Proposal “Dashathon“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dashathon - Xtreme Crypto Hachathon 4 Dash only : 4 - 6 May 2018 - Tallinn, Estonia
One-time payment: 448 DASH (11490 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-16 / 2018-03-18 (added on 2018-02-01)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 90 Yes / 436 No / 91 Abstain

Proposal description

My name is Ragnar Sass and i want to create Dashathon - Xtreme Crypto hackathon - mixing together world class marketers and engineers to find creative ideas how to growth hack Dash to bigger audience. A- engineering as marketing B - developing real use cases for Dash
I am a serial startup founder and angel investor. Co-founder of Europe's best b2b startup Pipedrive, a simple CRM tool with 70 000+ paid companies. I am also the co-founder of Garage48 non-profit foundation and personally organized more than 70+ hackathons in 20+different countries. Biggest success is from 2015 november Minsk Garage48 hackathon, as the winner MSQRD was bought by Facebook just 3 months later for 100+ million USD.

What makes our hackathons very different from many others is that we are fully focused that teams will deliver a working prototype by the end of the event. No fucking powerpoint - only live demo. All events are organized by the core team with local key influencers, so we have strict rules and structure in place. That's why even Skype founders have participated in our hackathons.

So here is my idea. I want to bring together the best engineers & marketing folks from around the world for Dashathon - with the main goal to develop engineering as marketing ideas to working prototypes, what should boost Dash globally. With only heavily hand picked participants, the best rockstars.

We are not talking about ads in Facebook or Google or in any kind of other online or offline media. But developing unique solutions for marketing using engineers brains. Combining engineers, marketers, designers, machine learning gurus with team leads could lead into very surprising results. Every team will work indepentently & owns their solution indeed. In best scenario we will have several new crypto startups from this event.

Core principles:
* Dashathon - 48 hours, starts on Friday evening with pitching ideas and ends on Sunday with live prototype demos.
We will handpick every single participant. 100 participants.
* Individuals apply to take part - make a test assessment , give us reference about experience and then organizers will pick only the best ones.
*We will fly them over, cover their flight (max 650 usd), food & housing costs.
* Mentors. We will bring in 8 best marketing & cryptocurrency & financial mentors to support participants & teams. This should include a few people from Dash core team.
* We will build up a special hackathon venue in old factory building next to startup community centre in Tallinn, Estonia.
* Main event would take place 4-6 May 2018. Every participant can present idea on Friday evening, participants choose the ideas they want to join, teams will be formed (15-20 teams) and real hacking starts.
*To make this event accessible globally we will hire professional video crew for Friday opening & Sunday final event online streaming. And making video clips through all event. It should feel like a reality show with professional quality.
*For extra motivation for best folks to attend we will have prize pool for 100 Dash. Winners will be decided together by Dash community & local jury Sunday evening.
* Extra motivation budget will be also for mentors, what will be divided after getting participants feedback. Something between 16.


At the end of hackathon we will have at least 15 different solutions how to promote DASH for BIG audience globally. Some of them will die, but usually half are pretty neat. And I am super sure that majority is great for asking more budget in future from Dash community. Most importantly - thanks to hackathon advertising & media we have delivered message to more 100 000+ folks worldwide that Dash is innovative crypto with strong community. And it could be first step building appmarket for Dash.

Here is first draft for budget, what will be more detailed for final proposal - taking account feedback & ideas from community. And yes - organizing high quality event with world class professional can't be cheap, but Estonia has best price & quality level. Calculation is made for 100 participants + 8 mentors.

Total budget: 290 899 USD / 447.54 

  • Participants & mentors flights/hotels/visa/insurance - 110 000 USD / 169.24 DASH
  • Catering/water/coffee/redbull + craft beers for Sunday evening - 17 639 USD / 27.14 DASH
  • Venue rent / building a hack setup & stage / video streaming / video clips + live band for sunday evening - 31 000 USD / 47.70 DASH
  • PR - Marketing & advertising activities - (mailing lists, FB, Linkedin etc ) - 12 000 USD / 18.46 DASH
  • Hackathon team payroll + project management + format fee - 39 000 USD / 60 DASH
  • Voting fee - 3250 USD - 5 Dash

Total without prices - 212 899 USD / 327.54 DASH
Prices for participants - 65 000 USD / 100 DASH
Prices for mentors - 13 000 USD / 20 DASH

budget is calculated 1 Dash = 650 USD. But as  cryptomarket is still super volatile, then this is biggest risk. 


You may find discussion about pre-proposal in Dash forum here.  

UPDATE: As people asked about API progress, then here is latest update about Dash API in forum
UPDATE2: I contacted DASH core team about cooperation - response is positive: We were thinking about the similar event, however we need to be sure when fully functional DAPI is available. This should be clarified soon. 
UPDATE3: KOT 5th Feb: THis week I should have a response from the team

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting NO.
Budget huge!
I kind of get the marketing thing, but why should Dash re-invent the wheel on marketing. I do think we need great truly enthusiastic spokespersons in various languages, doing simply videos and blogs.
0 points,7 years ago
It sounds cool and it looks like you put a lot of planning into it. I worry about the ROI. It does seem expensive for the exposure Dash would get.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a message. I totally understand your question. My past experience building company from zero to tens of millions revenue has showed that the most succesful companies can build big ecosystem around their product. So my main idea is build stronger developers community from one event. And this is sadly not cheap, thats for sure.
0 points,7 years ago
I would encourage you to try again with a lower amount..
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a kind comment. My team will analyze all feedback & will decide later next steps. As i am super active entrepreneur & angel investor, then my time is sadly very limited )
Dash marketing budget voting with community is amazing stuff. I have learned a lot from this already - wicked stuff.
0 points,7 years ago
No escrow = voting no.
1 point,7 years ago
@dashed - You have posted the exact same thing on several proposals. In your haste, you forgot to look that this is a ONE TIME payment proposal. On each one of your posts, you that there were a pre-proposals posted on this and you said NOTHING about escrow. That is the time to speak up, I am sure you know. I am sure you also realize that a proposer loses the 5 Dash posted and has to put up 5 more Dash to change a proposal to an escrowed proposal, that is why it doesn't happen. You strategy is very effective at damaging and/or killing proposals and seems to be organized to do exactly that. You and another hack on these threads are doing your best to push down what appear to be otherwise good proposals.
0 points,7 years ago
@viamontelane - you have made some confident statements about what @dashed is planning, what they know, and what their goal is. How could you possibly know those things for certain?

Please try to extend the benefit of the doubt, and just consider their comment at face value, as a statement that they find the lack of escrow on a proposal to be a very strong negative factor.
0 points,7 years ago
This is a big expenditure with a lot of the budget going to things that, while important for the nature of your event, don't directly pertain to or benefit the Dash network. For that reason alone, I'll have to abstain for now until the end of the month when we know what the budget will look like. However, for other MNOs, I will say that there is a lot of potential here that isn't immediately apparent. A lot of really great stuff comes out of hackathons, and to have one funded by Dash is one thing, but to have one built *around* Dash is another entirely. What would it cost to hire this number of developers to build a single app for Dash? What would it cost to hire them to build this many apps?

It's a potentially lossy proposal. All the projects could be complete trash and it would be mostly a waste of funds, but if even one or two of them are something worthwhile, then IMO it could be very much worth it. That's the value of this proposal, IMO, more than marketing or getting the Dash name out there, it could lead to something of far greater value to the network as a whole.

Now, I do agree with the sentiment echoed by others. This kind of event would be of much greater value and have a much greater likelihood of yielding a ROI after Evolution drops, and would much prefer this proposal to come at that point, but like I said, it will just depend for me on how the budget looks later in the voting period. Abstain for now.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you - you totally nailed some things about this core idea. Hiring developers doing similar things is super expensive. And yes - there is no way to guarantee that all apps will make HUGE impact. But - this is why selection will make a huge difference.

And my idea is not doing another random hackathon. It is doing SPECIAL EVENT ONLY FOR DASH. This makes it super different. And sadly also more expensive.

My background is much different indeed. I am expert in startups, where success is measured by real revenue & profit. And in startup world you very rarely delay things. SPEED matters the most. Successful startups are growing every week. Once more - every week.

But this experiment has been super interesting for me. I learned a lot about Dash community & and this voting system here.
2 points,7 years ago
I think getting talent into Dash should be our first priority and think this would be a fantastic way to do that. The project is well thought out and planned and I have no doubt ragnar would do a fantastic job.

However I am not happy with the budget being as high as that. 200 Dash should be sufficient for this.. Voting No for this because of the high ask but will support this if re-posted with a smaller budget.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a comment. I do understand your view that event should have much smaller budget. Totally.

Sadly i have only 24 hours per day. And i have so many startups & people fighting for my time, so i just have to make very thought choices, where i am involved & where not. But as i said, my team will analyze all feedback and will decide next steps.
0 points,7 years ago
Is anyone bothering to pay attention that majority of the budget is spent on travel/hotel.

And IMHO to get visas to estonia for people from asia is next to impossible

That is the very reason we recently did the thai internship thing...

We are being very redundant if we now fund this too.

Considering we have not seen the fruits of the thai internship program
2 points,7 years ago
Realmrhack is a jobless idiot who is having fun at the cost of proposal owners.. He is trying to sabotage as many proposals as possible with similar "questions". 9/10 proposals he leaves nasty comments on.. There is no point in trying to argue with this fool..
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a comment. I would like to comment: And IMHO to get visas to estonia for people from asia is next to impossible
Actual number shows that is not true, i have personally helped to get people visa to Estonia. Garage48 has being doing cooperation with government 7+ years and we have builded very good relation with ministry of foreign affairs.

Estonian government is very startup friendly and launched year ago this programm : . As this has been successful then Estonian is more open for very talented people to visit us form whatever place in the world. We have also growing number of international students from outside EU, specially in IT.
2 points,7 years ago
Too rich for my blood. I could support this towards the end of the year after evo is out and you have more to hack on. Too soon and too much for me right now.
0 points,7 years ago
Wouldn't it be better to have early apps available when Evo arrives?
0 points,7 years ago
Yes and we already approved something similar last month lead by a core team member in Thailand.
After Evo I would be open to revisiting this at a better price.
0 points,7 years ago
Sounds like an expensive party. Voting no.
0 points,7 years ago
you mean like the Bitcoin Miami Conference?
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a comment. Can you please share, what exactly gives you feeling that this is a party? Did you had time to read info in proposal about references - including MSQRD ?
0 points,7 years ago
A live band and brewski's, plus airfare! How is that not a party?
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for a comment.
Here are numbers - Beer 464 USD, band 4000 USD. Band + beer is 1.5% from budget. No breweski from Thailand, local craft made by Ex-skype dude.

Airfare is 650 USD per participant (15 local, 85 global).
And how is airfare connected with party?
0 points,7 years ago
* from Sweden
0 points,7 years ago
Agreed. I like the idea of hackathons, but local ones, which are at least 10x cheaper. Voting NO.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you for a comment. This is very good & valuable feedback. Any result from this discussion is great.
Every hackathon what has organized with professionals will have a impact. As there are so many of them around, it getting more & more difficult to get very talented professionals to attend in any of them.
4 points,7 years ago
hi guys , for those of who dont know about estonia, estonia is the startup capital of Europe - skype originated there ( estonia is not romania which is the hacker capital of the world : ) )
Estonia is also very very crypto friendly nation , this guy is a real deal , real entrepreneur, hes not a show biz start like Ben swann , but we dont more show biz stars now dont we ....

I personally think this is absolutely worth trying this to get over the curse of One Trick Pony nature of dash....
1 point,7 years ago
Well, big thanks dashmaximalist ! You totally nailed it! Estonia is super startup & blockchain friendly country. And this is also important also for Dashathon, as i can help to get people outside of EU get visa for this event. Belarus & Russia has huge developers community and they will be definitely part of that. But it will not hurt to have some folks from Africa & Middle East & Asia. Diversity is strengths of those events.
3 points,7 years ago
Hi RagnarS,

thank you for your proposal.

At first I found it expensive, but then checked your credentials. I used pipedrive a couple of times in different occasions and liked it alot!
(For the other factcheckers out there you can check it here: and here:
Also I like your drive to help young entrepreneurs.
Voting Yes.

Best Regards and Good Luck from Germany

Estonia is one of the most cryptofriendly countries in the world. Just think about the blockchain powered e-citizenship there. There is no better place to hold it in Europe.
(On a side note, I want to see more Europe based initiatives.)
We had enough marketing proposals last round (I like Ben Swann, too), I think it's time to invest in the future and get back to businesses.
1 point,7 years ago
Woah - thank you for so warm feedback AnCapitol! And thank you for being Pipedrive happy user - big respect ) Germany is our top market and it keeps growing.

And - as true - Estonia is most blockchained country in the world. If we get green light from Dash community, i will involve Estonian e-residency to this event aswell. As they are working with their own token idea.
0 points,7 years ago
yes agree with you
2 points,7 years ago
Considering the unusual and precipitous drop in the price of Dash recently and the current crypto market fundamentals, I submit that it is unrealistic to encourage proposal owners to price current proposals according to the (much higher) 30 day moving average. If we want Dash to make the impact proposed, I suggest to fellow MNO's that we don't want underfunded proposals. It appears that, generally, it is much easier for proposal owners to deal with, and provide additional value with overfunding rather than a diminishing value with underfunding. That said, the 30 day moving average is a great tool for pricing in more stable market times.
0 points,7 years ago
I don't think it's anything to worry about. These market convulsions are relatively short lived. I'd be very surprised if Dash was below the proposal price in a material way by the time they need to convert it into fiat. Sure it's possible, but in such unlikely event we can provide extra funding.. It's not such a big deal. There is a good chance that nearly every proposal funded this month will end up with surplus funds at the end due to the current dip in values.

1 point,7 years ago
How do we provide extra funding without additional proposals? I would venture nearly every January one-time proposal is underwater by 20% or more.
-1 point,7 years ago

1) will this be available anywhere beside vz?
2) how come the salaries & office equipment budgets are high?
3) could you elaborate avg salary for call center staff in vz.
3) a friend of mine had a call center in DR and Orlando, FL 30 people.
It cost a fraction of what you are asking for.
4) internet costs are already high as per eugenias proposals.. in vz.
5) would it not be more advantageous for jurisdiction to be chosen by lower cost for services.. such as internet, labour etc? Such as Dominican republic or even Orlando FL
1 point,7 years ago
Please disregard^
1 point,7 years ago
448 DASH - that's a lot!
1 point,7 years ago
Yes, you are totally right - it is not cheap at all. But my main motivations is to make Dashathon so different to attract the best talent, what would not join usual hackathon. To attract great folks attention, i need personally spend time to invite them over. And quality simply costs.

Biggest costs are:
Flights + housing = 110 000 USD - 37%
Prices - teams & mentors = 78 000 USD - 26%
But it will make huge difference for a result.
0 points,7 years ago
Does not seem like an ideal location to attract top talent. Half the budget is going towards flying people to the location and paying for accommodations...

I would propose reviewing the budget , reconsidering the location, and reposting in a couple months when the DAPI is live and developers have a lot more to work with.

Voting NO.
1 point,7 years ago
One more thing - tiny fact about top talent. In my Pipedrive Tallinn office, we have people from 40 different countries. We have people relocate from Brazil, Urugay, South Africa, Ukraine etc to work us. And they have never had issue with Estonia - moreover - they found this big motivation. And surprising.
I have been involved events organizing in other EU countries. After looking old cost reports i don't believe that changing event location would make any meaningful impact to budget. Yes - flights could be cheaper but everything else will be more costly. Thanks.
3 points,7 years ago
estonia is one of the hottest locations for startups and startup talent in Europe , estonia is also one of the crypto friendly nations , its worth trying this
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for a comment. Flights + housing is 37%. Well - after visiting 64 countries i have found Estonian accommodation price / quality in very good balance.

Copying here Kot message from yesterday: What is available today is Testnet Insight API available here: . The documentation is available here: . This is already widely used by out partners
0 points,7 years ago
That Testnet Insight API doesn't really give you anything that you couldn't already do building applications with a dashd node locally. All it does is slightly reduce the difficulty of building an application by providing a publicly available REST interface for network info, and a websocket connection for InstantSend transactions.

Unless you're building a service that implements InstantSend payments, that's all you're going to get out of the Testnet Insight API.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks - also - by kot today: Clarification about fully functional DAPI will be soon.

Today is 1. February. I prosed event dates for 4-6 May, what is 3 months away.

Indeed - this is all very great discussion between my team crazy ideas & Dash Community. I have experience launching fully working mvp in 2 months with 2 engineers. Or relaunching niche social network with 5 developers in 3 months. Speed matters most in traditional startup environment. Exciting to see feedback )

I am sure that this idea & discussion will help to get DAPI out sooner, not later.
0 points,7 years ago
interesting idea, but very expensive budget proposal
1 point,7 years ago
Goal is to have impact around Europe. Participants from different countries / communities means that message will expand much more. If every participant has different network , much more people will get message about Dashathon / why Dash is different.
-3 points,7 years ago
Also did you submit a prior pre proposal?
1 point,7 years ago
Yes they did
-3 points,7 years ago
So your not calculating the dash price as per the moving average as many others have done.

Are you an active member in the community?? As in dash community?
1 point,7 years ago
I have following Dash less then 6 months, but i can't say that i am very active community member yet. I am active startup entrepreneur / running my companies 24/7 + angel investor, sadly my time is very limited. But i know personally Dash core developer akhavr, who give me a lot useful feedback.

No, i didn't calculated price as per the moving average, as market is changing lately super fast. Its almost impossible to predict price changes.
0 points,7 years ago
If the price of Dash goes up what will you do? If the price of Dash goes down what will you do?
2 points,7 years ago
up: increase number of participants, prices, advertising.
down: 1. Will panic. 2. Buy more Dash.
Regarding budget: Decrease number of participants or ask from a community second payment. if price go down more then 70% i will ask down vote this idea.
0 points,7 years ago
Expensive, and not much value for the network especially if the price swings down which is the current trend.. sadly i'd vote No
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for a discussion. What makes every community stronger is different views. Respect! I personally believe that strong ecosystem / integrations / apps / more different use cases will make Dash stronger. Thanks.
0 points,7 years ago
let the guy try this idea , dash cant be a one trick pony forever