
what is the overall total of wallets and Dash?
Why have you not responded to questions on your thread or posted any updates?

[Pre-Proposal] Introduction and Dash Giveaway to New Users
1 point,7 years ago
I did provide an update -- see below for update.

I have given away all the Dash for previous months. I'm very close to on-track for this month. I went to the Dash meetup which Rion runs and gave away 0.025 Dash per person - cutting back on the 0.05.

I'm still working on two great opportunities in Jan or Feb to introduce Dash to executives of two large publicly traded companies. I'll need to travel for one of these opportunities. I'll either cover the cost personally or preferably the company will cover the travel costs.

I'm finding 100 (or more this month because of the 0.025) to introduce Dash each month.

I have 1.45 Dash remaining for this allocation (~29 more people by early Jan).

Predictably, I'm getting inundated with requests on how to purchase more Dash as everyone from the first month is seeing the appreciation in their wallet. I'm handling the requests as best I can.
0 points,7 years ago
Hello my friend . i live in Lithuania .And i got offer for you .Lithuania is young and perspective country with smart comunity but we need to speed up our progres as country our news already talk about bitcoin but only about it . I think my country is great oportunity for dash especialy with my help :) so if you got any ideas i can help ! just contact with me , of course i understand that all any crypto need is to be known for as many people as posible and with your leadership i could help DASH get to next level atleast in my country .thanks for attention ! Have a great day and holidays my dear cryptomaniacs :)
0 points,7 years ago
This is great!
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
I just wanted to provide an update. The first month was straightforward, as I was able to introduce Dash to co-workers and visitors to Medici Ventures.

For the second month, I was able to introduce Dash during a Dash presentation to a Bitcoin meetup which is now held in the Peace Coliseum. I reduced the amount from 0.1 Dash to 0.05 Dash because there were lots of meetup participants. Rion helped me distribute the Dash — thanks Rion.

I was asked to teach a crypto course for a local high school investing class. I expanded it to three days and covered Bitcoin in general, crypto investing, and a third class on Dash. Then I gave the high school senior students 0.05 Dash.
I asked the teacher if the students noticed the increase in value of their Dash. He said Dash is the talk of the high school senior class.

I try to make sure everyone has written down their 12 word recovery phrase. Most people ask me where they can get more. I’m fielding more texts, e-mails, and calls since the value has doubled.

For the next month, I will reduce the amount to 0.05 Dash as per my proposal because Dash now exceeds $500 per Dash. This will require additional networking on my part because it doubles the number of new users from 50 to 100.

There's a good chance that I will be able to present crypto and Dash to executives of two large companies over the next two months. I’ll provide more details if I can get permission from the companies.
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
Tron, do you have any brazilian business partner? an enterpreneur, digital influencer or Fintech contacts? Here in Brazil this proposal had a big chance to work. I vote YES.
0 points,7 years ago
I don't have any Brazilian business partners. Medici Ventures has invested in Ripio which is offering its services to several Latin American countries. Thanks for the YES vote.
-3 points,7 years ago
-4 points,7 years ago
-4 points,7 years ago
3 points,7 years ago
Whoa. Nice to stumble on your proposal, Tron. Looks like it's a hit already. For those of you who don't know Tron, he's a highly respected giant in the crypto scene here in Salt Lake City. His influence will do great things for Dash.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks, Rion. I was inspired by the Dash activity from you and Alex. If you have some more Dash meetup business cards, I could give those out. I have four left.
3 points,7 years ago
Would love to see regular updates of your giveaways from your social media profiles. What are they? Thanks!
0 points,7 years ago
I included my LinkedIn (above). I don't do much with Facebook or Twitter.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes please
0 points,7 years ago
Easy yes.
0 points,7 years ago
This sounds like a fun project. Will definitely vote yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Great talk about trading. Spread those wallets Tron!
1 point,7 years ago
sounds like a reasonable budget proposal, just make sure you give plenty of feedback to the community as 7 months is a long time-period, which means you really need to secure and hold any yes votes.
1 point,7 years ago
Agreed. I wrote down several ideas for accountability. I considered taking a photo of each participant. I considered submitting the name of every new user. It came down to.... I didn't want to start off new users by associating them with their crypto address, as it sends the wrong message. If the community trusts me, this will work. If the community doesn't trust me, then it doesn't work as I could just make up names. For my own record keeping, I will keep the name (first and last initial) and txid to prevent duplicates. I'll let the community know how it is going. It will be easy at first, and likely more difficult in later months. If I'm unable to fulfill my goal of 50/month, I'll let the community know it.
0 points,7 years ago
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you didn't include reimbursement for application, so technically you will get 0 Dash and you will give away from your own money.
1 point,7 years ago
I did include it as the 7th month. If there had been a way to do 5 DASH reimbursement and also 6 months recurring, I would have selected that option.
3 points,7 years ago
The 7th month will act as the reimbursement for the proposal fee from my understanding.