Proposal “DashWorld-v.2“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash World: Evolution in Marketing V.2
Monthly amount: 775 DASH (18424 USD)
Completed payments: 4 totaling in 3100 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-04-07 / 2016-08-20 (added on 2016-03-29)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1051 Yes / 405 No / 0 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

PLEASE NOTE: This is the same Dash World: Evolution in Marketing proposal. Only that we have listened to the community's concerns regarding DASH's increased price (from $4.51 to $7.00) and have incorporated them into this new proposal that now reflects a new price. Instead of 1,175 DASH the same dollar value is in 775 DASH requested herein.

Now that there is no longer public awareness, we need this more than ever!

Before you embark on perusing this quite a long proposal you may wish to check out our brief Slate Adobe presentations:
Dash World: Evolution in Marketing
Dash World: Micro-economy of Dash
or you can listen to the podcast
Dash Round Table Ep.02 - DashWorld Budget Proposal with Lisa Cheng and Dr. BobLQ

Dash World: Evolution in Marketing

Dash Evolution’s giant leap toward the creation of a new type of decentralized crypto-currency makes the project even more exciting than ever before. The problem: the world does not know about Dash yet.


Dash marketing efforts are falling far behind Dash’s innovations. Its numerous improvements over the Bitcoin protocol such as InstantX, PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend), 3rd network tier, decentralized governance and funding by blockchain are all revolutionary steps toward the permissionless, P2P (peer-to-peer), decentralized  society dominated by the Crypto-Economy.

Even more than Bitcoin, Dash challenges the ways we shape and manage society. William Gibson famously quipped:"The future is already here, it's just unevenly distributed.” Dash offers tools for the future of today but the knowledge about it has yet to be distributed. Dash needs to establish  itself as digital cash for the new society of the future we create together.


Dash World: Evolution in Marketing places all strategic efforts under one umbrella with the clear focus on Dash’s three main advantages and promotes Dash as:

-- An exciting, permissionless investment opportunity, via its MN network,
-- The perfect digital cash for the emerging P2P decentralized economy,
-- As enabler of our right to privacy via its revolutionary PrivacyProtect (formerly DarkSend) feature.

Tactical steps:

-- Marketing focuses on specific areas such as:
---- Masternodes as an investment,
---- Dash’s property as digital cash,
---- PrivacyProtect (a.k.a. DarkSend) by creating “stories” around each revolutionary feature Dash Project represents.
-- SEO (search engine optimization; think Google optimizing) work fixes weaknesses such as:
---- Meta Tags that are now lacking (these are shown as snippets in Google search results),
---- Schema micro-data implementation (structuring the information),
---- Meta tags in foreign languages (with the help of the Foundation).

-- An outside marketing company helps with:
---- marketing audit;
---- positioning Dash in weekly media;
---- press contacts;
---- events and conferences organization (speaking engagements);
---- Reddit and other community outreach avenues;
-- Working internally to develop the new products to be a part of the emerging P2P crypto economy Dash should be able to power as its currency with marketing that further drives development and merchant adoption.
This Proposal joins our efforts into a needed structure with the technical, sociological or innovative side of the Dash Project. It places all
creative energy on the boat that sails in one direction and spreads the message. It aims at creating excitement without and within. It does not
want for many a valuable project to linger in a limbo alone, trying to find its place under the sun on by itself, its gives everyone and  every effort a space in the Dash World:Micro-economy of Dash it, we  strive to create.

You can also peruse a full, nicely formatted PDF document of this proposal. (Forgive the captcha please; it keeps the doc private)


This solution-focused proposal aims to tackle the matter from different angles and to align Dash’s technical genius and enormous creative energy coming from its community and the Darkcoin Foundation with out-of-the-box marketing thinking and actions. Due to the very nature of Dash’s versatility, we propose to think holistically while forking (sporking if you wish) our marketing efforts. We think of and promote Dash strategically:

-- As an exciting, permissionless investment opportunity, via its MN network,
-- As the perfect digital cash for the emerging P2Pdecentralized economy;
-- As enabler of our right to privacy via its revolutionary PrivacyProtect(formerly DarkSend) feature.


How would you feel if you were sick and your doctor prescribed a medicine without listening to you describe your symptoms first?
                                                                   Patrick Renvoisé and Christophe Morin in Neuromarketing

The ability of a marketer to “diagnose the pain” of her prospect is the first step toward meeting consumer’s needs. But how to diagnose the pain of someone not owning or even knowing about a non-tangible asset that emerges from arcane realms of alien binary strings language as a solution to the mathematical puzzle, a.k.a. DASH? (when capitalized we’re referring to the currency, when in lower case, to the project) If
there isn’t a clearly defined need for our product we ought to invent a narrative creating it. The best way of creating a need for Dash is to sell its STORY.

Think of our marketing “sporks” as our stories. We suspect a lot of people would like to own a bank and therefore, our first story is a dream of financial independence.

Dash Masternodes as an Investment Opportunity

Before we get to the nuts and bolts of tactical steps that we will embark on to implement our strategic vision, consider our Discussion of a Crypto-Currency Masternode Network as an Investment Opportunity. This is an “open source document” – work in progress that the community can and is encouraged to improve and make derivative works out of. It  will also serve as our “master” document – as the basis for the  activities described henceforth. The PDF can be found here @

The narratives like this one will then split our marketing efforts in order to amplify the message. For example:

-- one “master document” such as this becomes a PowerPoint presentation and then
-- a slide share and
-- a bunch of info-graphics and
-- a series of derivative articles and
-- all of that morphs with a live stream (of the PP presentation) creating  
-- a video that than (also using its transcript)
-- create another article / buzz / Twitter / Reddit...and other community
outreach activities. (we will assign a community manager to do Reddit and bitcoin talk)

All marketing activities, be it “big” events or promotion or supportive tweets, will also be ever growing resources to draw on as we position Dash in media, be it weekly media stories in Crypto news or main stream media we plan to attract. And then more, pushing for, creating and promoting “Dash World: Micro-economy of Dash,” helping in creating strategic alliances and partnerships with  compatible crypto or payment projects and promoting them.

Dash is an open-source, decentralized project. Our marketing efforts would be  much better served if built as an open, organic, open-source like  campaign that grows, tweaks, adjust and improves itself as we progress.  Its motto: CONTENT AMPLIFICATION & spreading the message via  multifaceted marketing strategies.

The outdated manner many a company uses for their marketing efforts is to give the money to a big, mostly indifferent PR firm, for an automated promotion of a generic,  short article and leave it there. Even Dash fell into that trap when it used the “PRWEB financial package,” and paid $879.00 for such a one-time press release. ( One could argue this is not the most efficient way to further the cause.

What we propose to do turns that method upside down. Each segment of our marketing efforts forks endlessly and spreads the word about our project and its advantages, both in the decentralized worlds of crypto and  centralized worlds of institutional oppression.

1. Our “base” documents like Masternodes as an investment opportunity are left for the community to improve and expand on them. We create several derivative  presentations out of the base document and the ideas it generates:

a) VIDEO and / or POWER POINT presentations that are then:
-- used by our core team member, Dr. BobLQ (more about him in “Who are we” segment) and his business partner, Jason Santos, a young Bitcoin and  alt-coins enthusiast, in Manila, The Philippines, for presentation to  two Meetups:

1st Makati Digital Cash Meetup and its 454 members (last accessed on March 8, 2016);
2nd Makati Internet of Things Meetup and its 215 members (last accessed on March 8, 2016);
These presentations, or one should our partners in Manila merge them, would be live-streamed online so most of their 669 members, and an wider audience can follow it in real time.

-- our members and Ambassadors can use the video & PP freely for their own private or public presentations of Dash Masternodes as an Investment Opportunity,
-- the PP presentation is then published & spread all over the social media via our community collective efforts,
-- Amanda of The Daily Decrypt creates a program about it, 
-- the video & PP presentations are used and re-used as easy to follow promotional material by anyone.

b) INFOGRAPHICS or a 3D narrative of the  Dash Masternodes as an Investment Opportunity that are then:

-- promoted all over the Internet;
(one of numerous examples how to promote an Infographic is Review My Infographic service that for $30.00 gives a feedback and post it to its
7,000 ++ Twitter / Facebook followers;
-- submitted to Infographic directories like,,and 20++ others);
-- published & spread all over the social media via our community collective efforts;
-- used and re-used by anyone as easy to follow promotional material.

c) ADOBE SLATE derivative (
-- our members and Ambassadors can use it freely for their own private or public presentations;
-- published & spread all over the social media via our community collective efforts;
-- the link is used and re-used as easy to follow promotional material by anyone.

d) SLIDE SHARE presentations on
-- our members and Ambassadors can use it freely for their own private or public presentations;
-- published & spread all over the social media via our community collective efforts;
-- the link is used and re-used as easy to follow promotional material by anyone.

Each bit of amplified content can then be further promoted all over the Net.

e) We do not want our efforts to only linger on the fringes of the Internet and depend on the Google’s mercy so a professional “amplifier” of our efforts with connections is needed. We propose to partner with The Vanbex Group for the simple reason: they do not do generic PR services and do not do a wire as they have personal relationships with all bitcoin media as well as with mainstream media. Depending on our story (stories) and the angle that will depend on whether the mainstream media would like to pick it up. The Vanbex are  not offering us thousands of dollar sponsored stories that any outlet  can offer us. They have a more superior service with real connections. 

Check out The Vanbex Dash PDF at
The following is what they bring to the table:

The Vanbex Group works hands-on with projects in the crypto-currency  industry to better communicate their message, draw out their value
proposition, and create a buzz around the opportunity consistent with  achieving the project goals. Unlike many PR agencies, The Vanbex does
not use PR newswire service. They have relationships with and are published in the,,, Coindesk, btc
manager, Merkle, Bitcoin magazine, Brave new coin, Econo times, and other publications that are not just bitcoin related.

The Vanbex can help dash on many aspects starting with a full marketing audit that will be extremely helpful in pointing out inefficiencies, places for improvement, places that Dash is doing well, insight to a proper path to obtaining our goals. They work with our social media team or provide that service of us (think Reddit and synergy of Vanbex and our Reddit masters like buster, Inthewoods, thedashguy) and they help us get speaking gigs. They will work closely with the Dash Community and Developers to properly narrate Dash’s story to the world. Through their media contacts combined with their knowledge of the industry, we hope The Vanbex will be able to properly build Dash’s communication strategy.

The Vanbex approach includes the following:

  1. Positioning Dash in weekly media stories published in Crypto news
  2. Community Outreach
  3. Solidifying market position
  4. Dash speaking engagements at events/conferences
Press Timeline:

  • Month 1: Building the foundation
    • Marketing Audit
    • Press story: Origins of Dash
    • Press story: Developers behind the project and community
    • Press story: Use Cases and Positioning in the marketplace
  • Month 2: Gaining Momentum
    • Press story: Technology Innovations
    • Press story: Crypto-currency Comparisons
    • Press story: Industry developments
    • Press story: Partnerships
      • Publicize strategic alliances and partnerships with others in the Crypto/Payments industry
  • Month 3: Solidifying Market Position
    • Press story: Community Achievements
      • growth numbers, usage volume, transactions
    • Press story: Proving use case stories
      • use case examples that became reality
    • Press story: Dash is backed by a strong team
    • Press story: Dash technology is the future
(The above press stories can be changed and/or new angles can be added as time progresses)

Vanbex will also help organize our participation in the key events we aim to participate in during the trial period:

Wired Money                                                                ï»¿d10efearless ideas & decentralization trends
June 23, 2016                                                                  ï»¿July19 – 20, 2016
The British Museum, London                                      ï»¿Marriott Marquis, San Francisco
(DASH is better money narrative)                                    (Dash Evolution presentation)

NOTE: participation in these events, including soda-machine presentation on d10e in San Francisco will be separate, independent proposals. It will serve to market our participation before and to spread the world about our success(es)

We also plan to promote Dash into the Lamassu ATM machines on one of both of the events. “One of our top priorities from a business development perspective is to improve direct access to our network for end users. We believe crypto ATMs are a great way for regular people to get access to DASH without  being adept to crypto-currency online trading and Lamassu has currently the largest number of machines operating around the world of  all the manufacturers,” said Evan Duffield, Dash lead developer and founder.

Dash World: Micro-economy of Dash

P2P decentralized, permissionless Crypto-Economy is soon going to be our reality. While this segment of our proposal is not directly linked to
the marketing purposes it is worth mentioning for it outlines a broader vision for the Dash World. We can act as we’re already free and start
building our own blocks of the Crypto-Economy by creating the micro-economy of Dash, even through the marketing efforts described in
this Proposal.

We do not need to outsource work as we, the community, have an enormous wealth of talent, energy and creativity thatneeds to be used, not only as the energy behind marketing efforts but  more importantly as the force that drives fledgling steps for the Dash World: Micro-economy of Dash.

Ponder, for example:
-- Misconduct wine & Richard (member: bigrcanada.86/). Misconduct can sponsor d10e event in San Francisco with a case or two of its
wines. We can organize a Dash auction to stir a buzz and donate the proceeds to a local charity. Or we can demonstrate how purchasing the wine with Dash works. I have zero doubts the collective genius of community will come up with some
brilliant ideas;
-- The soda-machine project that was a hit at the Bitoin Conference in Miami in January of 2016 and now think:
-- Camosoul who sourced machine, refurbished, retrofitted it
--  Moocowmoo- Code, InstantX Detection,
--  Oaxaca- Funded Booth, Ideas and support,
--  Solarminer - Screen and relay code, paper wallets,
--  Splawik21- Ideas and support,
--  Raptor73- 3D drawings,
--  Thedashguy- Web design, paper wallet design,
--  Fulltimegeek- Custom Android wallet with fast paper wallet import and IX sending,
--  Hashfastengineeirng- Added IX to Android wallet
--  QuantumExplorer- Added IX to Apple wallet all of them related only to the soda-machine
project and now think of:
--  Dash Tennis Tournament in Brazil,
--  Amanda of The Daily Decrypt Dash and her tireless work in promoting Dash,
--  Juan Galt and his presentation in Anarchapulco,
--  Alex-ru and his videos;
--  Buster and his broadcasts;
--  Wifi Portal…
… and think how much knowledge, talent and hard work only this small group of randomly chosen people represents. (not to mention that
Solarminer also contributed to the soda-machine presentation with the screen and relay code and  paper wallets; that Tao helped with Remote InstantX Video; that Perry contributed with Video; that Eric Sammons boosted all of this with his article…

The community members are the ones who know the product and its value and potential the best and are thus better qualified (knowledgeable) and more passionate than any outside experts.

That’s the micro-economy of Dash in a nutshell.

The Dash Evolution 2nd Tier opens the door to very interesting strategies like smart contracts and all sorts of different ways to decentralize how we conduct business in a peer-to-peer economy. We hope and help create a decentralized, dis-intermediated Airbnb or  Uber (imagine the app without the company), and more than anything a  pure decentralized, P2P, dis-intermediated Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
(the social network and ad exchange) “We should push for the P2P Decentralized Profitable Revolution.  Anyone can contribute AND profit
from their efforts,” (not only the spying companies that also censors us and sell our data as a “new asset class”) and this is what this approach aims to achieve.

Henry Giroux recently said: “We should live to improve our lives and the lives of  others with great compassion, dignity and a sense of justice. Large  numbers of people should not be struggling just to survive, condemned to the perils of economic and political deprivation.” Today, centralized  organizations like the corrupt central banks, governments serving the  plutocracy and corporatism control the entire system by force, inserting themselves in all facets of life so the first step of achieving the  goal Giroux’ outlines is to remove intermediaries. P2P decentralized society dream is not that far-fetched anymore.

The possibilities are endless.

Who Are We

Roman Latkovic
works as free-lance Internet Marketing &  SEO expert and is known  for his honesty and stellar results delivered to his clients. Some examples below:

Roman is also the chief architect of the Dash World: Evolution in Marketing proposal and, should the community chooses to fund it, the future
Project Manager responsible for the execution. He’s also a long-standing member of the Dash Community, the Darkcoin Foundation member, and an  early Darkcoin / Dash investor. He has authored the first draft of DARKCOIN: Private e-Cash Manifesto:   

Several years ago Roman, together with Dr. Robert La Quey,Ph.D., conducted a Case Study, TWITTER:THE DARK SIDE: Does Twitter’s Enable Massive Click Fraud? In the Study they created 1,677,769 fake clicks to one single Bitly link without being detected in order to prove the Bitly / Twitter security  vulnerabilities. You may check out the screen shot of the Bitly  analytics @ 

On 30 November 2009 The WIRED magazine published an article Partners with Security firms to Block Spams, Scams from Twitter,
discussing the security issues we disclosed, (source:

Roman is also a writer and a filmmaker.Hollywood’s dreams facilitator, Melody Jackson, Ph.D. , wrote this about Roman: “Here’s the true life journey that reads like a Hollywood suspense story:  Roman's life has infused his stories with passion, tragedy and triumph.”

Check out his personal website @ 

Dr. Robert La Quey, Ph.D. (“Dr. BobLQ”), a python-programmer is also known as the oldest hacker in the world. Check out this brief snippet from La Quey’s CV:

“While at Rice University, with Dr. David Reasoner, Dr. La Quey designed core  instrument electronics for the NASA Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (deployed on the Moon by Apollo 14, 15 & 16). From 1969 to 1973 Dr. La Quey was a research physicist at UCSD, developing space craft instruments for NASA.

He worked at the Princeton University Plasma Physics Laboratory where he worked in the theoretical physics group. In 1975 Dr. La Quey formed a small think tank, Maya Corporation, performing analytical studies for NASA and Cal Tech’s Jet Propulsion Lab.

During the late 70’s Dr. La Quey helped to found International Remote Imaging Systems, Inc. IRIS went public (NASDAQ:IRIS) in the early 80’s and now has a market capitalization of over $300 million. After IRIS, Dr. La Quey consulted for a variety of companies including Ford Aerospace, Logicon (acquired by Northrup-Grumman) and Idacom. (acquired by HP)”

Roman and Dr. BobLQ keep successfully collaborating. Just last year, they finished “work for hire”, Bob as an inventor, Roman as his scientific assistant, on the Quiet Machinery patent. The United States Patent Office has received our submission at 30NOV2015 (eFiled Application Information EFS ID 24205057; this work is now being processed by The USPTO)

The Vanbex Group brings a team of experts and specialists who represent many different aspects of Bitcoin /  Blockchain. Since 2013, they have designed and directed for some of the most innovative and successful companies in the Bitcoin/Blockchain industry.

Please check them out:
-- the Vanbex website @
-- the Dash – Vanbex PDF @

Kevin Hobbs, Director of Operations
-- LinkedIn @

Lisa Cheng
, Founder
-- Linkedin @
-- personal website @

Budget Breakdown

DASH is pegged to US dollar @ exchange rate of 1 DASH = $7.00 March 29, 2016.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,8 years ago
Where would the money be going for the next payment?
1 point,8 years ago
This is a cross-post from our Forum @
I recommend using it for it is nicely formatted and the links are working.

Dear masternode owners and community members:

Dash World goes well beyond publishing a few articles here and there and tweeting about it. This lengthy update gives you a bigger picture of the efforts and where we hope they will lead us. I envisioned our four months work (last payment is supposed to occur in July) as a trial period that will have culminated with the d10e San Francisco event:

-- Evan Duffield will give a talk, presenting Evolution developments;
-- @oaxaca will use Dash soda-machine to demonstrate InstantX and bring Dash to the real world;
-- Perry Woodin, whose Node40 is a part of "the micro-economy of Dash" will be also speaking;
-- Virtual Reality live stream, organization of which has been helped by the Dash World's very own Vanbex guys, will be the first of that nature. A happening in making!

With the people like Andreas Antonopoulos & John McAfee among dozen others being there, d10e will be the best and biggest of that sort. Business meeting and hopefully deals are planned. Media coverage blast is planned.

We all realize d10e has its own budgets, but don't forget that d10e was the Dash's World initiative. Moreover:
-- $1,500.00 has been saved (out of expenses) by the discount @hobbskevin and @lisacheng secured for the Dash;
-- 139.51 DASH ($1,124.49 at the fiat price in the moment of writing) was the Dash World's financial contribution to the event. (i.e. I sent Dash to Oaxaca to help him pay for the dash-machine transport, setup etc.)

At first I was planning to present you only with a "normal mid-month update" with data like, organic traffic comparison on for the May 19, 2016 - Jun 18, 2016 period with the previous month (Apr 18, 2016 - May 18, 2016) where we keep seeing the progress:
-- Sessions: +16.99%
-- Users: +19.10%
Or to address your attention that we used to have zero (0) pages in the biggest Chinese search engine Baidu index. Since I've become a Webmaster in Baidu (thanks to @tungfa; @Alexy) as a results of my efforts we had a first batch of
-- 113 pages indexed in Baidu only a month ago and now we already have
-- 304 pages indexed in Baidu.
** you can check this statement on by using search operator ""

This resulted in 15.98% increase in traffic coming from China. Alas, these results would've been much better had our new website development hasn't been stalled and had I given IM / SEO management for the new site we are still waiting to materialize. It is not clear how this would play out. So, my forte, SEO expertise, has not been utilized in the best possible way yet, aside my occasional help to @elishagh1 for his Dashpaymagazine or work with the Russian search engine, Yandex where we now see similar growth like that in China's Baidu:


SIDE NOTE: 12.50% of ALL visits to our official website are coming from Russia. @alex-ru has done great job there. (Ukraine adds additional 4.8% of all visitors. Interesting fact is that visitors from Brazil represent 6.73% of all our users so the Portuguese version for Dash might be a good idea. I speak Portuguese well enough, far from being able to translate myself but nevertheless, that I'd be able to SEO-ize such a Portuguese version to perfection)

After @babygiraffe post from yesterday, I decided to vastly expand my normal mid-month report. Here we go.

Micro-economy of Dash

"Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."
Theodore Roosevelt

@yidakee said it best: "Dash is a Payment Processor candidate to disrupt legacy online services. We can also do Smart Contracts our own way. We are aiming at mass adoption. We're aiming at serious business development. All this within the realms of money. Not funny money. Real hardcore, serious-as-can-be money."

Our budget system can not fuel development of an entity with a market cap over $50,000,000.00 USD in the way it deserves. The "Micro-economy of Dash" is a big part of the Dash World's vision. This is where we stand, in a complex approach to start helping Dash become a serious player in the world's economy.

Masternodes as an Investment

As I already written in my prior updates, we are approaching / in talks with potential partners in:

+++ Monte Carlo wealth management company;
+++ Berlin crypto venture capital company;
+++ Rio de Janeiro group of private investors to gauge interest in investing serious money in Dash.

We're discussing an investment of 50 - 100 - 200 masternodes. It is a serious business for everyone involved and there are hurdles to overcome. It would be naive to expect these people, despite them being millionaires or, in the MC case managing billions (and no matter my personal ties with some of them) will fork out so much money just like that because I told them how great we are. I know, for example, that the MC fund is now looking at my own background, despite the 2nd in command vouching for me. And I am not even gong to receive / transfer a penny due to the nature of acquiring the DASH / setting up masternodes process. Due diligence at its best that will for sure expand as we progress.

They are all going to receive:

-- an investment brochure printed out and snail mailed to them;
-- an investment package with:
+++ five waves of technology background (blockchain and Dash being the "sixth wave")
+++ competitive advantages of Dash, and its history;
+++ uniqueness of Dash's multi tier network. (I am using quotes from the great work by @Minotaur & @moocowmoo to portray the best picture of our advantages; and than some more):
+++ Node40 material about how to manage multiple masternodes from one wallet and the payment structure.

The package will also offer an option to setup their own MNs -- using Tao's Setup Guide for Dummies, by @TaoOfSatoshi (updated and maintained by @crowning and @tungfa) -- an option that is highly unlikely they'll opt to use but we want to emphasize decentralized nature of DASH and not push anything or anyone's service to them.

Please note: I will not be receiving any commissions or fees or any other sort of payments from neither the investor nor from the Node40, in a case the former invests and the later provides the service.

ATM I am working with a designer (using fantastic work by @alex-ru and @Raptor73 -- I hope you guys will be happy to see how I merged your respective work as a part of the presentation), investment advisor and editors in addition to ongoing talks with the 2nd in command of the Monte Carlo wealth management.

I hope to be able to present the community with the whole package, in an open source manner, in several weeks from now so anyone will be able to use it and promote that opportunity by themselves, strike a deal with @moocowmoo, @splawik21, @flare, Node40 guys etc...

Such a material will than be also published online, be it as an infographic, a series of derivative articles etc., too early to tell.

Privacy Sentinel

I am going to drop the name so it is a placeholder. This project is progressing painfully slowly but the final goal is to create a serious Study / White Paper / Book (accompanied by the series of articles all over the world, about human rights and need to private, anonymous communication and payments, with DASH serving as the payment processor)

If you think hoarding the cats or following our numerous open forums is difficult, imagine trying to put all these human rights activists and journalists together. I can not divulge the names of the human rights organizations (but if you'd google for "human rights organization spied on" you will get to the exact same starting point I used for this work) I've been in touch with. The same stays regarding the nemas of journalists I spoke thus far but I can share this:

These journalists I've been contact with work / publish in the following outlets:

ARD, BR, ZDF, MDR, NDR, WDR, 3sat, ORF, SF, Spiegel TV, ProSiebenSat1., enorm Magazin, Fräulein Magazin, der Freitag, Greenpeace Magazin, Merian, taz, Theo Magazin, Zeit,,,,,

Radio Nacional Argentina,

Agência Mural de Jornalismo das Periferias,

All over the world:
Masa Acher (Israel), Galileo (Israel), Worldcrunch, IPS, Earth Island Journal, Swissinfo, Chinadialogue,
DW, Al Jazeera, Gulf News, The Diplomat, AMA, PRI, Global Post, Associated Press, Quartz,
Quartz, The Equator Line, Caravan...

Needless to say, all of them are very busy so coordinating this can end up with a failure; there are different opinions, approaches, even suspicions as how to work, share the authorship, which organizations are to be dealt with, in which manner...

I am doing my best but if I am be unable to produce something jointly with them I will do it without them in a manner I deem fit. 20 years of my own journalistic background does no harm.

To put Dash out in the world, and present it as the serious enabler of our privacy is of the utmost importance.

Ongoing Work

-- The Vanbex has several articles in work. One by Eric Sammons;
-- We are getting mainstream press. A big foray into the mainstream was SpectroCoin adding Dash to exchange and e-wallet article on Ibtimes (link)
-- The Vanbex is looking to get Dash accepted on other exchanges.

More great, surprising developments are coming, hopefully in my next "full report" or at the latest, in my next "mid month report" a month for now. This is the project I am developing with Dr. BobLQ (@boblq), heavily on the tech side.

Thank you for your time. I am kindly asking for your continuing support of the Dash World efforts.

Roman (a.k.a. GreyGhost)
0 points,8 years ago
Dear Masternode owners:

This is a cross-post from our Forum @

The Dash World has successfully finished its second month’s engagement with the Dash project. We’ve been paid 775.00 DASH out of which:

-- 139.5157143 DASH, the last month's carry-over balance, went as the support for our presence on the d10e San Francisco Conference on decentralization. As the d10e was the Dash World's initiative, we were more than happy to help out. Note:
+++ Evan Duffield will give a presentation for the d10e audience;
+++ the DASH soda-machine starring Oaxaca will demonstrate InstantSend and DASH in real world;
+++ The Vanbex Group arranged for the sponsorship package lists for $5,000 at discount, a reduced $3,500 for us.

-- 461.5000000 DASH spent for The Vanbex Group for their work;
-- 139.2857143 DASH went to GreyGhost work outlined below. GG also acts as the Project manager;
-- 102.5301901 DASH spent for the Privacy Sentinel efforts (more about it below);
-- 17.8571428 DASH went to Raptor73 for his work listed in the April's work report (and more);
-- 53.8269527 DASH have not been spent yet and are carried over for this month work.

I believe it is important to stress out that the savings The Vanbex guys (@lisacheng and @hobbskevin ) secured, plus the money the Dash World donated for d10e (total of $2,620.31 at DASH's current USD price) almost amounts to one full month retainer for our great Canadian partners. I daresay that we do provide value for money to the community.

A detailed Expenses Breakdown itemizes all the expenses and outlines all the work done can be seen @

As a direct result of our efforts we keep seeing improvements; if we compare “organic traffic” on for the May 9th – June 7th period with the previous 30 days (April 9th – May 8th) days we see:

-- 21.38% more sessions;
-- 23.13% more users and than a small losses of
-- 0.79%% in average page-views and
-- 18.27% less pages seen per session and than again,
-- 4.12% increase of the average user’s visit duration and new sessions have also seen growth of
-- 2.94% increase in new sessions on the website.


Dash World's focus on the "Micro-economy of Dash" feels more important and urgent than a month or two prior. “One of our top priorities from a business development perspective is to improve direct access to our network for end user," said Evan Duffield, Dash lead developer and founder. (source)

PS is a complicated multi-layered project I'll try to outline briefly. The idea behind Privacy Sentinel is this:

-- There is a critical need to develop a secure messaging and transaction platform accessible via web browser or standalone native application. Such an application is pivotal for Dash to succeed beyond an investment and achieves mass adoption.

As the first step, DASH seeks to be the dominant payment processor for Private and Secure Communications Services by integrating SIGNAL (or other suitable P2P instant messaging & video calling protocol that offers end-to-end encryption) with DASH as the payment processor. --

So we are:
A) approaching potential partners in:
+++ Monte Carlo wealth management company;
+++ Berlin crypto venture capital company;
+++ Rio de Janeiro group of private investors to gauge interest in investing serious money in Dash or at least to learn from them. (both Monte Carlo and Rio people are my, i.e. gg's friends)

B) approaching journalists and human rights groups all over the world:
+++ the start has been, I must admit, somehow disappointing. So I am re-thinking the approach, how to better engage & involve them.

C) creating an outline for the service we want to develop:
+++ for its purpose, Dr. BobLQ has also "designed a wonderful scalable architecture based on ShadowBots as a Micro-service. Most of the software that acts as a framework in which the ShadowBots live is FOSS and has strong communities that support it," but do not ask me what this means :)

The Vanbex Group & the Node40 are working with me in preparing an investment package for prospective investors. The marketing material is being created as I type and I hope I will have something concrete to report in our next month's report.



One article alone has been picked up and re-published on many various crypto news sites. One of these, @ had 3,545 views so far (and still counting).


I am now our Webmaster on Baidu, a Chinese search engine (thanks to @tungfa; @Alexy). As a part of the work I've manually submitted of all our pages via (as Admin):
+++ as a result our website is now indexed in Baidu; so far 113 pages (see
** you can check the results on by using search operator ""

I am now also a Webmaster on Yandex, a Russian search engine so I've manually submitted of all our pages via
** you can check the results
** there are 8658 Forums pages (this forum) already visited by Yandex-bot!

DASH & Keepkey partnership was secured by The Vanbex efforts;
Helped elisha of dashpaymagazine with the basic SEO instructions for his site;
The Spells of Genesis trading card dedicated to Dash is out:

More to come. Exciting times ahead!
1 point,8 years ago
Dear masternode owners;

Allow me a brief, "mid-month" update about the Dash World’s progress in our second month since we’ve been given an honor to represent and to work for Dash. You can also see this update on

We've made some interesting strides and started various initiatives. Here are some of these:

-- we have 3 new articles in the works;
-- two (2) of our earlier published works have been seen by 8,354 people so far (and counting) and were shared on various social platforms 727 times. Cumulatively, we estimate that well over 10K people have heard of Dash through our efforts during 26 days since Dash World has published first article by our own Eric Sammons.

As a direct result of these efforts we already see improvements; if we compare “organic traffic” on for the April 29th – May 26th period with the previous 26 days we see:

-- 19.75% more sessions;
-- 21.36% more users;
-- 24.36% more page-views;
-- 3.85% more pages seen per session etc. and even our site’s bounce rate has fallen dramatically for 34.73% and is now at historic low of 2.87% (the “bounce rate” represents “the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page,” so this is to say that our visitors stay and learn about Dash as they browse the website.

Also, Knight of Dash card, a part of the Spell of Genesis, is officially on sale for partner members only, it will be available to the public in a month or so. Look at this beauty at

The Vanbex guys facilitated the engagement with Keepkey to create DASH / Keepkey partnership and this development is progressing as I type.

It is worth noting that we’re in private talks (GreyGhost) with the wealth management firm from Monte Carlo, testing the waters and gauging their interest in investing in Dash.

We are continuing to work on d10e event in July in San Francisco where we expect Dash to be present and our own Evan to be one of the keynote speakers.

There are several other exciting projects we’re working on that are in early stages. We will be happy to explain what we're working on in more detail in our 2nd month work report, scheduled for around 8th – 9th of June.

Stay tuned. Exciting times ahead.

Thank you for your trust and time.
0 points,8 years ago
A small update:

We've published Decentralized, Transparent, Blockchain-Based Governance article at
Dash Masternodes Study: Rising Crypto Bonds of the Future at

More importantly, we're organizing participation on a big event @ where, ATM it seems Evan Duffield will speak, the soda-machine will be presented and InstantX demonstrated by our own Oaxaca (Dan) and several members of the community also plan to participate and help spreading the word.

Dash World has committed, if needed, to support the San Francisco event with 139.52 DASH carry-over balance from the April, 2016 budget. This is a work in progress. I will update as soon as everything has been confirmed.
0 points,8 years ago
Dear Masternode owners:

The block 465257 payment on 5/7/2016, out of which Dash World has received its 775.000 DASH share, marked an important moment for the Governance: we were the only “non core” team being granted funds to further the Dash Project’s agenda. It is a proof the Governance works and, at the same time, a big honor and a huge responsibility for us, something we do not take lightly.

The key findings outlined in...
-- Marketing Audit performed by The Vanbex Group, published @;
-- SEO Audit of the by GreyGhost, published @
... served as basis for the last month's work and as guides for ongoing / future developments.

We’ve been paid 775.00 DASH out of which:

-- 461.5000000 DASH went to The Vanbex Group for their work;
-- 139.2857143 DASH went to GreyGhost work. GG is the Project manager;
-- 10.6934426 DASH for the Video Transcripts;
-- 14.0000000 DASH for Masternode rewards analysis and graph presentation of it;
-- 131.6585714 DASH has been allocated for visual presentations material and promotions but not yet spent. Some of the money might go toward the business development.

A detailed Expenses Breakdown itemizes all the expenses and outlines all the work done could be found here:
(sorry for the CAPTCHA but it serves to preventing indexing by Web search engines)

Some significant results are already visible. Dash Aims To Surpass Bitcoin And Become The Future of Money article,
built upon the original @ericsammons piece Dash, the anonymous evolution of Bitcoin,
has been published in The Cointelegraph by The Vanbex guys. In only six (6) days since its publication the article has been:

-- seen 4,126 times;
-- shared 555 times.

Therefore, I am pleased to point out that our one article has reached (it is still being read) by far more readers & has gotten many more shares than all the articles published by all the prior PR efforts put together. Also, while it has been only 10 days since our work has "gone out" (by the first publication of Eric's piece on 29 April, 2016) or website visits show improvements:

-- 13.18% more sessions;
-- 13.83% more users;
-- 22.52% more page-views;
-- 8.25% more pages seen per session etc;
Screen shot of the report:
(sorry for obscuring the absolute numbers of our visitors stat but I think this might be a business secret so I do want to share, quite a significant number of users with our competitors that lurk here)


Dash World's focus on the "Micro-economy of Dash" feels more important and urgent than even a month earlier. “One of our top priorities from a business development perspective is to improve direct access to our network for end user," said Evan Duffield, Dash lead developer and founder.

While no one can predict what great inventions are in the pipeline at the moment the crypto / blockchain arena are slowly being defined. User JuicyGrabs on Reddit put it correctly: “Some are 100% focused on flexible smart contracts such as Ethereum, others like Maidsafe are focused on recreating the internet, Ripple is a highly centralized Paypal, Bitcoin has now become a settlement layer, moving closer to being a commodity, an expensive and slow to move around commodity rather than actual money. I don't think there's any crypto out there trying to be good at being money the way Dash does.”

The "creation" of DAO also shows great hunger - in the wider community - for decentralized organizations. As true digital cash, DASH is perfectly positioned, or is going to be perfectly positioned to grab its place in the emerging P2P economy and shine as its bedrock, powering it.

We are already working on developing ideas that would help to start:

-- positioning DASH as the monetary system and also
-- as the payment system;
-- presenting DASH as the Privacy Sentinel and, as such, enabling our "right to be left alone."

Dash World team is already in talks with @moocowmoo, @fernando, @AndyDark, @yidakee and is hoping to catch up with @eduffield and @Minotaur ASAP so all of us can help both @lisacheng and @hobbskevin in their work.

GreyGhost and @boblq are also working on Dash as the Privacy Sentinel project, both in spreading the awareness and creating Dash based products / applications these, and many other services, organizations and individuals alike would use. The synergy of services that need us and our advantages is emerging as I type.

Exciting times ahead!
0 points,8 years ago
Dear Masternode owners:

Please note that several long-ish updates on the Dash World work in progress are posted on Dash Talk:
-- DASH WORLD update #1: A New Website at:
-- DASH WORLD update #2: Masternodes as an Investment at:
-- DASH WORLD update #3: DASH as the PRIVACY SENTINEL at:
-- DASH WORLD update #4: Articles at:

Thank you for your time and votes,
Roman (a.k.a. GreyGhost)
1 point,8 years ago
Dear Masternode owners, voters and the community:

The Thread featuring the same content as below, open for discussion, has been posted here:

During the first two weeks since the Dash World has been funded we’ve dived deeply into the Dash Project in order to better gauge where we stand and where we are going to take our efforts from here.

Major Work Done:

-- Marketing Audit for Dash performed by The Vanbex Group, is published @ on 04/21/2016;
-- SEO Audit of the by GreyGhost, published @ on 04/13/2016,

(as always, sorry for the CAPTCHA but I do not want the content to be indexed)

Work on these audits has given us an insight as where the Dash Project stands at the moment and provides us with a road-map for the future marketing activities with a bundle of recommendations.

The new approach is best summarized in lisacheng line from the Conclusion of the Marketing Audit: “We are looking to expand the conversation beyond the currency. Dash is a robust and diverse technology that has grown beyond its ideological roots of DarkCoin, matured as Dash cryptocurrency, and is evolving into a decentralized platform for a greater audience.”

I strongly encourage you to read Lisa Chang’s Marketing Audit in its entirety and have an open discussion about it. We want the community to challenge and improve our future work.

Supplemental Work Done:

-- RSS feeds fetching, submission and maintenance by GreyGhost (ongoing);
-- Dash World (existing) videos collection on [ii] (ongoing);
-- Dash -- Videos Transcripts. [iii] (Why is that needed? It's TEXT i.e. indexable content while video talk is not. (indexable) Suggestions how to use these transcripts given to the core – email to fernando;

-- April 20, 2016 as segue to Dash World Manila Dr. BobLQ organized some of “his” Meetup members to attend “Bitcoin based remittances in the real world, rebittance,” event by Luis Buenaventura II, founder of in order to start laying down our future business opportunities in that field;

-- The Vanbex Group works with Eric Sammons and Evan Duffield on a “master article” that is going to be a good one about the origin of Dash, and will tackle the issues that people have been calling out Dash on, and with further articles we will move away from the problems of the past and into the future. (we'll move into educational pieces and than investment pieces and so on)

-- May 18, 2016 ** Manila World Premiere for Dash World: Masternodes as an Investment Opportunity Event:
- Presentation space in Manila secured @;
- Raptor73 works with GreyGhost on the marketing material for the Manila event (DASH T-shirts 3D graphs creation...)

**NOTE: It is too bad to be forced by events out so far but we really do not want to fight the realities of the election in The Philippines held once in six (6) years, on May 9th, which makes attracting the audience almost impossible. This time frame will give us time to prepare and deliver some interesting surprises

-- DarkSend or PrivacyProtect or as The Vanbex has suggested, DashSecure is one of the Dash’s bedrock features. As a former journalist with the political asylum in the United States granted due to my political writing, I have special interest in all privacy related issues; moreover I have private access to over 1,500 journalists all over the world.

In a very early stages of exploring possibilities of promoting PrivacyProtect / DashSecure I zeroed on 157 journalists in over 30 countries with human rights and need for privacy . It’s a huge task that at the moment has no clear outcome and many constraints. (no budget, if properly done this venture requires a lot, a lot of time; I can't know what the reactions of these people will be -- I started contacting them but as you might imagine, all of them are very busy. I am mentioning this as an illustration of many avenues the Dash World and its team is exploring; to many to mention. In the future only the avenues feasible to pursue will be shared with the community - I do not want us to be mislead with great ideas and for sure would not like to make any promises)

Community Engagement Note:

-- Dash World: Evolution in Marketing proposal had promised to work with the community members. So far, we made good on our promise:
- Eric Sammons is engaged by The Vanbex Group to write for the Dash World;
- Raptor73 helps with 3D graph designs;
- Crowning helps Dr. BobLQ in working on the Masternode the data;
- Oaxaca was kind enough to provide Lisa and Kevin an in-depth insight in the Dash Project and its features;
- Solarminer helped with the data and is treasure trove of ideas he selflessly shares;
- GreyGhost and Alex-ru would likely cooperate on one video (gg is writing the script, pending Alex’s approval);·
- Elishagh1 from and GreyGhost started to plan an event in Accra, Ghana and future cooperation;
-- …

More to come.



Think of the Net as an endless stream of data; the more our data float around, the better:

Dash by Evan:
Dash Roundtable:
The Daily Decrypt:
TW RSS for Dashpay:
TW RSS for Fernando:
TW RSS for buster:
TW RSS for The Daily Decrypt (it supported us so…):
TW RSS for The DashPay Magazine
TW RSS for TaoOfSatoshi:

Those feeds were spread (submitted) everywhere. For example:
etc. (all feeds)
These are also published using local RSS Publisher tool AND by RSS Feed Pinger via ScrapeBox


Created Dash World, "a promotional video channel for Dash" at Dailymotion. "Amplifying" our existing content + the links = value!

[iii] ** What is Dash (NOTE: all video transcripts have been done by the 3rd party service, Speechpad dot com)
** Dash Video Series 2 -- Introduction
** Dash Video Series 3 -- Virtual Corporation
** Dash Video Series 4 -- Incentivized Infrastructure and Masternode Network
** Dash Video Series 5 --Masternode Services - Decentralized Oracles / DS / IX
** Dash Video Series 6 - Decentralized Governance and Budget System
** How to Earn Money Owning Shares in a Dash Masternode by Amanda at DailyDecrypt
0 points,8 years ago
I've seen your comment only now; I apologize for a delayed response; we're hard at work already:

I am not quite sure to what are you referring to but Lisa and Kevin are already involved with the community, especially on Slack, i.e.

As a Project Manager and an ultimate insider I am doing my utmost to help a team we just brought in to fill up the gaps. So, for example, oaxaca was kind enough to provide The Vanbex Group guys (Lisa is the founder) with an in-depth insight how Dash works, they study all the white papers and are currently engaged with the Marketing Audit. (my own SEO audit has already been published)

Give us all a chance (in the spirit of the proposal I'm already engaging our community members -- The Vanbex, for example, will work with Eric Sammons on in-depth article about Dash's history and future steps) and you'll be pleasantly surprised with the quality of the work we're putting into this proposal. I am also confident, the results will follow shortly.

0 points,8 years ago
Just listened to the interview with Lisa Cheng.

She didn't even know how the masternode system works... and this is the person I'm supposed to pay to market Dash?

Voting NO. Yes, marketing funds need to be spent now and in the future. But not on this proposal. This is up there with the Michael Terpin stuff.

Professional PR firms in general will be under-qualified to market our network. Someone *within* our network could quit their day job and market us full time, and the Dash would be far better spent.

Who is this person? Let's proposition them.
0 points,8 years ago
I understand Michael Terpin screwed Dash over but Vanbex is not the same, we are sorry that happened but we are here to pick up the pieces and help Dash be successful and achieve it's goals.
0 points,8 years ago
I am not sure you are familiar with who we are and who Lisa Cheng is. Lisa is one of the top experts in the world in Blockchain technology. She consults for the top financial companies in the world on this industry and the technology behind it. Vanbex Group is a professional services company that specializes in the Blockchain industry and handles everything form grass roots marketing to high level development. Included in this is marketing, PR, branding, communications, consulting, business development and more. We are the only company in the world that does this and we are the best suited company in the world to help Dash achieve it's goals. I would be happy to explain more for you in detail and let you know just how many successful projects we have been behind. My email is
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to listen to the interview, after reviewing the whitepapers I understand now how the Masternode system works and I've put some thoughts down in this audit:

An after thought is that term DashSecure doesn't really work, and the other suggestions on dashtalk make more sense.

We have engaged Eric Sammons from the Dash community to draft the press releases as he we would like someone entrenched in the community and tech to provide the right angle. With these press releases we then leverage our media partnerships and network to spread the good word of Dash and highlight the different aspects of the platform.

Would appreciate further feedback and recommendations. Thank you
0 points,8 years ago
Typo *we would like someone

Also - spreading the word of Dash in different media outlets to build the buzz and awareness to the point of mainstream attention
3 points,8 years ago
I think this is a great proposal. I just don't agree with the timing.
- A "mainstream-population-ready" product is not yet built and we are still only usable by crypto-nerds
- Marketing to potential early adopters now only risks alienating them with a poor user experience (e.g., no fiat gateways, no login / password they are familiar with, no services and infrastructure surrounding the ecosystem, etc.)
- Marketing AFTER we have the first or second set of Evo releases built would be an easier sell and result in far more "yield" per Dash invested in marketing at that point in time (I would guess many times more effective)
- Perhaps my fear is unfounded, but what happens if users try us and have a bad experience? Are we just shooting ourselves in the foot with our potentially most receptive population of early mainstream adopters?
3 points,8 years ago
I think the timing of this is no where near to early, it is almost too late. Marketing is a hype game, look at Kim Dotcom with his Meganet project. He doesn't keep it secret until its released, he throws out hints and sneak peaks while it is in development to create hype and conversation. Another example would be, they have over 3000 members in their slack channel and they haven't even released a product yet. There is also Ethereum, they created huge amounts of hype before their release. This gave them a huge user base and in turn helped with getting their product out faster. Hype brings supporters, and some supporters have technical abilities that help the project grow.
So although I agree with you that we are not ready for mainstream use, we are ready to tell people that "we are not ready for mainstream but will be soon".
2 points,8 years ago
If you'd replace the term "marketing," babygiraffe, with the term "messaging" you'd see the urgency.

I truly fail to understand that argument - Dash is so great when we compare it with Bitcoin but offer "a poor user experience?" It is "not ready" but its Masternode network has been up and working perfectly for ages and is providing the interest in addition to all other uses?

Round Table Ep.02 Extended Interview with Lisa Cheng and Kevin from The Vanbex Group articulate the message quite nicely at buster's podcast @
2 points,8 years ago
Cool, the same proposal on a discount! It was worthy before, now it's on sale? Sign me up.
1 point,8 years ago
yes yes yes