Proposal “DashAdoptionplan“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash User Research and Acquisition: Dash Adoption Plan (DAP)
Monthly amount: 99 DASH (2683 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-04-09 / 2024-07-08 (added on 2024-04-06)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 72 Yes / 223 No / 96 Abstain

Proposal description

Proposal Summary
We’re presenting this proposal to create a strong user adoption and engagement engine for Dash with user research at the core. The "Dash Adoption Plan" (DAP) will investigate factors impacting Dash usage by focusing on early adopters, using various methods such as in-depth interviews, qualitative user research, competitive benchmarking, market analysis, product usability testing, and the creation of data-driven behavioral profiles. Utilizing the collected data, we will be able to craft well-refined action plans that will not only inform marketing but also technology development, ensuring existing user satisfaction and the growth in the number of Dash's users.


Dash has created groundbreaking innovations like the DAO and ChainLocks, as well as the introduction of features such as InstantSend and PrivateSend. Still, it has not always received the recognition it deserves within the crypto community. A large part of it is the lack of a clear grasp of our target users' pain points. To resolve this issue we have to drill down and understand our existing users beginning with early adopters. We accomplish this by asking key questions to grasp what initially attracted them to the network and understand why some users may have disengaged. By utilizing reports and community feedback, we can take action to increase Dash's discoverability. it will serve as a re-targeting/re-engagement campaign, with the aim of better understanding prior and current users, in order to target future ones better. The ultimate goal is to promote Dash as the preferred method of payment, hence the initiatives will reach a broader audience, including cryptocurrency enthusiasts, businesses, and developers interested in Dash's payment potential.

General Deliverables
In the short term, DAP will generate user reports, strategic assessments, and have open dialogues regarding usage insights, as well as a Twitter and Telegram account, @DashDAP, for related news and updates. Long-term deliverables include user and competition analysis, a DashDAP website, and three months of planned community events.

Milestone: Round 1 (Study Design) 1-2 weeks
Study design to refine the exact research questions to answer through the research study, answering the question of what can we learn about Dash early adopters, and how can we use the information to go after new users. This round involves gathering assumptions and accurately defining the user profile for recruitment.

  • Documentation outlining research inquiries, assumptions, and the user profile for recruitment.
  • Design participant recruitment strategy, screening process, and guidelines for conducting interviews.
  • Initial desk research on user profiles, including an examination of existing insights regarding early Dash adopters who have disengaged.

Milestone: Round 2 (User interviews) 4-5 weeks
As soon as the right candidates are identified and recruited, we will begin the interview process. which will involve ten to fifteen in-depth conversations with early adopters including active ones and those who have left the network.
  • Video recording of the interviews.
  • Summary of the interview including analysis and feedback shared directly with the DCG and the marketing team, and published on the mentioned channels.

Milestone: Round 3 (Testing Dash Usability)
  1. Evaluate the entire Dash ecosystem from a user's perspective and generate a comprehensive user analysis.
  2. Identify competitors and generate a comprehensive competitive analysis. The aim is not only to recognize direct competitors but also to delve into adjacent markets and emerging technologies that may pose a challenge to Dash adoption. This process involves thorough market research to identify players in the cryptocurrency space offering similar services or targeting similar user segments. It includes an analysis of their offerings, strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and user base. Then we extend the analysis beyond cryptocurrency to encompass traditional payment systems and emerging fintech solutions. The goal is to provide insights on how to reposition Dash as a better alternative to traditional payment systems like Paypal, Western Union, and Wise and not just as a competitor to other cryptocurrencies.
  3. Test common Dash actions (buying, sending, receiving, PrivateSend, CoinJoin, etc.)

  • A comprehensive competitive analysis report identifying direct competitors, adjacent markets, and emerging technologies.
  • Market research findings detailing competitors' offerings, strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and user base in the cryptocurrency space.
  • An extended analysis covering traditional payment systems and emerging fintech solutions to identify trends, user preferences, and potential differentiation opportunities for Dash.
  • Insights report on user experience, pain points, and areas for improvement.
  • Channels for user acquisition identified.

Milestone: Round 4 (Additional Data Gathering, User Interviews, Data Analysis and Reporting)
After we have met the goal of 10-15 in-depth interviews, conduct a second round of user interviews, ideally with 5-10 additional participants using insights generated from the first round to delve deeper and gather a clear understanding of the needs, pains, and behaviors of the specific user profile, which we will use to inform all areas of the organization (marketing, technological development, community, etc).

Community Involvement and Public Discussion
  1. We will create comprehensive reports summarizing the findings from all rounds of interviews and user research. These reports will be made available to the Dash community, providing detailed insights into user behaviors, preferences, and challenges.
  2. To foster active participation and discussion we plan to organize interactive engagement activities. These may include hosting live Q&A sessions, webinars, or virtual town hall meetings where community members can directly engage with the project team and share their thoughts, feedback, and suggestions.
  3. All feedback received from the community will be carefully analyzed and incorporated into the project's direction and decision-making. Users come to the Dash app from different channels, including paid ones, but the most valuable users are organic, hence why leveraging the existing user base is vital to the success of this project. 
I’m requesting 99 Dash per month for three months. This will cover various expenses essential for the successful execution of the Dash Adoption Plan (DAP), this includes:
  • Incentives for interview participants, three Dash each for an estimate of 15-20 individuals.
  • Costs associated with study design, scheduling, conducting user interviews, summarizing findings, and producing comprehensive reports.
  • Expenses for testing Dash's usability, conducting additional interviews, data collection, and analyzing reports and action plans.
  • Designing new adoption plans focused on new adopters.

Future mission: Continuous Analysis and Reporting
Design a new adoption plan, generate insights on current master node owners, research new adopters, and explore integration methods with global transaction systems.

About DAP
My name is Johansen, and I will be leading this campaign. I am a skilled user research and data analyst with six years of expertise in cryptocurrency research. I've been involved with Dash since 2020. My desire to understand user habits and preferences has led me to participate in several projects focused on improving user experience and acceptance of cryptocurrency. Previous communities, projects, and organizations with which I have collaborated include Pi Network, RD Analytics,, Bithotel Gaming Company, and other successful enterprises. These efforts have yielded useful insights into user behaviors, market dynamics, and development prospects, which inform my approach to the Dash Adoption Plan (DAP). I strongly believe Dash works perfectly as a means of monetary exchange. A YES vote will help me in my commitment to leveraging my talents and experience to ensure the success of this project. Thank you.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,3 months ago
My initial impression was that there would be research to see what our competitors or other projects out there are doing and how Dash compares. Looking at this again, it seems heavy on interviewing old timers. I don’t think old timers have much more insight to give, but rather, we could use real research on where the current state of blockchain technology is, how it’s being adopted and where other projects are focusing their efforts.
1 point,3 months ago
Your initial perception is accurate. The research is intended to be thorough and all-encompassing. We will conduct competitive research during the third round. The first round primarily consists of conducting user interviews and by interviewing users who have switched to competitors, we can gather insights into the reasons behind their departure. Similarly, interviewing users who have remained loyal will provide us with information regarding the reasons for their continued loyalty. The third cycle focuses on usability and competitive research, which we utilize to obtain insights into Dash's competitive advantage. I believe that is where you are most interested.
2 points,3 months ago
A comprehensive competitive analysis report identifying direct competitors, adjacent markets, and emerging technologies.
Market research findings detailing competitors' offerings, strengths, weaknesses, market positioning, and user base in the cryptocurrency space.
An extended analysis covering traditional payment systems and emerging fintech solutions to identify trends, user preferences, and potential differentiation opportunities for Dash.
Insights report on user experience, pain points, and areas for improvement.
Channels for user acquisition identified."

I think this information would be invaluable if collected and researched properly. We are working rather blind or on our own gut instinct otherwise, because I for one am not equipped to find this insight. It could show we've been barking up the wrong tree, or that we're on the right track. This information could be used in advertisement direction.

I'm voting yes. This is the type of work speculators and developers find boring as hell, but not I, it's what I want to know since forever.
0 points,3 months ago
Thanks for your support.
0 points,3 months ago
I am sorry, but doing an 'in-depth user research project to build a robust adoption and engagement engine for Dash with user research at the core', when Dash Platform has not even been released to Mainnet yet, will in my opinion just undermine the results of such in-depth user research project, as we have not been marketing Platform to potentially new users yet (because it is still an unfinished product).

I think this is better done after Dash Platform has been released to Mainnet and Dash as a result of that expands its use cases towards new users.

I also think 99 dash over three months (total 297 dash) is a bit too high for doing 10-15 in-depth interviews, with possibly 20 in-depth interviews in a later round (if i got that last part correct).
2 points,3 months ago
Thanks for your feedback, I appreciate the questions as they allow me to provide clarifications. Let me know if I’m mistaken, but the assumption seems to be that the most interesting thing that Dash has to offer right now is the hope of/on Platform? While there is a possibility that this might be true, we will not know for sure, and this proposal aims to remove the guesswork from it. The question now is, why are projects with inferior technologies doing better? Do we need to keep innovating and hope that they realize the worth of what we are doing, or will others just copy the technology when Dash innovates and markets it better as they have done in the past? Is Dash building Platform based on ideas backed by research or is there a logical fallacy at play of “build and they will come”? It does not seem like that has worked perfectly for us in the past. The platform seems to have been in development for years, and while the core team is doing their best given the amount of technological undertaking, do we know when it will be ready? Can Dash afford another bear market in the meantime while other projects are gaining ground?

This proposal is built for the present and future state of Dash. Based on my experience, Dash works perfectly well as a means of monetary exchange, I have assumptions on why it is not as popular as it should be, and this is an effort to test that hypothesis. It’s good that Dash innovates that is what drew me to the project the first time, it would be better if Dash innovates without letting marketing suffer. While it's true that the Dash Platform has not yet been released to the Mainnet, we believe that initiating the DAP now will provide us with essential insights into the current state of Dash adoption. As the saying goes a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. By understanding the behaviors and preferences of our first existing user base, (those who first fell in love with Dash) we can better prepare for the launch of the Dash Platform and tailor our strategies to attract new users more effectively, while early engagement with the community allows us to address any potential obstacles proactively, allowing for a smoother transition to Platform.

The participant's incentives are not all that Dash is paying for, the proposal requires a significant amount of time and resources. My expertise and those that I will be working with in performing analysis and providing a thorough solution is what we’re offering here. We need to first define research questions, generate an interview guide, then create profiles for the interview recruitment, handle logistics for the interviews, top-down analysis of all transcripts/recordings, and map insights. There is also the creation of behavioral personas based on the insights, multiple follow-up reports, and AMA sessions with the internal team. After which we need to evaluate the entire Dash ecosystem and generate a comprehensive user perspective report, and finally a detailed action plan for Dash. However, After the first month, if the network does not deem it necessary, we can decrease Dash ecosystem testing and follow-up interviews, cutting the cost to 99 Dash. We can’t keep dreaming of Dash being Cash, well-marketed projects outperform better technology in almost all cases. I believe It's important to ensure that the best ideas are considered So, if someone feels they can offer a better proposal, they can submit their proposal for the benefit of the network.
2 points,3 months ago
I like this answer. I am inclined to vote Yes on this proposal, though it would be nice to verify your previous work.

Quite the opposite to you, my theory is, dash is not digital cash. The utter disgrace and single-mindedness of vastly wasted time and money on Platform, when the opportunity cost was to actually make dash "digital cash". But you're right, prove this to us with in-depth analysis.

I suspect the No votes are from the old-guard whom insist on marketing dash as "live on crypto", they don't want to see evidence that their current efforts are completely wrong.
0 points,3 months ago
Thanks for your support.
0 points,3 months ago
''The platform seems to have been in development for years, and while the core team is doing their best given the amount of technological undertaking, do we know when it will be ready?''

We know Dash Platform is currently on Testnet with an open invitation to the Dash community to attack the stability of Dash Platform (its ability to keep producing blocks). We know there is now only one feature left to develop : Masternode Voting. We also know if the stability of Dash Platform on Testnet is not undermined, CTO of Dash Core Group is ready to commit to a release date for Dash Platform on Mainnet. It would not surprise me if that turns out to be somewhere in the next three months.
1 point,3 months ago
That would still be counting chickens before they're hatched. The research is planned to focus on past and present users to understand the types of new users to go after.