Proposal “Dash_YouTube_Marketing_Campaign“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash YouTube Marketing Campaign
One-time payment: 55 DASH (1494 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 55 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-05-20 / 2017-06-19 (added on 2017-05-22)
Votes: 523 Yes / 96 No / 32 Abstain

Proposal description

YouTube Dash advertising campaign, 1000+ views per day for 30 days.
Help us to advertise Dash to 1000+ potential Dash users a day for 30 days!

55 Dash
Time: One month (one payment)

The proposed advert is here:

The video proposal is here:

The budget: (calculated at 1 Dash = 95USD)
Proposal cost:                                         5 Dash
YouTube cost:                             15.7895 Dash
Overheads and Sundries:           1.0526 Dash
Artists / Animators:                    28.4211 Dash
Admin:                                            4.7368 Dash

Total: 55 Dash

We have had some great feedback on forum and answered the most important questions about the proposal at this link:

Please read it first if you have questions, we have probably already answered it! :)

Details of the proposal:

Who we are:
Eralith Studios is a brand new startup advertising studio in Cape Town, South Africa. When we found the Dash DAO, we realised that this was the ideal opportunity for us to found our own studio. We made this first advertisement as a showcase of what we can do, and hope to sell it to the Dash DAO as our first completed project.

Pieter Louw is a 3D computer animator with 6 years of experience. He spent the last three years freelancing in the advertising industry. His latest demo reel is here:

Please refer to the description below the video for Pieter's contribution to each clip.
An older demo reel is here:

Thomas du Plessis is a final year animation student at the Animation School in Cape Town. His latest animation project won second prize for the best student character animator at the Cape Town International Animation Festival in 2017.
His demo reel is here:

Charl du Plessis is a chartered accountant with three decades of business experience.

Lastly, Cape Town is the media industry hub of Africa with a large community of highly skilled freelance artists, animators and filmographers from which freelance workers may be drawn at very competitive prices.

We are invested in Dash.

The ad campaign:

a. Target audience
Our target audience are people who are new to Bitcoin, but are not aware that there is an alternative to Bitcoin available with much better features that will ensure its long term usability and growth. Cryptocurrencies in general and Bitcoin in particular have experienced a massive bull run in the last few months, with the total market cap exceeding 50 billion US dollars. Despite the growth of altcoins, Bitcoin still has a more than 50% market share. The reason is not that Bitcoin has superior technology,
features or advantages, but simply its first mover network effect. When better informed, a significant percentage of new Bitcoin users should migrate to Dash.

b. The message
The message of the advert is simple: Bitcoin lacks private and instant transactions. Dash provides these
and is therefore superior. The advert ends with the words, “Dash is
Digital Cash.”

c. The format
The advert is designed to run in line before YouTube videos. It is 15 seconds long. There is a compelling
hook (the Bitcoin logo being crushed) in the first 5 seconds, so we
expect that a large percentage of people will let the ad run longer
to see the outcome. The second part of the advertisement points the
viewer to the website for more information.

d. The YouTube campaign.
The ad will run in line before YouTubevideos. It will only be served to viewers who have been watching
videos on Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies. We aim to have 1000
views per day for 30 days. We will evaluate the YouTube analytics of
this campaign to see if more views per day would be appropriate or
not for future campaigns.

Budget Breakdown

The budget is calculated at DASH:USD = 95

ExpensesPer HourPer DayHoursDaysUSDDASH
Proposal Cost----$4505
YouTube Cost-$50-30$150015.7895

Please refer to the following link regarding the average salary of 3D animation artists:

We will post a weekly report on forum until one week after the end of the campaign.

Future projects
We hope to forge a lasting relationship with the Dash DAO as one of its main advertising agents.

Our biggest strength is character animation, and we would like to produce ads that focus on characters.
However, we are not limited to one medium of video advertisements. As mentioned, we have direct access to a large group of freelance artists and studio services in Cape Town, and will be able to produce work in any medium needed.

If this campaign is successful, we will use the bulk of our income from it as capital to start on the next

Pieter and Thomas   

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
Week 3 report: Our first ad now has 37,251 views! (~+10 000 in the last week)

(Please note that the stats are cumulative)

Report date: June 30, 2017
Campaign cost to date: $1,167.03 (out of $2,180.00)
Impressions: 209,627
Interactions: 33,862
Interaction rate: 16.15%
Average cost per interaction (CPV): $0.03
Clicks: 561
Click through rate (CRT): 0.28%
Cost per click (CPC): $2.07

YouTube analytics
Views: 37,251

Top geographies
India: 38%
United States: 12%
Philippines: 3.3%
Mexico: 3.1%
Brazil: 2.4%

Male: 90%
Female: 10%
0 points,7 years ago
4.5.1) “how to bitcoin”
Views: 199,603

Should read
4.5.1) “how to bitcoin”
Views: 9,603

(Cut and paste mistake)
0 points,7 years ago
Youtube Campaign report, week 1

Hi everybody.

This is the promised first weekly report for the Eralith Studios YouTube ad campaign. Later reports will be posted in this same thread.

Report date: June 16, 2017
Campaign cost to date: $491.19
Impressions: 98,948
Interactions: 16 649
Interaction rate: 16.82%
Average cost per interaction (CPV): $0.03
Clicks: 303
Click through rate (CRT): 0.34%
Cost per click (CPC): $1.61

Interesting observations
Adsense reports that the campaign is limited by budget. This means that there is scope for spending more money on the same keywords at the same price.
“How to Bitcoin” is by far the most effective keyword. This means that there is a huge new population of people interested in Bitcoin. Targeting them should be a priority.
The most views come from India and the global south. This may be due to:
Keywords targeting the global south may be cheaper.
There is much more interest in the global south in alternative currencies. India specifically is interesting, since the government outlawed larger cash denominations a few months ago. We believe this to be the main reason.
We would highly recommend that Dash starts targeting India (30% of all views) for advertising as soon as Evolution becomes available.

1) The ad: Dash: Private Instant Cash.

The ad runs in-line before YouTube videos, and the respondent may click away from the video after 5 seconds.

2) The Budget
In our proposal we budgeted $1 500.00 at $ 50 per day for 30 days. Because of the appreciation of Dash between proposal submittal and payout, we were able to pay $ 2 180.00 into the DashAds YouTube account on June 5, 2017.

3) Campaign settings
3.1) Daily budget.
We decided to keep the daily budget at $50 but to extend the campaign beyond 30 days until the $ 2 180.00 is spent.

3.2) Landing page.
We tried to link the video to, but the YouTube algorithm would not allow the link, since our keywords contained the word “Bitcoin” and the word “Bitcoin” does not appear on any page. The YouTube algorithm regards a landing page that is relevant to the keywords a high quality landing page, and one that is not relevant to the keywords a low quality landing page. The quality of the landing page is used in calculating the ad’s position in the keyword auction.

We were therefore compelled to create a new website as the landing page, for the purpose of paying less per view, and to redirect interested respondents to In order to be able to link to the page, the word “Bitcoin” had to be included on the page.

The landing page is here. Note that it serves only as a proxy to redirect people to

3.3) Demographics targeted
Language: We limited the campaign to English speakers only, since the ad is in English.
Countries: The whole world.
Age: 18-65 years of age.
Gender: All

3.4) Key words
We wanted to reach Bitcoin users, especially people who are new to Bitcoin, since the ad compares Dash to Bitcoin. The ad would not have meaning to people without that context.

4) Results. (reported on June 16, 2017)
These results are from June 5 2017 to June 16 2017. We had some technical hiccups in the first day or so of running the ad and had to pause it for a day to sort things out. (June 6-7) Fortunately we caught the problems early and the campaign is now running exactly as planned.

4.1) Campaign cost to date: $491.19

4.2) Impressions
“Impressions” refers to the times that the video ran for at least 5 seconds before a YouTube video. What is important, is that this particular ad contains the full message in the first 5 seconds. Every single impression therefore has the ability to deliver the full message!
Impressions: 98,948
We believe that flashing our message 100 000 times to Bitcoin users for the amount spent is an absolute bargain.

4.3) Interactions
“Interactions” refers to the times that the respondent allowed the ad to run at least 30 seconds. Since this ad is only 22 seconds long it means that the whole ad was watched.
Interactions: 16 649
Interaction rate: 16.82%
Average cost per interaction: $0.03

4.4) Clicks
Clicks: 303
Click through rate (CRT): 0.34%
Cost per click (CPC): $1.61

4.5) Keywords
Here are some of our best performing keywords:

4.5.1) “how to bitcoin”
Maximum bid: $0.10
Impressions: 63,096
Views: 199,603
View rate: 15.22%
Avg cost per view: $0.04

4.5.2) “bitcoin”
Maximum bid: $0.10
Impressions: 4,342
Views: 833
View rate: 19.18%
Avg cost per view: $0.04

4.5.3) “uasf”
Maximum bid: $0.10
Impressions: 1,237
Views: 223
View rate: 18.03%
Avg cost per view: $0.04

4.5.4) “bitcoin explained”
Maximum bid: $0.10
Impressions: 105
Views: 19
View rate: 18.10%
Avg cost per view: $0.04

4.6) YouTube analytics
This differs from the Google Adsense analytics above because it does not report on the campaign but on the performance of the video itself. The difference in views represent the amount of times the video was shown organically (i.e. ot as part of the paid campaign.)

4.6.1) Views: 17,710

4.6.2) Geographies
India: 30%
Mexico: 7.4%
United States: 7%
Brazil: 4.9%
Vietnam: 3.2%

4.6.3) Gender
Male: 84%
Female: 16%
0 points,7 years ago
DASH advertising missing?
0 points,7 years ago
Hey dusko.
Thanks for the comment!
This is why we believe it is imperative to advertise Dash as soon as possible.
1 point,7 years ago
Bielie I'm so sorry!!
I wanted to test if we could post a Report here, but it won't allow me to delete it!

PEOPLE - PLEASE IGNORE EVALUATION BELOW - just a test - nothing to do with the proposal
0 points,7 years ago
Don't worry about it! No harm done :)⁠⁠⁠⁠
0 points,7 years ago
Evaluator will give points out of each weighting, e.g.
1. Proposal Presentation 2/2
2. Character 4/5
3. Responsiveness 5/5
4. Experience. 3/10
5. Samples of work. 8/10
6. Technical expertise 6/10
7. Risk vs. Reward. 11/15
Total 39/57 = 68,4%
Earns 2 Bonus Points 41/57
Proposal Final Rating = 71.9%
Evaluator will give points out of each weighting, e.g.
1. Proposal Presentation 2/2
2. Character 4/5
3. Responsiveness 5/5
4. Experience. 3/10
5. Samples of work. 8/10
6. Technical expertise 6/10
7. Risk vs. Reward. 11/15
Total 39/57 = 68,4%
Earns 2 Bonus Points 41/57
Proposal Final Rating = 71.9%
Evaluator will give points out of each weighting, e.g.
1. Proposal Presentation 2/2
2. Character 4/5
3. Responsiveness 5/5
4. Experience. 3/10
5. Samples of work. 8/10
6. Technical expertise 6/10
7. Risk vs. Reward. 11/15
Total 39/57 = 68,4%
Earns 2 Bonus Points 41/57
Proposal Final Rating = 71.9%
0 points,7 years ago
..the anti bitcoin video looks a litle primitive, guys :)
0 points,7 years ago
..but maybe you know what you are doing, we will see :)
0 points,7 years ago
Hi dusko.
Thanks for the comment. Please refer to our proposal and it's update for all information regarding our aesthetic choices.
We hope this will clear things up! :)
0 points,7 years ago
You are right! Fingers crossed! :)
5 points,7 years ago
A little late but you have my yes votes.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much! We are happy to see them.
-5 points,7 years ago
No, because the style of the animation is very very cheap. I do 3D animations in my company and no customer would pay me 20 dollars for that. Please delete that file from youtube asap. Sorry to be that harsh, but most kids, learning a 3d programm, could do that after the first day.
3 points,7 years ago
I don't share your sentiment, friend. It's not that bad at all. I've supervised work much worse than this, and seen it do a lot for a company. Just because it's not incredibly complex, does not mean it isn't effective.
3 points,7 years ago
Thank you! We look forward to bigger projects soon :)
2 points,7 years ago
Hi Raptor73

We appreciate the comment. Please note that the simplicity is by design. We assure you that we are capable of both hard surface and character animation, and we are definitely heading in the direction of character animation, but for this project we decided to keep it clean and simple. We had to tone down our work at one point, because the message was being missed.
In the update to our proposal we discuss our direction a lot more in depth. Please follow this link:
We hope that you will reconsider.
-1 point,7 years ago
Not sure about the anti Bitcoin pitch but still worth voting yes.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Fount4inhead
Thank you for the vote! I completely understand your concern. Rest assured, this campaign is not designed to damage bitcoin directly. We simply hope to draw in new investors before they independently discover other altcoins.
5 points,7 years ago
Yes from me ;)
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks! :)
5 points,7 years ago
What is the target audience with this advertisement ?

In the video, your talking about taking people attention within the first 5 seconds. I know from self and the people I dealt with in crypto, that this types of commercials are allot less effective on us (your jedi mind tricks don't work on me). But they work well on in general, but in general this also means they have a sort of short attention span and are unwilling to take the time to learn crypto, and willl get frustrated with dash, and believe it to be a broken promise.

This will be problem than can be overcome, with dash evolution but not before that time. Truth be told there are a great many users that simply don't even use dash wallet's that support, instant sent and private sent, again a broken promise

It will also feed the trolls, again especially because evolution is not out yet, and the targeted audience will perhaps even rally behind them.

I would like to vote yes, for your idea especially seeing your young professional with the correct background, but only coupled with evolution live or preview version, teaser style. Otherwise I think it will just fall in the water and I am afraid Dash will shoot it's load to early.

But I would like to fund this proposal, but only if you target it more against other alts first (different target auditions ) so that you have time to build up your company a bit more, and get ready for the campaign coupled with evolution.

Otherwise my mno's will vote NO now for
7 points,7 years ago
Hi A_node_to_a_Master.

Thank you for the comment. We are of exactly the same mind! We are definitely not going to target the general public before Evolution is out. I apologize for the lack of clarity in our video proposal. For this project in particular we are planning to target new Bitcoin users primarily. Emphasis on "new". Let me explain.

In the last 6 months Bitcoin has skyrocketed in value, transaction count, and user base. There have been millions of new bitcoin investors in the last year alone. Many of these new Bitcoin investors are still very impressionable, and many are ignorant of altcoin. They will find out about altcoin eventually though, and so Dash needs to be the first they see.

Because of this massive influx of Bitcoin investors, YouTube has become saturated with “Bitcoin for beginners”, and “how to Bitcoin” videos. There are tens of thousands of these out there. These videos will be our primary targets. The advert is not designed, and will not be marketed to draw in the general public. We want to draw in the curious investors.

We agree that comparative marketing should be absolutely truthful, otherwise it will do harm. Our ad is absolutely truthful. It only attacks Bitcoin as far as transaction speed and privacy is concerned. And Dash delivers exactly that in the core wallet. We do not advertise third party wallets, therefore we are not going to explain why these do not have private or instant send.

Furthermore, our community has multiple vlogging, and explainer channels, dedicated to helping new investors. We will be leaving links to some of their channels in the description of the advert. We hope that our updated forum post brings more clarity! We go into a lot more detail about our marketing strategy. Here is a link:

We genuinely appreciate your sincerity. Rest assured. We plan to grow as a studio, and prepare ourselves for Evolution. It will be grand.
4 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your reply, you got my votes now.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much!
7 points,7 years ago
I've worked in marketing for over 20 years now, and I want to commend you for your efforts. Your numbers are looking accurate, and I believe your chances are good. I hope this gets passed.
Well done!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much! We are happy to hear that!
3 points,7 years ago
I voted yes. I have a comment on the message though. Tearing down bitcoin can adversely effect the desirability of Dash. If someone is researching Bitcoin for the first time they don't want to think it has problems. Rather focus on how we have a different usecase. You have the same message but it is positive. People like positive.
3 points,7 years ago
Great comment! I agree; better to focus on positivity if you can
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for the comment and your vote! It is certainly a valid concern. Our research on marketing strategies prompted us to stick with a comparative marketing campaign for this project in particular, as we feel it will be the most efficient. We have discussed our marketing plan in more detail on the forums. Please follow this link:
0 points,7 years ago
Seems odd and empty with no voice over.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the feedback.
As much as it was an aesthetic choice originally, your concern is fair, and it is noted. We are planning to do one or two more editing passes, so we will definitely play around with more sounds.
3 points,7 years ago
I think it's growing on me... doesn't seem to be a problem now! It's slightly weird but that kind of gives it more impact somehow!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks. We hope it will have an impact on crypto newbies too.
7 points,7 years ago
Great initiative! Right target audience, right medium. Thanks for the itemization of expenses. Got my vote.
2 points,7 years ago
Your elaborations on effective marketing made me vote yes on this. Thanks!
0 points,7 years ago
We are very happy to hear that. Thank you for the vote!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you very much!
7 points,7 years ago
Yeah, I think Dash should try to do this kind of advertisement campaigns in Facebook and Google also... so yes!
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you!
6 points,7 years ago
Definitely worth giving this a try.
0 points,7 years ago
Hopefully the results of this campaign will help us in future campaigns.
1 point,7 years ago
And thank you!
5 points,7 years ago
I vote yes 👍
0 points,7 years ago
2 points,7 years ago
Like the animation, you think you could put more work into the text afterwards? At least 3D text to match the animation text you have in the beginning? And add music along with the next part, just text looses interest.

Other then that I'd like to see a group like this funded for sure
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you, we are looking to fund bigger and better animations in the future. And we'll take the feedback into account.
1 point,7 years ago
this video needs awesome music ^^
0 points,7 years ago
Budget is tight this time around, but we have big plans for the future!