Proposal “DashBrandingForSydneyHarbourRacingYacht“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Branding for Sydney Harbour Racing Yacht
One-time payment: 115 DASH (3109 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 115 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-06-19 / 2017-07-19 (added on 2017-06-20)
Votes: 612 Yes / 147 No / 31 Abstain

Proposal description

Hi, my name is David Mason, I would like to propose to the Dash network a 5 year sponsorship deal for my Sydney Harbour racing yacht. The total cost is 115 Dash, once off payment.

What does the sponsorship include? 
  • Massive, 12ft x 5 ft Dash branding on the yacht's mainsail displaying the brand to the whole of Sydney for a minimum of five years (guaranteed for 5 years but in reality mainsails will last over 10 years).
  • The yacht competes in approximately forty races every year on the sparkling waters of Sydney Harbour and is seen by tens of thousands of people who are either out on the harbour or are along the shoreline.
  • Dash branding for crew members’ polo shirts.
  • Free rides on the yacht for Master Node operators when the yacht is racing.
  • 50% discount for Master Node operators on overnight chartering the yacht via airbnb
Budget Breakdown:
  • Dash branded Vectran Hybrid racing mainsail. USD 12,000
  • Logo printing and applying to the mainsail. USD 2,400
  • Dash branded Musto polo shirts for 18 crew. USD 1,800

Cost: $16,200 (110 Dash) + 5 DASH proposal fee 
Total = 115 Dash

One-time payment
Conversion rate - $147 per dash - 30 day average.
Note - any currency gain will be spent on additional Dash branding (for example a dash branded spinnaker sail). Any currency related loss will be worn by me.

Project completion estimate - mid September

Original proposal discussion can be found here -

PEC evaluation score = 82.8%

Question and Answers: 

What is the objective? 
To expose the DASH brand to Sydney Harbor yacht race participants, spectators, and tourists over a 5 year period – and to give Masternode Owners an amazing opportunity whenever they’re in Sydney!

What is the name of the boat? 
The boat’s name is Europa and she’s a 45 foot Wauquiez C45s. She cost approximately USD 700,000.

Where is the boat docked? 
The boat is docked as Cruising Yacht Club of Australia in the heart of Sydney, Australia. The CYCA owns, and is host of the prestigious Sydney-Hobart race.

Who is the skipper / owner of the boat?
My name is David Mason, I have competed the famed Sydney-Hobart race multiple times and have won numerous sailing trophies including the renowned Australian Bluewater Championship. I am also a professional Master 5 ship’s captain and he’s a Royal Yachting Association Yachtmaster Instructor.
For my ‘day job’ David I am an award winning TV executive and entrepreneur who, amongst other things, I instrumental in winning Sydney’s bid for to host the 2000 Olympic Games.
When does the boat race? 
During the Summer, the boat races in the twilight series which occurs on Wednesday nights. During winter, the boat races on Sundays.

Does the boat sail at any other times? 

Yes, Europa is one of the most active yachts on the harbour. When she is not racing, she hosts airbnb guests. The yacht has been so successful for airbnb that it is, in fact, airbnb’s #1 listing across the whole of Sydney. The yacht was also listed by the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper as the #3 “most amazing place to stay” in the whole of Australia. You can check out the reviews.

What graphic will be used on the sail? 
Please see  original forum post -

Who sponsors some of the other boats on the harbour? 
Please see original forum post
Thanks. David.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
We have been in communication with David Mason and an update and visual proof of the DASH branded sail on the yacht have been received.
0 points,6 years ago
Has there been an update to this proposal?
0 points,6 years ago
is there any update on this proposal ?
1 point,7 years ago
This is one of those proposals that definitely should have used some kind of escrow. Paying for a 5 year sponsorship deal entirely up front with no way to enforce continued compliance seems pretty crazy to me. Pay and pray I guess...
0 points,7 years ago
Don't forget entire for the visual branding, because DASH alone is hard to look up by interested people.
3 points,7 years ago
Voted yes, we have so much unspent funds this cycle and this will at least help fill that gap, looks pretty cool too. It's worth a try.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you mastermined
0 points,7 years ago
Problem is Dash is not a brand "yet" and so brand advertising does not work. The word Dash means nothing to people, it doesn't spark a memory in the viewer of the brand, therefore it doesn't do anything at all.
Digital Cash might do something..

So sorry but no from me.
1 point,7 years ago

we will have literature onboard for those quests who are curious.
-2 points,7 years ago
Proposal Evaluation Committee
Link to Categorized and Prioritized List of Proposals here:
2 points,7 years ago
I will vote NO because you request one-time payment and you do not provide any guarantee that you will be advertising for 5 years.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi Cedric,

Yes I do guarantee that you will be advertising for 5 years (at least). Most likely the mainsail (with dash logo) will last for 10 years.

2 points,7 years ago
I'm a sucker for sailing, and if you promise to take some awesome pictures I can hang on my wall, I'm all for it!
0 points,7 years ago
Woe, I just caught the price, LOL. What size cxaft and $100 pol shirts? Really?
0 points,7 years ago
Hi TanteStefana, I am proposing to get musto gear with dash branding which explains the expense. Post proposal I am happy to provide all receipts for transparency purposes. @halso has explained that any residual dash can be burned if we go under budget.
1 point,7 years ago
OK, I'm still a sucker for seeing the Dash logo on a huge sail, in Sydney. But you gotta win those races then!!!
2 points,7 years ago
Hello David,

I think you have to improve the proposal.

That your yacht has Dash advertising, is a difficult means of doing an ROI. (Passive ROI)

Your answer to our colleague. Narroway:

Re: overall marketing strategy - I must admit - I don't know the answer to that.

I have some ideas.

You request 5 years, we request improvement of the proposal.

For example:

You say:
David I am an award winning TV executive and entrepreneur who, among other things, I instrumental in winning Sydney's bid to host the 2000 Olympic Games.

I say:
David, in the proposal you must contribute your synergies with this market (TV executive), make us an improvement of the proposal including this ability of yours, a commitment to your facet of TV executive. (Active ROI)


You say:
The yacht has been so successful for airbnb that it is in fact airbnb's

I say:
David, in the proposal you must provide us with your customers Airbnb (Acitve ROI).

You must indicate during those 5 years that you accept Dash (Digital Cash) and with a small discount, visible in the advertisement of Airbnb (Dash is like Bitcoin but better, an example).
As well as the commitment to explain to your customers what Dash is and provide them with all the information

David, we're 'negotiating' your proposal. We would love to do business with you.

I invite all MNOs to David to improve his proposal with the negotiation.

David, I'm going to vote that not, until the next improvement of the proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi blockchaintech,

1 - The members of the sailing club where I race are influential people who span many industries. All of these people will be exposed to the dash brand for at least 5 years and will be potential investors.

2. There is a link in the proposal which you can click on and see all the reviews from people who have stayed on the boat.
I would love to accept dash for Airbnb booking, however this Airbnb do not permit payments outside their platform (maybe they will accept dash someday).
Yes, I can certainly provide dash literature on the boat for people who are curious about the sponsor. I believe there is content on the dash website that I can print out.

Thanks for your feedback.

2 points,7 years ago
I would love to host one here in Cancun, will be following this proposal results, I think is not only good promotional but the type of people is high quality and holds disposable cash to do investments and purchases.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the support JZA. Yes, there will be a lot of exposure to potential investors.
2 points,7 years ago
You seem genuine and I am voting yes for now, hoping for some beautiful pics of dash logo majestically displayed out on the harbour as much as anything else, but let me ask.

In the thread you show examples of racing yachts sponsored by UBS, Paypal and Land Rover to suggest dash can be in this kind of company.

But does your yacht compare to those? Do you have a record or winning major races?
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Bitedge,

Thanks for your support.

yes I have won the pretigious Australian Bluewater Championship.

Re: boat size. Yes, 2 of the boats pictured in the thread are bigger and they race in divisions above Europa. However, advertising for these boats costs a lot more. In addition they are not as active as Europa as I also charter the boat for Airbnb guests.

For clarity I have added two pics of my boat in the forum thread that were taken in last Sunday's race so you can get a better appreciation of the size.
0 points,7 years ago
How did you hear about Dash? Are you an investor in Dash?

Solarguy2003 on the forums
0 points,7 years ago
Hi stillcantstop, one of my crew members @halso is a MNO. He introduced me to Dash and is helping with the proposal process. He has posted on the forum in support of the proposal.
2 points,7 years ago
No. No, no, no. Dash does not become a currency because people who own jet planes and yachts put the word "Dash" down the sides of their toys.

The money requested here should instead be deployed in online advertisements, specifically targeted to people searching for investment and cryptocurrency information.

People don't watch boat races because they're looking for new investment advice. Hence, the audience is wrong, and the approach will lose us money.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for your feedback. I think the people in the yachting scene would great potential investors, and the people who can afford to stay on the boat via Air bnb. This proposal effectively works out at 22 Dash per year (for 5 years). I think the target market is perfect + the ROI will be fantastic.
1 point,7 years ago
Agreed originally we thought on doing a marathon, but that could be done on any city/town. I think exploiting unique markets like the finishing or water sport market is something that only a few places can do well around the world.
0 points,7 years ago
We need a CMO now more than ever.
1 point,7 years ago
we are looking to attract potential investors by generating intrigue to them , the point this Dash brand on the yachts will give a high end appeal to them subconciously, thats the whole point of advertising

now what you are talking about ( google ads etc ) gives short term quick results but we also need to spend some money on long term adverting return type of stuff
2 points,7 years ago
I'm concerned that this type of expense of Dash marketing budget is best NOT spent on painting every car, boat or plane that requests it. As it seems to be mostly guys voting right now I think we are prone to be soft about these things and especially when it's combined with sports. I would like to have more information about your marketing strategy , P2P outreach and projected ROI first. I don't see how banners like this would motivate people to accumulate and/or spend Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi narroway, I will be exposing the Dash brand to thousands of people over a 5 year (possibly 10 year) period. I believe this is the longest period for any dash marketing proposal. So I suspect the ROI will be higher than most other proposals. Re: overall marketing strategy - I must admit - I don't know the answer to that.
1 point,7 years ago
Can you please show us what exactly you are planning to print on your mainsail?
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Dima, The logo is "Dash - Digital cash" - The graphic is included in the Q&A section of the forum post. I couldn't fit all the pics on this platform.
1 point,7 years ago
I can't find the full PEC evaluation and i'd like to read that before voting, so somebody please link it?
1 point,7 years ago
Hi Roman, I know one of the evaluators rated the proposal at 82.8. I will ask biltong to publish on forum. thanks.
1 point,7 years ago
I like it. You have my votes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you.
0 points,7 years ago
you have my votes
0 points,7 years ago
Thank you.