Proposal “DCG-Infra-Dec-2022-Jan-2023“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group Infrastructure Dec 2022 - Jan 2023
Monthly amount: 459 DASH (10908 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 918 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-11-10 / 2023-01-09 (added on 2022-11-05)
Votes: 622 Yes / 90 No / 15 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Core Group November 26th Funding Proposals:

DCG is submitting 3 funding proposals for the budget cycle that pays out on December 26th:
1) DCG Compensation: 2,296 Dash per month (currently in month 3/3)
2) DCG Infrastructure: 459 Dash (currently in month 1/2)
3) DCG Supplemental: A supplemental proposal for any unclaimed proposal funding most likely will be submitted a week before the end of the budget cycle.

What does this specific proposal fund?

This multi-month proposal funds Dash Core Group's ongoing infrastructure and corporate software costs. We detail these costs in the following “Infrastructure Cost Details” section.

Infrastructure Cost Details

The tools and services to be covered by this proposal are critical for the DCG developers and other staff to work productively. It also includes hosting for externally-facing services including the website, forum, testnet, devnets, etc.
Our current infrastructure costs average $16,000/month - this includes infrastructure, software licenses, tools, and applications used by DCG. At the current exchange rate of $45 / Dash, all of our non-compensation funding needs to be used for infrastructure purposes. This means that if the price stays at current levels, we will only be submitting infrastructure proposals. Luckily, we have a small reserve in our legal, business development and marketing budgets, sufficient to “keep the lights on” in those units.

Funds requested for the following:
  • Cloud computing services (for hosting ~170 testnet and devnet servers, insight API, website, forum, etc.) with AWS and DigitalOcean. We currently have 2 devnets running using 18 nodes each.
  • Software development tools, licenses, and applications (including continuous integration builds).
  • Google Workspace (includes email hosting, calendar, document management, video conferencing, and a number of other productivity tools).
  • Security applications (password managers, VPN services, and custodial wallets)
  • Infrastructure monitoring tools.
  • Service desk licenses.
  • Accounting, finance, and expense reimbursement software subscriptions.
  • Video-conferencing services (Zoom).
  • Collaboration tools such as Atlassian and Slack that collectively constitute the DCG “workspace”.
  • HR systems, recruitment and interview tracking/feedback/collaboration tools, and recruitment sites (this has increased the monthly cost of operations, but will be reduced in the coming months).
  • Forum upgrades and maintenance done by third party freelancers.

The expenses for cloud computing instances constitute the largest portion of our infrastructure costs, at approximately $10,000 per month. This includes cloud computing services for Dash Platform’s presence on testnet and devnets for the platform and mobile team environments.
We continually review all of our infrastructure costs with the goal of only paying for what we need. Over the last 6 months, our infrastructure costs increased but more recently decreased:
  1. Increased and then decreased demand from Platform and Core teams for testnet and devnet servers (fluctuating demand until Platform mainnet)
  2. Expansion of the number of staff leads to an increase in tools and licensing costs (permanent increase)
  3. Implementation of recruitment tools and recruitment website subscriptions (temporary increase in costs)

Overall, we anticipate our infrastructure costs to continue to average in the $13,000 to $18,000 monthly range. Infrastructure team have recently undertaken cost reduction efforts as follows:
  1. Downgrade Google Workspace account tier from Enterprise to Business to save on license costs
  2. Implement ARM support for operating devnets and testnet, facilitating AWS cost savings
  3. Audit accounts and licenses to ensure only active users are paid for
  4. Shut down infrastructure related to deprecated services such as Dash Electrum and Dash Radar

If you have any questions, please direct them to @strophy or @quantumexplorer in this Dashcentral post to ensure we are notified of your request.
Requested funding is as follows for the December and January budget cycles:
  • 458.5 Dash for core team infrastructure ($20,630 USD @ $45 per Dash / month)
  •  0.5 Dash proposal reimbursement (per month)
Total: 459 Dash
Note: Should any funding remain, we will apply it toward future infrastructure expenses and related taxes.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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-1 point,1 year ago
And while we're talking about Dash electrum, what happened to DashNexus and DashWatch? What happened to all the proposals we used to have? Do you see why I predicted that this would happen? Jealousy from other communities lead to infiltration and attacks against our communities, along with censorship from Joel Valenzuela (over the discord) and his clique.

This is not how it would go if we were all equally invested in Dash's success and widespread adoption. This is how it would go if we had infiltrators VIRTUE SIGNALLING as being pro-Dash while working to destroy our network from within.
2 points,1 year ago
voting no until there is a commitment from DCG that platform will be uncensorable.
3 points,1 year ago
Why is a crypto project using something like (((Google)))?

Why is Dash Electrum deprecated??? Having a light wallet is fucking critical!
2 points,1 year ago
3d1409ae, what product would you recommend that DCG use if they stop using Google Workspace?

As explained by QE, Dash Electrum was a completely independent effort having nothing to do with DCG. The person responsible for running Electrum did some things that the majority of the MN community very much did not like so they were defunded. I appealed to several people to take it over, but they all had 27 other bigger commitments. Would you like to take it over?

finest regards,
plain old solarguy
2 points,1 year ago
> 3d1409ae, what product would you recommend that DCG use if they stop using Google Workspace?

Off the top of my head I would use Libre Office documents stored on a syncthing server. Syncthing is open source and can be installed on an old laptop for the main synchronization server.

> Would you like to take it over?

I'm likewise too busy, but will gladly vote for new Electrum proposals.
0 points,1 year ago
because resources have been centralized
0 points,1 year ago
That is exactly _not_ the reason. Electrum was completely an indy wallet project, and the dev got into a big shouting match with the MN community and he got defunded. Would you like to run it? There are funds available though Incubator.

just solarguy
-1 point,1 year ago
Actually the dev team of Dash Electrum is from Ukraine and introduced a simple donation option in Dash Electrum to help out with donations for Ukraine. For some reason that was resented by some Dash community members, who started a campaign to defund Dash Electrum. Not only did they succeed with defunding Dash Electrum, they also succeeded in killing it off completely.
-1 point,1 year ago
Once the defunding signals came in, the dev team of Dash Electrum started to put the spotlight on Russian war crimes occurring in the Ukraine, which excellerated the defunding.
-1 point,1 year ago
Makes me wonder what kind of influence Russian MNO's have in our Governance system and how this could effect censorship, if censorship is allowed on Dash Platform.
1 point,1 year ago
I think people just didn't want Dash to become political or part of the globohomo Ukraine agenda.
3 points,1 year ago
Dash Electrum was a non DCG product/wallet who's team got defunded by the network. We have been running servers for it as a service for the network and we will continue to do it for some time even though the product is not maintained. Other entities had talked about taking over the maintenance of Electrum but as far as I understand that never materialized. DCG offers a light client for iOS and Android and we do not have the capacity at the moment to take over the Electrum wallets. We will however keep the servers working while the client app works - to some degree. However if it stops working there is no point keeping servers up that cost money and don't offer any benefit to users.
2 points,1 year ago
Don't you feel the need to look for a new Electrum developer/team?
Shouldn't it be treated like an open, unoccupied position for which we should advertise a potential hiring for somebody who has 1) the proven experience and 2) after doing some due diligence on him?
So why don't you announce it in a corner of our homepage, we have between 80k-90k site visitors each month.

And btw, same goes for the CFO position after Glenn Austin left, if there is no proper candidate yet.
The team site on our homepage is still mentioning Glenn Austin. Who is gonna be his successor?
Are you even looking to replace him with somebody?
2 points,1 year ago
Have a look here in order to understand how much dash electrum development costs.

If you think DashElectrum should be continued, why dont you propose a bounty for it into the budget? If the electrum bounty proposal is voted up maybe competitive developers will appear and continue dash electrum's development.
1 point,1 year ago
If the electrum bounty proposal is not voted up by the masternodes but you still believe in it , then you should propose again by decreasing the bounty.

And if the electrum bounty proposal is voted up by the masternodes, but no competivive developers appear to do the job and receive the bounty, then you should ask for supplemantery bounty in order to attract developers.

It is all about a try and error method, at the cost of 1 dash that each proposal costs. Until voting the numbers into the budget is allowed.....( )
3 points,1 year ago
Dash Electrum was not a Dash Core Group product. This is to not say that we don't want it to succeed. However, we simply do not have enough developers to take this or any other defunded project in the future without increasing headcount. If I'm not mistaken they were 3 developers working on it. At Dash Core Group we have our hands full and are not in a position where we think it wise to increase headcount.

As for a CFO, other people have stepped up including myself and each taken a part of the responsibilities. While not ideal our main goal is to be in a healthy enough financial situation to endure this bear market responsibly without having to let go of key employees.
0 points,1 year ago
Who is responsible at DCG for marketing right now?
Do you even plan to hire somebody experienced, after Arden Goldstein left DCG a long time ago?
5 points,1 year ago
Ernesto Contreras is now heading growth, which includes marketing and partnerships.
He has got 9 years of full marketing experience in startups and corporations, including an MBA with focus on solutions marketing and working for a crypto unicorn. He did all of that before coming to DCG into the Business Development area.
We can already see the changes of Ernesto's impact on the improved social media results, improved communication with the community and other projects. Marketing also released a video today which is a positive sign of things to come.
0 points,1 year ago
Godspeed Ernesto. Dash needs good leaders (like Ryan Taylor was imo).
1 point,1 year ago
May I ask smth.
"Funds requested for the following: Video-conferencing services (Zoom)."

As far as I know, zoom videoconference is a free service, isnt it?
Also zoom has been accused of not respecting privacy and anonymity.

Why dont you use a free open source solution for that respects privaxcy for videoconference ? (ex. Jitsi meet)
2 points,1 year ago
We only use Zoom for public events, like the development update every two weeks. I believe the cost is around 25$/month I believe because of some business features they provide. While it is true we could potentially use a different free service if (strong if) they had the same features, the reliability of Zoom and the fact that we are used to it doesn't seem to warrant a change, especially since it's a very small expense and it's already being used only for public meetings, so privacy isn't a concern.
2 points,1 year ago
You may try the below, by sacrificing one of your 170 testnet/devnet servers