Title:Dash Adoption DocuSeries Zimbabwe: ft. KuvaCash EP01 Full
One-time payment: 187 DASH (5051 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 187 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-19 (added on 2018-02-20)
Votes: 621 Yes / 82 No / 20 Abstain

Proposal description

Teaser from initial funding:

First off - thank you to everyone who voted to fund the first portion of this episode!! We had the perfect opportunity to film with the Kuvacash team while they were in Los Angeles, so we are very grateful that we could take advantage of that.

What you see here is just a tease of what we plan to release in the coming months. The real magic will come from everything we’ll be filming on the ground in Zimbabwe, which will provide much more context than the archival clips used in the teaser.

Links to pre-proposal and original proposal

Behind the Scenes photos -

The goal of this series is to look at adoption of cryptocurrency (specifically Dash) looks like around the world. The forces driving it, the people working on it, and the benefits that it can - and is providing the individuals at the forefront of this technological and social revolution.

Over the past several months Frame 48 has been working on pre-production and building relationships with the teams around the world who are working to bring Dash to their respective countries with the intent towards filming and releasing a documentary series about their work.

Our journey begins with KuvaCash and the work that they’re doing to bring Dash to Zimbabwe.

The budget was adjusted slightly since the original posting from $157k to $167k to cover some unforeseen costs associated with filming in Zimbabwe.

The first episode to be funded will cover KuvaCash and their work in Zimbabwe to bring to market a Dash-based peer-to-peer payments system for the citizens of Zim. We filmed with them in Los Angeles in early February which is what you see in the above teaser that we created for the DAO. There’s much more footage from that day (4+ hours) that we’ll also be using in the long-form version of the doc.

So much of the documentary relies on putting boots on the ground and getting interviews with the people that Dash-based financial tools will affect the most (regulators, citizens, and government) as well as capturing events as they happen to the team. The rest of the funding will cover on-location production in Zimbabwe, editing, and finishing the first episode.

The total amount budgeted for this project is 227 Dash($165,000). For a very detailed look at the budget, please refer to the attached document. The Los Angeles portion of the shoot is included in that budget, which was already paid out at 45 DASH (5 covering the proposal fee), so this time around we are asking for a total of 187 DASH (5 to cover proposal costs).

Budget PDF
*Calculated with an 30-Day SMA of $727

  Start: February 1st
  End: March 30th
  Start: April 2nd
  End: April 9th
  Start: April 11th
  End: May 4th
Targeted Advertising:
  Start: May 5th
  End: May 12th
Release - May 14th


Tom Teller [Executive Producer] - With a background in action sports and visual effects, Tom has shot and directed for brands such as Shimano, Oakley, and Coca-Cola.

Jeff Hodges [Executive Producer] - A post-production and technology expert, Jeff’s experience doing commercial work with tech-heavy brands is unrivaled. He’s worked on projects for TrueCar, Microsoft, Verizon go90, Glide, Google Play, Quicken, Airtable, Osmo, Salesforce, Starbucks, Navdy, Trov, Amazon Studios, EFF, Blizzard, Brideside, Stitch Fix, Wikitribune - and many others.

Julian Connor [Producer] - Aside from managing Frame 48's operations, Julian has edited, sound designed, and produced content for Nike, Red Bull, Coca-Cola and many others.

Nico Aguilar [Cinematographer] - An ASC award winning cinematographer. Nico graduated magna cum laude with a BFA in Film and Art History from Chapman University Dodge College. Today he works internationally as a music video, commercial, documentary, and feature film cinematographer

Brodin Plett [Cinematographer] - Brodin is a director and cinematographer that has directed content for Razer, MSI, and Yahoo eSports among others.

Seth Josephson [Director] - Seth is a creative producer who has directed and produced commercial and documentary content for Microsoft, Anheuser Busch, and the Los Angeles Times.


We’re excited to share the stories behind the DAO-funded teams around the world that are working to bring Dash to their respective parts of the world.

Wherever possible, we will pay those working on the project in Dash with the aim to spread Dash to more and more individuals - driving further use and driving further conversations among young filmmakers in Los Angeles about the work that Dash is empowering.

Future Goals:
We think of this proposal as just the beginning of a much larger story and just the start of realizing our vision. Cryptocurrencies present an opportunity to reshape economies around the world and we want to tell the stories of individuals and teams working to make it happen and why they’re driven to do it.

If you’d like to be a part of our series, feel free to get in touch.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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-1 point,6 years ago
I have now just realised the potential risks with the KuvaCash project for DASH. There was something bothering me about the KuvaCash project and I have now realised what it is. My understanding is that KuvaCash is not decentralized like DASH is - could someone confirm this? I understand that KuvaCash is a separate entity from DASH and therefore it is a centralized organization. DASH branding however is *decentralized* which means the DASH Brand cannot be controlled or taken over by anyone. It cannot be exploited and it cannot be corrupted. It cannot be taken over or changed by a small group of individuals. By marketing a solution for a currency such as DASH under another brand such as KuvaCash, DASH is not being established as the solution for the people of Africa instead the centralized brand KuvaCash is getting its name out as the solution and also I suspect building contacts also with their name and brand. What are the possible ramifications of this? If the DASH project is promoted through anything other than our DASH DIGITAL CASH branding what is stopping KuvaCash from creating a fork of DASH and taking complete control of our business later down the line? This could not happen if the project was promoted under the decentralized branding of DASH Digital Cash.

This is a possible risk to the DASH network. To mitigate any such possible risk DASH need to ensure that projects ONLY use DASH Digital CASH branding if they are going to use our funds and there should be some contractual agreement stating that our Branding can only be used now and in the future without variation. This way an organization working with DASH funds cannot just pull the carpet from under us at any time. Since the DASH foundation own the DASH trademark and the contract states the organization cannot change the brand name then DASH as a decentralized organization remains in control of the currency.

I am certainly not saying or implying that KuvaCash would do this but I am saying it is a possibility with any project that is not promoting DASH under the DASH brand - especially if management changes in the future. How do we know what the new management would do?

The people at KuvaCash may well be trustworthy and good people but that is not the point here. We need to protect against any possibility of centralized control of any currency. This is the only way of certainty to protect the people who are using that currency. Also the emphasis should not be on KuvaCash being the solution. It needs to be DASH as the solution.

What about the future of this project? Who could be running it then? Might it be possible that the new management in the future create a fork of DASH and take over control of our distribution of DASH in Africa?

If however all contacts, all promotion and every message is always branded as DASH DIGITAL CASH the decentralized currency that cannot be controlled and there is a contractual agreement with DASH about this then the people will be safe because no organization could every take it over the network that will be built in Africa.

This is the issue I see with this project. The branding needs to be exclusively DASH DIGITAL CASH and the message needs to be decentralized currency that nobody controls. That is about the only way I see for a currency not to be controlled or taken over, manipulated or corrupted by any one organization. No matter how good the group starts out we do not know in the future how that group will be.

DASH MNO consider from now on voting only for projects that work under the DASH DIGITAL CASH brand - otherwise we are creating the possibility that an organization could potentially create their own digital currency using our open source code and control the entire network we paid to build.

What safeguards therefore does the DASH community have other than KuvaCash word? Do we have a signed contract with KuvaCash about these issues, or are we just trusting that a take over would never happen now or in the future?

These are tough issues to raise, especially for such a worthwhile cause however Africa has suffered repeatedly by corruption we cannot afford for anything like that to happen with our funds either now or in the future. We need to safeguard our branding and ensure that projects WE are funding use ONLY our decentralized branding.

The above is only my personal opinion and there maybe inaccuracies in what I say. If so, please feel free to correct me. If KuvaCash has positive intentions then they will see what I'm saying is valid and will need to be addressed to the satisfaction of the DASH network in order for funding project to continue.
2 points,6 years ago
I think you are making a lot of assumptions here and are ignoring feedback you've already received.

It's pretty clear from the responses you've received to your concerns from myself (MNO), Drako and the Frame 48 team, that mainstream PR needs to be 'people and problem focussed' in order to be effective and that the Dash brand will be worked into the final product (this was a teaser only). Somehow despite my/their replies you continue to ignore this information while pushing that dash branding always has to be front and centre.

Kuvacash have already received funding for their project months ago, and even generously shared back with the community by creating a VCO structure, which is an indication that they want to share ownership of profits resulting from Kuvacash with the Dash MN network.

Are you suggesting Kuvacash should be changing their org name to Dash and release their service under the same Dash name? How are they supposed to build what will be a privately funded business and receive private investment if they don't control their own company name? What kind of regulatory compliance issues would they be pulling the Dash Core and DAO into by not being a clearly separate entity as they roll out their service in Africa? Have you really thought your comments through??

You mentioned, both teams may be trustworthy,... well you can easily find out who they are and their backgrounds/history, so why doubt their intentions? They are making a high quality effort to move Dash forward into the mainstream consciousness and give Dash a real use case, changing lives in Zimbabwe.

Your overall suggestion to sestricting funding to 'only Dash branded' would have wiped a pile of good opportunities for integration that have really helped push Dash forward over the years.

These guys haven't vanished with the money, they've shown up and delivered high-quality results in their area of expertise.

I will continue to vote YES for professional teams like this and encourage others to do the same!
0 points,6 years ago
P.S. in case you are wondering, I rolled all my replies to your other posts into this one message so we don't spam the board. Peace.
0 points,6 years ago
Well, thanks to the VCO we will continue to have control of the project.
0 points,6 years ago
MNO Australia.
Voting YES.
"Dash - digital cash" branding needs to be made and reasonably prominent. Not just 'Dash'.
1 point,6 years ago
We're getting close folks. Let's push this over the top. It wouldn't hurt to mention Dash a little more in the final product.
-3 points,6 years ago
"DASH digital cash" needs to be prominent in all campaigns from now on and that includes the KuvaCash project to get my votes. All projects from now need to have DASH Digital CASH branding prominently displayed and referred to and Credit also needs to be given for funding and I mean clearly and specifically stated up front. We do not want to see minor mentions give or have a credit tagged on as an afterthought or buried in some credits section. The trailer shows next to nothing about DASH digital Cash. Without written assurances from very project owner from now that our branding of DASH Digital Cash will be prominently mentioned, credited and displayed I will be voting "No" on these projects. It is not just about getting distribution of DASH out. It is about us building OUR BRAND not another brand such as "KuvaCash" . We are the one's that are funding this project and all the other projects and we are the ones providing the technology that can make this project work.

If MNO owners read through the concerns expressed by other MNO about the lack of DASH Digital Cash mentions in this project and then look at the response given by Drako then I think you will see the areas of concern here. They are promoting their branding their message and not DASH's message and DASH's branding. This means they have control and can pull out any time they want from using DASH. If Drako's response had been more understanding I would have perhaps voted but it wasn't he was clear about what his motivations are in his response. I'm not getting a very positive feeling from this project. I think we need to thing very carefully about projects that are not prepared to give DASH Digital Cash the rightful mentions and credits in their productions using our funds.
-3 points,6 years ago
MNO I have some concerns about this project and the KuvaCash projects based on Drako's comments below. I recommend you read my comments below regarding Drako's approach to this project and my response to his comments.

I have changed my votes from YES to NO on this project. Unless there is a significant change in Drako's approach to this DASH funded project and all the other projects on KuvaCash funded by DASH. I will not be voting YES for projects that are not putting emphasis on DASH in their projects.
2 points,6 years ago
Le projet kuvacash et votre présentation permettront à Dash d'avoir une image acceptable et reconnaissable partout dans le monde. Vous avez donné envie aux gents de découvrir Dash par eux-mêmes avec le mystère que vous suscitez "la cryptomonnaie, particulièrement DASH. C'est de l'art. Dash peut venir en France avec ce type de projet et cette présentation professionnelle. Vous me rendez fier d'être associé à Dash. Merci.

Google translation :
The kuvacash project and your presentation will allow Dash to have an acceptable and recognizable image around the world. You have made people want to discover Dash by themselves with the mystery that you arouse "cryptocurrency, especially DASH.This is art.Dash can come to France with this type of project and this professional presentation. make me proud to be associated with Dash.
0 points,6 years ago
Suggestion for the last line, "Dash is going to put a private bank in the hands of every person in Africa".
Funding suggests heavy product placement in both visual and oral. I understand your message and I support your message, but as others have stated... increased Dash mentions would be beneficial.

Looks exciting and I'm a yes.
2 points,6 years ago
The problem with your suggestion for the last line in the teaser, is that no one (other than a tiny minority of people) actually know what Dash means or stands for.

"The wallet of the future is coming, and it's going to put a private bank in the hands of every person in Africa" - A phrase simple enough for the most general audience....even your grandma
1 point,6 years ago
I like it. Good point.
-1 point,6 years ago
I'm not seeing DASH mentioned that much - even in this trailer. You mentioned "particularly DASH" and the word "DASH" only appeared once - almost less than a second. First the word "Particularly" needs to be removed and stated DASH i.e. DASH ONLY. You don't need any other digital currency to solve the problem they are facing. They only need one. In fact only one is what will be most effective rather than different currencies because in that way anyone can buy anything without having to do exchanges which is time consuming, confusing and ineffective. The message DASH branding message is also diluted by first mentioning "Kuva Cash" then in passing "dash". DASH needs to be much more prominent in this documentary because IT is the solution. Kuvacash does not have a solution without DASH. The project would not have got off the ground without DASH funds and your project would not work without DASH. DASH needs to be made more noticeable all the way through this documentary.
1 point,6 years ago
I understand your concerns, but I think the team have done awesome work here.

A documentary about the people involved in Dash needs to be focussed on the people. Whenever I do product PR, the MSM only want to hear about the 'people' side of the story, as this is what people are interested in. The product message gets out there, but is only secondary to the main people-focussed story.

If we want to create a movement behind Dash, we need to get people emotionally engaged. I have shown this video to a lot of friends and they all told me they felt a deep emotional connection to the people of Zimbabwe and what the Kuva team are trying to achieve. Frame48 are opening people's hearts and minds with this story, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.

Note. Drako didn't say "particularly dash", he said "specifically dash".
The Kuvacash team are 100% committed to bringing Dash (and only Dash) to the people who need it most.

Dash gets its strength from the people pushing it forward. Frame48 have demonstrated that they can capture the essence of the Dash movement. Let's get them on the ground in Zim!
-1 point,6 years ago
The people running Kuva Cash get their money from DASH. This project would not work or be successful without DASH. I am not saying making a marketing message for DASH. What I am saying is the focus is too focused away from the very technology that makes your project successful. The trailer is 184 seconds long. Dash appears in 1 second of that. That is not anywhere near educating the people on the technology behind your project. People can still get the focus of the documentary but there needs to be more exploitation of how DASH is making your project work in an integral way. It is not marketing it is education. The documentary can still have the people focus as you mention.

Projects need to realise. We are funding you. We do that through DASH being recognized and trusted by people. We need to establish that trust by getting exposure. You can't do this or any of the other Kuva project without our funds. Reasonable recognition needs to be made all the way through this documentary at the relevant points for DASH in a non marketing way but still keeping the focus on the people. What I'm saying is that at the moment it is too one sided. In this trailer there is 184 seconds of your theme and only 1 second for the quick mention of DASH in a sentence that is not clear - that is why I could not hear the difference between "Specifically and Particularly" . It is not enough time. people also need to feel confident in the technology behind your project and it is not marketing to explain that.

If you want to just make a documentary about the people with almost insignificant mentions of the technology that make your project work and pays for your project then I would need to reconsider my votes on this project. Because you are thinking only about your production and what you want. That is now what this is about. We are in a PARTNERSHIP. It is not marketing it is being real. DASH is the heart of your project without it your project is a non starter and all those people you're referring to in your documentary would have no hope. If you really are that good you can find a way to integrate DASH into your documentary without detracting from your people based theme.
2 points,6 years ago
Drako here, I want to chip in a bit even though this proposal is now passing - we at Kuvacash are all about bringing Dash to people who need it, to make it a part of their lives and unlock their human potential. The approach we are taking with the Kuvacash project is perhaps very different from other projects on Treasury, in that we are not leading with Dash brand or the tech. We are not Dash or Dash Core, and should not represent or be confused as such - we're the Kuvacash project, bringing Dash to Zimbabwe in a way that people can connect with - furthermore we'll be taking this approach to land it in many other countries in Africa. In the teaser, we actually talk about fiat and USD far more than Dash or the Kuvacash project and this helps set the context of why we need to do what we're doing (actually James only mentions Kuvacash once (to introduce himself and the project)).

The reason for this is what we are doing is far bigger than either Dash or Kuvacash and we have to lead with the people, the issues and the story not the technology, to make it relatable to the 'person on the street'. The way that Dash is funding this original initiative and others that are similar from money created on the blockchain is amazing and I'm sure the Frame48 guys will make all this part of the story - although note that the creative direction of this is entirely owned by them.

As an aside, I don't actually mention Kuvacash even one time in this trailer, only 'specifically Dash' :) - although I'll be mentioning both in future! Anyway, hope you will continue to support this project!

-1 point,6 years ago
It is clear now that Drako wants what he wants. He wants to maintain full 100% control. DASH funded your project. The reality is your project is just a name without our funding. Let's not forget that Drako.

You are using phrases like "our project is bigger than Kuvacash and Dash" phrases like this are deflecting the attention away from the issue I have concerns with here. You are promoting DASH under YOUR brand KuvaCash. Since you are promoting this project under your brand what is stopping you from pulling out from using DASH at any time at your convenience and use another crypto if it is convenient for you? This way DASH would have funded your project and then later on you chose whatever technology you want. I see a real danger of this happening

I am beginning to get the feeling that this project could lead to problems further down the line for DASH. Most organizations that were funded by DASH realise that DASH deserves something in return to support the DASH brand. You want our funding money, to promote your brand and have thing your way. I'm not so sure that is a healthy partnership works.

I wish to correct you on one thing. The things you are doing are only possible because of DASH. So your statement is not correct that what you are doing is greater than DASH. No it is not greater than DASH because your project would not even start without DASH funding so how can it be greater than DASH. What funds did you have previous to DASH funding you? What technology were you using? Which cryptos supported you? I'm not seeing anything. So your project is nothing more than a pipe dream without DASH.

I'm not getting a good feeling from this project. The team behind it are putting DASH brand way back out of sight and they do not appear to be responding positively to requests to seeing the importance of having DASH brand mentioned in a non marketing way as being INTEGRAL to the success both financially and technologically for their projects.

I have thought about this carefully and I have now decided to change my votes on this proposal because there has been no apparent move, compromise or understanding from Drako from his reply above. Drako appears to want complete control and he is going to keep control through the use of his brand and using statements such as "the project is greater than both DASH and KuvaCash" to deflect our reasoning.

Projects needs to make DASH branding foremost in their campaigns if they are going to get my vote from now on. In this case I am changing my vote because I think the DASH community will most likely see we could have possible problems with this project in the future.

Voting NO
1 point,6 years ago
We hear your concerns and will be addressing them in the full piece to a larger extent.

We wanted to the focus of this teaser to be on the problem, rather than the on solution - which is quite complicated and can't be shoehorned into a 184 second teaser.

A quick reminder that this teaser was cut from over 4 hours of interviews and shows only a small tease of things to come.
2 points,6 years ago
I think this is going to send a powerful message. Full support here.
3 points,6 years ago
100% yes. Africa needs Dash probably more than any other continent in the world.
4 points,6 years ago
Looks like we are getting our money's worth with this high production quality evident in the trailer. Solid yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Do you have an indication of the form the final production will take? Is it one video? Or multiple? And how many minutes?
0 points,6 years ago
Nevermind, I already found this in the budget. It will be one 15-30 minute documentary.
5 points,6 years ago
This is really well done and I hope very effective at illustrating the massive need places like Zimbabwe face. I really hope Dash can continue to support projects like this more than mere profit-seeking.
4 points,6 years ago
The teaser is amazing. I have marked the date: May 14th will be a good day.
4 points,6 years ago
Yes from me, good luck.
8 points,6 years ago
Hi everyone, Drako and James here from Kuvacash.
I'd like to give a heads-up regarding our great experience in LA with the Frame48 guys, relating to the video trailer above (and other material which they captured which is to come).

Frame48 (Seth and his crew) were an extremely dynamic and professional production team, having both the skills and vision required to develop a powerful story of what we at Kuva, together with the wider Dash community, are doing to effect meaningful positive change. I have now shown the video to a number of people; it really helps them understand more deeply what the issue is, specifically why we are landing Dash to Zimbabwe as a start in order to 'put a private bank in the hands of every person in Africa'.

Production of this series will help us to develop an ongoing story which we can share very broadly to get the right kind of support from people and partners who can help us. We also want to make sure we capture the process and history of getting Dash landed in this way, so please do consider supporting this proposal.
4 points,6 years ago
Incredible presentation of this proposal - this is a leading example of a short, simple and clear request for funding. Thanks Kuvacash!
3 points,6 years ago
Massive yes
6 points,6 years ago
Great teaser. You have my support. Voting Yes.
6 points,6 years ago
The teaser looks amazing! Can't wait to see the full episode. Voting YES.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks guys. Excellent work! Easy YES
5 points,6 years ago
Looks incredible. This is an important project and should be well documented.

Have my support 100%.
-3 points,6 years ago
Why are some people voting yes on this without escrow? How many more times do we need to be scammed before you learn?
2 points,6 years ago
This proposal is definitely not a scam. Dash core CMO Fernando has approved it (in comments below). Now let's get it across the line and funded guys!
1 point,6 years ago
@Triptolemoose How do I know fernando is Dash's CMO and not just a user named fernando?

If $20k proposals get can escrow, I don't see any reason for a $110k one not being able to get one.
3 points,6 years ago
Feel free to write me to and I'll confirm I'm fernando here.

Re escrow, I don't think there is a need to escrow everything. We offer that option to whoever wants it because sometimes people will not trust someone unknown to the community. That is not exactly the case of Frame 48, who are in contact with many and have already done a proposal before. But even in the case of unknown proposal owners, it is not compulsory, it is just one assurance they can offer if they they want. Not everything should go through Core.

Btw, I'm only Dash Core Group CMO, not Dash's. Dash is a decentralized project and anyone claiming to have a tittle is misrepresenting reality.
0 points,6 years ago
I've pinged him again to provide more verification for you.

He's the same fernando who commented on core team proposals months ago

And also commenting on the current core marketing proposal here
3 points,6 years ago
its quite obvious it does not need an escrow. They know kuvacash and have trust relationship. its enough
-1 point,6 years ago
What happen to previous kuvacash proposal please provide a progress report thank you
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Reamrhack,
We currently do a mini-update every month and full live webinar with Q&A every other month. You can also follow us at @kuvacash on Twitter.

Link for updates:

1 point,6 years ago
If you want updates kuvacash post them regularly on their youtube channel

Though this proposal is not from kuvacash. It's from the people making this docu series. Kuvacash is just the subject of the first episode.
-3 points,6 years ago
Voting no. I can change my vote if you contact Dash's CMO (Fernando) and get him to approve this. Also, contact Dash Core for escrow.
3 points,6 years ago
Dashed, I can see that you want to protect MNOs by forcing escrow on all non-core proposals, but let's just allow the Frame48 team to do their work without having to jump through hoops. They are a professional team, and have already proven themselves capable and reliable.
2 points,6 years ago
I confirm that I have been in contact with Jeff, I like the project and would love to see this done.

I don't think there is a need for escrow. Sometimes it makes sense, but the system is decentralized and it should be that way. Escrow is a correction for one of its limitations, but it should not be a norm.
3 points,6 years ago
We have been in touch with Fernando and his initial response was quite positive. We just reached to him to ask him to leave a comment here.
2 points,6 years ago
I'll ping Fernando, I guess he has been too busy to leave a comment.
3 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the ping!