Proposal “DCG-COMP-JUL-SEPT22“ (Completed)Back

Title:Dash Core Group Compensation July-September
Monthly amount: 2296 DASH (54563 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 6888 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2022-06-12 / 2022-09-09 (added on 2022-06-07)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Dash Core Group June 26th Funding Proposals
DCG is submitting 2 funding proposals for the budget cycle that pays out June 26th:
1) DCG Compensation: 2,296 Dash per month (currently in month 1/3)
2) DCG Security Audit: 459 Dash (currently in month 1/1)

What does this specific proposal fund?
This proposal funds Dash Core Group's ongoing compensation costs - including all developers, administrative, business development/marketing, and support staff.  This is a multi-month proposal that will cover compensation for July through September. 

What is the proposal funding?
As of May 31st, 2022, DCG has 43 paid staff associated with the project. In addition, we have 2 volunteers who have decided to work for no compensation.

Our run-rate in July will be $270,000. With the current proposals, we are asking for total funding of $135,500 per month. If this proposal passes, we will be consuming roughly $134,500 from our reserve per month. Our compensation reserve as of May 31st stands at 7.5 months of compensation reserve. We built up reserves for the exact situation we find ourselves in today, where our compensation run-rate is higher than our compensation related revenue, due to a decline in the price of Dash.  Assuming a price of $59 for the balance of the year, we can continue to operate with no changes to our compensation structure and still sit on a 6 month reserve at the end of September 2022.   

Over the past several months we have significantly reduced our compensation run-rate by not replacing staff that have left the project. In addition, we have closed all of our open positions with the exception of an on-going, high priority, search for a technical writer.  The role of the technical writer will be to help improve documentation, especially as it relates to Dash Platform.

To date, Dash Core Group has evolved into a technical focused team, with 90% of our compensation going into the technical side of the organization and only 5 people out of 45 in the non technical area (CFO, HR, Head of BD, BD manager, and communications manager), and our growth strategy has thus shifted as well.

We have provided an updated organizational chart at the end of this post.

If you have any questions, please direct them to @glennaustin at dashcentral to ensure we are notified of your request.

Requested funding is as follows for the July through September budget cycles:
  • 2,294.34 Dash for core team compensation per month ($135,500 USD @ $59 per Dash)
  • 1.66 Dash / per month proposal reimbursement 
Total: 2,296 Dash per month

Note: Should any funding remain, we will apply it toward future compensation expenses and any related taxes.

Appendix 1: Organizational Chart

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,2 years ago
M.N. to support the Dash Development Team.
1 point,2 years ago
We are only 5 days away from the voting deadline, with an extreme LOW in voting participation, and the main two DCG proposals still need nearly 300 upvotes to get funding.
Can somebody please RING THE ALARM BELLS on all our Socials (Discord, Telegram, Twitter, Reddit, Signal etc.) to urge the masternodes to vote and soon?
In a couple of days it may be too late ! Is DCG sleeping? Time to take action is now !!!!
0 points,2 years ago
Whale voters have been waiting til last minute to vote the last few cycles, into funding now, should see the other DCG POs pushed into funding as well.
1 point,2 years ago
You are right!! It has now been shared on Twitter, Reddit, Discord and TG!

If everyone here could also share on different socials, that will be good
0 points,2 years ago
Voting yes. A slam dunk yes in fact. As a strong proponent of free speech, I encourage all the MN to express their opinion (however goofy) on proposals. I am expressing my personal opinion and I am not speaking for the Trust Protectors in any official or unofficial capacity. Carry on.
7 points,2 years ago
> If you have any questions, please direct them to @glennaustin at dashcentral to ensure we are notified of your request.

A few days ago I did email Glenn asking him if he wouldn't mind posting DCG's quarterly financial report to the forum since we are no longer having quarterly calls, predictably, I've gotten no reply. For this and other reasons, I will continue to vote NO on the compensation proposals. Cheers.
5 points,2 years ago
DCG Q1 Financials (balance sheet and income statement) posted in this link:
9 points,2 years ago
Who do You think You are ??
If you get a question from an MNO, fucking ANSWER or GET REPLACED by someone who is not too retarded to respond.
More and more i have the impression, what Dash really needs is a TOTAL CLEANSING of its upper echelons!
5 points,2 years ago
Looks like the Dash Central exploit is back to bite us.. where one person with lots of registered Dash Central accounts is massively upvoting their own comments and massively downvoting other comments (like that of quantum explorer)

@Gonzo : Who do you think you are behaving is such an extremely rude and offensive way ??
quantumexplorer (CTO of Dash Core Group) already explained why glenn has not been responding and he promised to post the DCG quarterly financial report to the forum next week so get from your high horse and stop absing the comment upvote/downvote exploit like this, it is appalling behavior.
3 points,2 years ago
It is also a bit pathetic to be honest, using that mass upvote and that mass downvote exploit less then 2 hours after posting your comment. If you want to make something really unbelieveable, thats the way to do it.
-9 points,2 years ago
Glenn is at the Consensus conference this week. We'll get those posted next week.