Proposal “DashVsBitcoinVideo“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Vs. Bitcoin Video (poll)
One-time payment: 5 DASH (135 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-04-06 / 2016-05-21 (added on 2016-01-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 552 Yes / 404 No / 0 Abstain
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Proposal description

Dash now has technology superior to bitcoin. People need to be educated to realize this. The only thing inferior about the network at this point is its total node count, which actually is almost as robust as bitcoin's with having only a fraction of its market capital -and unlike bitcoin, the count is growing.

And while I like the 'What is Dash' video, I believe we can benefit from a video with a more focused message. The 'What is Dash?' video boasts dash's features broadly, as a mix of being better than bitcoin and better than fiat. Thus its a video I feel is actually targeting those too far away from where we are in the adoption curve currently. We need to target the 'better than bitcoin' half of the equation and get the message out there to those who understand cryptocurrency: We have a more perfect protocol. We have a better incentive model. And as such we're able to have privacy, instant transactions, decentralized governance, and are completely self funded. Single tier networks are boat sails. A two tiered network is a steam engine. We've evolved. And this is all without even getting into dash evolution..

So I propose we open up discussion and poll on allocating a portion of the budget in a future proposal for the creation of a new video: Dash vs Bitcoin (dubbed/captioned in multiple languages if possible)

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,8 years ago
jarroyo: You may try with google forms, which work fine, and for free. Just in case your proposal don't win the approval.
3 points,8 years ago
I voted Yes with my two masternodes , because almost 99% of the proposals were from Evan and i didn't like it.
3 points,8 years ago
The idea to compare Dash to something else to show it's value is flawed. A better idea would be to create a video showing how Dash can be used in real situations - in point of sale(instantx), low cost products like gum balls(low fees), privacy(darksend), and a mobile wallet purchase(now with instantx). Explaining InstantX with locks instead of block confirmations is also key. I would suggest creating a thread on dashtalk open for commenting instead of using 5 dash to create a voting proposal like this.
1 point,8 years ago
Don't we already have a marketing budget and people working on this? Why is there a poll about making videos?
0 points,8 years ago
Yes I believe so. And this poll could serve to show them where the community would like to see some of their output.
0 points,8 years ago
Video content can be an effective way to market technology. But are we focusing on the wrong message? I think a video that draws more developers and projects (like the Miami soda machine) would better serve the community. Using funds to incentivize development or to create a video to stimulate more projects using Dash is a better plan than a generic message saying "we're better."
0 points,8 years ago
Ok. Hypothetically, whats a good/better message we can maybe send to incentivize development/stimulate projects?
0 points,8 years ago
I think promoting the ATM integration, soda machine, and other IOT potential projects would get people talking about what they can build. Similar to the computer where a strong bitcoin application developer community is forming.
1 point,8 years ago
I don't know why proposals like these don't usually pass? First, the submitter is making 0 dash on this proposal, since it costs 5 dash to submit a proposal, so it' not like we're being ripped off. Secondly, if this proposal passes it would only show the strength of the 2nd tier consensus model. Third, any outcome of this proposal would be a good outcome in my opinion. What's the worst that can happen?? A plethora of more proposals with competitive prices to redo our "What is Dash" video?

1 point,8 years ago
Why not have a comparison between DASH and a bunch of other top 10 cryptocurrency. Like DASH vs Doge, LTC, BTC, Peercoin, Ripple, Stellar. Better than to just single out Bitcoin since DASH is more interesting than these other cryptos as well.
1 point,8 years ago
Yea, in fact the point I really feel that needs to be made are the simply benefits of a two tier system vs a single tier system. This and mainly this because this is what solves so many more problems in cryptocurrency. Bitcoin just happens to be the de facto of single tier systems and dash obviously is the frontrunner of two tiered systems.
2 points,8 years ago
It would be nice to see some estimates for how much a project like this might cost... Hard to vote yes/no without knowing if we are talking $500 or $10,000
2 points,8 years ago
I understand your concern. My aim is to poll the community and see if this is something they would like to look into eventually funding (I believe this budget platform also makes for an incredible think tank). I figure if there's enough consensus, another person with the right expertise/experience could create a proper formal proposal addressing that issue.
0 points,8 years ago
I dont mind having the community make another Dash video, so as an opinion gathering poll i could see myself voting yes. Problem is who exactly will spearhead it and what costs will be involved as you seem to want to have someone else (with experience) do this video.....
2 points,8 years ago
Several questions obviously. Are you spearheading this project? Do you have experience producing videos? Who is going to produce this video? Who is writing the script? Is this coordinated with the PR campaign?

It's all fine and good to say "hey gang, let's make a movie!". It's quite another thing to actually do it. Somebody actually has to do it.
0 points,8 years ago
100% agree. And my intentions again are to utilize this amazing budget platform see if the community is simply behind the idea. I think it could really benefit us all and I was willing to spend the 5 dash to see what everyone else thinks. The actual funding of a project like this would be done in a new proposal with I would not be spearheading this but I figure we've done this before and we can do it again.
0 points,8 years ago
*which I would not
-1 point,8 years ago
I think its a good idea, but nothing is clear from this budget proposal. Perhaps you should put such things in forum first? Crappy video can do more harm than good, like 5DASH for a video?
3 points,8 years ago
this is an opinion-gathering poll, the 5 Dash is just to get his proposal costs covered .. its not ment as budget for the video