Proposal “Dash4Africa“ (Closed)Back

Title:#Dash4Africa - Campaigning into 7 Countries
One-time payment: 246 DASH (6672 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-19 (added on 2018-02-19)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 216 Yes / 190 No / 95 Abstain

Proposal description


Pre-Proposal Link:
Detailed Proposal .PDF:

#Dash4Africa is a multi-month proposal presented by Nathaniel Luz of #Dash4Nigeria, with escrow by Instantkarmafund. #Dash4Nigeria Proposal has had great success in getting new users and businesses accepting Dash and this proposal is taking that model and scaling it up to cover more territory. This is a coalition of several proposals in one, with the goal to make a big push in Africa to impact 7 countries, including: Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Botswana. For Dash to have a lasting presence and impact in Africa, more foundational work must be done to train and retain ambassadors, as well as on-board exchanges and traders, businesses and schools to make a sustainable leap in the adoption curve. The objective of this proposal is to take Dash from a “speculative asset” to a “cryptocurrency with utility” in these 7 counties in Africa. Once more businesses and schools are on-boarded and conferences are completed, benefits will be obvious and demand will grow. We will then roll out Phase 2 in a proceeding proposal to satisfy the demand, which will address the fundamental problems of liquidity and accessibility of Dash in Africa. We will make Dash ubiquitous in Africa with high utility and velocity - with its greater security, medium-of-exchange and store-of-value properties than legacy currencies. See highly-developed plans at link above and budget at end of proposal.  

#Dash4Africa Team
The #DASH4Africaproject led by Nathaniel Luz is a coalition that seeks to solidify the adoption and use of DASH in Cameroon, Nigeria, and Ghana. This proposal is a merger of the plans of seven different DASH teams plus the DASH Africa Ambassadors Drive Project (Cameroon 2, Ghana 2, and Nigeria 3). Seven ambassadors coordinated by Nathaniel Luz would simultaneously carry out this project across 3 countries. Funds are escrowed with Instantkarmafund and would be released per phase of the project listed at the end of this proposal. This project would also sponsor and execute the first DASH outreaches in 4 other African countries, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Botswana. Making it a total of 7 countries impacted by this proposal. Nathaniel Luz (@ROTC) is the Lead Ambassador for DASH in Nigeria, has raised other ambassadors in several African countries. This proposal is a merger of 7 smaller proposals because we believe it would be easier for the community to get reports and hold the team accountable, while saving the costs of 5 DASH fee per proposal.

Previous Accomplishments of Nathaniel Luz
The #Dash4Nigeria proposal was a great success, with the following results:
- Youtube “Dash African School” with episodes totaling over 4,000 views in 4 weeks.

Quantumexplorer- Creator of the DASH Mobile Wallet:
"I checked downloads on android in Ghana, we got 788 per month last month,
second only to nigeria and south, africa." 

Dash4Nigeria Milestones Completed:

1.      We had 2 conferences rather than 1 as planned initially.
2.      We had 7 meet-ups in Nigeria
3.      We reached out to Cameroon and had a successful meetup there. Cameroon is the first French Speaking African Country to get in on DASH
4.      We were present at the launching of the Blockchain Centre, Nigeria, where we convinced them to adopt DASH as their official means of payment.
This means students offering courses there would have to pay with DASH.
5.      We discussed with Digital Abundance group, and they currently have their investments in DASH. (They run a hedge fund)
6.      Cryptohub, a foremost cryptocurrency organization in Nigeria has also accepted DASH as their official currency.
7.      Cryptolifecapital, a hedge fund uses DASH for their monthly payout to clients.
8.      21 offline exchanges now trade DASH locally. One of these is WegoEx, an over-the-counter cryptocurrency exchange
9.      13 new businesses now accept DASH as a means of payment will be listed at
10.  We had training with existing DASH Ambassadors and raised new ambassadors also. We now have 2 new ambassadors in Cameroon,
2 in Ghana and 5 in Nigeria. We also have potential ambassadors from Rwanda, Kenya and Uganda who are currently undergoing training.

Objectives of This Proposal:
This proposal would achieve the following and more (see Google Doc for detailed plans):
  • DASH conferences in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon                                    
  • Introducing DASH to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Botswana and organizing outreaches there.
  • DASH Marketing and Education in Universities in Ghana                 
  • Adoption of DASH as a means of payment in Secondary Schools in Ghana             
  • DASH as a means of payment of dues, etc. in organizations
  • DASH Secondary School Proprietors Meetups
  • DASH partnerships with events and competition organizers to pay the winners in DASH and purchase tickets with DASH
  • DASH Campus Promotion in Cameroon  
  • Establishment of DASH Exchange Centers in Cameroon
  • Local bitcoin traders to begin trading DASH in Cameroon
  • The raising of DASH Ambassadors in Cameroon
  • More Businesses to adopt DASH as a means of Payment in Nigeria
  • DASH outreaches for Professionals/ Working class in Nigeria                            
  • Continuous DASH Meetups and Ambassadors Drive across Africa
  • Seek to make DASH the most adopted cryptocurrency in the countries this proposal concerns

A. DASH marketing and education in Universities in Ghana 7
B. Introducing DASH to secondary schools (private) in Ghana 9
C. DASH Campus Promotion in Cameroon 7.25
D. Establishment of DASH Exchange Centers in Cameroon 13 + Liquidity of 4.5 DASH for each exchanges 18
E. DASH Ambassadors Training in Cameroon 10.5
F. Businesses adoption of DASH as a means of Payment in Nigeria 16
G. DASH for professionals/ Working class in Nigeria 6.5
H. Continuous DASH meetups and ambassadors driveacross Africa 9.25
I. Prints 14
J. Exigencies 5
K. Proposal Fee 5
L. Escrow fee 5
M. Proposal fee risk 5

Monthly Escrow Payment Schedule by Instantkarmafund
First payment would cover items: A G H I = 36.75
Second Payment would cover items: D J = 36
Third payment would cover items: B C E F = 42.75

Terms of Escrow, Updates, Contact Info
Progress updates and milestone accomplishments will be detailed and documented in Discord > Instantkarmafund > Dash4Africa
Non-performance of milestones will result in remaining funds being held in Trust for the Treasury and will be made available to fund other proven, successful projects.
As mentioned above, this is a summary. Please click link to view complete, detailed proposal with extensive details and plans.
Questions for Instantkarmafund can be directed to or @Nate on Discord.

Requested Monthly Total: 115 Dash
Total: (115.5 x 2) +15 = 246
Priced at $650 USD/Dash.
Please vote YES if you wish to see Dash do big things in Africa!

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
3 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES.
Granted, I can see others have concerns, such as the highish budget. You project has many aspects. I do wonder what incentives the ambassadors really have (I see you have partially explained). Good luck.
1 point,6 years ago
Trollpatrol has redflagged this proposal for : excessive shilling.
4 points,6 years ago
Hi Nathaniel,

First off I really want to vote yes for some aspects of this proposal but there's a few issues on other aspects.

1). The budget should be priced in USD terms. I know you gave an answer for having a Dash economy but in practise you need to be referencing it against USD. How are you converting the Dash to local currencies at the moment to pay for some of the costs mentioned?

2). E. DASH Ambassadors Training in Cameroon

I like the ambassador programme. How will you be identifying and selecting the 30+ ambassadors? And after the training, do you think the ambassadors might need some financial support to maintain the further outreaches they'll be doing? How do you propose to keep the Dash ambassadors motivated after their training?

3). G. DASH for Professionals/ Working Class in Nigeria

How do you propose getting companies to pay their staff monthly in Dash? I'm not too sure what sort of onramps/offramps are available in Nigeria, but wouldn't that be required? Can't imagine the liquidity would be too good if there are on/off ramps. How are companies going to bare the exchange rate risk? How are you planning on using the 6.5 Dash?

4). B. Introducing DASH to secondary schools (private) in Ghana 9

Again, same as above, how is the school set up to manage the exchange risk? I think this might be a waste of time right now. I think running programmes where students have Dash and the school shop accepts Dash for payment of sweets, drinks, etc, might be a better first step to take with bringing private schools into the ecosystem. It really just looks like a brainstormed idea right now. I'd prefer if there was a separate proposal for this with actual commitments or letters of intent to pilot Dash payment ecosystem programmes from school principles.

I voted no initially, but I'm going to change to abstain. I'd be interested to see your replies to my points above and maybe I can vote yes. There's a lot in this project and some aspects are easy yes but the points mentioned above makes me think the funds won't be used too efficiently. I hope you continue in your efforts in any case and if it doesn't pass please come back. It looks like you're a good Dash advocate.
3 points,6 years ago
Hello Ageless,

Thanks for your comment.

1. The budget in USD is posted as a comment under the proposal. Kindly scroll down the comments to view this.

2. Here is how the DASH Ambassador's Programme works. 30 participants would be selected from a list of applicants to undergo the training. Successful Ambassadors would then be equipped to promote DASH in their country. As a criteria, they would have to organise meetups under the DASH Force Meetup Monthly contest. This should foot the bills and keep them motivated. Also, meetups are already taking place in Cameroon courtesy of the ambassadors in training. This proposal would concretise all efforts that have going on in Cameroon in the last few months.

3. There are SMEs that currently accept DASH as a means of payment. Our plan is to get them to pay their staff in DASH also. We do give incentives in form of tips and patronage to these businesses as a form of motivation. The plan for the 6.5 DASH is stated in the budget I added below as a comment.

4. With regards to Dash for school
What we intend to do is to introduce Dash to secondary schools in Ghana. Our focus for now will be on the private schools because these schools are owned by individuals or groups of individuals with the aim of making a profit. Letters will be drafted to each school we intend to meet to inform them about this whole movement and the benefit this project can provide them. Schools will also be made to understand the volatile nature of these currencies and how it works. The schools will be made to understand how the Blockchain technology works and this will be done by organizing meet ups for both students and the board of staff of each school. This will help inflate the adoption by newbies into the ecosystem. We are sure the information will be disseminated faster between students. Again students can adapt to technological change faster because they are in the act of learning and it will be very easy for them to learn more about Dash and know for themselves how they can benefit from this new technology. Also, most students can easily convince their parents to adopt a new technology they learnt from school and to invest in it. This project is not only focusing on introducing Dash to schools but also to inflate the adoption by teachers, students and parents as well. As we all know cryptocurrency in Africa is taking roots at an admirable pace and one of the relevant areas which needs a big push is the educational sector. Should the educational sector start to accept Dash as payment of fees, what happens next? Adoption will increase.

This is a project with great potential of solidifying DASH in the African continent. And the funds would be efficiently used. Our escrow, Instant Karma Fund, would release the funds in bits also stated in the proposal, till the project is concluded.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks Nathaneil

1). That should have been posted in the detailed pdf. Any MN that is reviewing it might otherwise miss it. Also, what is the method used for getting Dash to local currency? What is the plan for conversion?

3). Again, what you're doing with the 6.5 Dash was not elaborated on in the detailed pdf where I think it's reasonable to expect to find it. It now looks like an afterthought.

4). The schools aim to make a profit so they need to be able to hedge their Dash exposure. They need to be able to convert it to local currency and that infrastructure is essential if the private school was ever to accept Dash at scale. Otherwise it's too much risk for the private school. It would be irresponsible of the school management to gamble on Dash, they are not a hedge fund.

I'm also not impressed with how your pricing the merchandise. I live in the Philippines and have quotes of 88php/fully designed Dash tee-shirts. This costs about $1.70/tee-shirt. Do you have any quotations yourself for how much Dash tee-shirts actually cost in a bulk order you're claiming and why are they so expensive in Africa? $15/tee-shirt is very expensive. I don't mean to nit-pick, but if you are taking advantage of the network in these areas you are probably doing it in other areas too. Pricing needs to be much more competitive across the board in my opinion. If you're coming to the network for funds its your job to get the costs down where you can.

Overall, a lot of the stuff you want to do is great from a purist perspective, but we can't go from A->Z without going through B,C,D.... I think the most important factor for Africa to focus on is the onramps/offramps between Dash/cryptocurrency and their local currencies. Until that is achieved with decent liquidity a lot of this stuff won't work. I think it's great to see efforts such as going on. Exchange establishment should be a priority, the rest can then follow a lot more organically.
4 points,6 years ago
There are online and offline exchanges in Nigeria and Ghana where one can easily convert fiat to DASH and vice versa.

For the outreaches in Cameroon thus far, we had to convert DASH to Bitcoin then sell.

This proposal aims to establish DASH Exchanges in Cameroon. This would enable them buy DASH easily. For now, we sell DASH to Cameroon, get the fiat converted to Bitcoin and sent back to us while we ShapeShift back to DASH bearing the costs.

On the shirts, $15 * 350 = 5,250 naira. A shirt costs 5,000 and the 250 is for transportation. We do not make just any shirt, you could check the #DASH4Nigeria channel on discord for images of the shirts we've made in the past.

We do not inflate the prices of our items.

1 point,6 years ago
All of the questions you had were answered in the proposal.
1) $650
3) Need budget to wine and dine business people and pay for Nathaniel's time.
4) Nathaniel already has exchanges accepting Dash and is going to acquire more as stated in Cameroon.
5) You are nitpicking, especially when price of Dash swings 10%/day. Please get some perspective.

I think you all need to give Nathaniel some credit for all the accomplishments he's made and is willing and able to achieve in the future for Dash.
2 points,6 years ago
@instantkarmafund can @rotc mention some of the online exchange trading dash in nigeria and ghana since this can easily be verified and I will gladly change my vote to yes also I think been hash in your responds to concerns doesn't help also @ rotc charging 15$/t-shirt and trying to justify that, doesn't really make sense When some of us knows very well the Nigeria market
1 point,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago

That's a major online shop in Nigeria. Kindly see their prices of shirts including the one directly on the link.

Also, if the shirts can be made anywhere else and sent to us for less than $15, we'd appreciate to have them produce them according to our specifications.

A quick search on Google brings up the list of exchanges trading DASH in Nigeria and Ghana.

Some in my head now are:


To be more specific on Ghana, I'd draw the attention of the DASH Ghana Ambassadors.

P.S. We're working on being accepted more on local exchanges as Africans trade Bitcoin and cryptocurrency more on peer to peer than on exchanges.
-1 point,6 years ago
@instantkarmafund doesnt care, about doing thorough research they take whatever numbers there told. Or think can be justified.
0 points,6 years ago
@lnstantKarmaFund: Aren't you suppose to be the escrow service? Isn't an escrow service suppose to be impartial? And i would expect an escrow service to "nitpick" every aspect of claimed milestones achieved.

All my questions were not answered in the "Detailed Proposal" which is the document I used to review this proposal. There was a lot of "detailed" information excluded from that document that makes this look not very professional, especially for the size and scope of this project. On point 4, there is only two sentences given on "G. DASH for Professionals/ Working Class in Nigeria". No details given about wining and dining anyway. Not up to scratch. How is any MNO suppose to be able to vote yes to that? As for the 21 offline exchanges accepting Dash as a result of @rotc, it's not exactly an easy thing to do due diligence on, but additional information needs to be provided to the community to substantiate such claims. Videos of these exchanges in operation, details about their volumes, etc. How much Dash liquidity do these exchanges actually provide? Do you know any of these answers? I don't. Should all be referenced in the "Detailed Proposal"

Why are they not buying the teeshirts directly from the manufacturer instead of an online distributor? And why are they not getting bulk discounts on those teeshirts? The costing isn't just "nitpicking" the teeshirts. it's nitpicking all merchandise which accounts for over $17,000. The network shouldn't be setting a precedent that you can slap an 800% profit margin on top.

This is very likely not going to pass this month given the current numbers. @InstantKarmaFund, please give my feedback some credit as it likely echos a lot of the general sentiment among the MNOs as to why this isn't passing. Some MNOs have to be pricks unfortunately because the reality is systems get gamed and taken advantage of. Asking for too much, with too little information given and prior milestone claims in writing not substantiated with enough easily accessible evidence. Listen to the feedback and try again.

I want you to succeed @Nathanielluz, but this needs to be of a higher standard.
1 point,6 years ago
@ageless your spot on the money..

Matter of fact sometimes escrow encourages this behavior.
3 points,6 years ago
What I am noticing is a gap between the Western proposals and some proposal from and for developing country's.
(PLZ don't take offence to the following)
I understand that is a major GAP between Western education and that in Africa, simply asking for the same quality is perhaps to much to ask, and ask Western amounts of funding is also to much to ask.

I would like to see some middle ground and or some cooperation between people leading projects in Africa and people with a higher level of experience and or education. Personally I would like to see Dash ambassadors take Dash test/exam, before they can qualify. Dash needs proper representation regardless of the country in the World
4 points,6 years ago
That's the concept of the 1.25 DASH for the structuring of the DASH Ambassadors Virtual Training Program.

The DASH Ambassadors Training, Cameroon, would last for 4 days and would see the participants through the following modules: Understanding DASH, PR, Leadership etiquettes, Advocating for DASH, Events and Outreach Planning etc.
There'd be activities and several others before officially making them DASH Ambassadors. That's why the Cameroonian Team aren't here yet. They aren't yet done with their training.

The academy would have a website plus the Google classroom app.

Other intending ambassadors would also follow through same process.
4 points,6 years ago
We collaborate with this proposal owner and are also working on the ambassadors program. A test for ambassadors is necessary, I agree! You speak sense.
We have plenty of experience and education :-) on our team! Our proposal is also currently open to voting here.
1 point,6 years ago
1) you mention a quote from @quantumexplorer over 700 installs in ghana that was not directly from #dash4nigeria project but rather @cryptolibs efforts in ghana.

2) the costs for setting up a meeting with venue in africa is under 2-3k usd per venue including food.
4 points,6 years ago
1. Kindly see thus quote from quantumexplorer "I checked downloads on android in Ghana, we got 788 per month last month, second only to nigeria and south africa, which are much bigger countries. So really pretty great, compared to some countries with the same size/population in africa who would get 5 downloads a month. A lot of people were also active users meaning they stuck around and continued using the dash app (there are also users on iOS)."
Meaning Nigeria had over 788 downloads last month, higher than Ghana.

2. We never budgeted anything close 2k USD for any event.

The only exception is the 4 Day DASH Ambassadors Training Event which costs $2,325 making it an average of 581.25 for a days conference, including venue, food, souvenirs and logistics.

Our budget in USD is very moderate can be found as a comment under the proposal.

Kindly have a look.

-4 points,6 years ago
Post different proposals, not exceeding 25 dash each. At this level of quality even that is too much.
7 points,6 years ago
I have read the comments and this proposal has:
The direct work with the people that is the most important for B2C.

I have read the summary of their previous work, and I was impressed, because I did not know that they had worked so much from person to person, as is happening in the proposals of Venezuela, which is only one country, here we are offered to reach several countries.

This team offers us something that Bitcoin can not get, and it is direct access to train and teach people in Africa in the use of cryptocurrencies, specifically in Dash. And for this Dash has a unique dominant position thanks to the treasury.

We must remember that in Africa, (a continent, not a country) people are not banked and their cell phone can be their bank.

For every African who adopts Dash in his life, before he puts the focus on another crypto project in the next, the network effect will do the rest. Dash for an African is: fast, cheap and easy to use.

This proposal has an ROI trust, that is, they commit themselves to achieve objectives and if the objectives are not achieved, the money returns to the treasury.

''Non-performance of milestones will result in remaining funds being held in Trust for the Treasury and will be made available to fund other proven, successful projects."

Thanks for the proposal. If approved, I would like you to document and report on the achievements, so that we can evaluate the impact.
You have my support.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi blockchaintech,
Thanks for your support. I agree on all points.
The project will be documented as per description at the end of the proposal.
3 points,6 years ago
Nice summary totally agree with you. Let's hope the people voting at the end of the cycle will see it the same way.
2 points,6 years ago
@corrorro, cryptoris, georgepro, dash governor, zambang, cryptolib

Shilling on this proposal is taken negatively. After posting your proposal there is no need to make any further pleas or give unnecessary advice..
-3 points,6 years ago
After some additional research and homework and discussions with several african members the price of this proposal is extreme.

Sadly I have to vote NO and would urge you to submit this proposal with a redefined budget.

Thank you
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Realmrhack,

Can you identify any items in particular that you feel are "extreme"?
IMO the budget is solid and so is the team and plans to execute it - with proven track record and performance-based escrow payments.
Dash can afford this and it will make a big impact with a sustainable ROI.
I'd urge you to vote YES.
4 points,6 years ago
Apart from major integrations and adoptions--which is largely the purview of Dash Core--this is the kind of stuff of which I would like to see Dash do more.
4 points,6 years ago
I think this project should be funded. Dash can be used in Africa in the real life and it will have a huge impact!
-3 points,6 years ago
What do you take Dash treasury for @rotc and @instantkarmafund.
The last proposal you escrow for that won votes by Masternodes you didn't achieve even 10% of your stated objectives.

Now you turn around with the same Escrow that disbursed all the fund without consent of milestone achievements and objectives requesting for 156,000Dollars to do what?
Even if you're integrating into all Africa states how much does it cost to organise meetup in Africa. This is outrageous and this must not pass to protect the treasury.
Instantkarma do your homework well I don't expect your escrow to cover for this type of proposal. Price is outrageous and 20% of the requested fund can cover the entire budget.

Dash is not a charity foundation.
0 points,6 years ago
This is some serious FUD by renown troll, DashClark.
Read the proposal summary - it indicates all the accomplishment of Dash4Nigeria brought to reality.
Dash4Nigeria accomplished all of the milestones and many more!
We are bringing Dash to Africa in a big way with a proven team.
If you don't think that is a great ROI, you're the one that's dreaming.
-2 points,6 years ago
Gosshh... what do you take Dash for 7 Africa countries integration for 246Dash in 2months not justifiable. Dash core need to look into Africa for focused integration not this type of unachievable dream.
-2 points,6 years ago
I think what all your team are aiming can be achieved through Dashboost micro funding proposal. Contact @pasta on discord to assist.
Dash needs more adoption. 246Dash too much expensive for this dream in africa.
2 points,6 years ago
My plea to Masternodes Owner is to take a real look at what this proposal and the opportunity its offer for DASH expansion intoAfrica and not the amount of money it will cost. This initiative is the first of it kind bringing African countries together embark on one course
3 points,6 years ago
You got my support
2 points,6 years ago
i think masternode holders should look at the positive impact and massive adoption of Dash in Africa if this proposal should pass or win
1 point,6 years ago
I kindly entreat all MNOs who are abstaining to leave a comment huh 22 abstain. Also if you don't understand any thing about the project we are in a community you can contact the owner of the proposal for further clarification. Remember is DASH is beyond limit.
-1 point,6 years ago
This is asking for a lot of money an educational program. Voting NO.
-1 point,6 years ago
for an educational*
4 points,6 years ago
Please read the proposal. This is much more than an educational program.
It will on-board businesses, traders, exchanges, schools and develop ambassadors throughout many countries.
3 points,6 years ago
This projectlooks like a good one. Hey @rotcfew questions.
1. Who are the team in these seven African countries as you said it is all their proposal which is combined to get this?
2. Can you breakdown your budget in USD to give the community a complete overview of your budget?
2 points,6 years ago
Team Ghana is headed by Cryptoris and George Pro. I head Team Nigeria with Oladotun Wilfred assisting me alongside some DASH Ambassadors in Training.

Cameroon also has DASH Ambassadors in Training and they're organising meetups. This project would conclude their training and welcome them into DASH nation on discord.

As a principle, only ambassadors that are done with the training are introduced here.

Same with the other 4 countries we're entering.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you @rotc for your answer but it seem not convincing. Please try and give detail explanation because this is a huge project that should produce value for money.
1. How many projects add up to make this proposal?
2. What is the total budget for each proposal?
3. What is the track record for each owners of this proposal so far as dash work is concerned in Africa?
4. Do you have detailed budget breakdown in dollars for each proposal and the entire proposal?
Please kindly provide detailed answers to this questions including detailed budget except this is not relevant and the community don’t care to know about it but in my humble openion that will ensure transparency and ensure there is value for money. Good luck dude
1 point,6 years ago
This is a good project
Africa will certainly be a hub for Dash
0 points,6 years ago
Stop this shilling, dash governor.
1 point,6 years ago
Best project to hit the walls of Africa, Go on Bro , you are capable of walking the talk.
cheers mate
2 points,6 years ago
Thank you Zambang for the support
2 points,6 years ago
Good luck brothers. Make Africa Dashy. I hope MNOs appreciate the potential impact of this proposal.
4 points,6 years ago
Thanks. However I'd like you to clarify the air about the idea being stolen from you. Thanks.
2 points,6 years ago
This? I am surprise you requested here as a comment as we had a day long discussion about this on #dn_africa channel. I was kind enough not to prolong the argument and wished you and the crew here good luck, I gave u guys my support on #dn_africa and encourage that we do all we can to achieve the ultimate aim of getting Dash to every African and you come here on a public ledger to begin an argument? Why do u guys want me to be seen bad? Always trying to make me talk when I don’t want to. What’s wrong with wishing u good luck? I am glad my work speaks for me and I don’t keep anything in mind against anyone. I look up to success everyday so I wish for everyone. Cheers and good luck once more.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support bro .. let us join hands together and make dash work in Africa
2 points,6 years ago
The work being done in Africa is a crucial first step into making Dash useful. That is our goal.

2 points,6 years ago
Thank you RobbyDash01 disappointment is not is not in our dictionary. Indeed DASH beyond limit
-2 points,6 years ago
How has this reached here without a detailed budget. Instantkarmafund, where is the detailed budget?

This answer by nathanielluz does not make for good reading.

"On a trip. Would post the breakdown as soon as I'm home. Didn't travel with my PC."

3 points,6 years ago
I don't know your define for unprofessional. But there is nothing unprofessional from the answer Nathaniel gave. Don't disturb IKF they r trusted escrow they will never release money without detailed budget. But they saw the need to support such great a proposal which is going to help DASH extendeds its frontiers of success in Africa.
1 point,6 years ago
The budget is detailed at the end of the proposal. You may have to click on "show full description" and scroll to the end. I'm sorry there's so much content and detail to scroll through. The budget is in Dash and priced at $700 USD/Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you @rotc for your answer but it seem not convincing. Please try and give detail explanation because this is a huge project that should produce value for money.
1. How many projects add up to make this proposal?
2. What is the total budget for each proposal?
3. What is the track record for each owners of this proposal so far as dash work is concerned in Africa?
4. Do you have detailed budget breakdown in dollars for each proposal and the entire proposal?
Please kindly provide detailed answers to this questions including detailed budget except this is not relevant and the community don’t care to know about it but in my humble openion that will ensure transparency and ensure there is value for money. Good luck dude
3 points,6 years ago
A. DASH marketing and education in Universities in Ghana 7
$650 * 7 = $4,550
Camera to record our activities $105 * 4 = $380
Sponsoring SRC program $300 * 3 = $900
Giveaways $5 * 300 = $1500
Air time on school radio $300 * 4 = $1200
Conference $570

B. Introducing DASH to secondary schools in Ghana
$650 * 9 = $5,850
Transport in each region $2000
Accommodation and for a month $1000
Conferences $1250
Media coverage $450
Radio talk show $350
Tokens to participant $800

C. DASH Campus Promotion in Cameroon 7.25
Meetups $200 * 5 = $1000
Radio talk show $320 * 3 = $960
TV talk $500
Media coverage $450
Campus promotion $360.4 * 5 campuses = $1802

D. Establishment of DASH Exchange Centers in Cameroon 13 + Liquidity of 4.5 DASH for each exchanges 18

E. DASH Ambassadors Training in Cameroon 10.5
Travels / accommodation, feeding and Logistics of 2 facilitators $2,000
Giveaways by new ambassadors $5 * 50 = $250 * 10 ambassadors = $2,500 for 500 new wallets
4 Day DASH Ambassadors Training Event = $2,325
Venue $800
Sound, Projector $200
Refreshment $600
DASH branded writing materials $400
Logistics $325

F. Businesses adoption of DASH as a means of Payment in Nigeria 16
Incentive of $70 per business * 30 = $2,100
Transportation across 3 states in Nigeria = $600
Conference for Business owners in the 3 states = $700 * 3 = $2100
Publicity for DASH Accepting businesses = $1,000

G. DASH for professionals/ Working class in Nigeria 6.5
Conference for Youth Corps Members in 3 states $500 * 3 = $1500
Giveaway to new wallets $5 * 250 $1,250
Logistics $300
Conference for professionals $587.5 * 2 = $1175

H. Continuous DASH meetups and ambassadors drive across Africa 9.25
2 DASH each for outreaches and activities in Rwanda, Kenya, Botswana, and Uganda = 8 DASH
1.25 DASH for the structuring of the DASH Ambassadors Virtual Training Program

I. Prints 14

T-shirts $15 * 450 (150 each for Nigeria, Ghana, and Cameroon) = $6,750
Banners 50 * 15 = $750
Stickers $2 *400 = $800
Wristbands $2 * 400 = $800
1 point,6 years ago
The budget is detailed at the end of the proposal. You may have to click on "show full description" and scroll to the end. The budget is in Dash - not dollars - because we are building a Dash economy in these countries.
I would suggest you try to understand that if we are going to promote Dash as a currency, we should ourselves price our work in it, otherwise it is just a charade. If we don't believe in it, why should anyone else?

Also, please stop spamming comments with the same post. Once is enough.

Thank you.
-1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your reply I do appreciate it but if you call this a spam then .....
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the enquiries.

Questions 1, 2, and 3 were covered in the write up of the proposal. My track records as the Coordinator of the project were also clearly stated. The idea of a 'joint proposal' is to allow DASH Ambassadors who are not 'popular' in the community, come together under the coordination of one who is probably more known and experienced, executing the project together as a team. If any aspect of the proposal is defaulted at, the entire team bears the consequences especially the coordinator. Again, this is why there is an escrow in place, to ensure that all the deliverables are met.

This is a 2 month proposal. The funds would be released to the escrow - Instant Karma Fund, which was also the escrow of the #DASH4Nigeria project, then IKF releases the funds throughout the 2 month period based on an Escrow Payment Schedule stated in the proposal. If there is a default, IKF as a standard practice, immediately discontinues funding the project in order to protect the community's funds. As a principle, we'd always use an escrow for our proposals.

Lotrs of work have been going on in Africa and one way to see this is by the amount of installs of the DASH app monthly, also our successful events and past projects do the talking.

The detailed budget would be added soon.

Thanks again for your enquiries.
-1 point,6 years ago
@rotc you mean detailed budget is not ready? I think there should be a principle for every proposal to have detailed budget before masternodes vote yes on it. Dollar value is very important in the budgetary system of the proposal since each passed proposal exchange dash for fiat to undertake projects. I am much concerned about detailed budget for proposals in this case accountability and transparency. I expect masternodes to vote for proposals with proper and detailed budget to ensure that there is value for money. Escrowing a proposal doesn’t solve this issues the detailed budget should not be known to the escrow firm but the entire community. Remember we are in a trustless system and know body is “trusted” when it comes to the issue of finance.
Please provide the detailed budget I believe lots of people are waiting for this.
Dear masternodes let’s ask for detailed budget for every project before voting yes. Remember value for money is very paramount.
1 point,6 years ago

I already posted this as a response. Detailed budget isn't on my mobile.

On a trip. Would post the breakdown as soon as I'm home. Didn't travel with my PC.

-2 points,6 years ago
This is not a good enough explanation.
2 points,6 years ago
Even though we carry DASH with as every where we go Remember we have other jobs we are doing. If he doesn't have the detailed budget with him right now doesn't mean he does not have it at all. After all without detailed budget he cannot get the budget he presented here. Cheers !! Is still DASH beyond limit
2 points,6 years ago
Love what you are doing in Africa, voted yes, all the best.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support. Expect great news of our success soon.
1 point,6 years ago
Did they even read at all?? 55 no for such proposal. I think some MNOs are automatically No voters. I am edging all MNOs to carefully read this proposal before casting their votes. Whether you vote yes or no kindly leave a comments. Cheers!! DASH beyond limit
3 points,6 years ago
36 No votes before entering any text. Wow. Bad actors are in the system, folks. Need the Dash Nation MNOs to step up!! Lots of hard work and thought has gone into this. At least leave a comment if you're going to vote this down without having read it!
6 points,6 years ago
People saw Africa + High price tag and directly voted no, similar thing happened with the dash research in Thailand proposal last month. Almost 50 no votes in the first 2/3 hours. Wish this proposal the best, makes so much more of a difference than a lot of others.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks bro we really appreciate your support.. we will never fail the community
3 points,6 years ago
I agree. Glad your proposal passed in the end! Hopefully MNOs are smart enough to not be fooled by the insta-no troll votes.
0 points,6 years ago
This proposal is expensive for what it offers. It is getting No votes because of the high price. This should be no more than 100-120 Dash..
2 points,6 years ago
It's a two month project costing 115.5 per month × 2 months = 231 + 15 = 246
1 point,6 years ago
However, 36 no votes came in before the text of the proposal was uploaded.

We've delivered on the previous proposals, including outreaches and DASH force meetups, certainly we'd do it again.

Also, this is not 1 proposal, it's a coalition of several different proposals in one.
2 points,6 years ago
I voted no because there was no text. It is now a yes. I hope this passes.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks greatly. There was a little issue with uploading the proposal, but it has since been resolved.

I hope other MNOs that voted NO when there was no text would reconsider their decisions.

DASH has to be strong in these 7 countries and only the votes can allow that.

1 point,6 years ago
Could you provide a breakdown of the budget so it is easier to understand?
2 points,6 years ago
On a trip. Would post the breakdown as soon as I'm home. Didn't travel with my PC.
0 points,6 years ago
Glad to see yes votes coming in...I can imagine Dash taking off across Africa if we keep funding projects like this...keep up the great work!
0 points,6 years ago
I asked this questions on your pre-proposal but I got no answer for it
Can you please answer this to help masternode in their voting decision?
3 points,6 years ago
Apologies. Was an oversight. I'd do that now.