Proposal “Dash-Bitcoin-improvement-protocols“ (Completed)Back

Title:Proposal : Dash/Bitcoin improvement protocols
One-time payment: 120 DASH (3244 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 120 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-03-27 / 2017-04-26 (added on 2017-03-29)
Votes: 645 Yes / 0 No / 9 Abstain

Proposal description

This is a cross post from the Dash Forum.

This proposal is for Developer Documentation.

It's come to my attention that we seem to lack a repository detailing the implementation and modifications of the various bips (bitcoin improvement protocols). Even though this was fine when you have a small dev group we have started to grow to such a size where lack of this is no longer feasible.

Detailed documentation on the bips are very important for 3rd party wallet and services that will later integrate into the network. Having a central place where these bips are well documented should prove to be a huge time saver for core and non-core devs.

As an example when building the iOS wallet any feature even slightly changed from bitcoin I needed to reverse engineer from C code. 3rd party services have been doing the same up till now, or asking on the dev slack. This takes a lot of time away from other people.

The original bitcoin bips are located at

This proposal is to set a bounty for a fork and update on the documentation of these bips as well as a status report on each bip (completed/abandoned/partially supported) and if we don't support it, should we? There are ~100 bips, so this could take some time.  I estimate about 2/3 months.

Roles : 

My role will be to find people to carry out this task, manage, and help them. So far I have 2 of my software dev friends that might be interested, but are awaiting the result of this proposal and explicit terms from me to move forward to anything concrete.

[EDIT] I forgot that many of you guys don't know me.  I've been contributing to DASH since early 2015 and was part of core till mid 2016 (At which time I had to leave for personal reasons).  I initially wrote the iOS client (that was rejected by apple) and later contributed on various other projects.  Here are some: 
And most currently the iOS wallet :

Costs :

I am requesting an initial 115 DASH + 5 DASH for reimbursement of proposal.  I vow 100% transparency with funds.  I also will make sure that no contractor will receive disproportionately more funds that a member of the core team for an equal time worked.  I see a lot of proposals asking for very high amounts that would give exterior devs multiple times more money than core.  I am very opposed to this.

In the case we run out of funds I will make a new proposal, but by then a sizable amount of work will already be done that should speak for itself.

In the unlikely case we have too many funds, extra funds will go to other developer documentation projects to help future Dash software Devs or will be sent back to Dash core if no such projects exist.

If you have any additional questions, please post them in the Dash Forum and tag @quantumexplorer in your message to ensure I see your post.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,7 years ago
Everything we can do to help support Core Dev, YES!
1 point,7 years ago
Amazing...I am happy to see this with 0 no votes! This is very important and I'm glad everyone sees that this majorly overdue item will now be for Dash specifically :)
0 points,7 years ago
I think you cursed it (3 no votes).
1 point,7 years ago
You have my votes
2 points,7 years ago
I think we need this, voted yes
1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Where's the beef. Was there a pre proposal discussion i missed. What is this? I see it is quantumexplorer so i'm definitely interested. Pretty short notice though....

Many MN owners don’t realize that the deadline to vote is approximately 3 days before the superblock occurs (1,662 blocks, to be exact). So I’ve added a little reminder to the top of @ericsammons
1 point,7 years ago
Sorry, the pre proposal discussion was a few weeks ago, but I was very busy and didn't have time to make the proposal till now, hopefully there will be enough time to vote on it.
1 point,7 years ago
Cool, when it was first posted there was no documentation and I went the pre prop area and did not see you post anything there and thought somebody maybe trying to pull something shady. Anyways, It has my votes!
0 points,7 years ago
0 points,7 years ago
yup, this will help get new core members up to speed. Clean it up baby!
0 points,7 years ago
Where would this documentation efforts be documented as the project advance? is there a TOC or list of things that documentation will be covering? Any work your friends have done regarding experience (resumes or such). Finally will there be any reward for third parties contractors, how open will this bounty be?
0 points,7 years ago
Documentation efforts will be updated on github, either my own or on dashpay. This is not for full documentation, just documentation of the bips, which is a first step, and hopefully we will have enough time to produce dips as well. My friends that were interested are all qualified (masters in CS level), however they might have problems with English as French is their native language. If I find better suited candidates I will take them. 3rd party contractors are welcome. In the end I just want this for DASH as I know this is very important moving forward. Once I have the funds allocated I will post a contract job on the forums for this, and find the best suited match (with my friends being in the mix).
0 points,7 years ago
I follow the herd here
0 points,7 years ago
This is important, indeed.