Proposal “DashTexasCalifornia“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Texas/California+2 Conferences
Monthly amount: 35 DASH (948 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 70 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-04-17 (added on 2018-02-06)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Here is the original Dash Texas proposal that passed 700 yes votes to 50 no votes-price drop cut funds in half-lets keep it going! WE have momentum going!              

Dash Community,

I feel that the work we are doing is extremely meaningful. Dash Digital Cash has the power to change the world and I believe we are making that happen. My goal remains to raise awareness, capital and numbers to our ecosystem.

At the end of the day that's what digital currencies are striving to build-an ecosystem. 

The main focus of what I have been doing in Texas is finding trustworthy and articulate people who really care about digital currency and  understand the importance that Dash will play in the long run. People willing and able to speak on behalf of Dash and to do so gracefully. I also actively recruit people through facebook ads to attend meetups-I find this a highly effective way of getting to know people and win them over to Dash through encouraging them to attend meetups and through exposing them to Dash statistics and information once they request. The ads don't violate any potential facebook rules and are heavily focused on Dash Digital Cash. 

This proposal also has two conferences being funded- Token Fest in San Francisco and Diamond Sponsorship of the first major Blockchain Confernece in Dallas, Tx

Below are the Texas cities and people that will put Dash to the front of the line!

Dash Dallas- Farhin Ali and Richard Raizes (BCEN)

Please watch the links below of Farhin and Richard doing excellent work bringing Dash Digital Cash awareness to the public. They both are excellent speakers.


Dash-Dallas and BCEN Partnership-Dash is well represented at the most popular and active Meetup group in Dallas, run by BCEN.  The group meets weekly and often attracts 50-100 members at events.

Dash-Dallas promotes awareness and adoption of Dash at Crypto events throughout Dallas. Dash-Dallas serves the educational and business community in a professional manner, through public speaking, marketing, and grass-roots education.

BCEN (Blockchain and Crypto Education Network) is a non-profit organization that helps people learn about blockchain and cryptocurrencies through meetups and workshops. The organization strives for inclusion of those who are underrepresented in technology, including the economically disadvantaged, youth, and women.  BCEN's model is to develop a broader, duplicate model throughout the world by providing infrastructure and support to any areas that are interested.

Key People - Both active in Dash community for many months
Farhin Ali - Founder of BCEN, member IEEE, Dallas Meetup organizer
Richard Raizes (Nuancer) - Crypto fund manager, Dash investor and speaker

Richard will be responsible for tracking and managing DASH to ensure it is efficiently allocated toward the promotion of DASH throughout Dallas.

WHAT WE HAVE DONE SO FAR- BCEN regularly holds 2x monthly presentation meetups which attract 50-100 attendees.

Since Dash marketing efforts have been initiated, we have held several first Dash wallet set up socials.

The last few Crypto Reports presentations have had Dash wallets set up or Dash incorporated as part of presentations on technology.

We have secured Dash a diamond sponsorship spot at Dallas's first international blockchain conference.  You can look at the sponsorship page to see Dash is a diamond sponsor. BCEN will be there doing DASH Wallet setups for all attendees who do not have Dash Wallets.


All live events below will include setting up First Dash Wallets ($1-5) for the community with appropriate marketing, branding, and speaking slots incorporating Dash

1) Marketing - efforts including Printed DASH Material Banners, t-shirts, stickers
2) Web presence on all meetups with DASH listed as a sponsor
3) Dash representation at 3-4 conferences in Dallas during 2018
4) University Outreach - Supporting student organizations at Southern Methodist University (SMU), UT Dallas, UT Arlington, and Collin County Community College who have all reached out to us.
5)  Business Adoption - Crypto adoption classes on the Meetup curriculum to get more businesses involved with and accepting DASH as means of payment.
6) Future ATM placement - DASH ATMs at an ice cream shop attached to TOYOTA Stadium in Downtown Frisco and at Frisco Railyards Food-Truck Concert venue.
7) DASH representation and awareness at local events that include the Arts, Football and E-sports Gaming. BCEN is supporting the Arts by supporting an event in March where we will introduce digital currency to the Frisco community which will be attended by the Mayor of Frisco and the Arts community.
8) Weekly crypto socials (Farhin is the founder of PoHH - Proof of Happy Hour a weekly event in Frisco TX home of the Dallas Cowboys)
9) Weekly Crypto education events - Blockchain 101, Mining 1 and 2, Workshops, Crypto and Taxes, Crypto Reports, Crypto and Legal, Crypto and Business.
10) Appearances on local radio shows and internationally broadcast podcasts

15 Dash
Dash-Houston- Jon Cohen-Dash Miner who owns Marketing Company

Jon Cohen
-BBA in Marketing and Finance-Own grassroots/guerilla marketing firm for more than 12 year.
-Past clients include: Houston Texans, United Way, Capital One Bank, Broadway Across America, The Houston Symphony, The Houston Zoo, and many more.
-Dash enthusiast, miner, trader, and lender.

Jon will make a perfect Dash Ambassador and has a great team of people we can use through his marketing team. This will be great for Dash as the Houston Meetup scenes are filled with people looking for the next coin to invest in and we are completely under represented without this proposal passing. We both got grilled on Dash at the last Houston Meetup by interested investors and Jon was able to field all questions like a champion.

10 Dash

Dash San Antonio-Javier Guerra of Tech Quarry and Adam Russell

San Antonio is one of the largest cities in the United States and yet we had no representation at their growing meetups. Until we made it happen. I am happy to be going back on the 11th to do a Dash presentation and Adam will be setting up wallets and networking.

Javier is extremely connected with the tech community in San Antonio and he will bring many people to Dash if we partner with him.

Requesting 5 Dash for San Antonio-shirts, wallet setups, travel

March 15/16th Conference in San Francisco-lot of big investors there and interesting projects-will represent us professionally with a booth in a perfect location.

As for California- there are three cities I will hit through March/April repeating the same process of what has happened in Texas. First off-let me say I use to live in California so I have contacts along the coast. Last summer I also did a sweep down the coast promoting DASH from Seattle to San Diego. There are three cities I want to hit as well as the conference in San Francisco. Recruiting professional people in California will be repeated just as I have done above in Texas.

San Diego, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. (Southern California, Central Coast, Northern California)

So the Dash can be broken down in California as follows

9 Dash for San Diego
-this will put together a small team of people that can represent us in the city
-t-shirts, dash giveaways, banners, flyers

9 Dash for Santa Barbara- 
-I lived here for years and have many connections-I can really do a lot here my friends
-small team of people to represent us in the city
-t-shirts, dash giveaways, banners, flyers

14 Dash for San Francisco and Token Fest Event
-Dash Booth at Token Fest
-small team of people to represent us in the city
-t-shirts, dash giveaways, banners, flyers

To those of you wanting more specifics-ask anything. Talk to the people that have worked with me. Look at every angle and I think you will find the ROI far surpasses what I am asking. 

3 Dash for Facebook Ads- My Facebook ads that were set-up do not violate rules and I have been able to direct people to Meetups and simply tell my story of how I ended up working with Dash. I would like to run one more Texas ad campaign and two California ad campaigns focusing on the 3 cities I have mentioned above. My system works-I am connecting with people that are new to digital currency as well as those who have been around for a while and may have written off Dash.

I appreciate all of your support very much Dash Family. All the people involved in this will bring results-the proposal is designed to ensure that.

Tally all the above up and the breakdown is as follows-


15 Dash – Dallas + Blockchain Conference
10 Dash – Houston
5 Dash – San Antonio
9 Dash – San Diego
9 Dash – Santa Barbara
14 Dash – San Francisco Meetups + Token Fest Conference
3 Dash – Facebook Ads (compliant with rules)
5 Dash – Proposal Reimbursement
70 Dash Total: 35 Dash per month for 2 months

Labor of love my friends-I consider this the most meaningful work I have done in my life. 

Blake Chamness

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,6 years ago
Love the groundwork you're doing. Get into every crypto meetup you can and think big. Get whales.
0 points,6 years ago
Appreciate the comment! Out here in California now-there are so many investors hitting these meetups. Some come in with knowledge and bias and some come with a completely open mind to learn. Average meetup size I am going to put around 50-100 people.

Having someone in the area to make these meetups does so much for Dash-and then throw in some community outreach and it just becomes a win. Whale season has begun!
1 point,6 years ago
I'd like to thank the MNOs for considering and voting yes on this approval.

Blake continues to do a fantastic job creating grassroots awareness and adoption of Dash and his enthusiasm and dedication is unmatched.

Supporting local Meetups with local Dash-representatives is an important and efficient use of Dash Treasury funds.

I look forward to doing my part of this proposal to continue spreading Dash in Dallas.
0 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES.
Budget on point. Enthusiasm on point. Keep up the great work Blake.
0 points,6 years ago
Much appreciated-going to expand us upward and onward!
0 points,6 years ago
The beginning of a new ERA! Texas gets taken over by DASH and California follows next! I leave out on the 28th for California and have already made plans for ambassador interviews in San Diego, Santa Barbara, and San Francisco... and in San Francisco Dash will be represented at Token Fest at the beautiful Palace Of Fine Arts Theatre!

I leave Texas behind in good hands with a good plan for us to continue recruiting Dash supporters at meetups and enlightening the public just how much Dash is going to change the world. A currency, a payment system, a movement!

Excited guys and look forward to expanding us outward and upward!

Thank you so much Dash Team! Honored!

-Blake Chamness-
0 points,6 years ago
Blake gives 100% and has a proven track record of honesty and execution.
0 points,6 years ago
Blake is a stand up guy and a man of his word. Had the pleasure of meeting him a couple times at a meet-up group he drive hours to be at. He truly is passionate about his mission and Dash. If I were a masternode, I would vote YES. Good luck Dash team!!!
-1 point,6 years ago
YES !!!!!! Bryan Chamis, you fucking rock!!!!!
0 points,6 years ago
Fake, please ban
0 points,6 years ago
I knew it wasn't you. Mno's don't behave like that. The've got castles to build, helicopter lessons, wine time for such drivel!
1 point,6 years ago
Voting yes BTW!
0 points,6 years ago
Hey appreciate it!
1 point,6 years ago
Voted yes, good luck.
0 points,6 years ago
Appreciate it-momentum is building! We're going to knock it out!
1 point,6 years ago
I appreciate the amount of documentation this group is doing on their project. I think spending the small amount of Dash on this is better than not creating the Dash, and it's a fairly easy decision actually. Voting yes
1 point,6 years ago
I appreciate the support so much TroyDASH! I just started California ads now as well targeting San Diego, Santa Barbara and San Francisco. I am very pleased at the results of what I am accomplishing.

I'm all in on this and loving it. Sent off a picture of the Dash Booth at Anarchapulco JZA posted on discord to the people in Austin making my materials for the conferences-will represent us well.

Let's do this!
2 points,6 years ago
Good guy. Knows his stuff. Proven track record. Keep pounding away at it.

2 points,6 years ago
Much appreciated! Posting another another interview of a great addition to the San Antonio team-making it a nice package!
1 point,6 years ago
I have voted YES on this proposal. Thanks!
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you! I will keep expanding Dash Digital Cash in the major cities with people who will solidify our reputation as the digital currency with a plan to scale. Quality people give quality results and I believe in every person on this team above.
4 points,6 years ago
This kind of grassroots effort is important, even critical, for Dash. We will never see adoption unless we have thousands of @bchamz-like supporters willing to do the hands-on hard work AND community support for them. The price is reasonable and the grassroots model is being implemented and improved by someone who, by their undisputed history, is clearly a Dash enthusiast. Voting YES and encouraging other MNOs to do so as well.
3 points,6 years ago
viamontelane-I sure do appreciate your comment. It meant a lot to wake up this morning and read this before I start my drive to San Antonio. We have one of the most interesting designs for building an ecosystem and I am thrilled to be apart of it finding quality people that truly believe in Dash and what we represent. Anyone reading this-in Texas or California-if you believe in Dash and want to help this process comment on this or contact me and let's build something. Everyone can do something and I am honored to be doing this work! You never know what reaching out can create and everyone involved with me so far is extremely excited about getting an opportunity to be involved in arguably the coolest most important organization of our time right now. I say that and mean it and we all feel it. Thank you so much.
2 points,6 years ago
So lovely to see a proposal by DASH Texas team, I love your enthusiasm and passion for DASH. this is a strategy to make DASH go mainstream. This is a Win Win and DASH Win proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Ultimatecrypto I appreciate your words and watching the hustle and energy you guys do in Dash reminds me to on top of things-that at the end of the day it's about conversations, ideas and people. Keep up your great work my friend!
2 points,6 years ago
Yes. Loving the enthusiasm. Keep up the great work!
1 point,6 years ago
Really appreciate it Tao-there is a method to the madness here-as you know it takes time to get a method down! I think we have found passionate people in these groups and I look forward to seeing where this goes!
1 point,6 years ago
My name is Farhin Ali and Blake Chamz has a refreshing personal style that is enthusiastic, but unlike the majority of the "enthusiasts" Blake is also highly intellectual, wholesome and modest. That makes him an ideal candidate to work well with individuals who cover a spectrum in terms of "caliber" of people.
I know announcing his presence at our meetup drew in new to Dash cryptopeople from all over Dallas including a top 10 US Crypto podcaster. Due to the Dash support Blake brought to our BCEN events, we have been able to introduce Dash to over 100 new users in a very short time. We have gained so much momentum that now we will have Dash banners and wallet setups at . You can see Dash logo on the website as a sponsor. In addition, the Fall blockchain for business conference is going to have over 1000 attendees and we have already secured sponsorship spots for Dash at that event. We will be doing wallet setups there too. I really do not think that DASH would have a spotlight at such high end venues if it wasn't for the personal relationships that Blake forged in Dallas. What's great about Blake is that he does not have a huge ego and need to be in the spotlight. What he does is what the most successful people do, leverage relationships to get advocates that are better than him. - Farhin Ali, BCEN (Blockchain and Crypto Education Network)
1 point,6 years ago
I've just added this in to the proposal to address what I am feeling in the comments below in regards to me not having a spot in Dash Digital Cash-

I will be continuing one more month in Texas and then follow up the next month setting up people in California. How many people have I won over so far at meetups across Texas? Quite a few. How many people are initially at the meetups calling Dash a scam coin? Quite a few.

Why don't we fix this problem? If you don't think millions of dollars are coming to these meetups looking for investment advice instead of relying solely on the prophets of youtube then I think you are out of touch on how investors make their decisions. They need human confirmation in the real world-particularly the older generation.

People are showing up saying, "Hey which coins do I invest in?" "I am totally new to this and want to know which coins are real and which are scams." "Which coin will make me a lot of money?"

I cant tell you how many times I've heard this now and often wished there were more of me at these meetups fielding these questions. Why would we let these people fall through the cracks-missing out potentially millions of dollars?"
1 point,6 years ago
I like enthusiastic grass root stuff, and price looks reasonable, voting yes
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you KiwiCodger. Woke up to this comment-headed to Houston today. I really appreciate your words.
0 points,6 years ago
Dash needs to go online rather than offline. Doesnt seem be to do very much. Abstaining for now, will come back to this later and vote, depending on comments..
1 point,6 years ago
Blake secured a Platinum sponsorship with
It is a blockchain for business and technology conference and it is always a good thing for DASH to have the top sponsorship spot for an event that is internationally attended and businesses are begging to send their employees in to some of the sold out classes.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for commenting Wixamlee. I agree with you about the importance of Dash having an online presence. I try to do my part online remaining active on twitter, reddit and facebook. I always check into the #swarm part of our discord and encourage others to do so that are reading this now.

With the 3 Dash I have placed in the proposal for Facebook ads I know over the next two months I can reach thousands. I now know how to work the Facebook ads to my advantage and not spend a fortune.

Put it this way-if I spent $500 dollars on a facebook ad right now-doing a 10 day campaign-it would be a full time job keeping up with the responses for those 10 days. This is what I have learned through my efforts.

I think $200 dollar campaigns spread out over 15 days are around the sweet spot I feel comfortable with and that would allow me to be effective. (That would average out to about 20-30 people a day to respond to if I play it right)

I could run several of these if this passes. I've learned a lot by doing these ads.

Anyway, thanks for commenting.

-Blake Chamness-
-3 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your enthusiasm but mainstream looks nothing like what you're doing, and this sort of amateurish marketing does more harm than good for Dash. I don't doubt you're well intentioned but will vote no.
1 point,6 years ago
Have you seen the updated proposal dashed? I apologize if I rushed getting it out and made it look amateurish-I really do try to rally up all the professional Dash Ambassadors I can find and take this job serious-because I believe I have the coolest job I've ever had.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your negativity. These sorts of non-constructive comments do more harm than good. I doubt you're well intentioned but will vote yes nevertheless..
2 points,6 years ago
It's all good krum6653-I appreciate your taking up for me but fear not-I know there is great value in what I am doing because I am out there experiencing what is happening at these meetups. See the comment I just posted above at the top!
0 points,6 years ago
It pains me to say I second that, but it pains me to say that because bchamz seems like a really nice guy. There are probably rolls in which he could still for-fill within the Dash project
2 points,6 years ago
Well, thanks for taking the time to comment. I'll take the positive parts with me.