Proposal “Dash4Change“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash + Arcane Bear = Dash For Change - COMING SOON -- Details Inside. Watch for updated Pre-proposal - PLEASE VOTE NO for NOW.
Monthly amount: 733 DASH (19811 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-18 / 2018-04-17 (added on 2018-01-25)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 23 Yes / 517 No / 48 Abstain

Proposal description

Thank you for all of your support and feedback DASH tribe !
We are grateful to all of you have reached out to us on the Arcane Bear site and by email.
We will be modifying the original proposal and enacting a number of great suggestions.    Watch the pre-proposal board where we will relaunch soon!

You Speak.
We Listen.
Arcane Bear Acts   --- YouTube  --- DASH FOR CHANGE

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,6 years ago
Tijo, I'm going to reach out here soon about some big modifications to this proposal on the forum. I've been thinking about putting a proposal somewhat like this together with my connections for months however I do not have the access to the film and wider team that this proposal has. I think this can be turned into something that is a no-brainier for Dash.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your response. I will make sure that we communicate with you this week.
-1 point,6 years ago
MNO, Sydney, Australia.
NO. Dash is not a charity. WADR this looks like a "feel good" charity.

Again, WIDR, if you want to set up a charity, I would suggest doing something like Connie Gallipie's BitGive.

Even though I'm an MNO, I still don't own my own house. I'm in my 40s FFS. I know how to delay gratification and saving (many sacrifices / no relationships as partner would not tolerate my saving with no house). Many cultures don't know how to do this. For Europeans saving was a 'must do' for survival over winter. Cultural heritage.

Assisting the poor is all well and good. I've done it first hand (and given funds), and will (almost) only ever do it first hand for the rest of my life.
Putting water wells in is one thing, but keeping them maintained is another. The same apparently applied many decades ago when tractors were offered to a poor part of Africa. The tractors were run until they broke down, and were then useless, due to no one being able to maintain the tractors. My my. Life is complicated and tragic for many. Eduction is key. Mentality.
1 point,6 years ago
The proposal is not for charity. It is comprehensive marketing strategy which will grow Dash awareness and market share. It is all about exposure, and a positive message. Details will be posted to pre-proposal this week.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for your reply. I appreciate it. Respect.
-2 points,6 years ago
You can't be serious... Way to waste 5 Dash.
6 points,6 years ago
Way too much going on in one proposal. My head hurts after reading all that.. I don't think the Dash network is at the right growth stage for a lot of what is proposed here. One day I can see the benefit maybe, but we're a year or so away from needing anything like this imho. This is for when we're looking to go mainstream, we don't even have a consumer facing product/brand to promote to this extent at the moment. Therefore I don't think we'd get maximum value from this idea currently. Voting No, but that's not a reflection on the quality of the proposal, I just don't think it's a good fit right now.
1 point,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback, support and messages we have received by email and on the ArcaneBear site. We will do our best to answer everyone's questions as quickly as possible. One point that we would like to clarify again is that a proposal in support of Cause Marketing initiatives is not a donation to charity. The funding of the proposal is used for the build out of the media productions, (branded commercial and documentaries), the development of the media network and sponsored ads, and the marketing and advertising which generates awareness of the campaigns. The organizations which are the subjects of these campaigns will be taught and enabled to receive donations in digital assets (DASH) and we will document these monumental steps in the progress of the ecosystem. This is a bold step toward the future and transparency in humanitarianism and the awareness is focus on the expansion of the Dash market-space.
-1 point,6 years ago
This proposal has a very unrealistic ROI in my opinion and has a scammy feed the poor charity feel to it. If you want to help change the world look to what the Crypto Show has done in Mexico.
1 point,6 years ago
We are very familiar with the Crypto Show and Danny has been a repeat guest on our YT program. Please check out our DashForChange link for episodes. We are supporters of his work and the message of "Dash Cares". We plan to extend that same DASH message globally with branded cinematic content, consistent media exposure, marketing and advertising. This result is a massive increased in awareness and expansion of the DASH market. We have a reputation as a beacon in the crypto community and will be so for years to come. The ROI for strategic cause marketing is well researched and documented. Links provided in full proposal. Thank you!
1 point,6 years ago
I, for one, like the scope and intricacy of this proposal and its goals, but I would agree that a pre-proposal discussion should have taken place for a project of this magnitude. We need a more thorough breakdown of costs and the benefits to the Dash network, and with a project of this size, escrow is almost a given. I would encourage you to spend sometime in pre-proposal narrowing your focus and engaging the community, building rapport and trust, and then resubmitting at a later date, particularly when our budget is larger. I think we could probably help each other out, but it's just too late in this month's budget to risk so much with so little certainty.
0 points,6 years ago
That is very understandable, we wanted to be bold and just go straight to the community here. Our entrepreneurial spirit is derived from personal values and focus on positive brand alignment. We know it is last minute for such a in-depth and complex proposal, yet still wanted to herald our excitement into communications with the Dash Tribe and family, We will start into the Preproposal and the dash forums as well..... We have a fuller breakdown of the proposal for spending, Attached here ( . ).

Thank you for the insightful comments Dash Family!
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you for all the responses and so far and a special thanks to those who looked through the full proposal and see the value a branded media and a Cause based documentary campaign can bring to Dash. We will continue to highlight that value with proposal updates. We see that are many requests for an escrow program, and we have looked at setting up escrow with Dash Core. We also realize (from prior proposals that have been voted in ) that while the Dash DAO is not a legal entry to enter into contract., that we do have a legal promise of deliverables which we personally guarantee to the community. We know the future of these agreements will be more transparent and on the blockchain in the near future..but in the meantime we look to bridge that gap. We thrive on building a community based on trust, and as long term and future DASH holders, we stand behind our promise to utilize our talents and resources to grow DASH into the go to Digital Cash...globally. Thank you!
4 points,6 years ago
Easy no - recent voting has clearly shown how difficult it is to pass huge proposals without escrow, not to mention without a detailed cost breakdown. Strongly suggest you read the "8 Steps to a Successful Proposal", particularly steps 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 8. Which is pretty much all the steps actually...
1 point,6 years ago
totaly agree with Stropy here voting no
1 point,6 years ago
Huge amount and no escrow?
No! Dash does not "grow on trees"
-2 points,6 years ago
It seems like it comes out of wells like water LOL
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for all of the feedback thus far. We have restructured the proposal (and finally got the formatting correct) to a make it more readable. We have moved the deliverables to the top so that they are clearly visible. Not that none of the Cause Media funding is used for charity. The media program of awareness and dash branding is to allow the causes to begin taking DASH as currency. This enablement is part of the bigger plan for growing the DASH system and exponentially increasing GLOBAL exposure. Boom!
2 points,6 years ago
There's a lot to go through here so I'll reserve judgement for now. However, submitting such a complex and high value proposal so close to the voting deadline, especially one without a lengthy pre-proposal discussion thread on the is a somewhat cavalier approach I must say.. You are putting a lot of confidence in a) your proposal and b) the Masternodes at a very late stage of the cycle.

My thoughts (and questions) will follow once I've spent an hour or two going through and digesting this.

0 points,6 years ago
Thank you Walter. We were recommend to go ahead and get the proposal on the board, though the preparation had us delayed by a week. There is a lot of detail, and a great deal of positive brand recognition for Dash on multiple fronts. The proposal weaves Dash into the fabric of our media channel and spreads outward in to new areas where we will show that adoption can take place at tremendous rate. Our timing takes advantage of an award winning production and film crew to produce a set of deliverables unlike anything that has been seen in a single project. We hope to win your support in helping brand Dash as Digital Cash promoting positive change.
2 points,6 years ago
sorry guys we are not a charity , we are so short of money to be spent on normal marketing , lets catch up in 3 years time when we are a trillion dollar company..
0 points,6 years ago
The proposal is for market strategy, brand awareness and adoption. The full scope of the proposal is all about creating awareness and brand image through Cause Marketing via a variety of visual and digital media. The power of cause marketing is well documented, and the branding carries along the lines of Dash Cares. The proposal includes several documentaries and commercials which are about propagating the Dash brand.
0 points,6 years ago
i appreciate your response , but we are not a point where we can do proposals like this , i hope you can understand that, we need more measurable ROI when we are thinking of millions of dollars.
2 points,6 years ago
Ryan and Tim, you should take out a second mortgage on your homes to fund this project and work towards such a noble cause.

You should generously participate in philantrophy with your own money and not come around with a bowl asking us to part with 1.8 million of our money. We are looking for a return on investment, unfortunately..

Thank you for your 5 dash donation though.
1 point,6 years ago
Your opinion is appreciated. We are fans of DASH, long term investors, and continue to spread the DASH brand through our media channel. The proposal is all about an ROI and long term branding recognition for Dash., and stepping to the next level The proposal is for the creation and marketing of the cause based campaigns. These marketing concepts yield a much greater ROI than traditional advertising, by spreading use cases and foster new adoption, while position DASH as a brand that is promoting positive change.
-1 point,6 years ago
Clever, however we are not salvation army or redcross why would we want to act as a charity

For instance the water commercial. Is a typical commercial alot of 'non profits' use
-1 point,6 years ago
Why dont you use your own money for charity instead of ours?
1 point,6 years ago
The proposal is not for charity. But we do appreciate your input.
0 points,6 years ago
Wow big NO for no escrow/high value..

Escrow with core please as they are reliable and motivated for whats best with the network

And a pre proposal and submit before the deadline so MNOs have time to research and make an informed decision.
2 points,6 years ago
No pre-proposal submitting 3 days before voter deadline. You must have too much Dash. Just send it to me instead of wadting it on proposals that wont pass XjX9KSsfJY2PmpsB8Gb1WMeUmRHCeTzxKp
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for looking us over. We do realize this went up late... there was were many weeks that went in to the planning and production. We did started a pre-proposal last month, albeit for a smaller sponsorship. We were advised to get on the board rather than waiting till text month, given the timeliness of the deliverables.
1 point,6 years ago
You were advised ? You should really change of advisers. There's no way this is gonna pass just because you didn't respect at least two steps : pre-proposal discussion + escrow
0 points,6 years ago
No dash for any charity or any "cause marketing". Voting No..
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your comment. This is not DASH for charity. This a very comprehensive media marketing plan and network sponsorship. Social Awareness is the strategy which will be used create an exceptional ROI on investment. These are proven strategies which we have bundled together in a large Dash adoption plan. Brands associated with positive change will ultimately have market advantage. We will bring Dash to the front line. Boom!
1 point,6 years ago
Submitting such a complicated proposal so close to the deadline is really not a good idea. Would maybe have been fine if you had a pre-proposal for some time but you don't have one which is another negative. Then I watched your video and it felt like an ad for consumers instead of a business proposal. Also after watching it I still didn't get what exactly you are proposing.
Same with your proposal description lots of fluff and hard to figure out what exactly you are doing with that much money. The formatting doesn't help though that's likely the fault of dash central so please post your proposal on the forums or somewhere the formatting won't be as broken.
1 point,6 years ago
Just realised you are also not using an escrow service. That makes this an easy no. Create a pre-proposal, engage in discussion with the community and try again next month.
Also according to which layer is that a legally binding contract? The Dash DAO is not a legal entity so I don't think it's possible for it to enter into any legal contract.