Proposal “Dash-Trip-Venezuela“ (Completed)Back
Title: | NEW PROPOSAL Dash Trip- Tourism Sector gets Dash as payment: Hotels, Lodges, Air Transportation Operators and Souvenir Store- Ready to Accept Dash. |
Owner: | MarcoCanelon |
One-time payment: | 67 DASH (1719 USD) |
Completed payments: | 1 totaling in 67 DASH (0 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2018-09-17 / 2018-10-17 (added on 2018-09-10) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain |
Proposal description
Hey Mnos,
During the last cycle, there was a bug in Dash Central at an interface level. Anyone using
Dash Central and Dash Nexus was unable to see two proposals:
MedicinalGenomics_II and Dash-latam-expansion. Due to the stated, we thought Dash
Trip was going to get funded, but it did not. We believe this project has a tremendous potential, and because you MNos have already supported us. We would like to step forward and keep going with this project.
This is the NEW PROPOSAL. Please vote down in the OLD PROPOSAL here is the link.
I am Marco Canelon, I would like to present you my pre-proposal. Please let me know if you like it!

Important Link:
Proposal Document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VTR24nQbmu-w97UXy-1PKD4H4pU6l6_m/view?usp=sharing
Pre-Proposal Link: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-trip-introducing-dash-as-a-payment-method-in-the-tourism-sector-of-venezuela.37772/
Cripto Latin Fest Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ObjvCUVq9U
Main Objective:
The main focus of the proposal is to introduce Dash as a way of payment for the exotics destination in Venezuela. The first phase will be in Canaima National Park, and iconic destination in both Venezuela and the world.
Introducing Canaima:
Canaima National Park is a 30,000 km2 park in south-eastern Venezuela. It is located in Bolívar State, reaching the borders with Brazil and Guyana. Canaima National Park was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, as a natural reserve that has abrupt relief special and unique around the world, the tepuis. For this phase, we will visit the Western area of the Park, an area that can only be reach in small planes. Canaima is one of the most important destinations in Venezuela, as it has many beautiful Tepuis and waterfalls to visit, including the Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the planet. It is also culturrally important beacouse it is home for the Pemon, an indiginous group who have been working for decades in the Tourim sector. Canaima has a wide range of experiences that visitors can enjoy, from camping, to hight level lodges, it can please all taste and preffered travel experiences.
The Problem:
Nowadays, Venezuela has a valueless monetary family that brings as a consequence the use of international currency in every sector, but most specially the tourism sector in regards to exotic destionations, since and important part of the associated cost is related to transportation of people and goods, this means that every meal consummed has an intrinsec value in foreign currency (air transport fee). However, the use of foreigh currency carries many counterpart for the sector; such as: many tourism operators (lodges, hotels, rentals, freelance guides) does not have international bank accounts, and if they do, not only wires are not as inmidiate but they are also expensive. Fees can sometimes be higher than the value of the hired services. This is not only for operators, but also for employees and the Pemon community, who have seen the grtuity decrease in the past few years beacouse of the difficulties associated with the forms of payment. The essiest way to exchange in goods or services became USD in cash, nonetheless, the use of international currency in cash represents an unsafe transaction for both parts: the tourist, who has to carry a significant amount of cash in one of the most dangerous country in the world. And for the tourism operator, because it is exposed to the same security risks, and it is difficult to warranty that the notes being received are authentic.
To confirm our thoughts on the issue, we created Google Forms for people who consume tourism services. As you can see, more than 50% of the people have stopped hiring tourism services due to the payment method difficulties and 43,6% are willing to pay with cryptocurrencies. Moreover, Venezuelans has been traveling around the country increasingly. 38 % of the people have traveled more than 3 times a year.
To understand the position of the tourism operator, we decided that we needed more details. That is why we contacted ROSA GARCIA, director of the biggest tourism operator in Canaima, “Canaima Tours"
This interview confirms our thoughts on the issue. Payment methods are a big problem, operators are willing to use crypto if they have some advisory and there is an important cash flow in tourism services at Canaima (According to the official data, Canaima is the 3er most popular tourist destination from Venezuela).
How is the tourism sector in Venezuela?
Due to the economic situation in Venezuela, people have started traveling around the country instead of going abroad. The reason is because traveling abroad has become unaffordable and difficult for Venezuelans. According to Mintur, an official government institution for tourism, in the last holidays of the country, Eastern, almost 12 million citizens traveled around the country. In the following chart you can see the lasts 5 years:
What are we going to do?:
1- Meet, greet and provide advisory to main hotels and lodges, air transportation operators, indigenous crafts stores, souvenirs stores and convenience stores on the wetern area of Canaima National Park.
2- Explain to the general community what is DASH and why is the best way to accept payments. In order to create awareness and gain trust, we will offer free small conferences where we will teach about:
4- Create a full Dash integrated Community
5- Open the tourist sector to the world
6- Subscribe all the tourism operators who will accept Dash in DiscoverDash.com
7- Promote other iniciatives (DashHelp, DiscoverDash.com, etc.)
Visit Plan:
We will be working an entire week at Canaima.
We have already make two contacts with the following tourist operator:

We have made alliance with Dash Help, Dash Merchant, Dash Text and Dash Youth We made closes relationships in order to work together and achieve the main goal, "Massive Adoption of Dash in Venezuela". First, we will promote Dash Help in all destinations we plan to go in order to guarantee that people will be able to ask any question they have just after we leave the community. Dash Merchant, we spoke with Lorenzo Rey, and he accepted to be the speaker for all the conference that we plan to do. Dash text will also be an important ally since in Venezuela yet many people do not have smartphones. Dash Youth will support us with educational material for the young people of the towns.

Future Phases:
We will promote massive adoption of Dash in all the exotic destinations of Venezuela. This include:

Behind the Proposal:

Marco Canelon: Project Manager. 24 years old. He is Mechanical Engineering from Simon Bolivar University. He currently works as a national manager of 282 Engineering, a company that sells spare parts to the Venezuela industry park. He has experienced organizing trip and adventure to exotic destinations in Venezuela. Crypto mining (Dash), Crypto Invest (Ig. marcocanelon, DASH Forum/Discord: marcocanelon)
Maria Rosa Rodriguez: Logistic Manager, 24 years old. She is business administrator and accountant from the Universidad Católica Andres Bello, Guayana. She is also an airplane pilot and is currently doing a masters degree on finance at IESA, she has always work with tourims, taking on different strategic roles on both air transportation companies and hotels.
Gianpaolo Comparetto: Advisor. 25 years old, mechanical engineer from Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. He is in charge of the management of Dash in Cripto Latin Fest (Bogota, Colombia). Experience on project management, Quality Assistant Engineer, Crypto investments, mining. (Ig: G.comparetto. DASH Forum/Discord: G.Comparetto).
Contact information:
Thank you very much for reading our proposal!!!
During the last cycle, there was a bug in Dash Central at an interface level. Anyone using
Dash Central and Dash Nexus was unable to see two proposals:
MedicinalGenomics_II and Dash-latam-expansion. Due to the stated, we thought Dash
Trip was going to get funded, but it did not. We believe this project has a tremendous potential, and because you MNos have already supported us. We would like to step forward and keep going with this project.
This is the NEW PROPOSAL. Please vote down in the OLD PROPOSAL here is the link.
I am Marco Canelon, I would like to present you my pre-proposal. Please let me know if you like it!

Important Link:
Proposal Document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VTR24nQbmu-w97UXy-1PKD4H4pU6l6_m/view?usp=sharing
Pre-Proposal Link: https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-trip-introducing-dash-as-a-payment-method-in-the-tourism-sector-of-venezuela.37772/
Cripto Latin Fest Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ObjvCUVq9U
Main Objective:
The main focus of the proposal is to introduce Dash as a way of payment for the exotics destination in Venezuela. The first phase will be in Canaima National Park, and iconic destination in both Venezuela and the world.
Introducing Canaima:
Canaima National Park is a 30,000 km2 park in south-eastern Venezuela. It is located in Bolívar State, reaching the borders with Brazil and Guyana. Canaima National Park was named a World Heritage Site by UNESCO, as a natural reserve that has abrupt relief special and unique around the world, the tepuis. For this phase, we will visit the Western area of the Park, an area that can only be reach in small planes. Canaima is one of the most important destinations in Venezuela, as it has many beautiful Tepuis and waterfalls to visit, including the Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the planet. It is also culturrally important beacouse it is home for the Pemon, an indiginous group who have been working for decades in the Tourim sector. Canaima has a wide range of experiences that visitors can enjoy, from camping, to hight level lodges, it can please all taste and preffered travel experiences.
The Problem:
Nowadays, Venezuela has a valueless monetary family that brings as a consequence the use of international currency in every sector, but most specially the tourism sector in regards to exotic destionations, since and important part of the associated cost is related to transportation of people and goods, this means that every meal consummed has an intrinsec value in foreign currency (air transport fee). However, the use of foreigh currency carries many counterpart for the sector; such as: many tourism operators (lodges, hotels, rentals, freelance guides) does not have international bank accounts, and if they do, not only wires are not as inmidiate but they are also expensive. Fees can sometimes be higher than the value of the hired services. This is not only for operators, but also for employees and the Pemon community, who have seen the grtuity decrease in the past few years beacouse of the difficulties associated with the forms of payment. The essiest way to exchange in goods or services became USD in cash, nonetheless, the use of international currency in cash represents an unsafe transaction for both parts: the tourist, who has to carry a significant amount of cash in one of the most dangerous country in the world. And for the tourism operator, because it is exposed to the same security risks, and it is difficult to warranty that the notes being received are authentic.
To confirm our thoughts on the issue, we created Google Forms for people who consume tourism services. As you can see, more than 50% of the people have stopped hiring tourism services due to the payment method difficulties and 43,6% are willing to pay with cryptocurrencies. Moreover, Venezuelans has been traveling around the country increasingly. 38 % of the people have traveled more than 3 times a year.

To understand the position of the tourism operator, we decided that we needed more details. That is why we contacted ROSA GARCIA, director of the biggest tourism operator in Canaima, “Canaima Tours"

This interview confirms our thoughts on the issue. Payment methods are a big problem, operators are willing to use crypto if they have some advisory and there is an important cash flow in tourism services at Canaima (According to the official data, Canaima is the 3er most popular tourist destination from Venezuela).
How is the tourism sector in Venezuela?
Due to the economic situation in Venezuela, people have started traveling around the country instead of going abroad. The reason is because traveling abroad has become unaffordable and difficult for Venezuelans. According to Mintur, an official government institution for tourism, in the last holidays of the country, Eastern, almost 12 million citizens traveled around the country. In the following chart you can see the lasts 5 years:

What are we going to do?:
1- Meet, greet and provide advisory to main hotels and lodges, air transportation operators, indigenous crafts stores, souvenirs stores and convenience stores on the wetern area of Canaima National Park.

2- Explain to the general community what is DASH and why is the best way to accept payments. In order to create awareness and gain trust, we will offer free small conferences where we will teach about:
- How to accept DASH as a payment method.
- How to setup their DASH wallets.
- How to buy and sell DASH with Bolivares and Dollars.
- Tips and more
4- Create a full Dash integrated Community
5- Open the tourist sector to the world
6- Subscribe all the tourism operators who will accept Dash in DiscoverDash.com
7- Promote other iniciatives (DashHelp, DiscoverDash.com, etc.)
Visit Plan:
- Initial presentation: greeting the owners and staff, and make a tour on the premises.
- Management private meeting: in this meeting we present Dash to the management at the hotels, this includes owners (most of them live in the area) and high-level managers. Here we will accompany them on decisions about how to value their services in Dash, the opening of wallets, and instructions on how to use them.
- Meeting with staff: casual and friendly meeting with all the staff to explain in a very personalized manner how they can use Dash to charge for special services and to receive tips. In this gathering we also open the wallets for each staff member.
- Conference in the Pemon community: to be made on the community event house, this open conference is for everyone in the community interested in knowing more about Dash and how to use it. This is specially directed to freelance guides and other services providers that are located within the community.
- Brunch with Air Transportation Operators: a simple, yet pleasant brunch with several air transportation operators to get them on board with the use of Dash.
We will be working an entire week at Canaima.
We have already make two contacts with the following tourist operator:

We have made alliance with Dash Help, Dash Merchant, Dash Text and Dash Youth We made closes relationships in order to work together and achieve the main goal, "Massive Adoption of Dash in Venezuela". First, we will promote Dash Help in all destinations we plan to go in order to guarantee that people will be able to ask any question they have just after we leave the community. Dash Merchant, we spoke with Lorenzo Rey, and he accepted to be the speaker for all the conference that we plan to do. Dash text will also be an important ally since in Venezuela yet many people do not have smartphones. Dash Youth will support us with educational material for the young people of the towns.

Future Phases:
We will promote massive adoption of Dash in all the exotic destinations of Venezuela. This include:
- Choroni
- Margarita
- Los Roques
- Barinas
- Amazonas
- And more...

Behind the Proposal:

Marco Canelon: Project Manager. 24 years old. He is Mechanical Engineering from Simon Bolivar University. He currently works as a national manager of 282 Engineering, a company that sells spare parts to the Venezuela industry park. He has experienced organizing trip and adventure to exotic destinations in Venezuela. Crypto mining (Dash), Crypto Invest (Ig. marcocanelon, DASH Forum/Discord: marcocanelon)
Maria Rosa Rodriguez: Logistic Manager, 24 years old. She is business administrator and accountant from the Universidad Católica Andres Bello, Guayana. She is also an airplane pilot and is currently doing a masters degree on finance at IESA, she has always work with tourims, taking on different strategic roles on both air transportation companies and hotels.
Gianpaolo Comparetto: Advisor. 25 years old, mechanical engineer from Universidad Simon Bolivar in Caracas, Venezuela. He is in charge of the management of Dash in Cripto Latin Fest (Bogota, Colombia). Experience on project management, Quality Assistant Engineer, Crypto investments, mining. (Ig: G.comparetto. DASH Forum/Discord: G.Comparetto).
Contact information:
Thank you very much for reading our proposal!!!
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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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b) some of the hotels and flights mite be available already thru cheapair (accepts dash). And re: Expedia dot com , it no longer accepts btc as of july 2 per marketexclusive dot com report!
Focus on other destination is our next phase:
We are going to develop new Dash Destination: Margarita, Merida and Los Roques.
This week we are going to publicate a video showing all the result from phase one Canaima National Park .
Best Regards
Thank you for your yes vote.
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
Yes for me.
Thanks so much for your YES VOTE.
We need to close the loop and Dashtrip will do it.
That is right, if we want to spend in Dash we need to earn in Dash.
Thanks again
I hope others Mnos understand this point so we could get fund.
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
Would like to see you expand to other tourism destinations if this is successful, potentially even in other Spanish-speaking countries.
We would say definitely YES. It is part of our futures plans for this project. We will start here in Venezuela with all the exotic destinations such as: Canaima National Park, Los Roques, Herri Pitier National Park and many others destinations. And after, we will look for people in different countries to start Dashtrip in their countries.
Thanks for your support and your YES Vote.
Marco Canelon
Tourism is one of the most effective ways to bring money from wealthy people from outside of the country into Venezuela. Now that the merchant sign ups are taking off in Venezuela it is absolutely crucial we have DASH flowing into Venezuela so that the people have DASH to spend at these merchants.
I am a huge believer in focus when it comes to marketing. With focus, niche projects have a much greater chance of success as the leadership learn all the aspects of a particular niche market. A small business can out compete billion dollar industries by focusing on a specific niche. By focusing on tourism the proposal owners can learn all about that niche and therefore ensure the marketing is custom designed for it.
Venezuela is a STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL country with it breathtaking natural beauty. If you visit google and paste the following search terms and click on the IMAGES tab you will see some photos of the tourism area this project will be focused on:
Google search terms: "Venezuela national canaima park"
you could also try: "angel falls Venezuela"
Remember this project actually received enough votes last month to pass, or at least so we thought. However due to a bug on the DashCentral system it was not seen that another old different proposal had in fact enough votes and took the remaining DASH. If that had not happened this proposal would have been funded.
When DASH enters an ecosystem that is using it as a working currency it will move around the country as suppliers get paid in DASH, staff get paid in DASH and they will spend this DASH on other services because there are many thousands of businesses now accepting DASH in Venezuela. That is the beauty of having a country using DASH as a working currency rather than an speculative investment.
We need an inflow of DASH into Venezuela to ignite mainstream adoption in the country. Venezuela needs this project. Dash needs this project. Good luck guys!
Definite YES!
We really appreciate your support and explanation. I think you have explained in the simplest way our main focus and objectives. As you said, now Venezuela needs liquidity and the few D3 based in the country won't be enough. Our friends from Dash Merchant are doing an incredible work, but DashTrip will close a loop. It will bring Dash into the Venezuela economy.
I hope one time you visit us here Venezuela because as you "Venezuela is a STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL country with it breathtaking natural beauty". It will be pleasure to show you all the incredible places.
As you said, we had the support from the Mnos community on the last cycle. We hope to have it on this one. We still have time
Thanks again for all your support.
Marco Canelon
Completely agreee with you it will be a dream coming true
Thank you very much again for vote and your support.
However, We are running out of time. 15 hours left and we still need 22 Yes votes. ???. Hope to get the votes.
Thanks for your support.
Marco Canelon
Thanks for your comment and support. Yes, you are right. Dash Trip will bring a huge amount of Dash into the Venezuela Economy. We are an important piece from
Please Mnos vote. =)
Marco Canelon
Thank you very much for your vote and support. It would be very nice to see you again but this time here in Venezuela.
It would be a pleasure to show you the all the beautiful places of Venezuela all paid in Dash =).
Hope to see you again.
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
Thank you for your comment and vote.
As you said, DashTrip is an important piece in the Venezuela Plan.
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
- Dash Help: Dash Trip will promote our support center to these communities so they can access to assistance if they need it.
- Dash Merchant: With the experience we have gained, we will help Dash Trip to teach hotels, lodges and local merchants in the communities how to accept Dash as a payment method.
- Dash Text: this will be the most interesting collaboration. Since in some of these touristic places have poor signal, Dash Text will be key in order to Dash could be used, we will promote the Dash Text services in all these communities.
I know Marco personally since a lot time ago, he is professional and he knows what he is doing. Dash Trip will open the gates for foreign investment, Dash will flow into the Venezuelan economy, and the best of all is that MNO's and the rest of the Dash community will be able to visit Venezuela, spend Dash and have a blast in the most stunning / paradisiac places in the world! (more details of vacation packages soon)
Best of luck and you count with our fully support.
Dash Help, Dash Merchant & Dash Text.
Thanks for confirming our alliance. This team, Dash Help, Dash Merchant, Dash texts and Dash Trip will definitely close a loop; since we have the support center (DashHelp), the knowledge and experience (Dash Merchant), in case of poor signal (Dash text) and to bring more money (Dash) into the economy is Dash Trip.
The tourism sector is a huge market and Dash definitely has to take part of it.
Thank you for the support Alejandro.
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
Thanks for your question,
Our idea is not only to approach business to accept Dash. We would like to develop Full-Integrated Dash Touristic Destination. This includes: Hotels, Lodges, Air Transportation Operators, Souvenir Store, freelance guide, rentals services, and many others things to full integrated a destination. Imagine going for vacation to a place where you would be able to pay ALL with Dash, including tips. For this first stage we estimate that in Canaima we will get +300 active users. We will include both, people and businesses during our trip. In addition, we will develop a new active community, which it will be constantly growing since we will show them a payment tool that will solve their problems.
Please let me know if you have any question.
Best regard
Marco Canelon
It concerning your mentioning cooperation with all these proposals yet you require funds to do almost the same thing.
Therefore I will be voting NO
This project is focused in 2 different ways that distinguish it from the Dash Merchant program:
a) The project is focused in a specific geographical area that DASH merchants are not focused on.
b) The project is focused on a specific niche market (tourism) that the DASH merchants are not focused on.
This project is completely different from DASH merchants.
Dash Merchant is focused on all merchants located in the capital of the country and they are developing a market ALL PAID in Dash in Caracas (Capital City). However, when these people want to go for vacation in the country does not have the opportunity to pay in Dash. I would like to show you all the statistics we found in Canaima: When we called Maria Rodriguez, one of the biggest operators in the community of Canaima, she confirmed us that more than one group of people asked her if she accepts BTC. Good luck for us, she answered "NO because I do not know how to use it but I would be willing to learn". An interesting fact is that Venezuela is the sixth country around the world that buys flight tickets with crypto. This shows that we already have people in Venezuela traveling with crypto. Let give them the opportunity to pay with Dash in a full-integrated touristic destination. On the other Hand, as many Mnos stated in the old proposal, one of the most effective thing of DashTrip is that it is focused on only one specific niche area, the Tourism sector. This makes it easier to learn all aspects of this niche and therefore focus all the training and marketing messages specifically to meet the tourist industry needs. Finally, the most important thing is that Dash Trip will bring LARGE VOLUME of Dash into the Venezuela economy from tourists who are based outside of the country. Additionally, we have to say that we have made alliance with Dash merchant, Dash Help and Dash Text. Dash Trip will definitely close a loop; since we have the support center (DashHelp), the knowledge and experience (Dash Merchants), in case of poor signal (Dash text) and to bring more money into the economy is DashTrip.
I hope you change your mine =)
Best Regards
Marco Canelon
As DeepBlue commented in the old proposal, this will bring large volumes of Dash into the country from the tourist who are based outside. Furthermore, We have been in touch with Dash Help, Dash Merchant and Dash Text. We have made close relationship in order to work together and achieve the main goal, "Massive Adoption of Dash in Venezuela". First, we will promote Dash Help in all destination we plan to go in order to guarantee that people will be able to ask any question they have just after we leave the community. Dash Merchant, we spoke with Lorenzo Rey, and he accepted to be the speaker for all the conference that we plan to do in the communities. Dash text will also be an important ally since in Venezuela yet many people do not have smartphones.
Please let me know if you have any question.
Marco Canelon