Proposal “DIF-ONGOING-FUNDING-Q2-2021“ (Completed)Back

Title:DIF Ongoing Funding Q2 2021
Monthly amount: 450 DASH (13533 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 1350 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2021-05-14 / 2021-08-11 (added on 2021-05-13)
Votes: 829 Yes / 208 No / 1 Abstain

Proposal description

Monthly ask will be 450 Dash for the next 3 months

Given the success of our previous quarter's funding proposal and also the DAO’s supplemental funding provided last cycle we’re asking for a "block reward reduction adjusted" amount of 450D per month for the next 3 months.

What Does This Proposal Fund?

All Dash received are for only two purposes: 

1) reserves and 
2) fund management/admin/legal expenses.

Currently, our operational costs are approximately $50,000 per annum plus one-off legal costs associated with individual deals that the DIF may explore and enter into. We are also exploring securing the services of an accountant. We expect this will increase our operational costs. This expense is to prepare documents for reporting to the community. An accountant is better trained to prepare reports. Also this expense frees up supervisor time for other tasks.

Where can I find the latest reports and financials for the DIF?

Our Q1 report video (and previous videos) can be viewed here on our Youtube channel:

Our Q1 2021 report slides can be downloaded on the following link

We also have a presence on our Odysee channel where you can view our quarterly report calls and our regular DIF podcast shows.

The DIF’s Vision

The DIF will:

  • Facilitate the solicitation, negotiation, and due diligence of investments of potential interest to the Dash DAO
  • Guide entrepreneurs seeking funding from the DIF by educating them on the process and best practices to improve the chances for a successful investment
  • Manage reserves for the network in a manner that balances the needs to grow the reserves, and to limit risks
  • Seed the liquidity and growth of emerging Dash financial markets or products
  • Conduct all activities with a high degree of transparency - while providing a bridge to the needs of potential partners desiring to protect non-public information
The DIF’s Mission

DIF Mission: "The Dash Investment Foundation will invest in ecosystem partners on behalf of the Dash DAO to grow Dash’s footprint and deliver greater value with the resources available."

When will the DIF publish its next Quarterly Report?

Targeting late July for a video Q2 2021 report. Please note slides and presentation materials for Q1 2021 are already available above.

Selected recent earned media

Old list of recent press releases

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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-1 point,2 years ago

I would like clarifications on two projects. Where does the CrayPay app stand, it was originally projected as being released in April and here we are in June. I understand that it is out of your control to a certain extent, but we need updates on DIF associated projects, which is well within your control.

Second, the financial services integration was finally announced without an accompanying Dash product. My understanding was the entire reason for the delay was so the product could launch simultaneously with the announcement. Is Dash that toxic in the financial world that you had the creation of the product fall through twice? We need details on what happened.
0 points,2 years ago
Conditional yes, but I am not sure we are getting bang for our buck here. For example had the DIF simply bought DOGE at the start of the year and sold it now, it could have 10x its money, it then buy back that DASH and either dole it out to approved POs meaning the DAO would not have to mint new coins (preferred) or it could simply buy back 10x the DASH and burn it in a DASH eater address.

I am looking for value here, if the DIF is unable to make money, then it is a charity and if it is a charity I would rather the DASH be given directly to charities much like Vitalik did after selling SHIBU INU rather than speculating on start-ups.
1 point,2 years ago
I would prefer the DIF placed informed bets on start ups that can advance Dash's position in the long run, rather then speculate on crypto.

That being said I am genuinely pissed the DIF never bought some small amount of TSLA or GME to try and generate headlines. If would have cost us virtually nothing and had the potential to generate some media buzz. I honestly can't fathom why they didn't and would love some type of explanation.
3 points,2 years ago
The DIF is on its second try at securing a US brokerage account. Two complications of this process include:

1) The DIF needs an institutional account. (which take longer)
2) The DIF is not a US person

We are pursing a US brokerage account to expand a balancing strategy into other real asset classes.
1 point,2 years ago
Trying to work within the existing system that crypto DIRECTLY threatens is a dead end.
1 point,2 years ago
Thanks for the clarification.
3 points,2 years ago
Q1 report should come out soon!

End of Q1 liquid assets: $556k