Proposal “Dash-Academy“ (Closed)Back

Title:Dash Academy (
Monthly amount: 41 DASH (1108 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-05-17 (added on 2018-02-09)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 716 Yes / 277 No / 30 Abstain

Proposal description

Here's our proposal for Dash Academy.  We welcome any and all comments, suggestions and questions. Thanks!

Proposal Details: (repeat of this proposal content)
Sample Course:
Video Overview:
About Steve:
Pre-Proposal Discussion:

Dash Proposals in Detail Interview (YouTube):

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
close call in the votes damn
0 points,6 years ago
This project has to go through on the next run. We really need this high quality content for so many projects. MNO we need to work to ensure to get this proposal through next time. There really does appear to be some whale troll down voters on this proposal that obviously don't want it to go through. This proposal would have got through if not for those whales slowing down the positive votes. So this time we all need to vote right away. Let's not leave our votes to the last minute this time. If we vote right away it is a lot safer for the proposal is to go through. Early positive votes also create positive "social proof" Do not be put off by the troll negative voters who are going to vote negatively again on this proposal. If we vote early it creates a positive "social proof" effect where new voters see it is a good solid proposal. What I have seen is large quantities of negative votes early on which then leads some MNO to think there is an issue with the project. We know we need this proposal so we need to vote right away as soon as we can to that "social proof" works in our favour.

There will be another big core budget request going through again this month. We need this to proposal to pass before that gets approved.

Steve is going to do a fantastic job on this training and when the DASH community see the quality of his work and the value it brings the other votes for future work will go through without an issue.
0 points,6 years ago
Feb 28 -- Glad to see we have the votes, but still need some more if we're actually to be funded now. Please vote Yes! Thank you.
0 points,6 years ago
THANK YOU DASH COMMUNITY. Wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who supported this proposal (all 700+ of you). And to all the great feedback we received throughout the pre-proposal and proposal stages. SPECIAL THANKS to @DeepBlue, @SolarGuy, @viamontelane, @Arthyron, @jonathanlevy, @Photosynthesis, and @CraigMason for all of their help along the way.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello Steve, your proposal got all the votes it needed. However is your proposal going to go through this time? I've been reading that the DASH core proposal for marketing took up 1700 DASH and I think you proposal went in after that one. Could you confirm did your proposal go through or not? If it did not go through this time due to there not being enough budget will you be reapplying again for the next budget proposal. Now you have a lot of feedback from MNO and you have the interview with Craig Mason it should go through on the next round if it did not go through on this round. I would like to make a few suggestions for you if this is the case. Is there a way I can contact you via email?

0 points,6 years ago
Hi @DeepBlue. Thanks for the continued support. This has been quite a process. I'd welcome any suggestions you have. You can reach me at
0 points,6 years ago
Got it Steve. I'll send you an email with a few suggestions.
0 points,6 years ago
That would be great. I'm trying to determine if I should try this again. Your advice would be greatly appreciated.
0 points,6 years ago
Voting last minute for this low-cost professional proposal and hope other MNOs do the same!
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you @StanWarford, Appreciate the support.
2 points,6 years ago
Go check out the sample ladies and gentlemen. It is very high quality, and it is designed to be available in "Simplified Chinese, Japanese, French, Russian, Spanish and Korean, among others"

The courses are the proper length and designed to be very effective. They have obvious experience designing courses in this video format. Amanda can't do it all, let's take it to the next level. We are most of the way there already.

0 points,6 years ago
Thanks again @solarguy.
0 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting easy YES.
With Evolution rolling out, various aspects to this academy may need updating as things progress.
0 points,6 years ago
Agree and thanks @Criticalinput. There will be a LOT to train on when Evolution rolls out.
3 points,6 years ago
If this does not pass--and it's shameful that there are MNOs out there who are torpedoing this obviously worthwhile project without any indication as to why--please do not give up on this proposal. I'm willing to chip in to help you resubmit if it doesn't go through this cycle. As DeepBlue has beautifully elucidated, this is extremely helpful for our growing userbase and will be even moreso after Evolution explodes. Rest assured, we will make this happen somehow.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks @Arthyron. That's very generous of you. I am committed to Dash, the Dash community and this proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
I love this one! This is what Dash needs. Best proposal to date in my opinion.
0 points,6 years ago
Wow. Thanks @Leadarrow! Glad you like the proposal. You can probably tell we enjoyed putting it together.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks Dash Core for killing this perfectly good and well done proposal by submitting a last minute, huge proposal that swallowed all the rest of the available budget. This proposal was for something badly needed... a true no brainer, professionally presented, well organized, and supported by the MNOs.
0 points,6 years ago
This is really high quality and a great idea. If you don't get funded this month I sincerely hope you come back next month and re-submit.
5 points,6 years ago
We definitely need this. The return on investment is huge. When you consider no other cryptocurrency has high quality interactive training like this. This is ultra high quality work - which is what is required if people are to trust DASH. People new to cryptocurrency who are starting to expect it to be a replacement for money NEED to fell confident. This course material enables people to feel confident in DASH due to the high quality production of this training material. In addition this project team have a whole set of training planned for the future in specific subjects like how merchants can get setup using DASH or how to make remittances with DASH etc. Currently there is a rag-tag hotchpoch training online created by amateurs. Does this give the impression we want to give with DASH? People need to feel confident and high quality training materials like this will enable us to achieve this.

Another major factor to consider is that these training materials will support the hundreds of other DASH projects because they can be hosted on these other websites. e.g. the DASH HELP Venezuela project they can host these courses on their site and since the Steve the project manager has agreed to release the IP rights to DASH along with the source files we can make changes and adaptations to this course work. Imagine that all of our projects can all be backed up with high quality training materials.

My own websites that have around 12.5 - 15 million unique visitors per year could also benefit from these courses. I could host them on my own website to help people learn about DASH. This all becomes possible once we have high quality training materials like this.

The best form of marketing is education. By educating people we will get more users and more merchants. If you consider this even just ONE new merchant signing up to start accepting DASH after seeing the training courses would be worth it. We should be investing heavily in training like this. Even with Evolution coming out much of the materials will still be relevant and we still have some way to go to Evolution full release.

We should be building a complete training and education resource centre like this project is offering. We can then link to these courses from all our promotional campaigns e.g. imagine in the DASH Caracas conferences we can say you can go through the self - paced interactive training courses free of charge. These courses can easily be translated into Spanish or any other language since the project Manager Steve is making all the source files available. This means we can create translations for all of this work.

Education comes first before marketing. If people don't know how to use our services or don't feel confident about using our services then they are NOT going to use DASH. This type high quality training not only educates new customers on what to do but also creates trust. No other cryptocurrency has this high quality interactive training.

I watched the interview with Steve (project leader) and Craig Mason. I highly recommend MNO watch that interview. Steve's company have a lot of experience in how to produce high quality interactive training for top brand names. They also have expertise in what it takes to design a training course which means we not only get high quality courses we also get all of Steve's expertise which we, the DASH community can call on at any time to help us create a course to have its maximum positive effect.

Here is the link to the interview:

In addition to this we will also learn what courses people are most interested in. This gives us invaluable information about potential problem areas that DASH has or it may also gives us information about what is of most interest to DASH users e.g. if we see a particular type of merchant type signing up for the "Learn how to accept DASH online" course we know we can focus on that area for marketing purposes.

The more I look into this project the more I can see how valuable it is for us. We can build these course libraries up over time and that means no matter what area about DASH someone wants to learn they can pickup a self paced INTERACTIVE course and learn at their own time. Most people simply will not spend dozens of hours online trying to find scrapes of information on their own. We need high quality training like this for DASH.

This is a fantastic opportunity for us DASH MNO. We need this high quality material.

Definite YES vote for me.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for this @DeepBlue. You and I are definitely on the same page here. Votes are not looking very good at the moment, though. I'm really surprised based on the feedback we've been receiving. Any suggestions welcome. Thanks again.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Steve the votes are very good actually you have 562 masternode YES votes. The no voters perhaps have not fully understood the importance and ROI high quality training can bring DASH. Unlike a conference that is on for a few days online interactive training can be viewed any time by hundreds of thousands, even millions of people. In addition you have stated that you will provide the source files so that any DASH project can use your materials, adapt or integrate them into their own websites or services this would raise the profile of those other DASH projects. When people see high quality training materials it instills confidence, trust and a sense of gratitude to the website owner.

If you think back to Amanda B. Johnson's DASH school. How many of you MNO invested in DASH after watching Amanda's presentation? How many of you felt a sense of gratitude to Amanda for helping you understand the technology in a easy to use format? This training program series will create a similar type of trust and gratefulness to everyone watching this training. Helping people to answer their questions so they can make better decisions. Projects that promote education to better use DASH and answer people's questions in an interesting and interactive way is essential for DASH mass uptake. We still have a lot of unspent money in the budget for this month.

Quality materials cost money to hire quality staff. These training materials in this proposal are high quality - doesn't that fit with what DASH is all about - Quality? I vote we give this project a go. We have lots of money left in the budget, we need quality training so I think it is worth the investment as a trial to gauge how much benefit high quality interactive training can bring DASH.
0 points,6 years ago
Deep blue, you've been around a lot longer than me - have you ever witnessed such a massive block of no votes pump through in a 20 min span without anybody having anything negative to say about the proposal? Seems unprecedented in my short time here.
0 points,6 years ago
I can deduce some things from this observation.

This project is clearly of tremendous value to the DASH community and well thought out logical arguments have been presented on the ROI. The down voter with 20 votes knows that. Someone with that number of DASH MN has access to substantial means. Someone with substantial means in the crypto space that does not believe in this proposal? Someone with substantial means needs to be someone that is successful in business. If they are successful in business they are aware of the value of high quality education like this program is offering. Therefore why would someone who knows the value of education down vote a proposal with no constructive comments? What motivation would they have to do harm?

If the person is a competitor of DASH they share a common bond with us. A common set of values. Don't we want to work together to free the world of the corrupt banking system and give liberty and freedom to all? To give back to people the power to own their own money and therefore in charge of their own lives? Are we not all in the same boat trying to achieve that goal? Each cryptocurrency has its own value. Should we be spending our energy supporting each other or trying to beat each other down? Don't we want to create a World with freedom DASH, Monero, Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin or any of these other wonderful innovative technologies.

There is plenty of room in this world for more than one crypto currency, just as there are hundreds of fiat currencies there is plenty of room in this space. Let us not think limited thoughts. One crypto over another. Each currency brings its own special value to this space. That is what makes the established, tried and tested cryptocurrencies all great achievements.

I would never purposely cause damage to any of my competition. I truly love our competition. They are all great people for having the courage to startup a cryptocurrency. People that stood up and decided to make a difference in this world. They got up and DID SOMETHING to changes this world for the better and that is to be commended.

I personally really appreciate my competitors. I also highly respect them. They are my inspiration to be better. They fill me with positive energy to grow and give the very best that I can. They fulfill niches that I cannot or even do not wish to fill and therefore help to support the market as a whole. They help me to reach my full potential in a very positive way. I would not be the person I am today without my competition. The better the competitor the better it is for me because it helps me grow, to be more creative and to spark my creativity to bring to life what I am here to do. That is to give the very best that I can to this world to the benefit of others.

Everyone one day will need to look back over their life and give a true assessment of our contribution to this World. Do we want to know we spent any of our time harming others? or would we rather feel the pride knowing that we spent all our energy, creativity and energy being the best we could be. I know what I would rather have.

All we can do is call on all MNO to assess this proposal for what it is offering and to read the constructive feedback from MNO and vote appropriately and honestly.
0 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
Our team (Dash Aero) would really benefit from this proposal. From "Boots on the ground", we could truly benefit from this.

I hope the vote count shifts in favor of this project.

Best Regards,
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks Scott. I sure hope it passes so we can work together. Much appreciated.
0 points,6 years ago
Here's the Dash Proposals in Detail interview addressing Dash Academy. Thanks @CraigMason for the interview.
0 points,6 years ago
Definitely a good idea!
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you @splawik21!
0 points,6 years ago
If you want to offer multi-language support in future, please let me know. The Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team would be happy to support you with german content.
0 points,6 years ago
Excellent @essra. Would love to connect.
0 points,6 years ago
Interesting project. If the source files to make these courses for this project can be made available to the DASH community as a whole I think this project would have considerably more value than if they are not. The reason is that the content could be adapted, translated and other derivative works created. Other DASH projects could used these as the basis for training their audience on what DASH is and how to use it.

If you could find a way to provide the source files and the DASH community members are free to modify, edit, change, translate, and create derivative works then this is a project of even higher value. This content could be e.g. translated into Spanish and hosted on the DASH HELP VENEZUELA support website as an example. This would save DASH project time creating their own training materials, they would just need to adapt existing work such as this.

We could even raise budget proposals to have this content translated into many other languages. At the moment the DASH training materials are primarily in English and this will have to change if DASH wishes to be established as a truly global currency. In order to do that we need access to the source files.

One of the functions of DASH is a store of value for people's hard earned money. They need to feel confidence in the product. High quality training materials creates that confidence as opposed to a low cost budget Youtube DIY presentation. We need premium quality content like this to establish that confidence. Quality costs time, money and the right expertise. It is worth paying for if the quality is delivered and we have full access to all rights to the materials plus the source files.

We should perhaps start thinking more about how the different DASH projects can complement each other and how materials and services supplied in one project can be transferred and used in another project - provided that the license on the materials allows for this. This creates a powerful leveraging affect.

DASH could consider establishing a license agreement that will be used for all DASH funded created content to ensure that those materials are made available through a central repository e.g. GitHub for anyone to download and use and can be used by anyone for anyone.

Once quality content is made open source with the appropriate license agreement materials like this can be adapted for a multitude of different situations leading to a viral effect. What started out as some base course could become hundreds if not thousands of different derivatives which can be used in a wide variety of DASH promotional applications.

I would like to give my vote if you could first perhaps go some way to answering these questions:

What will be the license under which these materials will be released?
Will the source files be freely available on Github for anyone to download adapt, translate and distribute both for commercial and non commercial purposes without any obligations on part of the user of the materials other than ensuring certain quality standards are maintained.

If the DASH logo is present in the training there may be some license requirements in that respect on how these materials may be used? Fernando Gutierrez may know some of these answers.

0 points,6 years ago
Hi @DeepBlue.

I agree and believe it imperative that these resources (execuatables and source materials) be made available for use across the DASH ecosystem and community. To that end, we will provide DASH with full ownership, right, title, and interest in and to the developed elearning courses addressed under this proposal – including all executables, source files, graphic treatments and other similar assets. We will also grant a non-exclusive, perpetual, irrevocable, fully paid, royalty-free, worldwide license to reproduce, create derivative works from, distribute, publicly display, publicly perform, and use such resources, with the right to sublicense each and every such right.

To support and encourage reusability, we could break these learning resources down into even smaller reusable learning objects (RLOs) in future phases so that they can be more easily leveraged and merged into additional courses, marketing materials, and other similar products.

I would need to consult with the appropriate members of the Dash community to determine how best to make the above-referenced resources and assets available to interested parties. But, again, I agree that this is a critical component of this initiative.

Prior to any development leveraging the DASH logo or other related branding elements, a discussion with Fernando would definitely be of interest to make sure we are representing the brand correctly - and to ensure we are addressing licensing appropriately.

Happy to discuss more if you'd like. Hope to have your support.
0 points,6 years ago
We need Quality training material like this. You have my votes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks @DeepBlue. Glad you agree. Hope other MNOs see it that way too. -Steve
0 points,6 years ago
Just talked to Steve this morning...Dash Proposals In Detail interview coming soon!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the proposal interview @craigmason. Look forward to seeing it on YouTube. You're creating a great resource for the community. Keep it up!
1 point,6 years ago
You got my support
0 points,6 years ago
Much appreciated @qwizzie! Thanks for reviewing and voting.
1 point,6 years ago
It is a bit expensive for only 3 courses but I like it, looks to be very professionally executed.

Hopefully it works out as envisioned and we can add more courses in the future as planned. Voting yes for phase 1. Dash can afford this!
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks @Mastermined. Glad you like the look of the sample course. This initial phase includes the development of three on-demand courses with available captioning in Chinese and Korean - plus the development of the initial Dash Academy learning platform and site. Our goal is to go above-and-beyond on this initial phase so that the Dash community is eager to see more courses created in follow-on phases. Thanks again for the review and support! -
0 points,6 years ago
I don't see the value in a custom platform compared to a channel on YouTube where I can choose my own playback speed, subscribe to the channel, comment, etc.
2 points,6 years ago
The sample course reminds me of the HR courses I used to be required to take when I was an employee of a big company.... and that is good: VERY PROFESSIONAL. I may run through the whole course! Voting YES. Thanks.
0 points,6 years ago
Great! Thanks ec1warc1. Glad you like the sample course. Appreciate the comment and the support.
1 point,6 years ago
I would like to vote on this project but first could you state who will be the copyright owner of the training materials you create using DASH funds?

What will the license agreement for the materials you create using our funds? This is important to know how we can use the training materials and the source files used to create your training so that other DASH projects can adapt / modify/ change or create variations of your DASH training if required. How will this managed and who will be granted access to the source materials you create using DASH funds e.g. will your source files be made available for download for anyone within the DASH community to download and modify as they wish? If so how will these downloads be made available?
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks DeepBlue. Really good question here. All developed courses including the supporting assets and source files will belong to the Dash community. We will claim no right to these developed courses and will not attempt to resell or repurpose these assets. I defer to the community regarding the best way to make these files available to interested parties. Perhaps they can be added the Dash Pay Wiki (Official Documentation) site. Thoughts welcome.
3 points,6 years ago
Reasonable budget, seems like a very high quality production, but as with a lot of proposals this cycle, because the Evolution release is looming on the horizon later this year, a lot of things will probably have to be updated/redone to reflect the completely new way in which potential Dash users interface with Dash. Also, the average user of Dash--assuming we obtain widespread adoption and use, as is our goal--probably won't care about and may be put off by highly technical terms and information. While I recognize that some may benefit from this information and actually want to fully understand how and why everything works in an easily digestible way, the goal of where Dash is headed with Evolution seems to be to obfuscate the technical side of things and dress it up with a more familiar, simplified user experience that will be easy for people of all backgrounds to access.

So, I am voting yes because you've already got a lot going for you (and us) here, but I think the focus and the primary content the user first reaches and has access to should be practical in nature, on how to use and integrate with the Dash ecosystem, and that more technical/background information should be secondary, and of course noting the new content that will have to be produced once Evolution and other future updates roll out.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Arthyron. I realize I responded to your second question but not your first. I agree completely that the focus (at least for a while) should be on practical and actionable content for users that will promote an understanding of Dash, its benefits and how it can be leveraged - all with the goal of driving use and adoption. As for the Evolution release, I think that a digestible overview of what that would entail (even before Evolution release) would be of significant benefit. Thanks again for the thoughtful comments. I think you and I are on the same page here.
1 point,6 years ago
I will note that I'm somewhat concerned about the use of Flash as a primary tool as it's largely being phased out across most platforms. I realize that's just a mock-up, but I suppose what I'm asking is what are you doing to keep the design and technology you implement up-to-date within the scope of your project?
0 points,6 years ago
I agree completely Arthyron. We actually publish our developed on-demand courses in flash and HTML5. When launched, we ping the browser to see if they have a current flash player installed. If they do, we launch the flash version. If they don't we launch the HTML5 version. We also use a 'responsive design' approach that provides for a consistent learning experiences across devices and platforms. Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the input.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your explanation and clarification, makes sense to me, glad you're thinking forward to upcoming changes and developments not only in Dash but technology in general.
-7 points,6 years ago
No escrow = voting no.
7 points,6 years ago
@dashed - You have posted the exact same thing on several proposals. There were pre-proposals posted on this proposal and each of the others and you said NOTHING about escrow during that time. Pre-proposal is the time to speak up about this. Instead, you choose to ambush numerous proposals with your escrow demand. I am sure you also realize that a proposer has to start over and loses the 5 Dash posted and has to put up 5 more Dash to change a proposal to an escrowed proposal, that is why it doesn't happen. Your ambush predator strategy is very effective at damaging and/or killing proposals and seems to be organized to do exactly that. It seems like you might have some financial gain in the escrow process. You and another "hack" on these threads are doing your best to push down what appear to be otherwise good and well designed proposals by obvious professionals. You are a one trick pony, and your ambushing of proposals is now what you are now known for. Fellow MNOs, don't fall for this FUD.
0 points,6 years ago
Understood. We asked a few people about this during the pre-proposal stage and the general consensus was that due to the fact that we are starting small enough and using this initial 3 months as a proof-of-concept for a larger initiative, this wasn't critical. I don't expect everyone to agree about this and I get where you're coming from. Thanks for reviewing the proposal.
-2 points,6 years ago
You could just contact Core and get escrow for this.
4 points,6 years ago
@steve1047 and MNOs..... if you look through all the unfunded proposals, @dashed and @Realmrhack have posted the same demand for escrow on many of them. It is pretty clear that they only care about one thing, escrows. We think it is likely that they either have an interest in an escrow company or are paid shills thereof. They are looking out for their own interests and do not appear at all interested in advancing Dash or your proposal. Several of us are calling them out for what they are and will continue to do so, so long as they continue to attempt to force escrows (even to the point where one of them said they were "mandatory"). We are encouraging proposers to not respond to them and let us call them out when they post their FUD.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for pointing this out. I also don't regard escrow as crucial for this proposal.
2 points,6 years ago
Worth a try.. especially since we have a large educational gap..

Would the content be available in english and Chinese only?

Or is there plans for spanish?
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks Realmrhack! Yes. For this initial phase, we will create the courses (the UI, on-screen text and narration) in English with optional subtitles in Simplified Chinese and Korean. In later phases we can include additional language subtitle support to include Japanese, French, Russian and Spanish, among others. We may also consider proposing the creation of full additional language course versions (that is, beyond subtitles addressing all on-screen text, UI elements and narration). Please note that we do NOT use online tools like Google Translate for elearning content translation but rather have translation partner relationships in place to accomplish for just about any language required.

Do you think English, Chinese and Korean are the best languages to start with in this initial phase?

Thanks for the question!
0 points,6 years ago
Absolutely! You have my support!!
0 points,6 years ago
I like it, assuming these courses are free for anyone to use. I would say a bespoke Spanish version would be necessary, especially with massive demand from Venezuela and our major investments there, already. Get on Discord at and contact 'alejandroe' for translation. He is doing the 'Dash Help' proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks! Yes. These courses will be completely free and open to anyone. Got it re: Spanish version. Wondering if you (and others) think we should revise out initial plan to address Spanish instead of - or in addition to - the Simplified Chinese and Korean we were planning to address in this initial phase. Thanks again.
1 point,6 years ago
I think this is needed and the proposal is well done and seems professional. You have my YES vote.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks viamontelane. Much appreciated.