Proposal “First-Two-great-conference-in-Spain“ (Closed)Back

Title:Proposal for 2 first conferences in SPAIN teaching about Dash as decentralized fintech project
Monthly amount: 60 DASH (1642 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 121 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-06-17 (added on 2018-04-15)
Votes: 663 Yes / 109 No / 26 Abstain

Proposal description

Proposal for 2  first conferences in SPAIN teaching about Dash as decentralized fintech project

Link pre-proposal:


The conference will be in Spain, in the area of ​​Castilla y León, (a great region).
I have been invited to give these conferences, in 2 entrepreneurship and business creation centers, through local blockchain
The conference will be covered by local media (radio, newspapers, TV). (I have friends in the media.) So you may have to do interviews with the press, with a greater media impact.


These conferences would be of the first talks that occur in Spain, about Dash. The only reference of meeting I have Fernando G. (Dash Core Team) in
Valencia, another region far away.
According to the statistics of visits of the Dash site, Spain is in the ranking 17 it is necessary that Dash is better known in Spain, to make
synergies with Latin America and Africa.
Spain has a large community of Latin American and African immigrants. It is estimated that the population of immigrants is 5.85 million
The treasury of Dash is making great efforts in Venezuela, (country with Spanish language) and Africa (a whole continent). The expansion of Dash in Spain, can allow to make synergies between the habitants of these geographical areas with their compatriots in Spain with to use the sending of remittances through Dash.
That the people who attend the conference can see an activemember of the Dash community (I consider myself) explaining the project and
answering the questions that arise.
In addition to acting as an intermediary between Dash and possible B2B, B2C projects that may arise from the conferences, with the
business expansion area of Dash Core.
Creation of a large number of wallets, with the draw of a dash airdrop among the people who attend (managers of export-import companies
& local merchants)
 The treasury funds I request are: 121 dash
To facilitate other proposals I request the funds in 2 payments.
60.5 First payment for First conference
60.5 Second payment for Second conference
The first conference would be in the end of May and the second in the end of June.

Note: If the fluctuation were favorable it would be distributed in the airdrops, more merchandising & advertising
The first pre-budget had a cost of 38120 (125.5 dash), and I managed to reduce this by negotiating at the current price. 121 dash.

Thank you.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Looks like you might pass this time blockchaintech...fantastic ! Congratulations for sticking with it.
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Which exchange/s are you using to spend the dash via fiat for these conferences?
0 points,6 years ago
For companies we will explain how to use for its ease of use.
But we are going to name several exchange oriented to services of companies we emphasize and a special mention to (Spanish exchange that has Dash gift cards).
0 points,6 years ago
Dash Watch May 28th 2018 Report on
Proposal for 2 first conferences in Spain teaching about Dash as decentralized fintech project by blockchaintech
0 points,6 years ago
I am really happy that this proposal got funded since one of the target of the marketing campaign from Core is Spain.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support, we are working for the first conference to show
Dash as:
A decentralized FinTech solution based on Blockchain technology Ideal to be used as a B2B and B2C financial platform, and also its use in remittances.
1 point,6 years ago
There will be space in the budget for this important proposal if the strike social proposal promoting the awful "what is dash" video gets voted out. .
0 points,6 years ago
I hope that the other MN operators consider the same importance as you and (that I) to this proposal soon, there is little time left for the end of the cycle ..
The synergies that could be created between Latin America and Africa could raise the flow of Tx. daily to 1 year view. Thx.
1 point,6 years ago
voting YES.
"Creation of a large number of wallets, with the draw of a dash airdrop among the people who attend" - Excellent. I want Dash in more hands
0 points,6 years ago
Thank You for you support
-1 point,6 years ago
Spain has an old connection with many of the latin american countries where dash is doing well. It is important to make dash strong in spain as it opens up many opportunities for partnerships. The budget for the conference is very reasonable too. Hope this passes. Best of luck !
1 point,6 years ago
Indeed, as indicated in the proposal in Spain there is a large immigrant population of Latin America, which are sending remittances at a high cost but they do not know the advantages that Dash can show them as decentralized FinTech technology for sending remittances. (InstandSend and low cost)

In a recent advertising video, with the little blue bird, without saying anything, he says the day to day of the people who send money to their families on the other side of the world.

Dash is Digital Cash, but people do not know it, and we want to make it known in Spain, coinciding with the first versions of Evolution, to have a great impact.

Thank you for your support,
1 point,6 years ago
You have put a lot of effort and thought into this. We should promote proposals that have a chance of creating adoption and not advertising and sponsorship. Remittance is the best use case. Wish you the best.
0 points,6 years ago
The inspiration to launch this proposal was given to me by Alex-ru's video, which I translated the subtitles into Spanish (he could confirm it).
1 point,6 years ago
Voting yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thank You for you support
1 point,6 years ago
UPDATE: We are working on the design of merchandising and advertising products.
We show you some examples. (see pre-proposal link).

Thank you.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello I confirm that we (Dash Help Venezuela) will be supporting this proposal and providing support to all the attendees of these conferences.

Soon we will expand our call service to Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and SPAIN.

Dash Help Venezuea
0 points,6 years ago
We talk and concrete ideas with Alejando in Discord, and we plan to make a live connection via Skype, to indicate to the audience of the conference, that there is a Spanish-language Dash support center, (level 1 support) where they can contact.

Thanks for your support.
0 points,6 years ago
Voted YES.
Please keep us informed on the dates of the events. It is possible we might be able to attend if you can give us enough advanced notice.
Saludos desde Colombia!
0 points,6 years ago
The dates would be at the end of May that of the city of Valladolid.
and at the end of June that of the city of León.

If I can advance, that in the conference of the city of Leon, we have made a partnership with the First International Blockchain event in the Castilla y León region, this event will be held on those dates and we have incorporated into its program of activities.
In this event we intend to be first level sponsors.
But it is subject to the approval of the proposal. Of course.

All the updates would be made in the pre-proposal, from the day of the distribution of the treasury. We are working hard.
Gracias por tu apoyo.
0 points,6 years ago
Dear blockchaintech,
Lets start our community in Spain.
Easy yes, good luck.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support, I hope it is possible.

I would like the people who voted no, they would make feedback to improve.
I do not understand why an initiative to expand in a geographical area where we have not worked to educate about dash, they are closing doors. And I would like to know what we are wrong about.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello, exciting proposal! I will PM you on Discord in order to see the possibility of an alliance with you and our spanish support center (Dash Help Venezuela).

For calls we are only in Venezuela (for the moment) but the livechat and ticket support is open worldwide.

Let’s work together.

Dash Help Venezuela
0 points,6 years ago
As I said in the pre-proposal, seems like a good place to start making inroads since we already have so many others in Spanish-speaking countries, including the Spanish-speaking Help Desk (which is something you should mention to your attendees). It also seems that a large source of remittances to Venezuela come from Spain, according to AgroCognitive, so that's a helpful thing to know as well. Each country's dynamics are so different, so it's important to have people working in each region that know all of the details.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks you for your feedback Arthyron.
About this: Including the Spanish-speaking Help Desk (which is something you should mention to your attendees)

In my twitter account (I invite you to visit @blockchaintecno) I have already mentioned it, and other important events related to Dash in Spain, the world, and Latin-America.
0 points,6 years ago
From this, we can gauge interest/awareness for future Spanish proposals and if there are more ways to reach this area of the world.
-4 points,6 years ago
No escrow no money, comprende amigo? Go get escrow and come back next month.
1 point,6 years ago
@dashed some of our best projects could not start with escrow because they needed the seed capital to get going. I'm not sure escrow is appropriate on this one. This project ties in nicely with the Latam projects. they are asking a very modest amount. Spain is the most visited country after the USA for Venezuelan's who are earning money to send home so it is important if you could also find a way to target the Venezuelan's in Spain it would even be better. Then show them how they can send money home with DASH. This would provide a huge inflow of DASH money from oversees into Venezuela.
1 point,6 years ago
@Dashed - Escrow is a very important part of many proposals, but not every single one. Stop being rude and dogmatic.
0 points,6 years ago
@Arthyron Very good comment and answer.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your comment.

I sent Fernando G. (Dash Core) a message several days ago asking him for advice when I received a scrow offer from Green Candle Inc. he should not have read it message, he did not answer me, I suppose he has a lot of work.

Then I made the decision to divide the money in 2 parts:
One for the month of May and one for the month of June.

Since a conference would be at the end of the month of May and the other at the end of the month of June I would need the funds to start working.

I have made an 'auto-scrow' in my proposal, to facilitate the approval of other proposals.