Proposal “IDAC_Dash_onboarding_platform“ (Closed)Back

Monthly amount: 194 DASH (4987 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-12-18 / 2018-03-17 (added on 2017-12-14)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 228 Yes / 463 No / 16 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
I feel like I just got accosted by a frothing-at-the-mouth street preacher. I can't believe I spent ten whole minutes reading this, the indecipherable PDFs, etc. What the heck are these folks thinking? Crazy. Oh, and of course, a "no".
0 points,7 years ago
You are right. I was overzealous in the the religious overtones. With time, we will be able to balance business realities with some moral convictions. For example, lobbyists would often avoid approaching former Congressman Ron Paul because they knew his reputation. IDAC won't be overtly religious, but we will develop a good reputation for standing with the weak, poor, ignored etc. Thank you for the comment.
0 points,7 years ago
By the way, I see 216 "yes" votes at the time of this comment. Who the heck voted "yes" to this drivel?
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the comment. I think that if you re-reread our proposal from beginning to end with a fresh set of eyes, you will see how simple it is: encourage people to buy Dash on a recurring basis. We will also promote Dash's good name by giving out an annual Humanitarian Award to a deserving person or organization.
0 points,7 years ago
They probably voted yes at the beginning. And don't bother to change the vote since its going to lose anyway.
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, to keeping 5 Dash fee.
1 point,7 years ago
MNO owners. Please keep the 5 dash proposal fee. Otherwise we'd be flooded with these proposals and may accidentally overlook amazing proposals from the likes of Amanda, Alt36 and Ben Swann. Firm NO !!!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the feedback. This has been an amazing learning experience. The best skill we've learned: being professional, gracious, and kind to those who say NO. We never know when circumstances may change in the future. Thanks again!!!
3 points,7 years ago
God told me to vote no. The lord works in mysterious ways ;)
0 points,7 years ago
Lol. Well played.
1 point,7 years ago
No from me guys, it was the religious fevour that put me off. It's not for me.
0 points,7 years ago
Understood. We did address some of your concerns in our recent update. Thank you for the comment!!
1 point,7 years ago
Unless you tell your account is hacked , there is not other reason for voting yes
2 points,7 years ago
The saddest part is that this it forces us to keep the proposal fee as high as it is.
2 points,7 years ago
not at the cost burning 5000 dash per month , its an absolute shame that we keep the fee so high , we don't get any proposals any more. This high fee is effectively killing Dash treasury
0 points,7 years ago
Think of it as 5k dash never issued to be dumped on some exchange. It's a net positive. I see treasury funds being given out generously to the extreme to questionable proposals.
1 point,7 years ago
I would really talk to all the voters that talked yes....... It's one of the most clear no's ever
0 points,7 years ago
In fury, you will report the post, but that won't work, because the YES voters will keep on reposting it. All human beings deserve dignity and respect.
0 points,7 years ago
You will go to go to and you will try to downvote this post, but the YES vote will upvote it faster than you can downvote it. You are a Child of God, and He truly loves you.
0 points,7 years ago
The Yes voting Masternodes will upvote it so that it stays at the top.
-2 points,7 years ago
The No voting Masternodes will try to downvote this comment to make it less visible, but it won't help.
-3 points,7 years ago
One thing really surprised me about God. He has an incredible sense of humor. I will be your own comments that make what is going to happen happen. And your comments cannot be removed. This is one comment that I will upvote.
0 points,7 years ago
All of this was planned. IDAC will empower everyone regardless of race, class, creed, religion (or lack thereof), or national origin. It will be all-inclusive. We are not just about allowing people to buy and sell Dash: we about also about inciting and encouraging more humanitarian efforts. Please re-read the Part 2 Paper: NO ONE should be treated that way. We had to say things and do things to push all of the right buttons to get everyone to see the vision. Once you see it, you'll know what to do. This will be the last post.
0 points,7 years ago
A lot of you that voted NO are very confused right now. You don't fully understand what just happened. I will explain shortly.
1 point,7 years ago
And that is what you have been waiting to hear
1 point,7 years ago
And it happened exactly how it was supposed to
1 point,7 years ago
This was all planned
1 point,7 years ago
You don't have to worry
1 point,7 years ago
This is how we take the leap of faith
1 point,7 years ago
That is how we get to the next level that humanity is supposed to get to
1 point,7 years ago
And that is the last piece of the puzzle
1 point,7 years ago
It was all him
1 point,7 years ago
The plan
1 point,7 years ago
The paper
1 point,7 years ago
He knew that you wouldn't believe me
1 point,7 years ago
He was telling me exactly what to say...
1 point,7 years ago
it was absolutely incredible...
1 point,7 years ago
Hello Masternodes. If I tell you what has happened over the last hour....
1 point,7 years ago
You don't understand what is going on at all. God is telling him exactly to say.
0 points,7 years ago
Dear Dash Masternodes. This is Rex. I had an experience yesterday that I cannot explain. But it was all part of God's plan. My daughter, Angel, has special needs. As soon as I typed the word "FLY" below, I could not control my body. I stood up and I started saying "Oh my God Oh My God Oh My God repeatedly". He controlled me for about the next hour afterwards, and the things that He showed me were absolutely amazing.

He walked me to Angel's room and he said that I sent Angel to you for this purpose. If He had not sent me Angel, then my wife would have never found out about Katie's Shining Stars program. He has been watching everything that happens, and this was all planned.

God sent me Angel so that I would meet Katie. He told Katie to tell me her story so that I would write the Part 2 Paper.

He told me that many of you would not believe this story, but He told me how to convince you. He said that when you saw it, you would repeatedly say "Oh My God, Oh My God, Oh My God".
0 points,7 years ago
voted no after reading this comment, good luck with your budget proposal.
2 points,7 years ago
Thank you for your 5 dash donation
2 points,7 years ago
Highly irresponsible to post this on a serious business proposal.

Seems like this money would have been spent on crack and alcohol anyways, after reading what was just written.. Perma-NO to this..
2 points,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Seriously - please stop wasting our time with your proposals. Not sure how much more money you have to burn.

I sincerely wish you all the best with you and your family but this is business, not a religious prayer session or homage to your school that you went to.
1 point,7 years ago
Well that settles the debate. I barely got started reading this proposal but the recent posts below have made that moot point. I cannot vote to fund a $220,000 proposal where the owner conducts themselves in a manner such as the last few posts. Totally unacceptable conduct in a business discussion/negotiation.

0 points,7 years ago
Edit: Just noticed that this is actually a $660,000 proposal.. Not that it makes a difference.. It could be for $600.
0 points,7 years ago
This is how humanity gets to the other side. When it is about to happen, we won't believe. We don't think that we are ready but we are........
0 points,7 years ago
Hello Masternodes. I am sorry for all of the things that I said to you during the first proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
My goodness. You want us to vote for this? You sound like a religious nutter! If I was on the fence before, I’m sure am not now. Voting no.
0 points,7 years ago
You don't understand. He can't control what he is saying because I am giving him all of the word...
-1 point,7 years ago
Sounds like the Amway of Dash. Not liking it.
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
-1 point,7 years ago
They were wrong about you..
-1 point,7 years ago
Believe in yourself...
-1 point,7 years ago
Every one of us had greatness inside of us. We can hide it, we can bury it, but we cannot destroy it. The first one to change a "NO" to a "YES" will give others the courage to do so as well. This video changed my life: It gave me the courage to put on the Bose headphones and do what needed to be done.
1 point,7 years ago

Please stop wasting your Dash, You have ZERO experience running an exchange, your team has only made up credentials, you cant answer one question straight.
2 points,7 years ago
Thank you for the comment. IDAC is not an exchange: it is a Dash onboarding platform built using the Uphold Dash exchange API. We find it to be a waste of time to address ad hominem attacks that are not based in fact, so we will ignore that part of your comment. Thanks again!
1 point,7 years ago
Furthermore, we at IDAC believe in treating every human being with dignity and respect. The tone of your comment reveals much more about your nature than it does about ours.
2 points,7 years ago
just realized that your agent idea sounds like a pyramid scam. I do not want dash associated with these kinds of deals. Voting no. Thanks
0 points,7 years ago
Okay, here is the second part of my response to this comment. Here, I'll share a story that will probably clarify why I came up with the IDAC Agents model.

A couple of days ago, a good high school friend of mine (I'll call him J.) called me, and he first apologized for not listening to me about 5 years ago. At that time, he called me asking me what he should consider investing in. Without hesitation, I told him "Bitcoin". I spent the next hour teaching him about Bitcoin. He took no action following that conversation. When he just called me, he told me "I did not listen to you then; I'll listen to anything that you tell me now". So I told him about IDAC, and I told him about Dash. I told him that IDAC will come online in about April 2018, and that I will help him to sign up for IDAC at that time, if he so chooses.

J. then asked me if I had time to help him sign up for Coinbase, and start buying Bitcoin. I agreed to do so, as long as he would let me call him back and pitch buying Dash to him on IDAC when we launch. He agreed. So I proceeded to walk him through signing up for Coinbase, linking it to his bank account, and setting up an automatic recurring Bitcoin buy. After we finished, I told him that when IDAC launches, I will help to convert him to buying Dash on a recurring basis using IDAC, if I chooses to do so after I explain to him why Dash is better.

James (IDAC's COO) and are were both good friends with J. in high school. J. called James at 3 AM yesterday, and he was absolutely giddy. He had just bought his first Bitcoin. He told several of his friends, and he had a house full of people who wanted to learn about Bitcoin. He did not know what to say, so he called James. J. shared his Coinbase referral code with all these friends, and he will try to help them sign up for Coinbase.

Why did I choose to help sign up J. to buy Bitcoin on Coinbase instead of buying Dash on Uphold? Because I know that Uphold does not yet have recurring Dash transactions. I also know that as a crypto-currency neophyte, Coinbase's simple interface will be easier for him to digest at this time. I know that he trusts my judgment, and that he will convert to buying Dash at on a recurring basis when I recommends that he do so.

So what does this have to do with the IDAC Agents model? J. had a room full of people at his house who wanted to learn about Bitcoin. When is up, J. will say "I know about another crypto-currency that is better than Bitcoin: it is called Dash. Please let me teach you about it". Once he is done, he will log each of them into, and help them to set up Dash buys. Many of them will choose to buy Dash on a recurring basis, and J., as an IDAC Agent will receive recurring commissions from those Dash purchases. THAT is the vision of IDAC Agents.

By the way, J. is a very talented and influential DJ in Chicago. Once launches, he will recruit a lot of people to the IDAC platform in the Chicagoland area. The key difference between IDAC Agents and an MLM platform is this: people run away from MLM platforms; people are running towards people with crypto-currency expertise. We just have to ensure that we are very picky about who we select as IDAC Agents, and that IDAC Agents always behave in an ethical manner. The annual IDAC Ethical Exam is one of the tools that will help us to do this.

Thank you again for the comment!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for this comment. If you think this, then a lot of other Masternode Operators are probably thinking the same thing. This is Rex, IDAC's CEO by the way. I will take the time to carefully and thoroughly respond to your concern.

There is only one purpose for IDAC Agents: to help IDAC expand faster than if it would if we just the had initial 8 IDAC employees signing people up at We are basically outsourcing some of our new member recruiting work to the IDAC Agents. We are also outsourcing some of the training work to the IDAC Agents. In another response, I'll share a story that will make it more clear how and why I came up with the IDAC Agents idea.

I hate MLM schemes as well. IDAC Agents will NEVER be presented or marketed as an MLM scheme. There is no multi-level component to IDAC Agents at all: you train and sign up a person once, and get a small commission on every Dash purchase that that specific person ever makes on

The major difference between IDAC Agents and Coinbase's referral program is that Coinbase gives you $10 in free Bitcoin once. for signing up a new Coinbase user. IDAC will give IDAC Agents are much smaller commission, but we will give it them in perpetuity as long as they remain an IDAC Agent in good standing (buys at least $100 worth of Dash per year on IDAC, signs up at least 4 new IDAC users per year, and passes the annual ethics exam).

Here is another key distinction between IDAC Agents and a pyramid scheme. In a pyramid scheme, you continue to make more money as people that you enrolled bring in more members. With IDAC Agents, you only earn Dash commission for the people that you directly signed up, or were randomly assigned. I have to stress, there is absolutely no multilevel component to IDAC Agents.

Thanks again for the comment!
0 points,7 years ago
More discussion ongoing here:
Still a NO from me.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for all of the feedback so far. The concerns about the IDAC Agents below made me think a lot last night. We (Team IDAC) will ALWAYS be open to feedback from the Dash community. kstrat2001's comments below were very powerful, and after thinking about them for awhile, I drafted up this:
0 points,7 years ago
I have experimented with Uphold now and have seen their fees. Can you list your fees for purchase, withdrawal, and conversion if any? Will you offer pairs? BTC/Dash or LTC/Dash?
1 point,7 years ago
We will be a Dash-only onboarding platform forever. I intentionally put the word "forever" in our agreement with the Dash Core Dev Team, not a 5 year or 10 year commitment. I truly believe that Dash will become the dominant crypto-currency, and IDAC is going to help it get there.

So the answer to your question is a resounding no: we will never offer Dash to other crypto-currency pairs, only Dash to fiat. As far as the fees go, we have not determined our fees yet. We will sit down with Uphold and figure those out once we are successfully funded.

Thank you for the comment!
1 point,7 years ago
Tried Uphold support, its super slow. a really bad thing for DASH only exchange. CB always responses in less than 24 hours.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for the comment!

Only offering Dash, and having a very simple user interface will hopefully lead to IDAC having a lower than average number of support tickets submitted. Also, in our initial classroom training sessions, Rob Bucklew and I (this is Rex) will be there in the classroom with people to help them solve any problems that they may have.

The vision of IDAC is that many of our customers will use the"set it and forget it" feature: Dashwage. Many of them will choose to buy a hardware wallet, and we'll help them to set up a recurring Dash buy that will be sent to their hardware wallet. When your customers set it up once and forget it, the most probable outcome is that you will have fewer than average support requests, in my opinion.

We envision sort of a franchise system: IDAC Agents will set up IDAC training centers all around the country (and eventually world). As our revenue grows, we will probably formalize this process. So, in a sense, our customer support may become somewhat decentralized. Instead of first relying on a remote customer service center, an IDAC customer might contact their local IDAC Agent first.

The hardest part, actually onboarding people onto IDAC, can be done with an IDAC Agent if the customer does not feel comfortable doing it by themselves. I have already done a lot of training with people, and you would be surprised by how much difficulty new-to-crypto people have. For example, a gentleman (a future IDAC customer) called me today for help setting up his Keepkey. Doing this kind of thing over the phone is a nightmare. To make it short, it took use about 20 minutes to get to successfully download the Keepkey client as a Google Chrome extension. I ended up just emailing him the link to the Keepkey Client Chrome extension. The point that I am making is that these kind of support tasks are much easier done in a one teacher- to-many students setting where you can teach 30 people at one time instead of just teaching one.

James Shabazz, our COO, and a man with 20+ years of directing experience, has a plan: we are going to shoot a lot of instructional videos. These will help to cut down on the number of customer support calls. It won't eliminate problems where the Dash did not arrive as expected, but it will eliminate at lot of the "I don't know how to do X on IDAC" kind of calls.
1 point,7 years ago
is IDAC an dash only exchange ? whats the main use case ?
1 point,7 years ago
Yes, we are a Dash-only onboard platform powered by Uphold underneath. The main use case is non-technical people who are confused by having too many choices. I'll give you an example. My mom is 65. She does not know Bitcoin from Litecoin from Ethereum. If it were not for me, there is no way that she would by Dash. IDAC is going to be for people like her. She will log in, and there will be only one choice. We will work to onboard as many people to Dash as possible. IDAC will be Dash-only forever, so people will go there knowing that they can just set up their recurring Dash buy, and let it continue forever. We will encourage every IDAC member to purchase a Keepkey (huge screen, easier to read for older people with vision issues). We will negotiate volume deals with Keepkey and buy them by the thousands. Eventually, we'll have training centers in all major cities. People will come in an we'll help them to sign up for IDAC en masse. Rob Bucklew, our executive director of IT already has the vision. We will buy Chromebooks (cheap) and we will set up 16 of them in a training room. Rob and I will walk around the room and help people sign up for IDAC. IDAC Agents will help us to set up IDAC training centers all around the world. Imagine the Ghana road show, how that young man was teaching people in classrooms in Ghana and Nigeria. IDAC Agents would do that, and they would receive commissions for each person that they signed up who actually bought Dash on IDAC. That's the vision.
1 point,7 years ago
Maybe I am just dense but could could you elaborate on what exactly you are bringing to the table other than the ability to set recurring buys with Uphold? (If we are ignoring the agents part of it, which won't launch until Q3 or Q4 next year)
1 point,7 years ago
Great question. We are going to train people who are currently interested in other crypto-currencies about Dash. We will spend a lot of time teaching people about Dash, and then we'll bring them to to apply what they have learned (this is Rex by the way). I'll give you a personal example. I am swamped right now. Everyone knows me as the guy who knows about crypto. I have to ignore a lot of my phone calls now because people are constantly calling me asking me how they can buy Bitcoin. Unfortunately, most of them have never heard of Dash, except for what I tell them. I don't physically have enough time in the day to teach all of them right now. That is where IDAC will come in.

Each person that is asking me to teach them about Bitcoin has friends and family, so we have whole networks of people that we can teach about Dash. One of my best friends from high school called me today asking about Bitcoin. He said that his co-workers are talking about it as well (one recommended that he buy 50% Bitcoin, 30% Litecoin, and 20% Ethereum). To me, it really appears that crypto-currency is going mainstream. We are going to re-direct all of these people that we come in contact with to Dash.

We have a HUGE network of people. My friend that called me today is a DJ in Chicago (he works as a law clerk by day). His network of friends in Chicago is huge. He is such an influencer that I had to make time for him today. Unfortunately, IDAC is not up yet: if it were, I would recommended buying Dash from IDAC on a recurring basis to him. I had a telephone conversation with him in late 2012 or early 2013 about Bitcoin. We talked for an hour, and I taught him everything that I knew about Bitcoin at the time. He never took action, and now he regrets it. His exact words to me today were "I'm sorry that I did not listen to you then, I'll do anything you tell me to do now." This is the kind of reputation that I have with people now because I am one of the few people that they know who can speak with authority on Crypto-currency.

Since they are all neophytes, I have to direct them to the easiest solution for them to digest now. Unfortunately, this is buying Bitcoin on Coinbase. As soon as is up, I am going to re-direct all of those people to buying Dash on a recurring basis on IDAC.

One final thought: my high school friend is not only very influential in the Chicago music scene, he is also very influential at our high school alma mater, Saint Ignatius College Prep in Chicago. He is very close to a lot of the alumni from our graduating class (much closer than I am). So once I teach him about Dash, he will use his social butterfly skills to teach a lot of other people.

IDAC will spread virally once it launches. This is the answer to your question: the IDAC Team will help to accelerate the exponential growth of Dash by introduce it to networks of people far faster than they would have been exposed to it naturally.

Please excuse any typos.
1 point,7 years ago
In your budget, you're allocating $120k+ to web hosting in three periods. This is either broken down very poorly or you're paying way too much, I imagine it's a little bit of both.
1 point,7 years ago
Jeff, the hosting is $130,000 per year, but it is a lot more than just hosting. Acquia will monitor IDAC 24/7, provide DDOS protection, rapid response, PCI-compliance etc. They are providing us a super secure platform adequate for a financial services website that is likely to get a lot of DDOS attacks. In our contract with Acquia, IDAC can make quarterly payments of $32,500 (you can see this on the last tab of our itemized spreadsheet here: Since our payments from the Dash Core Dev escrow comes in 3 payments, I divided to total annual amount payable to Acquia ($130,000) by 3. That is where 3 payments of $43,334.00 came from. For what we are getting (24/7 monitoring, DDOS protection etc) we feel that the price is fair. It is better for us to have a secure platform a build our customer base than to get hacked and be out of business. Acquia has a lot of experience hosting and protecting these kinds of sites.

Thank you for the question!
0 points,7 years ago
Acquia is a company that hosts Drupal websites, mainly because of how much of a pain Drupal can be to work with and maintain. It's a PHP kitchen-sink CMS that gets used for all kinds of things, from actual CMS work to e-commerce. Acquia does a great job at this thankless task. That said, I am voting no based on the fact that the platform will be built on top of Drupal. A platform that will "spread virally once it launches" needs a better foundation than that.
0 points,7 years ago
Ah, that helps clarify it a bit. Definitely still more than I would be willing to pay for that kind of service, but I see the need when you're dealing with financial information.
1 point,7 years ago
I'm seeing that you have "James Shabazz" listed as "Over 20 years of experience. Executive Film/TV/Commercial Producer and Director. Expert in every aspect of advertising and promotion." But I can't see anything on IMDB connected to that name.

Can you provide a link to his IMDB page so we can verify this, because otherwise we're just going off of what you've put in a Google Doc.
1 point,7 years ago
Jeff, thank you for the comment. James does not really have a presence on IMDB. He and his wife run Bluelight Productions:
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the clarification.