Proposal “DashfortheWin“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash For The Win!
One-time payment: 55 DASH (1415 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-09-18 / 2017-10-16 (added on 2017-09-17)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 379 Yes / 270 No / 61 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Thanks for the privilege of submitting this proposal. I need to emphasize once again that my sole purpose as a DASH investor myself is to continue to promote DASH and be a pathfinder for user's and consumers of DASH. Our experience so far is that nothing gets people more interested in DASH than having a DASH wallet. Having a wallet with $10 signup bonus inspires people to become consumers and seek answers to their questions about digital currency and starts them down the path way of trying to understand how to make DASH a part of their future life as consumers.

This proposal has three elements, two involve projects that I have started and funded thus far however, we think for them to grow additional investment from DASH is necessary. Three weeks ago I decided to leave my home base of Austin/Nacogdoches Texas to promote DASH in areas that I have lived in the past few years.  My purpose was to demonstrate my commitment to Dash and reconnect with contacts that I had relationships with through my investment in Bitcoin and find new DASH users. In the past 3 weeks I have had over 300 discussions about DASH in 4 different states and how it is superior to bitcoin.

Project 1- East Texas Dash Meetup Club - We have started a base group of 15 digital currency enthusiasts with a diverse demographic. Realtors, Chamber of Commerce, finance and students we also have our headquarters at a popular Vapor Shop. The owner has done a great job of creating a positive atmosphere  where you can buy DASH at his store. All customers receive pamphlets on DASH with their purchases and 15% off when they pay with DASH. Our purpose with this part of our marketing is to get more new people to use DASH wallets and to introduce the concept of digital currency. Many members of our group are starting discussions in our community and we are working to get a DASH article in the newspaper at Stephen F. Austin State University, which has a computer programming class that is willing to collaborate with us subject to the funding of this proposal.

(12 DASH)

Project 2- Start a Santa Barbara, CA Dash Meetup Club - My former Realtor and Bitcoin holder, Mark D. Martinez, wants to become a DASH Ambassador. I believe he will do a great job to increase the DASH presence in this area of the California Central Coast . I've also had discussions with other contacts in this area who can help him.  Santa Barbara is a hub for investors. He has already started discussions with clients and friends about digital currency and the fact that he has owned Bitcoin since 2012 and was the host for my Bitcoin mining machines during this time period shows his dedication. He is also willing to do the same tasks that we have done in the East Texas Dash Meetup Club by hosting the DASH meetup group in his office, look for users and consumers through signup bonus, investors, a host for a DASH ATM's and work to collaborate with various organizations and institutions throughout this community with the assistance of the DASH marketing funds.

(5 DASH)

Project 3 - Dash For The Win! Which is the main project I focus on a daily basis using the balance of the funds to continue to get wallets set up by using the signup bonus, new proposals created and to expand our ecosystem. Tasks include social media presence, flyer distribution, banner placements for promotions, DASH t-shirts and other merchandise, our experience is that nothing gets people more interested in DASH than having a DASH wallet with a signup bonus and watching it grow. I think we have been very effective and we have more work to do spanning the globe! 

Here is some of the actions I have completed with the 30 DASH funded to me I believe that Dash growth is partly dependent on getting more people to install DASH wallets and this helps inspire more consumers to research and understand how to become users of DASH.

First Austin DASH MEETUP 
This was in Santa Barbara-bought people coffee that came through
This was in Seattle- I went from Seattle to San Diego over last two weeks promoting DASH!
My efforts can be seen HERE! 
My Twitter Page

(38 DASH)

The goal is to grow our ecosystem and we feel that we continue to prove our commitment to DASH and that our marketing strategies are successful at bringing in new DASH wallet users, consumers and expanding the dialogue about digital currency. I think the return of investment will far exceed the 55 DASH requested in this proposal.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
14 HOURS LEFT- DASH MIRACLES DO HAPPEN! Masternodes that voted no suddenly seeing the light! A surge of YES VOTES from EVAN AND RYAN! #dashforthewin
-1 point,7 years ago
Honored by the 376 yes votes! When Dash For the Win! feels the love we become inspired! Thank you so much!
1 point,7 years ago
Hey man, you're fighting the good fight. Some how, some way, you and the Dash community are all going to win. solarguy
0 points,7 years ago
Oh man I appreciate that! So much! I get new ideas everyday!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much everyone. Up to 312 votes!
0 points,7 years ago
Let's support this very good proposal of blake this helping us to arrive Dash in the most hidden corners :)
-1 point,7 years ago
Daniel you have a true warrior spirit! May Dash be with you always!
0 points,7 years ago
I hope everyone had fun at the conference in London last night! That would have been cool to go to... I am back in my hometown now-after traveling for almost three weeks. It feels good to be home-it was great getting out and talking about DASH-I'd like to focus in on my hometown now. I think with the group of people we have here we could do a lot.

I think I got a few people in Austin to go to the next meetup-they were interested-it's funny many people I run into now know about Ethereum but not DASH- I think that will flip soon once our proposal/treasury system starts rip-roaring!

Anyway, just voicing thoughts on here- Dash is headed for #1.... I can feel it. I was reading in Bitcoin reddit today about a guy going to a UK political rally and holding up a BUY BITCOIN sign and everyone was commenting about how cool it would be to get more stuff like this out there... to have some kind of marketing...... D-D-D-DASH!!!!!!
2 points,7 years ago
Well I'll say this-doesnt look like Dash needs me and I'm ok with fact I'm more bullish than ever.

I just wanted to spread Dash out to people who might not otherwise hear about it.

This coin has the best community and Dash Force News I tip my hat to!
3 points,7 years ago
Blake - keep the awesome paint job on your van. You never know what opportunities it will bring for you in the future.
2 points,7 years ago
I've thought about that-it really does open doors. Sometimes I feel like Mr. Sales Guy in it but I also feel that I am "selling" a pretty revolutionary product. (Geez, I just can't stop being Mr. Sales Guy!)
1 point,7 years ago
To the 114 YES votes I say thank you!
0 points,7 years ago
At Spiderhouse Coffeeshop now-bitcoin ATM and meetups held here-bought 20 customers drinks with the footnote "....don't thank me thank Dash Digital Cash." Gave out 16 flyers. Gave bartender/Batista $10 in his Dash wallet
0 points,7 years ago
At Barton Springs-two digital currency enthusiasts have approached so far! Gave two flyers invited them to check the meetup sight. Banner out on the hill with great visibility!
2 points,7 years ago
Third proposal and still no itemization. Dash is not just a digital token, it is money. On your previous proposal, you said you gave one person $20 and then another asked for $50 and you gave him $50. Then the guy who got $20 wanted more obviously because I'd even be mad if you shorted my free Dash by more then double then the other person got. Understand that when giving any Dash out, act like your handing over a $20 bill or a $50, it's the exact same thing. This whole problem is solved by itemizing.

I think you still don't understand the concept I'm trying to tell you to do. Be specific on where funds are going.

also I quote he commented "Fuck Dash" on the last proposal. Not the type of person I'd fund for several reasons.
1 point,7 years ago
Whilst 'Fuck Dash' isn't exactly a comment any if us can get on board with here I think you are stripping away a lot of context around that comment there - at least so far as I recall when reading it a while back.

Blake's apologised and, whilst I can't speak for you and your life choices, I have certainly said and done things in my past I wish I hadn't. I think most people have too, so disagree by all means (and I would agree with you that an itemized proposal would make me far better disposed toward a yes vote too) but perhaps try to let bygones be just that too.

Hanging on to past slights is in no-ones interests and Blake is clearly passionate about this cause - if a little Impulse Disordered at times too 😘 Blake I would add that I'm not sure that your 'stream of consciousness' use of the comments section here for updates really helps your proposals as much as you may think it does - things get increasingly diffuse-feeling for me as the days progress. Perhaps you could use slack, dash forum or a blog to achieve the same ends without the clutter here?
0 points,7 years ago
I appreciate your comment.

I'm working on impulse control with a licensed therapist that I've convinced to accept Dash! As a bed wetter for most of my adult life I'm facing a lot of fears-both real and unreal.

In all seriousness I love Dash and I hope to do more for it.

If I were to itemize a list of how much Dash I've given out and the amounts I think we would all be shocked.

If I could do anything different it would have been to appear professional at all times. I just always thought those types of people end up being the true scoundrels.

But thank you for the comment. I love Dash and am learning to embrace critique on the web. I only got back on the web to promote Dash-I remain-a Luddite at heart.
-1 point,7 years ago
I shouldn't have said that. But I'll say this-Im proud of the recent work I've done.
-1 point,7 years ago
Tomorrow morning I'll be at Barton Springs in Austin passing out Dash shirts and flyers-ill take some photos. I'll post my photos as well from my promotions in Seattle and California. Just missing the power supply to my computer. Good stuff though-had a blast.
1 point,7 years ago
Hello, everyone. I have been a witness of how Blake's work and enthusiasm has gotten a lot of people to get to know Dash. In Venezuela alone, he has reached to dozens of people through his social media campaigns. I recommend you keep giving him your support.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much. I appreciate it. Dash for the win!
1 point,7 years ago
I think your proposal is excellent and the work you have done
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks so much David! More Dash promotion coming!
1 point,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
I appreciate it! Dash For The Win!
1 point,7 years ago
this man is an excellent exponent of dash, should see the work he has done on social networks.
0 points,7 years ago
I appreciate it so much-after this recent trip of promoting DASH I am learning more and more what works! Dash For The Win!
1 point,7 years ago
Do you have some material to show from the past meetups?

Please make a simple promo for the store showing the banners from the highway etc.

Will you administer give-outs, how will we see these results?
1 point,7 years ago
Hey Paul.... I am on the road at the moment but will post more when I can... if you go to my twitter link you can see things as well as the first link above. I've been doing a lot and I keep no DASH! My goal is to get DASH out there! I can share my wallet transactions if needed through screen shots- I have given out so much DASH! Truly! Check my Facebook and twitter alone... not to mention meetups and just people I have met on this recent trip from Seattle to Mexico down the coast line.

I am just warming up! Please masternodes I am making an impact!
0 points,7 years ago
I support blake, I know he is a true defender of DASH, here in Venezuela many are inspired by his work, #dashforwin! #venezuelailovedash
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you so much! Stay tuned!
0 points,7 years ago
Excellent proposal Blake, Dash for the win!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you! If we all do what we can we will take Dash to the top!
0 points,7 years ago
It's an excellent proposal and Blake has demonstrated his willingness to help and grow the DASH community! Dash for win Blake!
0 points,7 years ago
Appreciate it! Means a lot!
0 points,7 years ago
I believe in Blake, and what he is doing... His DashForTheWin program/project is not only growing in US, is growing in Latam to... I give faith that in Venezuela Dash is growing thank to the effort of Blake... Many people has been benefits by this program... I give you my vote, respect and love my friend...
0 points,7 years ago
Your doing great work too! Love my Venezuelan friends! Expect more good things to come!
0 points,7 years ago
#DashForTheWin #VenezuelaLoveDash!
0 points,7 years ago
Hey buddy! Keep spreading the word! Dash for the win!
0 points,7 years ago
He presented all my support for these excellent proposals of blake who has shown in his travels the importance of dash as digital money with its intants and economic shipments. Once again also as a dash investor I like to support proposals that help dash evangelism, #DashForTheWin is coming to places where bitcoin never arrived, let's dash !!!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you, thank you! Your work is noticed too my friend! I thank you!
-1 point,7 years ago
Sorry i don't like that
0 points,7 years ago
What specifically don't you like, I'm open for suggestions. I believe in Dash and want to get others involved. What would you like to see me do differently.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi blake , it's good idea i like it , go up
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Salim so much! I see your proposal is doing great! Your going to introduce DASH to so many new people!