Proposal “DASH_in_500_stores_in_Portugal“ (Closed)Back

Title:!!PLEASE DOWNVOTE!! - Escrow being arranged with Dash Core (DASH is the first cryptocurrency to land into Portuguese in-store payments (500 locations))
Monthly amount: 156 DASH (4236 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-01-17 / 2018-04-17 (added on 2018-01-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 179 Yes / 454 No / 39 Abstain

Proposal description

Jan, 25th, 2018 - Hi everybody, we're pleased to announce we're in setting up the escrow final arrangements with Dash Core. It's finally great news for us and for everybody as well, I believe. Due to the obvious time shortness for the current period we will be placing the proposal for the next voting period. Thanks Dash Core for the support and thanks for the community on the messages below on the proposal. Please, don't forget to DOWNVOTE!!

VIDEO UPDATE on Escrow status, company & project below - Jan 22nd

(you can check the pre-budget discussion here:


Our goal is to present DASH as the first Cryptocurrency to land in Portugal supported by a “real economy” strategy. At the end of the project, the Portuguese market will get to know DASH as the first mover Cryptocurrency in their homeland, allowing 500 real stores to sell in DASH currency, on face-to-face transactions. At the same time and upholding this considerable innovation project, a broad marketing campaign will be held (TV interviews, news, blogs, fintech sites, banking, social media and other Media channels) in order to present the project concept and bring DASH as one of top of the mind Cryptocurrencies in Portugal. Portugal is a perfect market to launch such a project, as the “new economy” is the most widespread expression nowadays with intense support from the local government as the two last world Websummit have recently proved.

Our wish is to establish and sustain a long-term partnership, continue to distribute and spread the Dash brand and we would be honored to be an enduring ambassador of Dash in the local market.

About our company:

The company offers an extremely innovative solution to any offline merchant. Using Parcela Ja “Point-of-Sale” terminals, merchants have the option to offer payments for their products and services from 2 to 12 installments, free of interest to their end customer while paying with Visa or Mastercard. There is a full explanation with a short video on how our unique system works on our website. We've made our first transaction in June 2017 and we've reached until now 103 stores as customers. We've recently strike a new deal for 300 new customers on a store chain.
As a company we are willing to create market disruption when it comes to payments.
Our mission is to expand and enhance the traditional buying solutions offered to consumers by giving them more convenient purchase options.

About Miguel Quintas:

Parcela Já Co-Founder and Managing Director, Miguel Quintas, is the typical entrepreneur willing to take any project up to the next level. Drive is his main asset and he’s surely willing to take any new challenging project, particularly when combining new ideas and technology and web solutions with the real economy, like the current proposal. He has 7 start-up’s in his curriculum, out of which 2 have failed, 3 are running on green numbers and 2 are making their way for the last two years (out of this last two, one is Parcela Já). Most of his Start-up’s have been and are funded by himself. Nevertheless, he uses to say “thank God I went bankrupt on my first Start-Up!”. He also has a multinational background on Mars Inc, General Motors and Amadeus (Travel IT Company), being the West Europe, Middle East and Africa Regional Manager on IT Consulting Services, on the latest one.

What are we proposing to do:

Deploy 500 instore (Travel Agencies, Computer Stores, Optical Stores, Perfumeries, Auto Repair Shops and others) POS terminals with DASH payment functionality and vastly advertise the nationwide achievement (an interesting bulk of 500 merchants) in the Portuguese media. The achievement can also be used for worldwide advertising/news for DASH, if the community has an interest in doing so.

To achieve our goal we will also need to develop and integrate specific software for our POS terminals, server and website, as explained further in this proposal.

Motivation and background:

Because we have an innovative solution, and because we have innovation in our DNA, we want to bring Dash as form of payment into our POS terminals as well. Also, we believe DASH is the right partner because it is committed to low interchange fees, instant payments and the right governance model to keep investing in its own future as a wining solution for Cryptocurrencies. On top of it, we also believe there is a huge opportunity in being the first mover in the Portuguese Market when it comes to have DASH as the biggest Cryptocurrency top-of-mind recognition for the country. Therefore we’re offering a three-in-a-whole solution:

- Increase DASH brand awareness in Portugal and set foot to become the mostly known Cryptocurrency in the market;

- Keep Parcela Já market innovation statement by being the first Portuguese POS terminal to offer a Cryptocurrency payment in the country in several type of stores (apart from the current instalment payment plans);

- Increase Parcela Já POS terminals penetration with the help of DASH (leverage brand recognition and financing support).

We will, of course, use exclusivity for DASH in our POS terminals.

We also believe 500 stores is a perfectly achievable goal as recently we’ve closed a deal with a 300 Travel Agencies consortia (Airmet Portugal) to deploy our terminals in their stores. For future memory, Airmet is also present in Spain (around 800 Travel Agencies) and Brasil (around 100). Within the next three months we are expecting to close extra 100 merchants.

Benefits to DASH:

- First worldwide market to accept instore DASH payments on a “light bulk” basis;

- Broad Portuguese market (and international?) awareness on DASH Cryptocurrency (from all society sectors – economy, social and political);

- 10 million people market acknowledging DASH has the main Cryptocurrency in the real economy. And a 22 million tourists coming every year might also be a leverage;

- Enhance DASH merchant worldwide figures with 500 new merchants (to be listed in DiscoverDash and on Parcela Já website);

- First mover advantage over other Cryptocurrencies in Portugal

- Possibility to increase Portuguese market penetration up to 30.000 POS’s if current project is successful (10% of the Portuguese market)

- Chance to replicate the model on a European basis;

- We will work closely with DASH to develop and execute a successful DASH branding strategy for advertising, events, videos and any other content.

- DASH Cryptocurrency as an exclusive for the POS terminals

High level scope:

The following are the project activities we will undertake:

1. Hardware: We will need to replace our current POS terminal for new ones with a wider screen for a clear end user DASH information and QR coding purposes. This solution will also enhance the end customer purchase experience while using cryptocurrency payment.

2. Installation: We will subcontract our current hardware installation team to deploy the new POS terminals in each contracted merchant

3. Software development:

a) Transactional software: We will need to develop new functionalities, interfaces and integrations to accept DASH as a payment and convert it to Euros (please refer to the project development below);
b) POS software: The new POS terminal will have to have a specific in built software to run our new application
c) “Parcela Já” website enhancement for end customers login: To be contracted to our current website developer. It will include a front-end interface for our customers to login and check/control on their DASH payments with the following features:
c) 1. Purchase date; Store name; Product (if available); Value; Dash exchange rate; Number of installments paid (if available/used); Number of installments left (if available/used).
c) 2. End user interface structure allowing different users to view and or modify their personal data.

4. Marketing and Advertising: A specific and already identified Portuguese lobbying, communication and advertising company should be hired in order to make sure we will be in all media (TV, TV interviews, news, blogs, fintech sites, banking, social media and other media channels) presenting our most innovative solution.
Instore deliverables and advertising has also to be produced and delivered (flyers, stickers, price tags) in order to deeply activate the service and DASH brand.
We will also hire “500 days” of instore trained stewardesses with a personalized uniform to generate customer awareness when entering any different “DASH store” and offer tailored assistance about DASH and the payment system.

We are happy and willing to work with the DASH team on this particular and sensitive subject, to make sure we deliver the expected return.

Detailed Software Project Development (Server and POS Terminal): 

Funding Breakdown per item (considering 1 DASH = 1 030,00 USD):

a) Hardware - (163 680,00 USD) - 159 DASH
- 550 hundred locally certified terminals at $237,60 each. Includes 10% of POS stock for emergency purposes - $ 130 680
- 500 instore installations at $66 each. Includes the removal of our current 103 POS terminals - $ 33 000

b) Software: (49 900,00 USD) - 48 DASH
Transactional software (Server): ~360hrs/month @ 52,5$/hr = 18 900,00 USD
2. Built in application (POS Terminal): ~160hrs/month @ 37,5$/hr = 6 000,00 USD
3. Current website enhancement (subcontracted to our current provider): 25 000,00 USD

c) Communication & Marketing plan - (227 000,00 USD) - 220 DASH
1. Hiring a local Advertising and Communication company: in order to leverage the marketing investment and take it to a national level. The following are the channels we need to hit: 132 000,00 USD
. Events: Public speaking and networking at events.
· Documentation: Information to be shared with the media and end customers
· Advertising & Publications: Information published with wide distribution such as media news, blogs, web pages, newspapers (on and offline), magazines and TV news and interviews.
· Graphics: Production of standard company brand aligned with DASH.
· Audio: Radio interviews
· Video: Video such as film or streaming video to distribute via website or on the Youtube channel
· Social Media & Digital Communities: Digital tools for communicating, sharing and producing content.
2. Instore deliverables and advertising for 500 stores (flyers, stickers, price tags): 25 000,00 USD
3. 500 days of instore stewardess/promoters (training included and uniforms): 70 000,00 USD

We are eager to work and share with DASH team all information in order to get the best outcome from the communication and marketing plan.

d) Project Management (6 000,00 USD) - 6 DASH
· Recruiting/hiring
· Managing the project’s staff
· Ensuring all work will be delivered according to the set dates and reporting to masternodes and DASH community

SUB-TOTAL: (446 580,00 USD) - 434 DASH

e) Unpredicted Expenses & proposal reimbursement (34 DASH)

· Reimbursement for proposal work – 5 DASH
· Small unforeseen expenses (redesigns, extra development for unforeseen features, etc.) – 7 DASH
· Covering DASH fluctuation price/slippage/volatility (5% of 434 DASH) – 22 DASH


Deliverables, monthly funding & schedule:

1st month:

1. Software development (POS & Server) – 13 740,00 USD
2. Software development (website):
a. Specifications
b. Contract signing (50% upfront – 12 500,00 USD)
3. Setup the communication & advertising strategy
4. Instore deliveries design and contract (50% upfront – 12 500,00 USD)
5. Place hardware/POS order (50% upfront – 65 340,00 USD
6. Project management (2 000,00 USD)
7. Unpredicted Expenses – 11 DASH

Funding needs: 106 080 USD + 11 DASH = 114 DASH

2nd month:

1. Software development delivery (POS & Internal) – 12 460 USD
2. Hardware/POS remaining payment & setup - (remaining 50% payment – 65 340,00 USD)
3. Marketing:
a) Engage into contract with media/advertising company
b) Preparing marketing campaign
c) Media/advertising company contract signing (50% upfront - 66 000,00 USD)
d) Recruiting hardware installation team
e) Recruiting/training Hostesses for the "500 days" campaign (50% upfront - 35 000,00 USD)

4. Project management (2 000,00 USD)
5. Unpredicted Expenses - 11 DASH

Funding needs: 180 800,00 USD + 11 DASH = 186 DASH

3rd month:

Marketing and advertising campaign in the air at months end

1. Hardware setup & instore deployment - (instore installation – 33 000,00 USD)
2. Software development (website):
a. Delivery (remaining 50% – 12 500,00 USD)

3. Marketing:
a) Fine tuning marketing campaign
b) Media/advertising company on the air (remaining 50% - 66 000,00 USD)
c) Instore deliveries design and contract (remaining 50% – 12 500,00 USD)
d) “500 days” hostesses campaign (remaining 50% – 35 000,00 USD)

4. Project management (2 000,00 USD)
5. Unpredicted Expenses – 12 DASH

Funding needs: 161 000,00 USD + 12 DASH = 168 DASH


We are requesting a monthly payment of 156 DASH for three months on a grand total of 468 DASH.

In case of DASH price volatility comes to a shortfall we will be needing/requesting for extra funding. If the price brings excess payment, we would like you to consider us to expand the project regarding marketing or the number of stores to be deployed within this project.

We will use an escrow service.

If the project is successful we would like also you to consider the possibility of bringing it to a whole new level, increasing the presence up to 30.000 stores (10% of the Portuguese market) in the following months.

Project milestones control:

We will set ourselves at your full request in terms of reporting on the project development. Nevertheless we commit to publicly present, on a monthly basis (minimum) the project status. We believe control is an asset for the community and the credibility of any current and future project.

We also hope you believe the project brings lots of extra value for the “DASH world”. We are keen to clarify any question you may have or incorporate suggestions and adjustments. Feedback is extremely welcome. Thank you very much.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
MNO, Sydney. Australia.
This proposal looks to not be going through.
I hope things go better next time :-)
0 points,6 years ago
It will, for sure! Thanks Criticalinput.
1 point,6 years ago
Downvoted as requested in budget proposal description. Good luck with your next budget propoal, which will have escrow arrangements in place with Dash Core.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks qwizzie. Whishing the project goes through next period!
0 points,6 years ago
Escrow or no escrow, this proposal isnt getting approved...
Should start with no more than 50 dash and show results..
-1 point,6 years ago
After watching your video update i decided to support your proposal. Eventhough you have not yet obtained escrow yey i do think the necessary steps were made to obtain it soon and also enough information about your company has been provided that i feel i can vote in a positive way.

With regards to using escrow payments in our budget proposals i do want to state that it is an optional part in our budget proposal system, an optional part that not every new budget proposal owner is aware of. So instead of blaming new budget owners for not implementing some form of escrow in their budget proposal i think it is more fair to address this in our budget proposal system itself. Make sure new budget proposal owners get informed about how to implement escrow into their budget proposal from the start.
-1 point,6 years ago
Hi qwizzie, thanks for your message and support. Just a quick remark, although is optional we agree is important for such project to use escrow with the Core. We're feeling more comfortable regarding community acceptance for this potential project and also future ones. And I believe masternodes will also feel more comfortable with such decision as per comments below. Brgds, MQ
0 points,6 years ago
This project does nothing that evolution would not solve on day 1..No escrow for a first timer, poor planning, no experience. They are hiring third parties to do this work and making a fat fee themselves.

The whole project document just lists expense after expense, there is no explanation of any benefits to dash..

Complete waste of money.. The project is totally substandard and doesnt deserve funding at this stage.

This project should not be funded without being thoroughly vetted.
1 point,6 years ago
500 dash just to potentially get some merchants with no concrete informaton my vote NO!
-2 points,6 years ago
Hi Realmrhack, Actually we do have 415 stores and counting. If you read the proposal: "we've reached until now 103 stores as customers. We've recently strike a new deal for 300 new customers on a store chain". You can always vote no, that's ok. But there is no misinformation on the proposal. It's not a potential. It's real. And an opportunity to everybody. Sorry.
0 points,6 years ago
"We will use an escrow service."
Can coingun/greencandle confirm this is acutally happening?
0 points,6 years ago
Hi kbu66, yes they can confirm I've requested support. I believe they might be busy because I've already received a first reply and answered. In case you can help us in any way I would very much appreciate as I also believe the community will feel much more confortable with an escrow (despite the interest the project might generate). Also requested help to Central. Like mentioned in other replies, we're perfectly ok with the escrow. Just need to have some help to move on. Thanks for asking for clarification.
0 points,6 years ago
What will be the fee on Dash POS transactions? Who will pay that fee? Merchant or user? What is the incentive for people to use Dash in the stores that will have the POS solution? Any discounts?

Also need escrowed goals and milestones.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi ichigo13, In our business model the store bears the payments transactions costs (our standard pricing is 1% plus a flat minimum fee of 0,20€ for any card payment). For the end customer the price has to be transparent. Legally, in Portugal, stores are not allowed to charge extra fees for payments. The end customer incentive is to have 500 physical stores where they can now spend their money. And for DASH is the generated awareness this unique selling proposition is bringing to the market as the first cryptocurrency to be used in Portugal for payments. Having an incentive to use DASH is a great idea, but we would like to consider it in a later stage after deploying the infrastructure (the higher the number of shops using it, the higher attention we get from the public and media).
Regarding escrow, we've requested support to Green Candle and Central and are waiting for replies. I'm hoping to give an update on this ASAP. Sorry for that.
0 points,6 years ago
*spend DASH money, of course!
0 points,6 years ago
Were you able to get escrow with Green Candle?
0 points,6 years ago
Hi TanteStefana, I've already established contact with Jeff Smith from Green Candle to sort this out. Hope to solve this issue ASAP. I'll be keeping the community posted. Thanks for you message.
3 points,6 years ago
I like the proposal, but will be voting no until there is some clarification on Escrow.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi name3, thanks for the message. I'm working on that. We also want to sort this out ASAP. Thanks. Miguel
1 point,6 years ago
sounds great , voting yes
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks dashmaximalist! :)
0 points,6 years ago
Project doesnt seem to have a reasonable chance of success. Reading from the proposal, team sounds clueless.

Are you open to starting smaller first and proving yourselves before asking for such a large amount?
0 points,6 years ago
"Project doesnt seem to have a reasonable chance of success. Reading from the proposal, team sounds clueless."

Commenter seems utterly clueless.

Really. Can you be more unconstructive? I spend days picking through these proposals and they comments are cluttered up with people that have no clue how to communicate in a way that doesn't just end up being an insult. Gah. Fed up. Grow up UnDash63

Proposal owner: Ignore folks like this. Waste of your frickin' time. Though, of course, you responded like an adult. So, kudos.

1 point,6 years ago
Thanks for your words pn0.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Undash63, thanks for you message. We believe if we start with a small operation we will not get sufficient market, advertising & PR traction we need to promote and generate the right awareness Dash deserves. 500 locations is the minimum we believe is needed to generate huge buzz.
Regarding your opinion about our team I'm sorry you feel that way and I can only assure you (and the community) we keep up to our promises.
-1 point,6 years ago
Team credentials are very weak..

Without any track record with the community, asking for $400,000 without escrow is wrong. You have no demonstrated experience of doing this before and listing expenses is not a plan..

This is one of the problems with new proposal owners, they want to start right at the top without first winning the trust of the community with a small project..

You should start with asking 50-60 dash first and prove yourself before making such demands..
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Undash63, I got your point. Like I mentioned, if the project goes forward we will not let you down. Regarding the escrow we're working it. For everyones sake I hope to give the community an update ASAP. That's my will. Thanks again. Miguel
1 point,6 years ago
"We can use an escrow service at your will."
This should be included in proposal, and I will vote Yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks CRServers. We will definitively use the escrow service (We've already contacted Green Candle) but haven't contacted the Core yet. Will do so.
0 points,6 years ago
(just updated the proposal)
-1 point,6 years ago
Poorly drafted proposal, lacks clarity. First timer, no escrow.. Too expensive..

Doesn't inspire confidence. Voting NO.
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Wixamlee, thanks for the comment. I believe it might be important to clarify we've contacted Green Candle and Fernando to start escrow arrangements. You can also check we've mentioned we will use escrow arrangements both on the proposal under the 'Terms' chapter or in the previous message. Thanks again.