Proposal “DashampHBPayAdoptionFoodtruckBazaar“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash & HBPay Adoption @ Foodtruck Bazaar
Monthly amount: 178 DASH (4799 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 355 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-18 / 2017-10-15 (added on 2017-08-08)
Votes: 737 Yes / 268 No / 3 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

Dash & HBPay Adoption @ Foodtruck Bazaar
Anggerik Mall, Shah Alam, Malaysia
This is a proposal to conduct a four (4) weeks Dash awareness and adoption campaign targeting a Food Truck Bazaar located in Shah Alam, Malaysia. The campaign will integrate a custom-made Dash-enabled Point-of-Sales system named HBPay which will be installed at the participating food trucks allowing a full-fledged digital payment experience and settlements to the customers and merchants.
This proposal incorporates a subsidy-based incentive schemes as an integral requirement to accelerate the adoption of Dash throughout the campaign period. Customers will be incentivised to use Dash as they can purchase Dash at a discounted rate and subsequently enjoy paying for their meals at cheaper cost compared to normal fiat cash.
The project’s goal is not only to increase awareness through initial installation of Dash wallet and ownership dash to the local population, but also giving them the first-hand end-to-end experience and understanding of Dash as a digital cash and payment method involving both consumers and merchants.
The project will also position Dash as the earliest cryptocurrency adopted as the real day-to-day retail payment method in Malaysia from the perspective of the involved participants.
Target Budget Cycle
We are targeting the cycle of block 747720 - Fri Sep  1 23:47:12 UTC 2017.
Official proposal will be submitted based on the input gathered in this thread.
About the Target Location
Shah Alam is located in the heart of Selangor state, Malaysia. The target area is a parking lot at the center of Shah Alam that has been converted by the local authority to be a Food Truck market during the night-time. Normally a total of 10 food trucks running their business at the area with estimated more than 300 customers per night.

Currently, all business activities are conducted exclusively using cash with no digital payment medium nor any infrastructure provided to facilitate any transaction using digital payment.
About HBPay
HBPay is a DASH enabled self-service Point-Of-Sale (POS) system based on Android which can be installed into any generic Android Tablets. HBPay was developed exclusively for Dash with the intention to provide easier adoption of Dash towards small businesses environment.
HBPay consists of 2 components:
  1. [HBPOS] - HBPay - Android based Point-of-Sale (POS). Allows the customers to pick their orders via the tablet interface. Upon checkout, the POS will generate DASH QR Code ready for the customer to conduct payments. The POS will then be immediately notified via Google GCM and show the status of payment upon payment. The app can be downloaded and installed from Google Play at
  2. [HBWEB] - HBPay web interface. Allows Merchant to manage products and view transactions. Register for free at
More information about HBPay have been posted in Dash Community forum at
Currently, HBPay is only available for TestNet as more investment is required to provide proper infrastructure (servers, connectivity, devices & security) before it is ready for production use on MainNet. HBPay is a free application to install and configure. A small percentage of fee is charged to the merchants upon each transaction.
Proposed Initiative
The objective of this proposal is to turn food-truck bazaar in Anggerik Mall, Shah Alam into a Dash enabled marketplace where each of the food-truck to equipped with HBPay and all customers will be encouraged to use Dash (Digital Cash) as the method of payment. The proposed initiative will cover the following activities.
  1. Development, integration and maintenance of HBPay for the Mainnet.
  2. Forming a cooperation with the Anngerik Mall Food Truck Bazaar(Target Area) for the DASH campaign.
  3. Procure, configure and commission necessary infrastructures such as Internet & Wifi connectivity for trucks and installing android device HBpay POS for each truck.
  4. Preparing a dedicated marketing booth equipped with marketing materials and enough DASH to sell to customers.
  5. Hire and train temporary promoters to conduct active promotions throughout the duration of the event.
  6. Setting up temporary Liquidity Provider to provide one stop centre to buy and sell Dash at the event site within the duration of the event.
  7. Providing subsidize incentive for Dash purchase as a method to incentivise customers to use Dash instead of fiat cash.
Event Details
The event will be conducted for 8 weeks starting from 16th September 2017 until 15th October 2017 at the targeted food-truck bazaar location. The event hours will be between 7.00PM to 12.00AM. Based on the suggestion by the food truck owners after a series of discussions, a minimum of 2 months is required to gather meaningful assessment of the project outcome, as there are different patterns of users behaviours, based on week of each month. Observation of customer behavioural pattern is important for this project as it can be used to strategize further continuation of similar project in the future. However after gathering inputs from Dash communities, we have decided that a one (1) month event is more suitable & feasible.
An event booth will be set up in the bazaar area to provide a central reference point about Dash and to act as a Temporary Liquidity Provider (TLP) throughout the event duration. A promoter team will be deployed to actively engage with the customers to explain, promote and to provide hands-on assistance regarding wallet installation, payment to HBPay POS, and digital transaction matters.
Temporary Liquidity Provider (TLP)
With HBPay, our actual intention is to position ourlselves as the Payment Processor provider as illustrated in the figure below.
However, we acknowledge that there is yet any local exchange nor Dash ATM for people to easily buy and sell dash conveniently in our country. For the event duration, we will need to act as the Temporary Liquidity Provider (TLP) which will enable easy purchase and sell of Dash.
Continuously, we will encourage more participation of local cryptocurrency enthusiasts to provide additional venues for the consumers and merchants to buy and sell Dash especially in peer-to-peer manner. We will observe this kind of development and reflect our findings in the Project Closure report. In addition, this campaign is also interested to see whether setting up a Dash ATM is feasible for the long-term Dash usage continuation in this district.
Incentive Scheme
The pertinent question that need to be addressed is “What would be the motivation for the users to move from using fiat based cash to digital cash?”.  While finding the real answer to this question is still work in progress within the whole crypto-space, a short term direct monetary value incentive scheme is still required to spark initial adoption especially when the users are mostly having zero awareness about the existence of Dash as Digital Cash. The availability of marketing budget in Dash DAO provides the possibility of Dash to leapfrog other cryptocurrencies as the one that being adopted the earliest as the Digital Payment medium rather the pure speculative, which is admittedly the only use-case of cryptocurrency currently in the country.
This proposal incorporates the incentive schemes as an integral requirement for accelerating adoption to the general mass specifically to the target audiences for the food-truck bazar area. There will be 2 main targets of the incentive scheme; the food truck owners (merchant), and the customers (consumers).
I. Customers
By average, a customer will spend approximately MYR20-MYR30 per person for purchasing meals at the food truck bazaar. We propose the incentive of 50% Dash value to be given for free to the customer in addition to each of their Dash purchase. For instance, if a customer purchases MYR20.00 worth of Dash, they will be credited with a total of MYR30.00 Dash into their wallet where the MYR10 incentive is funded by Dash budget of this proposal.
The event promoters will provide hand-on guidance on how to conduct the food purchase at the HBPay POS terminal. Recurring customers will be encouraged to complete a survey.
Ideally, this incentive will only be given to the customers who purchase Dash to buy meals at the food truck bazaar. Purchase limit per person might be imposed as a measure to prevent abuse, ie: persons buying to make quick money by dumping it back to the cryptocurrency exchanges. While a certain level of control will be put in practice by the project members in preventing possibilities of users manipulating this incentive, rigorous enforcement and control is not the primary focus of this project.
To add more excitement in the campaign, additional free Dash can also be awarded through event engagement activities such as posting photos is twitter/facebook emulating the #firstDashWallet campaign, lucky draws, quiz contest etc. We will utilize the incentive budget above for this purposes.
II. Food truck owners
There will be zero-cost to the food truck owners. All costs to participate in this event will be covered in this proposal. Each of the food truck will be equipped with HBPay Android POS and the device cost, installation and internet connectivity will be provided for free by this campaign.
To address concerns relating Dash/MYR (local currency) exchange fluctuation, all food truck owners can opt for a “rate pegging” scheme where they will be reimbursed the exact MYR value each time they exchange back their Dash to MYR with the TLP within the duration of the event. This risk will be bared by the project through the specific exchange risk buffer amount requested in this proposal.
We hope that the food truck owners will eventually realize the value appreciation nature of Dash and will opt-out of the “rate pegging” scheme. We will set the term that opting out is non-reversible choice. Ultimately, we will also be hoping that the owners to keep Dash instead of selling it back, or they can also sell the Dash to their customers instead and add more liquidity to the Dash supply ecosystem in the area.
Incentive fund shortage
All incentive funds should be fully utilized and by the end of the campaign. We will improvise the distribution of incentive so that it will be completely dispersed to the consumers and local communities.
In the event of shortage of the incentive fund prior to the event end date, the 50% incentive scheme will be stopped. Liquidity providing (buy/sell) of Dash will be ongoing until the end of event using the exact value without the incentive.
Reports Prepared for the Dash DAO
The project will provide the following reports to the dash DAO.
  1. Real time HBPay transactions view to monitor the volume of real usage of Dash for the food purchase.
  2. Weekly report of Incentive Distribution and Incentive Fund balance.
  3. Weekly images and short videos of the event.
  4. Weekly customer and merchant behaviour observation.
  5. Customer and merchant survey reports.
  6. Project closure report (lessons learned, opportunities of replicability and continuity, etc).
Project Plan
Below is the high-level project plan of this campaign (revised from 2 months to 1 month).
Project Costing
Below is the proposed project costing with respective budget cycles (revised from 2 months to 1 month, and put a limit of 200 customers per day).
The Dash Incentive represents 63% of overall cost. These incentives will go to the customers' wallet as explained in post
Below is the estimated cashflow for the incentive scheme. Item (DI) is the incentive cost listed as "Dash Incentive" in the proposal costing. (revised from 2 months to 1 month).
About me
Jamalulkhair Khairedin, Selangor, Malaysia
I’m a Senior Manager of IT Application division in one of the largest local corporation in Malaysia. By trade, I am a certified Linux Professional, dedicated IT consultant, developer and IT trainer specializing in Open Source Software (OSS). I’ve been involved in many OSS development projects as well as providing enterprise grade IT solutioning consultation to various organizations including government agencies.
I was previously contracted a resident OSS consultant for the Malaysian Government for 6 years. I’m continuously advocating knowledge and human capital development related to OSS and more recently into the Cryptocurrency technology.
I have deep passion with web and android development, and my spare times are mostly spent developing free applications (cryptocurrency, education, music etc) for the benefit of the society.
I am a Master Degree holder from MARA University of Technology (UiTM) specializing in
Information Management and a degree holder in Information System in Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNITAR).
Forum Discussion

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Dear All,

Project reports are available at:

Artworks are at:
1 point,6 years ago
Some updates at
2 points,6 years ago
I don't see a good reason why this should be de-funded after already been paid the first month. Please vote yes
1 point,6 years ago
Hi all. I'm in the midst of preparing the report of our first week activity. There so many things going on our intention is to capture all of our findings.

I will submit the report in the dash forum in few hours.
0 points,6 years ago
C'mon people, this needs to pass!
2 points,6 years ago
Come on ladies and gentlemen. It would be bad practice to kill the funding on a multi-month proposal if the Proposal Owner is following through, which he is, see updates.

If we do not follow through on this one, this will have a chilling effect on larger proposals (in future) that take several months to accomplish. And given the size of the budget, I expect many or most of the proposals will be larger, more complex and multi-month.

Bring the yes votes folks. solarguy
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks, so we can see how it evolves, for a pre-market study of PoS use based on Dash.
I hope your proposal is approved.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi all,

I will be updating the progress of my project at
0 points,7 years ago
With the votes concluded and my proposal passed, I would like to thank all the MNOs for putting your trust and vote in favor of the proposal. The team will be deployed and works will be commenced according to proposed timeline. We will not let you down.
2 points,7 years ago
Looks like you're going to make it! Make us proud!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for the support. We will get the ball rolling.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi all, few days left and my proposal still requires 167 yes votes to get approved. Hope there will be enough time to get more votes. I will be in this thread to answer any of the inquiries. Thank you.
2 points,7 years ago
I would like to inform all, that we are now in contact with HashEngineering and they are very cooperative and willing to provide the number of dash wallet installation reports on weekly basis based on Malaysia as the target location. This will be embedded in our proposed weekly report. With this, the Dash MNO can see the quantity of installations, active usages, un-installations, pre and post of the campaign.

For the record, according to their initial information, currently there are only 326 active Dash Android Wallet installations in Malaysia. This is excluding other wallets such as Jaxx and the recently releases Dash IOS wallet.

1 point,7 years ago
Really hope you can get the votes that you are still missing. I'd hate to see all your effort go to waste.
1 point,7 years ago
Appreciate your support. I have to admit that I'm quite nervous to look at the number of votes everyday. The prospect of losing 5 dash (constitutes to 1 month hard earn salary) is somewhat scary but I proceed with the proposal anyhow because I believe I'm going for something beneficial to many parties with this campaign. Having said that, knowing that the yes votes are already more than the no votes, already give me encouragement and hope.
2 points,7 years ago
I don't see this as being worth the price as it's currently written. Meaning, I don't think that this giveaway will result in the Malaysians participating becoming new Dash customers in sufficient numbers and/or with sufficient capital to recoup the cost.

However, I do think it could have value if its main purpose were actually research and reporting. As in -- film the entire event, and report on the details. What was the biggest hiccup for a merchant? What was the biggest stumbling point in the face-to-face transaction? What element of the payment process did customers seem to struggle with?

This kind of reporting could serve, potentially, as valuable market research for R&D -- but only if those who are doing the D'ing (development) are on board, as well.
0 points,7 years ago
Dear n00bkid,

Appreciate your respond. I will be using this chart to provide further elaborated answers.

I fully agree with you. With 112.5 Dash to be distributed as incentive, there is no way the real adoption can be materialized straight away. This will require further continuation, larger scale efforts and bigger group of advocators for a real adoption to take place.

On top of the 112.5 sponsored Dash, I’m also looking at 337.5 total Dash values that will circulate in the semi-closed environment with the potential of a minimum triple value of transactions to take place when a full circle of value transfers is being exercised (Liquidity Provider selling dash -> Customer pay for food -> Merchant sell dash back to Liquidity Provider). What Dash will gain are full understanding of Dash among the participants and “mere-exposure effect” (a psychological phenomenon) that we as the organizer try to achieve.

In term of reporting, again, I fully agree with you. The outcome of this project need to be reported adequately so that it can be a valuable input for any upcoming similar effort. Below are among the initiative that will take place.

1) Videos will be captured and shared to Dash, and will be part of the committed weekly report.
2) Quantitative reports such as amount circulated, number of dash wallet installations, number of active use of dash wallet etc. This has been arranged with the provider of Dash Android Wallet, HashEngineering, and they are very cooperative and will provide the reports required.
3) Qualitative reports such as observations, potentials, problems, etc will also be part of the weekly report.
4) I have invited a local nearby University Faculty if in case any of their student want to make this campaign as part of their academic research study. At this stage, there are yet any respond, but I’ll keep inquiring for updates and really hope I can get their interest.
5) Formation of local enthusiasts. I hope through this campaign, I can identify potential “fanatics” which can be group together to form an advocator group. This will be stated in the reports.
6) Formations of a single point of reference for local inquiries and discussions regarding Dash. Telegram/Whatsapp group will be created dedicated for further Dash communications, updates and probably trades.

I hope, this will kick start further initiatives exclusively for Dash.
2 points,7 years ago
Comon guys/girls this is real work beeing done here.. vote yes!!! This could spread further from this point. This is exactly the type of work we need to be done in order for dash to be adopted!
1 point,7 years ago
Appreciate the support. :-)
1 point,7 years ago
Yea i completly agree.
2 points,7 years ago
This proposal can be a good proof of concept for the use of POS.'

I suggest:

In this experiment it is interesting to encourage the use of Dash.
Customers and vendors will receive technical support and supervision through the Dash stand.

The proposal will last 8 weeks.

In those 8 weeks you have to force the use of Dash, you can do a study of the POS system.

You said:
By average, a customer will spend approximately MYR20-MYR30 per person for purchasing meals at the food truck bazaar. We propose the incentive of 50% Dash value to be given to the customer in addition to each of their Dash purchase. For instance, if a customer purchases MYR20.00 worth of Dash, they will be credited with a total of MYR30.00 Dash in their wallet where the MYR10 incentive is funded by Dash budget of this proposal.

I suggest the best way would be:

2.1) Do not give 'free' Dash to customers.

2.2) Discount for every meal paid in Dash. (This encourages the use of Dash in this experiment, Dash invites to 10%? Or x%?)

2.3) Dash invites 1 meal if you pay 6,7,8, times or x times. (So ​​you could avoid fraud, you would supervise)
With this we forced to use the Dash network as payment system, and we could have feedback to analyze those 2 months the network.

I also suggest that videos, interviews, etc. be recorded.

I suggest that this material can be passed on to Dash Force News to do a report of the results.

I think they are good suggestions.

If you value my suggestions for improvement I would vote for you.

Thank you for your proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Blockchaintech,

Appreciate your detailed feedbacks. I'm really happy that you took real time to read my lengthy proposal. My responses are according to the respective numbered list of your questions.

1) I am gateeful & honored.

2) The original pre-proposal was 8 weeks. It was revised to 4 weeks after receiving valuable inputs from the Dash community, mainly to rationalize costs. Personally, I also believe 8 weeks could provide more effective outcome. Nevertheless, there are also advantages for limiting this campaign to 4 weeks only:

a. Shorter campaign period increases responses as the local community are “forced” to participate early.
b. Campaign and resources are more manageable.
c. The post-campaign user feedbacks can be seen. We can observe how the consumers behaves after the campaign ends.
d. Consecutive campaign can always be proposed later if really required.

2.1) I must respectfully argue on this. It is within the intention of this proposal to increase ownership of Dash to as many consumers as possible. With ownership + adequate understanding of Dash as Digital Cash, network effect can be triggered. Other merchants (outside of food truck) will see the need to accept Dash as payment, as they know the consumers in the local community already own Dash. I hope to break the chicken and egg issue and catalyst the initial ecosystem of Dash business environment in my local area.

2.2) With discount on meals, consumers will end up only getting the meals. Only merchants will eventually own Dash.

3) We are more than happy to provide recorded videos, interviews. It is in the plan even though not explicitly written in the proposal.

4) All reports will be shared to the community. We emphasize the element of replicability of this campaign. We hope it can be reapplied by others anywhere in the world, hence my reports should help.

Your questions and suggestions are very valuable. Even though I argued the suggestion (2.1), I plan not to be too rigid with my version of idea. If situation requires, we might improvise the distribution mechanism of incentive. That can be discussed with Dash community forum during the duration of the campaign.

Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
I answer 2.3 separately, because this is the most interesting question.

2.3) I agree with this idea. However, our HBPay POS is yet to be ready to cater such requirement. We are yet to have a mechanism to track consecutive purchases by a consumer, and trying to do so might break anonymity aspect of dash usage. I'm interested to see how Dash Evolution can handle this. I presume the use of "email address" or "login id" will be the key to such requirement. Until then, only manual effort such as "glancing at user's wallet" will be the only way, and we chose no to go that path.
3 points,7 years ago
This proposal is a good idea, we need a POS so we can start a Dash Ecosystem. I could reply the idea at the "Deck" Foodtrucks in Cancun. Vote for yes!!!!
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the encouragement. One aspect that I really put into this proposal is replicability of it to be reapplied by others anywhere in the world. I really hope the outcome of this campaign could provide real traction of Dash as Digital Cash compared to other cryptocurrencies that only be regarded as speculative subjects.
-1 point,7 years ago
Shouldn't this remain a personal business? I don't see a reason for Dash to reimburse buyers from a merchant.

Couldn't a merchant buy his own product and end up taking the whole pot of reimbursement for himself?
1 point,7 years ago
Dear Mizzymax,

Thank you for the reply. Those are great questions, I will try to answer the best possible.

"Shouldn't this remain a personal business? I don't see a reason for Dash to reimburse buyers from a merchant."

Our main target is the general consumers (buyers). Apart from merely increasing awareness through optic-based marketing, the intention is to expand ownership and direct experience of Dash to the local community through this campaign. HBpay POS is just a mean for the campaign to create a “choke point” so that we can have direct access to the consumers. The selection of food truck segment is predominantly due to the possibility of a very effective “choke-point” giving us direct physical contact with large volume of consumers throughout the duration of the campaign.

As you can see, we are not giving away the dash on absolute free terms. The consumer need to buy some Dash (and spend the Dash) in order to enjoy the incentive. This provides opportunity to really educate and train those consumers about the positive aspects of Dash. We put in 3 dedicated event promoters to engage actively with the consumers to get them to know more about Dash. At the end of the day, participating consumers will:

1) get to buy their meals at a discounted rate.
2) have a wallet installed.
3) have some Dash balance left in their wallet, they can monitor Dash value increasing against local currency.
4) have full experience of Dash payment process.
5) hopefully will start the network effect.
6) most importantly, triggered “Mere-exposure effect” and putting Dash at a significant better position than other competing cryptocurrencies out there.

"Couldn't a merchant buy his own product and end up taking the whole pot of reimbursement for himself?"

Technically yes. Fraudulence is a risk that we acknowledge bound to happen and requires mitigation plan to prevent or to minimize. Therefore, we go with the method of rewarding the incentive during the Dash acquiring time where we have the total control of the reward disbursement. If a merchant wants to attempt this kind of fraud, they will need to purchase the dash from us first and we should be able to recognize them right away. There are many other fraudulence vectors, and we hope we can manage each of them. These will be captured in our report so that the knowledge gathered can be shared should this kind of campaign is going to be replicated by others.
1 point,7 years ago
Shouldn't you full proof the system first? No one needs to buy the Dash from you, they can buy it themselves correct?
4 points,7 years ago
I like it! Voted YES for a real world application.
I hope you will encourage the vendors will keep a little Dash for themselves.
Good luck :)
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for the support.
1 point,7 years ago
The HBPAY POS system has received positive review at
0 points,7 years ago
I think that sell cheap Dash - this is not a good idea.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi holoholo,

Thank you for the feedback.

The final proposal was drafted after receiving inputs in the Dash Pre-Proposal forum at

Admittedly your statement is correct. My proposal can be seen as selling cheap Dash if we are looking at it from one perspective.

However, that is indeed the key element of this proposal which is to incentivise the usage of Dash through the full-fledged experience of digital payment, suing Dash as the medium of exchange. This proposal was prepared with the idea that the general mass need to be incentivised in order to move from using fiat money to cryptocurrency. And the only viable cryptocurrency that have the platform to provide the incentive to spark the initial adoption is Dash.

With this proposal, the value proposition is that the awareness campaign can be conducted not only through advertising, verbal explanation, and demonstration, but first hand full experiences of:

1) Wallet installation
2) Receiving dash through the dash purchase (plus the incentive).
3) Paying for meals using dash & hbpay (to be made compulsory to earn the incentive).
4) Having the ownership of the changes and experience the price movement against the local currency.
5) Truck owners are also going to be educated through the experience of a month long campaign.

Without the incentive scheme in place, the effort can possibly be stuck at #2, as there will be no motivation for the users to use Dash as compared to existing fiat money.
