Proposal “Dash-Advertising-and-Education-in-Media“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Advertising and Education in Media
Monthly amount: 66 DASH (1783 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-07-17 (added on 2018-04-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 187 Yes / 136 No / 28 Abstain

Proposal description

We received some feedback from the Dash Core head of UI/UX Development (Chuck Williams) and as instructed we will be consulting Dash branding, dedicated Dash pages, banners and all other marketing elements with Fernando Gutierrez (Dash Core team, Chief Marketing Officer) before going live. Additionally, we will be posting topic suggestions for the weekly Dash articles and our monthly live stream on Dash Forum so MNOs can vote for the topics that will get covered.

We posted a proposal last month which included a video series and sitewide sponsorship at a higher cost. Based on what we have learned after submitting the proposal a month ago, we decided to make some major changes. We reduced the cost significantly by eliminating the 12 part Open Letter video series and also decided to not spend on any additional marketing and staff to make the cost as low and affordable as possible for the Dash community. We will only cover our basic expenses.
We are confident that the exposure we are offering is the largest for this price from all proposals submitted in this month, and are open to ways we can work with the community to improve and make it a reality. Please feel free to ask any questions.


We are proposing 3 month trial partnership with Dash to promote and educate our large audience about Dash and its potential.
The campaign is designed to educate viewers about Dash, create greater awareness and increase Dash user base.

ABOUT TRUTH THEORY is a digital media brand which was established in 2010. Since its inception, we have had over 100 million page views, with 43 million of those views in the last 12 months due to rebranding and refining our message.Our shift was to focus mainly on solutions, instead of just highlighting problems, and to provide uplifting content. This is why we created a new concept which is that of “New Media”, which has the goal of leaving viewers feeling empowered.

203 million video views on Facebook (In the last 12 months)
43 million pageviews on our website (In the last 12 months)
1.7mln fans on Facebook
18k fans on Instagram
21.3k followers on Twitter
27k email subscribers
Facebook partnerships with several leading influencers totaling tens of millions of followers   

Traffic to the website:

Video views:

  • Exclusive Dash branding of all video content produced by Truth Theory (at least 20 videos per month).
    All video content produced over the next 3 months will have a “Powered by Dash” watermark and outro with the link
    to our dedicated Dash page.
  • Exclusive Dash branding of all memes created by Truth Theory (shared on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.)
  • Monthly dedicated Dash livestream on our Facebook page with 1.7 million followers.
  • Dedicated Dash educational page.
  • 1 dedicated Dash article per week.
  • Banner ads on our website. 3 different banners linking to dedicated Dash pages educating people about Dash.
- First banner: “Comparing Bitcoin with Dash” and redirecting readers to a dedicated page listing all the benefits of Dash. The reason? We believe many people recognise Bitcoin, but don’t know what Dash is. We want to capture their attention and show how Dash is solving many issues Bitcoin cannot.
- Second Banner: Will be linked to a dedicated Dash page on, with the official “What is Dash” video embedded (
- Third banner: Will redirect visitors directly to

  • Topics covered in the articles and live stream can include: updates on Dash Evolution, Where you can spend Dash, How much it costs to send Dash, How to use Dash wallet, How to buy Dash, How Dash could replace Paypal (low fees etc.)

Chief editor: $3000
Writing team: $6000
Social media managers: $1500
Video editor: $1500
Website maintenance: $2000
Traffic acquisition: $4000
Hosting, security, licences: $2000
Total: $20,000 per month, for 3 months.

After each month, we will publish all the stats related to Dash branded content on the Dash forum.Total video views from all platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.)

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
voting YES due to the sheer exposure. Branding to be 'Dash - Digital Cash' I trust.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you Criticalinput !
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Mike.

Advertising and sponsorship have not worked for dash so far. Views have failed to translate into dash use and the network is getting many views every month without any usage. Can you explain how sponsoring your channel and getting more views will help increasing use?

Btw, looks like much overlap between Ben Swann and your proposal.

1 point,6 years ago
Hi Jeremy,
We are aware that views will not necessarily translate into Dash adopters, therefore our campaign is designed to educate people on specifics of what Dash is and how it is better than Paypal or Bitcoin etc. For example, many similar campaigns will mostly offer to brand their content with Dash logo, we are creating content that is educating people about Dash and every aspect of it, how to buy, where, transaction fees, what goods can be purchased with it etc. Each video we will be creating will have a link to the educational page on Dash and its usability. Our banners will also be linking to educational content on Dash, comparing Bitcoin with Dash and how Dash does better on all the levels like transaction fees, security, speed etc. Also, our articles will be covering different aspects on Dash, buying, where, how to use wallets etc. Additionally, we are also offering live stream where we cover all different aspects of Dash on our Facebook page with 1.7mln likes and this is all for a fraction of what other campaigns cost.
0 points,6 years ago
Your site gets more than a million hits per month, and you have reduced your price substantially. This is not complicated math.

I vote YES!

1 point,6 years ago
Thank you! Site traffic is just one of few benefits here for Dash. Also, we wanted to make sure the costs were as low possible.
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your support.
0 points,6 years ago
Welcome back, Mike, glad you weren't deterred from previous proposals. As I understand it, this is a much lower ask than your previous proposal. What have you learned/changed from your previous proposal efforts that impacted how you formulated this one?
1 point,6 years ago
Hey Arthyron, yes we decided to skip the 12 part Open Letter video series this time and it allowed us to reduce the costs significantly. We also decided to focus on using our current resources without spending extra money on additional marketing and extra staff, therefore we could reduce the costs even further. We also added monthly live stream about Dash on our 1.7mln Facebook page to spread the word out even more!