Proposal “DCG-SUPPLEMENTAL-NOV22“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group November Supplemental Funding Proposal
One-time payment: 744 DASH (17681 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 744 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-11-11 / 2022-12-10 (added on 2022-11-15)
Votes: 591 Yes / 83 No / 2 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Core Group November 26th Supplemental Funding Proposal

DCG already submitted 2 funding proposals for the budget cycle that pays out November 26th. This is a supplemental proposal that will fund Dash Core Group with an additional 744 Dash:
1) DCG Compensation: 2,296 Dash per month (currently in month 3/3)
2) DCG Infrastructure: 459 Dash (currently in month 1/2)
3) DCG Compensation Supplemental: 744 Dash (currently in month 1/1)

What does this specific proposal fund?

Assuming DCG’s current compensation proposal passes, with the price of Dash at $35, our funding for compensation will represent a very significant gap from our actual compensation expense. This proposal will look to reduce some of the gap between our compensation revenue and our compensation expense.

Did DCG reduce staff?

Five months ago we reduced our compensated team size by about 15%, lowering our break-even price from ~$120/Dash to ~$103/Dash. It has since lowered to ~$93/Dash due to additional departures and cost cutting measures. Our compensation reserve now sits at around 6 months.

Do you plan on more layoffs in the near future?

Dash Core Group is now mostly a technical organization with most of our business development and marketing staff having exited the project. The remaining staff is essential to us functioning at a high level. We have no plans to revisit further reducing our staffing until at least January 2022, regardless of what happens with the price of Dash.

Didn’t DCG previously communicate they wouldn’t request over 60% of the total proposal system budget?

Yes. In the past, Ryan Taylor, previously CEO of Dash Core Group, made a commitment to the Dash network that DCG’s monthly ask would never exceed 60% of the total budget. This was stated after there was significant backlash against DCG requesting funding for tax-related expenses in late 2018, which caused competing proposals to be pushed off the funding list. In this cycle, the same situation is not present; no other proposals would be negatively affected by this request for supplemental funds. It therefore seems to be in the best interest of the project to remove the self-imposed 60% limit, as not doing so would effectively hurt us by having to let go of people that are providing value to the project.

Samuel Westrich (Quantum Explorer) had reached out to the Dash Trust Protectors three months ago and asked whether they would support DCG making a proposal for the rest of the available treasury this month. All responses from the Trust Protectors had come back with support for the supplemental proposal. Given this indication of support, we decided to move forward and have masternode owners vote on these supplemental proposals every month for unused treasury funds.We will continue making such supplemental proposals in the case of unused treasury funds - waiting around one week before the end of each cycle to leave time for other submissions.

If you have any questions, please direct them to @quantumexplorer at dashcentral to ensure we are notified of your request.

Requested funding is as follows for the November 26th superblock:
  • 743 Dash ($26,005 USD @ $35 per Dash)
  •     1 Dash Proposal fee reimbursement
Total: 744 Dash

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,1 year ago
Below, I called out Sam for making two opposite claims about the security of Platform. He did not reply and I notice this is a habit, not replying when it hits too close to home. He did the same thing when I suggested public liquidity pools on a Lightning style network... no response, because he is rejecting all possible solutions except the one and only solution to divide the network.
0 points,1 year ago
Yes, the Trust Protectors are all in favor of using every single scrap of the budget to keep the dev team alive. Sam (Quantum Explorer) has done more for real communication and technical details about progress and problems on Platform than any preceding CTO. AND actual progress, the end is in sight. Reward him for those efforts. We are less than 50 votes from passing.

Masternode owner
Trust Protector
Spokesperson for the Trust Protectors
Chief cook and bottle washer
3 points,1 year ago
Not true at all. Pretty much the only thing they've been working on is Platform, a PoS altcoin project they are trying to sneak into the dash project. To do this they want to change our tokenomics, gentrify and centralize. voting. Platform is a Trojan Horse.

- Platform is a PoS project
- The developers could start their own independent Platform chain with their own tokenomics to match their needs
- Or the developers could use another chain who's network more closely matches their needs e.g. Horizen which already has the two class network they seek.

But no, they want to leverage Dash's existing customer base with their high risk insecure project. They want to change the dash tokenomics to fit their needs AND they want to introduce content censorship which goes hand in hand with payment censorship. Because, after all, U.S. sanctions is a thing and you don't want the same terrorists and drug lords to be aligned with your content.

They will argue, they are paid by dash and so we should be proud to have their expertise and product. They will argue that starting their own chain or moving to a different network would be unethical.

DCG have placed many MNOs into a corner, knowing they sucked majority funding for years and, well, "we might as well stick with it, it is too late to reject it now". Now, you feel you have no other choice but to accept the Trojan Horse.

I disagree. You are standing at the altar and have one last chance to say no and call the wedding off. You should, she's a gold digger, going to take all your money to scale her empire. The new tokenomics will never be enough, they will need constant "tweaking", while sucking the life out of the payment side. The divorce will be expensive.
-1 point,1 year ago
Wow! You are making it sound like us evil devs are up to something. So what do devs gain if Platform does well? The Dash price going up? The first decentralized queryable source of truth?

Gasp ... How nefarious we must be.

Just so everyone is aware Platform doesn't have its own independent token. It runs on Dash. The only way devs can make money off of it is if they own Dash and the price of Dash goes up. Or if they get paid work they do from DCG/Incubator via DAO like is currently happening.

Also... How would us devs have more control? Platform will be as independent of DCG as the current Payment chain.

What's sad is that I think you truly believe all these fear mongering lies you are spouting.
-1 point,1 year ago
I'm glad I was proven correct about the user GrandMasterDash. I spent a good amount of time attacking and destroying false posts of his last year. I'm glad to see that I was correct in my assessment of this user. Nobody who's paying attention to platform and the ever-closing goalposts would be able to believe these things. Just more of Dash's desperate competition using their only weapon: FUD to attack our innovation and unique coin and fully paid dev team. Something their coin architectures cannot support.

So, out of jealousy they pay people to fud and lie and manipulate the discussions by wholeheartedly supporting obvious untruths. Lest you think me a conspiracy theorist for this take, remember that this has already happened to us, several times, like with George Donnelly, Joel Valenzuela, Drako, etc.
0 points,1 year ago
From what I remember, your FUD about lower proposal fees never materialized. Though you do say that ONE proposal about CoinJoin - that Sam welcomes - is somehow the result of proposal fees being lower. Who knows, perhaps it was you that submitted it! lol

Being the defender of attacks on dash, you of all people should recognize that a theft is being prepared, to rob rewards from the payment network (dash core) to fund the PoS shitcoin called Platform. A fact that is laid out in DCG's pre-proposal on how to launch Platform.

Not to mention the intrinsically connected forthcoming "discussion" about Platform censorship that Sam has announced. Sam has already stated that he will be resigning when his censorship plans fail. For, you can not censor content without also censoring payments, the two are indelibly entwined.
2 points,1 year ago
Which part was a lie?

The price of dash goes up, just like you say, so why can't the MNOs afford to run Platform? Why isn't 1000 dash enough? I will help you.. .you need to change the tokenomics in favor of a even smaller class of nodes. This is the only solution you offer with two or three variations / parameter changes.

More so, this process you describe of making the price of dash go up has taken 7+ years and you will distance yourself from this argument by claiming you have only been in your current position for one year.

Are you now providing guarantees that the price of dash will continue to go up, or are you trying to defend yourself with speculation?

Def: Gentrify

- to change (a place, such as an old neighborhood) by improving it and making it more appealing to people who have money As the neighborhood became gentrified, the people who had lived there for many years could no longer afford it.

Platform has a token named "dash credits" which maintains a peg to dash. But this token is being managed on a PoS chain that is incompatible with PoW. It is by definition incompatible because you have explained multiple times how dash tokenomics has to change to start Platform "securely". Also while maintaining that no money will be stolen but also "catastrophic" consequences on an all node solution.
3 points,1 year ago
voting no until there is a commitment from DCG that platform will be uncensorable.
1 point,1 year ago
My personal experience with many staff at DCG is that they are overwhelmingly in favor of financial privacy as a human right. Go back and read Sam's (Quantum Explorer's) comments on the governance prop about dumping CoinJoin. How does the voting look on that prop? That's the mile high view and take-home message.

It gets a bit more complicated in real life. Technically, it is not DCGs decision to make. They work for us, not the other way around. On the other hand, if the Masternode community instructed DCG to go commit some terrible crime, they are legally, morally and ethically obligated to ignore that.

Now we're ready to have a much more interesting and productive conversation. What's legal? What's not legal? Where is the big fat grey area? Who gets to decide that? How much is it enforced? I would love to have a couple million dollars to hire 4 or 5 of the best crypto lobbyists on the planet for several years and do serious educating with regulators and lawmakers. Dash has done nothing wrong.

4 points,1 year ago
See :

Sam made some pretty detailed comments about censorship, which you should take into consideration.
4 points,1 year ago
The choice MNO's make on how to start Dash Platform, could very well impact how and in what form censorship can occur on Dash Platform.
4 points,1 year ago
I'm uncomfortable that an entity that has no CEO -- and thus, no single person the network can hold accountable for the deployment of its resources-- would ask for any funding whatsoever.
1 point,1 year ago
The DCG board is up and running and is more functional and accountable than it has been in a long time. The board is a better entity to provide accountability to the MN community than any single person with any given title anyway. I am sorry that you are uncomfortable, but I feel it is unnecessary. One of the main reasons Patrick stepped down was in order to pursue a permanent full time ceo post haste. And it's not like we have lost Patrick. He is still a Trust Protector and he is still serving on the DCG board, just not as CEO.

Right now would be a terrible time to defund DCG. If DCG doesn't have Evolution Platform up and running by March/April/May (a whole other useful discussion) then I could conceivably be leading the bandwagon to defund DCG. It's make or break time.

I will be voting yes, and with enthusiasm.

Finest regards,

1 point,1 year ago
Who should be accountable? The sponsor (the masternodes) or the sponsored (quantumexplorer)?

Should the sponsored be accountable to the sponsor? I always assumed that sponsorship is a just give away....
3 points,1 year ago
I am not completely sure what your alternative is. Stop software development for the project if one person resigns? In the end that would be a hypercentralized approach.

We are asking funding to continue software development for the project. And we show our updates every two weeks on the development update review as well as many releases on our core wallets.
0 points,1 year ago
As you can see in the videos, the accountable governors is an inherent prerequisite of any decent state or company....
-1 point,1 year ago
-2 points,1 year ago
0 points,1 year ago
0 points,1 year ago
2 points,1 year ago
Voted NO as i no longer think that Platform developers are acting in the best interest of the network and i no longer think Platform developers have their priorities straight after having witnessed how Sam (CTO of DCG) is mishandling the upcoming start-up of Dash Platform and how Platform developers have ignored and not prioritized the safety issues related to starting Dash Platform on all nodes (which was the vision for Dash Platform from the start). The safety issues are apparently inherent to a PoS blockchain / Dash Side Chain, but never publicly disclosed to the Dash community and never actually addressed or fixed in those 7 years of development and continued DCG budget funding.

I think at this point DCG is so pressured to release Dash Platform end of this year, that they have cut corners on a vital element of Dash Platform, which is having developed some kind of guard dog on Platform masternodes that PoSe scores Platform masternodes and ban them if they are misbehaving. That guard layer / Platform Sentinel should be a mix of some kind of proof of service for Platform masternodes and measurements that mitigate other safety issues, inherent to Dash PoS Sidechain on which Platform runs. If that was developed alongside Dash Platform, there would not be any safety issues with starting Dash Platform on all masternodes.

All of the above just shows me that DCG has its priorities wrong for awhile now and is not acting in the best interest of the Dash network, rather DCG is just acting in the best interest of itself by pushing Dash Platform out incomplete, due to pressure to release and due to its failure to plan, prioritize and develop the guard dog / Platform sentinel / Platform Pose scoring part over the years.

Due to the above i no longer feel a need to support DCG supplemental budget proposals.
3 points,1 year ago
First, we have only the corners that needed to be cut. I personally think it is vital that we release something ASAP on which we can improve iteratively.

Second, if you are against us asking the network on how to proceed, then I am not sure what you want. You obviously don't want us to make the decision ourselves. Do you want us to just magically go in the direction that you personally want?

Third, can you explain how DCG could be acting in our self interest? DCG does better when the price of Dash does better. DCG does better when the network is happy. DCG and the masternode networks incentives are completely aligned.
2 points,1 year ago
Sam, you have been CTO of DCG for a year now.

You have not done anything about developing a PoSe system for Platform that could have mitigated some of the safety issues with regards to the Platform on all nodes solution and far more importantly you have done nothing about the other safety issues that can not be fixed / mitigated with a PoSe system and requires something else.

Which means we now have a severly handicapped Platform on all nodes solution that have all kinds of unaddressed safety issues, which you plan MNO's to vote on.

What is even worse is that these safety issues were never discussed in any of the Platform Development updates, was never communicated to the Dash community, was not mentioned in the DCG HPM Presentation and came in the spotlight only by a comment of you on first mentioning one safety issue and much later mentioning several other safety issues.

You leave it up to other Dash community members to come up with alternative solutions that actually address those safety issues, that can not be fixed with a PoSe system and you only provide either that severly handicapped Platform on all nodes or two Platform start solutions that involve higher collateral (4K / 10K) and which leads to network centralization of Dash Platform.

This is not me against asking the network on how to proceed, this is me against you and perhaps previous CTO's of DCG, not having addressed or prioritzed the safety issues related to the start option of Platform on all nodes, which leaves the Platform on all nodes option severly handicapped !!
3 points,1 year ago
For those wondering what those safety issues are, with regards to starting Platform on all nodes :

Nodes could propose blocks, but not respond to queries : Pose helps a lot
Platform having a bug that could take down the Dash network : PoSe does not help, needs a different solution.
Not enough nodes with strong enough hardware to start Platform : PoSe helps a little, will most likely need a different solution as well
Sharding : PoSe required
Sharding security : PoSe does not help that much, will most likely need a different solution as well

So some of those safety issues require PoSe, some of those safety issues require something else. And i suspect it is currently the safety options that require something else, that currently handicap the Platform on all nodes option the most.
2 points,1 year ago
Qwizzie is 100% correct with the first statements. (They come from a forum message I wrote).
-1 point,1 year ago
I also feel you are putting the cart before the horse qwizzie. Although (in theory) DCG could design and build Proof of Service into Platform prior to launch, it would almost certainly need substantial adjustments in real life. And building it prior to release would be time consuming. Let's get Evolution Platform up and running and then we have all the time in the world to improve it. Proof of service will happen, the only question is the timing. In no way is DCG or any dev ignoring or poo pooing proof of service.

The Masternode network ran for _years_ without proof of service and worked fine. Now that we have added proof of service to the Masternode network, it's even better. It's the same plan, get it launched and working, and make it better and better. Same thing with sharding, almost certainly a useful tool on the Dash roadmap someday. Today is not that day. You have to walk before you can run. And certainly, you have to walk before you can launch a satellite into low Earth orbit. One thing at a time.

By the way, did I mention how wonderful it is to be back in the saddle and working for the Dash community again? I'm loving it. Let's get on with fixing money for the world and launch Web3 right.

2 points,1 year ago
I don't know how many times i need to repeat this, so here i go once more : safety issues that in my view have the most negative impact on starting Dash Platform on all nodes :

* Platform having a bug that could take down the Dash network
* Not enough nodes with strong enough hardware to start Platform

Those two safety issues can not be fixed with Proof of Service for Platform and need a solution outside Proof of Service for Platform. I want Sam to focus on those two safety issues and handle the rest of the safety issues after the launch of Dash platform.

I do think that Proof of Service for Platform has pretty much been an afterthought so far, that was put on the internal dev roadmap way too late .. but not much what can be done about that now.
-1 point,1 year ago
Reply for : * Platform having a bug that could take down the Dash network

If the whole network were to run Platform there is no way to section off Platform so the Core chain is immune, it just isn't possible. We already section ressources with Dashmate. However many I know will not use Dashmate to set up their node. And since we can't enforce people to run a node exactly how we would like it, there is no possible way to solve this if every node is running Platform and Core.

At the same time the Core payment chain would still continue on, just without chain locks and instant send locks... until it auto-repairs itself. This would be very bad as many exchanges require chain locks for deposits, but it would self heal over a relatively small time period (I'm guessing a week or so).

Running Platform on a section of the network is the only solution to this problem. However if you were to do so and maintain the 1000 Dash Collateral then there would be intense centralization issues where 1 or 2 entities could control way too much of the network.

The HPMN solutions with higher (4k or 10k) solve all these problems, and neither me nor others have found another solution that does.
3 points,1 year ago
I find it very difficult to accept that DCG setup a sidechain for Dash Platform that can only be started through centralized HPMN solutions, a sidechain that forces us to abandon the Platform on all nodes vision for Dash.

Something went very wrong during development, if that is the case.
1 point,1 year ago
This is the Dash Platform Vision, communicated to us early this year :

What remains of Dash Platform vision, if we only have centralized HPMN solutions available to us to start Dash Platform safely ?

Wil we still have Decentralized API ?
Will we still have Decentralized Queryable information ?
Will we still have State Information distributed on all nodes ?
Will we still have the option for anyone to query through any node at any time ?
2 points,1 year ago
The answer is that this will affect above severly, as we are effectively moving away from 1 large decentralized masternode group, to much smaller centralized masternode groups.
0 points,1 year ago
Will we still have Decentralized API ? YES
Will we still have Decentralized Queryable information ? YES
Will we still have State Information distributed on all nodes ? On all nodes running Platform.
Will we still have the option for anyone to query through any node at any time ? Any node running Platform.
1 point,1 year ago
"Any node running Platform" is the same "no, only nodes running Platform". You do not see how disingenuous that is.
2 points,1 year ago
''At the same time the Core payment chain would still continue on, just without chain locks and instant send locks... until it auto-repairs itself.''

Does this leave Dash also vulnerable to 51% attacks ? Untill it auto-repairs itself ?
1 point,1 year ago
Or maybe we should view all these safety issues as non issues, as Platform developers never discussed them, prioritzed them, developed solutions for them.

If that is the case, then please be honest about it.
0 points,1 year ago
Before I start responding, I would like to say for those reading that safety issues are issues that could stop Platform, not issues where funds could be stolen. Those I call security issues, and right now we are only talking about Platform potentially going down and Core chain locks stopping, not funds being stolen.

There are many factual errors in what you have written Qwizzie.

First we spent months discussing PoSe. So we did do something about PoSe. Second we do have a system inside of Platform where we only reward MNs that propose blocks, and this is a PoSe system, just not the one we would need to support every masternode running Platform.

I know what you are referring to, it is the fact that I said we don't have the initial robust PoSe that we had conceptualized. The only reason you know it can even exist is because I have said it is possible on the forum. To be clear, this is a feature that to the best of my knowledge has never been built before in any other crypto project.

As you said I've been CTO for a year (slightly more now). When I became CTO, I analyzed what still needed to be accomplished, what was essential, and what wasn't. For the robust game theory PoSe I realized that it would take our team *at least* 6 months just for that feature.

Me and the team see this feature as non essential for release. While we might have retained your support Qwizzie to develop it and delay another 6 months to a year, I believe we would have lost quite a lot of other MNOs.

These are difficult tradeoffs that I needed to make when prioritizing what was essential for our first release. I know some people will disagree with me, if you want you can propose next month a different approach for platform activation where we MUST include this feature. I do not think it would get much support, because the vast majority of MNOs don't want us to release the perfect system on day 1, but want us to release a very good system that we can iterate into that perfect system.
2 points,1 year ago
Maybe you overread this part of my previous comment, as you seem very focused on PoSe right now :

''So some of those safety issues require PoSe, some of those safety issues require something else. And i suspect it is currently the safety issues that require something else, that currently handicap the Platform on all nodes option the most.''

So what are the most critical safety issues that require something else then PoSe :

Platform having a bug that could take down the Dash network : PoSe does not help, needs a different solution.

Not enough nodes with strong enough hardware to start Platform : PoSe helps a little, will most likely need a different solution as well
2 points,1 year ago
That is what you should have been focused on, as CTO of DCG. As those safety issues seem to impact the Platform on all nodes option the most.

And yes, i do think a Platform PoSe system should have been put on the Platform devs internal roadmap way earlier then Jan-2022 and should have been in development by now.
-1 point,1 year ago
You do realize that putting this in either means delays or removing something else. Since you are so sure this is the right approach could you explain what you would remove?
2 points,1 year ago
I would have preferred that you and your team were more proactive and focused more on solving the two most important safety issues that currently handicap the Platform on all nodes option the most in my view :

* Platform having a bug that could take down the Dash network
* Not enough nodes with strong enough hardware to start Platform

Mitigate / fix those two safety issues. Right now it looks like you and your team (and maybe the previous CTO of DCG as well) avoid dealing with those two safety issues for some time now and started a discussion about it way too late.

If MNO's turn out to be voting for the Platform on all nodes option or downvote all available start options, due to these safety issues and worries about Platform centralization, you will be forced to deal with those two safety issues anyways.
2 points,1 year ago
To be clear, i view the 4K HPM / 10K HPM with their collateral increase as quick fix solutions, not as a solution that in any way benefits the Platform on all nodes option. I think more thought should be spend on fixing above mentioned safety issues for the Platform on all nodes option.
0 points,1 year ago
As I understand this response: you wouldn't remove anything that we have done, just add more work to do?

And move the base essential work till after the PoSe work?
1 point,1 year ago
It seems to me, Platform is consuming almost all of DCGs time and resources. Please confirm to what extent this is true.

DCG must pivot and get back to work on Dash the payment network. ALL work on Platform must be stopped, you can work on Platform in your own time.

I am tired of your double speak, driven by your single goal to gentrification the dash network. Let's compare what you said above to what you said on the dash forum...

"I would like to say for those reading that safety issues are issues that could stop Platform, not issues where funds could be stolen. Those I call security issues, and right now we are only talking about Platform potentially going down and Core chain locks stopping, not funds being stolen."

...compared to what you said on 9 Oct 2022...

"Let's imagine just for a second that Platform were to go down taking down all nodes with it. Chainlocks would fail, IS would fail, Coinbase would no longer process deposits... This could be catastrophic. Most blockchains have glitches when they are released. So if I just release and see and then something bad happens, pitchforks will be out. I am proposing a high value extremely low cost option that allows us to release with the utmost safety."

Such a contrast that in the above instance you can limit / play down the extent of damage, but on the dash forum you can paint a picture of catastrophic failure. Yes, "catastrophic" is the word YOU chose to use.

Given the lack of communication on these critical issues for the past 7+ years AND in your term for the past year, I can only determine that Platform is unfit for use and unable to scale without more centralization in the future.

PLATFORM IS A FAILURE and you should stop pushing your altcoin project onto the dash payment network when it is clearly incapable of providing the resources you seek and not inline with Dash's mission to be the best payment network.

The WHOLE point of having paid masternodes is that they can afford to cover costs and deliver a superior experience to the end users. Your altcoin project is so intensive / poor design that there is insufficient capability in the dash network to pay for the workload... unless you change the tokenonomics and make it a liability to Dash Core, the payments side.
2 points,1 year ago
I think there are ways to mitigate or fix above mentioned two safety issues that does not involve removing things.

* Locking collateral for certain time period to give DCG time to come up with something more future proof (most difficult solution to accept for MNO's)
* Finding a way to monitor and restart Platform quorums faster so there is less chance of Platform network breaking down
* Running something like Sentinel / Javascript on masternodes to detect the hardware that masternodes are running on and perhaps extend our current PoSe system to start punishing masternodes from a certain point in time that have too low Platform hardware requirements. You can then start Dash Platform when you have confirmation that most masternodes run on Platform required hardware.

Thats just top of my head. I am sure there are other solutions out there as well. Just to launch Dash Platform safely and protect Dash Platform during upgrades.

The rest of the safety issues can be addressed after launch of Dash Platform through your planned PoSe system for Platform.
-1 point,1 year ago
"* Locking collateral for certain time period to give DCG time to come up with something more future proof (most difficult solution to accept for MNO's)"
Can you explain how locking collateral would solve an issue?
"* Finding a way to monitor and restart Platform quorums faster so there is less chance of Platform network breaking down"
This is the game theory PoSe that we need. We have already mechanism that do as much as we can without it.
"* Running something like Sentinel / Javascript on masternodes to detect the hardware that masternodes are running on and perhaps extend our current PoSe system to start punishing masternodes from a certain point in time that have too low Platform hardware requirements. You can then start Dash Platform when you have confirmation that most masternodes run on Platform required hardware."
This is unprovable on the network, someone can just fork the software and remove this check. Might still be an okay idea, but it's not an actual solution.
1 point,1 year ago
With regards to timelocks on collateral, see :

''The point is, with timelocks, it's very unlikely that you'll ape in with all your nodes at the same time. If that's the case, then there's much less of a risk to the platform that huge amounts of nodes by one entity will suddenly drop off, or be upgraded at the same time. That's the main risk as I understand it, so, problem significantly mitigated.''

Not sure if this would work on the Platform on all nodes option though, maybe if the timelocks got randomized it would work ?

The goal : having less of a risk to the platform that huge amounts of nodes by one entity will suddenly drop off, or be upgraded at the same time. Maybe timelocks can help here somehow, in some way ?
1 point,1 year ago
Have you discussed these two safety issues with other developers ?
2 points,1 year ago
2022-10-09 : First time this was communicated to the dash community:

"Let's imagine just for a second that Platform were to go down taking down all nodes with it. Chainlocks would fail, IS would fail, Coinbase would no longer process deposits... This could be catastrophic. Most blockchains have glitches when they are released. So if I just release and see and then something bad happens, pitchforks will be out. I am proposing a high value extremely low cost option that allows us to release with the utmost safety."
1 point,1 year ago
Unfortunately, I disagree with your third statement.

>Third, can you explain how DCG could be acting in our self interest? DCG does better when the price of Dash does better. DCG does better when the network is happy. DCG and the masternode networks incentives are completely aligned.

The Dash price irrelevant to DCG, you just ask for more coin when prices are low, still not enough? You will propose to increase the DAO from 10% to 20% or higher. If indeed DCG's fate was more tightly coupled with the coins's like ours is, then I dare say different decisions would have been made to date.
1 point,1 year ago
We have a developer workforce trying to vastly improve our project. That costs money. I am also not sure if increasing DAO from 10% to 20% would actually pass.

In the end I strongly believe that if we start to lay off vital and well performing devs we are as good as dead. We are not there yet, and wont be for many more months. This proposal has been made so we never have to get to that.

From my side at least, also as a MNO, I don't see why DCG would not want the price to go up.
2 points,1 year ago
I want to tell you this straight. VERY FEW blockchain projects can claim to of had zero downtime / chain halts in 7+ years. There are a few OGs and dash is one of them.

I am NOT compromising this fact on the basis of your current proposal for starting Platform. Until someone can present a viable solution, it is going to be No from me all the way.

The second deal breaker, I will not accept the gentrification of the dash network. 1000 dash is already a high bar and I accept there are plenty of other projects with much higher requirements. People need to know we are opening up and in a process of de-collateralization. The tide is turning and we have too many dash humpbacks. We can't beat them by bluffing and raising the stakes. The reduction of the proposal fee was a good start, let's continue that path without all the scaremongering.

To all business developers (Ernesto & Co), there is more than 744 dash sitting on the table here. Give us the bizdev team we deserve and build our presence that the price of dash goes up and thus we can give Sam the extra talent he deserves.