Proposal “DASH_Embassy_D-A-CH_Q1_18“ (Completed)Back

Title:DASH Embassy D-A-CH Q1/2018
One-time payment: 207 DASH (4919 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 207 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-12-18 / 2018-01-17 (added on 2017-12-22)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description


What is the DASH Embassy D-A-CH?

It´s a new kind of Dash DAO, which is acting like a professional marketing and service agency for Dash. The goal is to increase the acceptance of Dash as a means of payment. The term D-A-CH (D = Germany, A= Austria, CH = Switzerland) means, that we are acting in german speaking countries. But the idea is to create a kind of a open source company, that can also be used in other countries and languages by other DASH people by using our toolset (website, marketing materials, e-learning tool, …).

Who are we?

@essra - 
@simontheravager -
@macrochip -
@martin -
@TheSup -

What will we do to reach our goals?


We will spread information about Dash and its advantages compared to other cryptocurrencies and our FIAT money system in German speaking countries through

  • PR in specialized press, trade press, daily and weekly press
    We will do this with a professional PR-agency based in Hamburg

  • Events like MPE, dmexco, crypto finance conference, euro finance tech,... will help us to do this as efficient as possible.

By doing so we will get the attention of our target groups (early adopter from trade, gastronomy, finance, politics, decision makers). They will be interested in Dash so we can create the desire of a better world that can be satisfied by an action our target groups can take on their own: accepting Dash as a means of payment in their businesses and daily lives.

The only thing we need to do to help them with this is...


Therefore we will offer services like

  • E-Learning Tool for ambassadors by
    People who want to help educating people about Dash, need to be trained before, so we can make sure that everybody talking about Dash as an “Official Dash Ambassador” is spreading the truth.

  • University Ambassador network
    20 cities, 20 universities, 20 Dash Ambassadors doing presentations and workshops on a monthly base by using official Dash presentations and marketing materials. We are working on a best practice for this here:

  • Webinar (weekly base) including Crash Course and Merchant Classes

Once people are well educated about our money system and the possibilities Dash has to offer they may take the next step, which is called...


To help them with this we will provide a

  • Merchant Support Center, which will help merchants with the integration via Live Chat, on the phone, via shared screen or if necessary in person


All this needs a home. This is why we will setup a Dash Embassy Website including the following pages

  • Dash (general information)
  • Embassy (info and team)
  • Projects (blog about everything we do)
  • Events (schedule and registration)
  • Support (information livechat and contact form)
  • FAQ (everything people will ask us answered)

DAO Structure and Team

The legal structure of this DAO has yet to be cleared by our tax accountants and lawyers to provide maximum ownership of it by the DASH masternodes network. It will be a vivid and long-term development.

We will start with a five divisions structure to provide a high grade of decentralized and focused work via microsoft teams, officer planner and discord.

These are our divisions and division leaders:

Marketing and Information (MID) – DL: essra
Budget, Administration and Law (BALD) – DL: simontheravager
Website, Newsletter and Social Media (WNSD) - DL: Thesup
Integration and Support (ISD) – DL: macrochip
Education (ED) – DL: Martin

We will constantly add contractors from the D-A-CH region to fulfill our growing needs of the DAO and provide maximum outreach.


Dash Watch will have access to the collaboration and project management tools we are using, so they can help us to keep you updated all the time.


The timings aren´t finished yet, because we are waiting for some external information and timings might change over time, but this will give you a first overview:


We will be in contact with Core (tungfa, robert wiecko, codablock,) to receive updates and support for the tasks we are working on (CI, CD, POS integration, ...) and will keep Dash Force News updated all the time.


Total funding amount calculated for 3 months from January to March 2018:

MID: 100.866,32 USD
BALD: 43.652,51 USD
WNSD: 57.479,16 USD
ISD: 1.184,60 USD
ED: 3.553,80 USD

Total: 206.736,39 USD
at a DASH Price of 1023 USD on 22nd of DEC 2017 @ 17:39 it´s 202 DASH + 5 DASH Proposal fee.

If Dash price increases, we will go on with our work for more than 3 month. If the prices goes down we will ask for another funding earlier.

Further detailed information about the monthly funding will be provided by us in the next weeks via an accounting link and reports written by DASH Watch as we will provide maximum transparency of our costs structure to the masternodes.

For this reason we ask you masternodes to fund the idea of a new third DASH DAO, the DASH Embassy (D-A-CH).

If you haven´t done it already, please watch the proposal video:

We hope for your vote,
The Dash Embassy D-A-CH Team

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Our first reporting:
0 points,6 years ago
our public accounting:
0 points,6 years ago
our public calendar:
0 points,6 years ago
I like your work! One point: it's mostly focused on germany and my experience in digital marketing let me known that you should have agencys who known the swiss and austria market.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello Shenzen,

simontheravager is from austria. He is already talking to potential partners there, so don´t worry, we will build this up step by step and work with people who know their markets.

Thank you,
0 points,6 years ago
At first I was kind of mad, because I'm working on something similar here in Berlin (but it still takes some time). But this "anger" turned into excitement once I realized, that I will get to see something big (finally) happening in Germany.

[Although I think that talking with state officials is a waste of time, I understand your point of view.]

Voted Yes.

Hol sie dir Essra :)
0 points,6 years ago
Hello AnCapitol, you are totally welcome to join us on discord. Let´s see if we can work together. Just ping me in Dash Nation "dn_deutsch". Because I haven´t seen you there before:
1 point,6 years ago
I like the commitment from MNO's and community participants. I'll tilt YES on that.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for your support, c3works
4 points,6 years ago
This is the kind of breakdown proposals need to go through. The standards have been raised already. A yes from me.
0 points,6 years ago
We´ll try to reach the next level. Thank you, ichigo13
1 point,6 years ago
Dash, it has to grow in Europe, it's totally unknown.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland, are the most industrialized countries, it is not an option for Dash, to dispense with a team that would be the first European division of Dash (through a DAO) at the heart of European industry and finance.

Having native support in the German language, we would approach 3 highly industrialized countries, and with a higher technological level in their companies.

With @essra I have had the opportunity to make feedback to his proposals, by chat, and by the proposals and he has a great motivation in Dash, as we have seen in his proposals.

We must promote Dash in Europe, where Bitcoin has the hegemony.

However the hardest work would be to grow the use of Dash B2B, which is where it is really highly competitive, and I have not seen this line described in the actions of the future European / German DAO.

Any comment about it?

Thank you very much for the proposal. It is the proposal that can contribute more to Dash for 2018 at the infrastructure level (DAO).
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the motivating words. B2B is a very important field, but first we will concentrate on B2C. As more and more merchants, vendors and corps get their sales payed by DASH, they will naturally start to think why not paying their purchases in DASH too. Thus if we can attract a growing number of costumers to use DASH, businesses will automatically think of adopting it also for other needs of their daily businesses.
0 points,6 years ago
This is the type of regional outreach and organization Dash needs to gain and support the massive influx of users we expect. This is a solid, capable team and can pull this off.
Voting Yes.
0 points,6 years ago
thank you for your assesment. we won´t disappoint you.
0 points,6 years ago
Worth a shot. Yes
0 points,6 years ago
we will give our best
0 points,6 years ago
Good one Essra / Jan
we had a couple of calls about this , and yes I think this is a great idea. German speaking market is important and as Swiss, Austria, Germany are doing a lot in the crypto sphere we as Dash have to be part of it with a trusted local team - essra is that guy and I totally trust and support this (will see him in Hamburg (again) soon)
0 points,6 years ago
thankds for your trust and praise, tungfa. we will push the revolution as far as we can
5 points,6 years ago
Hi, as a long time member of the German speaking Dash community I strongly support this proposal. I know everyone involved either in person or online and I welcome the Dash infrastructure this team would provide. Please also check Codablocks long comment, as I completely agree. Voted JA.
2 points,6 years ago
We are glad about your support! Thanks.
2 points,6 years ago
Great opportunity to grow the Dash Nation in Germany. Yes!
1 point,6 years ago
Potentially you can do your awesome Dashy Blockchain Christmas song for us in Deutsch? ^^
1 point,6 years ago
LOL. How about Silent Night? I heard that was originally written in German...
1 point,6 years ago
Haha would be awesome
2 points,6 years ago
I had a call with Essra where he basically presented the same to me before he put up this proposal. It was however a longer version of the presentation and we also had some chat about the meaning of everything.

This is how I understood him and his plans: He wants to create a DAO for the German speaking regions. The DAO is meant to be independent from Core, but still working together as much as needed (e.g. timing things, ...). The target of the DAO is to build up trust in Dash and drive adoption forward for German speaking businesses.

Why is this needed? Because the Germans don't trust in anything that is new and has no "real" persons behind. For Germans, a DAO is something so far away and untouchable that they simply ignore it's existence forever. That's what they do with everything, until it's too late for them to catch up.

The Germans need "faces" to recognize and accept the existence of something. That's why we need a DAO that fully concentrates on the German speaking regions. Businesses must know whom to call when a node crashes. Germans need someone else to tell them what's the best strategy for integration and adoption, because they love giving away the responsibility of the possible complications and failures that may happen. We have to send out people to these businesses, people that are recognized as experts. We can't educate them from the inside, because the decision makers inside these businesses will not recognize their own people as experts just because they found something on Google or Reddit. They only recognize someone as an expert if someone else recognizes these as experts (e.g. because they were hired as experts).

Another problem with German businesses is the language barrier. You may perceive we Germans are good in English, because you see us all over the internet writing and maybe even speaking in English. But that's a minority, these are just the few people you can see. Most struggle hard with English. They'll always prefer German speaking partners, consultants, and so on.

These are at least my personal observation from the many years of freelancing and consulting I did. Can't speak for the Austrians/Swiss businesses, but I assume they are comparable.

So, what I'm trying to say: We need a DAO in the D-A-CH region! And I see @essra's proposal as just being the first step to finally tackle this. I perceived him as someone who really loves Dash, with huge plans and who really wants to see the success of Dash. I've read some criticism here about his proposal being a little bit unstructured and unclear. Give him a chance to evolve, ask him questions, let him explain. It'll give a better picture in the end and maybe you'll then agree with me that the amount of Dash he asks for is worth the risk.
0 points,6 years ago
Awesome to see this huge support from DASH Core members. Thank you very much. We want to achieve maximum transparency and reporting standards with DASH Watch together.
-5 points,6 years ago
codablock and fellow mno, let me start by saying we are all on the same team. I want the best for Dash and I honestly believe everyone here does the same. I agree this is a good idea, that whoever is involved "really wants to see the success of Dash", that there's a need for this team, that content in German is essential and so on. I would also like to have all of this working and I also agree that we need to start somewhere.

However, I am voting no this proposal. Let me explain 4 reasons why:

1) No contract and no escrow. I cannot in good consciousness vote to give $200,000 without a guarantee (Charlie's card, anyone?). Solution: get a contract going between those 4-5 people and the core team, then escrow this proposal. Getting a contract and escrow should be easy to anyone wanting to manage multiple teams and a $200,000 budget.

2) $200,000 is too much money to start with. Solution: start small, $20,000 and build up from there. Show me that you can handle $20,000 before you ask for $200,000.

3) There are no clear goals. Solution: reduce the scope of the proposal, define clear deliverables that everyone can agree and understand. It might be hard to do it on a $200k proposal but not on a $20k. I am not voting yes to give a new team a huge amount of money to work on vague issues on the off chance they might to something good, without any guarantees.

4) The fact team members are well known, or that influential members of the community might be voting yes does not matter. I admit I don't know any of the team members, and I prefer not having Macrochip speaking on behalf of Dash based on what he said here, but even if I knew them all and trusted them, even if this proposal was put up by Amanda, I would still vote no, mainly because of 1) and 2). We do business with people and companies we trust but that doesn't mean we are lazy with contracts and guarantees (escrow).

Get 1, 2 and 3 done and you've got my vote. There are other small issues but these are the main ones. Looking forward to reading what you think.

3 points,6 years ago
Hello dashed,

thanks again. I´ll start answering on this with number...

4.1 - here are some more information about me and the proposals I have been involved in before:

you as a masternode should know me!

4.2 - macroship will help us to setup ISD. He is not our representative. That´s me, like for Core too, as you can see here: Please decide wether you like or not after having a look at this:

3. we have clear goals: PR in german speaking countries in target group media (as much as possible), speakerslots at relevant events (as much as possible), 20 workshops in universities per month, 2 workshops at blockchain hotel per month, 8 webinars per week, 5,000 merchants receiving invitations for workshops, setting up a merchant support center, talking to politicians and regulators,... as mentioned in another comment you can´t set kpis in numbers for pr or imagine a conversion rate for dash acceptance.

2. have a look at 3. - what we want to do is offering a professional solution for communication and service. you won´t be able to do this with 20k.. that would not even be enough for 2 month pr-agency.

1. Through all my proposals I handled round about 200k for the Dash DAO now. Please ask Dash Watch if this turned out well.

I think I will not be able to change your mind, but this is ok. It´s neccessary to have people like you to push all this forward.

4 points,6 years ago
Hi essra, 4.1 persuaded me, I will support this proposal too. Thanks and much success.
1 point,6 years ago
thanks you for your support, dashed
1 point,6 years ago
Considering everything these guys have planned, the amount is reasonable for 3 months.

I am sure that they are very committed to work towards DASH acceptance in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

essra has already been very quick to respond to my request for German and English DASH marketing materials that I am taking to a congress next week thanks to him sending me the material for free and on very short notice.
0 points,6 years ago
I also think the amount is very reasonable. At the very least, with the current prices, even after falling off of the Great Precipice, Dash can still afford proposals of this caliber.
0 points,6 years ago
Exactly this is the way we swiftly work to support DASH people in the D-A-CH region. This is not for us, its for the people in Germany, Austria and Switzerland to get rid of a collapsing european union.
3 points,6 years ago
First, I'd like to state that I like the idea of an embassy that promotes Dash and supports local Merchants that want to integrate it (I think especially the latter will be very useful, necessary even.) However, I wonder. Why do you want to start so large immediately?

You are a team of 5, 4 of whom are paid. Why not start with a smaller (monthly) proposal to start the team, build a portal and organise some pilot workshops? Build up your the proof of your worth to the network after which the team may be expanded and funding increased.

Furthermore you could improve the proposal by stating clear goals to be accomplished, setting up a contract that makes the payment to you dependent on the achievement of these goals. Also a resume of the team members and why they the right person to accomplish the job would be in order
2 points,6 years ago
The team members you see are the division leaders. There are far more people in the german speaking community, who are willing to work on this effort to get DASH started. Essra has proofed his excellent work a lot of times with his proposals, so we decided to start an effort bigger and stronger to be ready for the evolution update in the summer. The mass adoption of DASH is coming sooner than you believe and so we have to think big and start this now. I hope you will support us to get DASH up and running in Europe :-)
1 point,6 years ago
Yeah, I think I can sense your enthousiasm. But you're not convincing me with this proposal yet. I'm just pointing that out because I think it should be improved.

I like the idea however and I want you to succeed. So don't give up if this doesn't pass. Improve it and try again next month!
1 point,6 years ago
Hello EFietskop,

thank you for your reply. Until now only me worked for round about two weeks on this proposal. I had a lot of calls, video conferences and personal meetings with our potential partners to bring the proposal to this level. We delivered a strong idea connected to professional partners who are on fire to work with us. We have written down everything we want to do in a presentation, created a ruff timeline and calculated the costs we know at the moment (things will change in detail, when we start with our work. This is how things go). I explained all of our planned activities in a video presentation, so this is the part where you need to decide if we should go on with this project or not.

In my past I created marketing concepts for clients like microsoft, innocent, melitta, natural american spirit and many more. Of course I did a lot of work in advance, but I always stopped at this point, because from now the real work begins and we as the team would need to invest money.

If you are not convinced by our idea and our approach, fair enough, but I will not invest more time (and money) in this, before I can be sure that you want us to go on.

We can´t give you more detailed goals at the current state. We can only offer you the milestones from our timeline. PR can´t be pressed in hard goals. We don´t know how conversion rates will be with direct mailings, we don´t know if the regulators will open up, we don´t know how many people will attend our workshops and we can´t tell you an exact ROI, but no one will be able to do this!

The only thing I can offer you right now is my promise that you will not be disappointed of our work (if you like our idea).

1 point,6 years ago
Hello essra,

Thank you for your reply. It's these reactions that give you a better understanding of the people behind a proposal.

I've had some word with a few merchants in the mean time however and they convinced me that this proposal is indeed probably what Dash needs, maybe even more than all the promotional proposals. They tell me that their biggest hurdle to truly use BTC is the support. Merchants want to do their business and the payment system is just an enabler for that. They have no time to figure things out to get their payment system to work. They want to be able to contact/call a person or an organisation that will help them sort out problems if they run into them. Bitcoin doesn't have that, Dash could with this proposal at least for the German speaking region.

I'm not an MNO though so sadly my opinion doesn't really matter. I'm also fairly new here, but Dash really peaked my interest. At the moment I'm mostly looking around, learning and hopefully eventually find some parts of the project that I could contribute to.

Keep up the good work!
0 points,6 years ago
good one ,hope it passes
0 points,6 years ago
thank you for your support :-)
1 point,6 years ago
Great proposal, hope it will pass. I'm voting YES!
0 points,6 years ago
We hope that as well. Thank you for your support.
1 point,6 years ago
You guys already proven that you got dash tatooed on your foreheads. I dont doubt you will give all you got for this. We are at the point were we need to form teams who knows the cultural specificities of their market and are present boots on the ground. We cant just translate random PR release and hope that buisnesses will follow. Voted yes
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you!
1 point,6 years ago
You got my support, guys.
1 point,6 years ago
thank you kbu66
1 point,6 years ago
I should stress that to the best of my knowledge I am the only MNO within that team. So I would like to announce that I am not going to accept any salary for my service, due to possible conflicts of interest. The only money I will accept will be to cover travel expenses and similar incurring costs, should they apply. I will continue to do what I have done within the community for the last 3 years (and a little extra), it's only becoming more formalized and focused on the German speaking parts of the world. I hope we'll see many region-based DAOs like this in the future. Thank you for your consideration and support!
0 points,6 years ago
-1 point,6 years ago
I’m one of the subcontractors of the education branch. I want to share my vision for Q1 for this proposal.
I’m a natural group builder and networker so i will focus on onboarding new dash embassadors. My plan is to first educate lots of people about what Dash is and what change it will bring for humanity. I then will onboard people which are interested. I want to make this a vital campaign so people will be incentived to bring in new audience and dash advocates. I’m aiming to onboard and educate 10 new dash Embassadors in January.

Since all the division leaders are well known in the community and have proven to deliver on their promises I advise you to vote yes for this proposal. This is going to be huge.

I wish you all a dashy Christmas,
1 point,6 years ago
I read your proposal and still don't know exactly what you want to do. We are not funding an Embassy and giving you $200k with no clear goals, contract, escrow and guarantees (or maybe we are, some MNO are very naive, just not with my votes).
1 point,6 years ago
hi dashed, please have a look at the 30 minute video. Maybe it will answer some of your questions.
-2 points,6 years ago
The fact that I had to watch a 33 min video to find out what this is about only adds to my concerns that OP may not be qualified to manage a $200,000 budget. If this as pitched to a VC it would be turned down immediately.
4 points,6 years ago
The fact that he made a 33 min video explaining his proposal in detail is a strong testament to his professionality. You pretending it makes him look "unqualified" when essra has a rock solid track record of delivery makes you look like a troll with the sole intent to sabotage this proposal with nothing but words because I strongly doubt you own a single Masternode.

Btw: How did you watch a 33min video in 9 minutes?
-1 point,6 years ago
Macrochip, the fact that someone so short tempered like you is going to manage "Integration and Support" and speak on behalf of the Dash community is concerning. Are you going to accuse merchants and users of sabotage and trolling when they don't agree with you too?

Anyway, as I said before, this $200k proposal has no contract, no escrow, and is trying to accomplish too many things. Personally, these are enough reasons to vote no. On top of that the "Total: 206.736,39 USD" needs to be much more detailed and not just 4 lines.

essra, I would suggest you start small, get a contract going with Core, escrow the proposal, and reduce the scope of the Embassy (at least in the beginning) so we can have clearer goals. Don't take this personally, we are all on the same team.
1 point,6 years ago
Whether or not this proposal, which is asking for $200k, seems expensive to you, the fact that you cannot escape is that this region is very very important for the success of Dash. Even though I do not know the persons behind this proposal, I am placing my bets on them in good faith.

Let us all make Dashening happen.

I want to see my Dash possessions grow in value, thus Voting YES.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your trust, you can always contact us. We will massively outreach to merchants and also bigger companies and vendors. Mass adoptoin and mass usage of DASH will be pushed up by our DAO and thus the txs in our network. I am sure you know the very important paper @pablomp about the Currency Fair Value model, which demonstrates the price and value of a currency lies in its usage aka txs. ->
0 points,6 years ago
My temper got the job done. I have a subreddit with 16.000+ subscribers and a 3 year track record of educating newcomers under my belt. What have you ever done for Dash?

The proposal consists of more than "just 4 lines". You should really click the "Show full description" button if you hate videos so much.
-1 point,6 years ago
I never said the proposal had just 4 lines. I said "On top of that the "Total: 206.736,39 USD" needs to be much more detailed and not just 4 lines.". This proposal details totals in 5 lines.

"MID: 100.866,32 USD
BALD: 43.652,51 USD
WNSD: 57.479,16 USD
ISD: 1.184,60 USD
ED: 3.553,80 USD"

Congratulations on your reddit subscribers, but it has nothing to do with this proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
hi dashed, thanks for going on with the discussion. I´ll try to explain why we need 200k for 3 month.

I get the idea of starting with a smaller budget, but all mentioned devisions and activities need to work together and will benefit from each other. Of course we could start by only doing pr for example, but than we won´t be able to take the audience to the next stage. We could only do workshops, but we should use the current hype in the media. Before I created this, I thought about a proposal with just the pr-agency and me, but in my opinion this way will have better results.

Regarding the more detailed budget: we can´t go deeper in public, because we are working with some external partners and they don´t want us to show what they are earning in public and I totally can understand that. Dash watch will be able to see the details.

Regarding our goals: it´s hard to set goals like "15 articles per month" or "20 merchants" per week, because nobody has done this before in this market.

I don´t think that we are trying to accomplish too many things, because we are working with several partners. I have experience in managing big projects because of the jobs I did in the past and I can assure you, that the team is a good choice.

I understand that you are concerned about macrochips reaction, but he is struggling with a huge number of trolls in cryptoverse so I also can understand him. I met him at the EuroFinance Week in Frankfurt and he was awesome in educating the people who were coming to our booth.

I hope this helps. As always I´m ready for a private chat or public video conference, so we can talk about all your concerns in person.
0 points,6 years ago
In addition: some of the costs we have in this proposal are "one time payments". for example the setup for the e-learning tool.
-2 points,6 years ago
Macrochip: "Everyone who disagrees with me is a troll".
0 points,6 years ago
dashed: "I believe this proposals consists of 4 lines of text because I couldn't find the 'Show full description button' with complete details right below it"
-2 points,6 years ago
Macrochip, here are the 5 lines detailing the costs of this proposal:

MID: 100.866,32 USD
BALD: 43.652,51 USD
WNSD: 57.479,16 USD
ISD: 1.184,60 USD
ED: 3.553,80 USD

This isn't detailed in any way.

Having said that, I am deeply concerned about someone with your personality and short temper speaking on behalf of Dash, especially in a role of "Integration and Support". First you accused me of trying to sabotage this proposal. Second you accused me of trolling. Third you tried to invalidate my opinion claiming I wasn't even a masternode owner. You engage in frequent and unnecessary debates on the forums and are unable to articulate disagreements without resorting to personal attacks.

This proposal puts you as a "division leader" for the "Integration and Support (ISD)" division and I would vote no based on that alone. I hope you take this criticism in a positive way and not again as a personal attack.
2 points,6 years ago
>I am deeply concerned about someone with your personality and short temper speaking on behalf of Dash

I will continue to do so like I have been for the last 3 years. And I will continue to not get paid for it, so there's not much leverage for you to act upon these concerns.

>You engage in frequent and unnecessary debates on the forums and are unable to articulate disagreements without resorting to personal attacks.

First off I'm not at all "frequently" on the forums, so the only thing you could be referring to is Reddit where I do indeed engage in necessary healthy and more often than not very educational debates and I have never personally insulted anyone unless previously provoked myself. Feel free to prove me wrong on both these counts. You won't be able to.

>First you accused me of trying to sabotage this proposal. Second you accused me of trolling. Third you tried to invalidate my opinion claiming I wasn't even a masternode owner.

And every single point was well-founded at the time. Let's go through them one by one: First you've pretended to not know what this proposal is about despite there being a 30 minute video you didn't bother to watch before commenting, which explains in explicit detail what the proposal wants to achieve (sabotage). Second, after essra pointed you to said video you disregarded the valuable information he provided to you and accused him of not being qualified to run this DAO based on *nothing*, but your personal dislike of the video it seems (trolling) and third all these behaviours indicate that you're putting personal feelings above facts which is the least desirable character trait a Masternode owner should ever exhibit. So I was quite in my right to assume you have no significant stake in this project. Your ignorance on essra's successful past as a proposal owner only exacerbated that impression. I was wrong in assuming you were no MNO, yes. Because you don't act like one. I keep forgetting we're still in the growing pains phase...

>This proposal puts you as a "division leader" for the "Integration and Support (ISD)" division and I would vote no based on that alone.

Which proves my point of you being an unfit Masternode owner who bases his choice on his personal feelings about someone. In case you missed the part about me not getting paid: I'm not personally benefitting from this proposal in any way, so if you don't like me, you're not going to hurt me by voting no. I'm set for life with Dash as it is, yet I'm willing to help my colleagues propel Dash into the German mainstream with this.

>I hope you take this criticism in a positive way and not again as a personal attack.

I thought I was the one personally attacking people? Regardless, I don't take your critique in any way at all, because as I stated above: I'm not a benefactor of this proposal. If anything I'm going to be doing more unpaid work than before if this passes, because my passion has been Dash since February 2014 and I won't stop promoting Dash with or without an Embassy DAO.

But hey, let's go for broke here: Find someone more qualified than me for that job. I'm mostly doing this as a favor (for my peers and for Dash, which was very good to me), so I'm not being cynical or sarcastic when I ask this. If you find some native German speaker at least as knowledgable as me about Dash fit for that position, I will gladly offer to be replaced in a heart beat.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello dashed,

you are right, these 5 lines are not very detailed, but as mentioned above we can´t publish all numbers to the public, because of our partnerships. Dash Watch will have access to this. This may not be convincing you at this state, but it´s all we can offer right now.

Having macrochip as a division leader does not mean, that he will be the only person working on ISD and also not that he will be the one on the phone or answering live chat requests all day. ISD is one of the most complicated divisions and this is why we choose someone who is talking to people and educating people about Dash for a long time, so we can participate in his learnings.

Macrochip will help us to create a best practice for the work in this division (same like in ED with Martin). Additionally he does not get paid for this, so he would also help us if he wasn´t elected for this position.

Both of you got lost in a personal debate, that has nothing to do with this proposal anymore. Maybe you should go on with this elsewhere or focus on a more rational discussion.
0 points,6 years ago
I actually had the idea and tried to develop a Marketing sub-DAO for Dash. There are web sites that give you a DAO like set up. Using these sites that already allow for basically what your asking would be completely free, unless you want to pay extra for the extra features, figuring that alone would cut the cost of this proposal down by almost 3/4ths it’s cost.

My idea was that all decisions would be made within the group but supported by the MNO’s. I get your concept but allowing MNO’s to control funds within this DAO will not work. It’s to meticulous and takes to much time. It’s Much easier to just naturally trust a sub-DAO with the funds then a DAO to control the payments within another DAO. For an example, in current corporate structure we have a boss and we have the workers. The flaw with this current structure is that the boss knows a lot less about each individual than the co-workers know about eachother. Co-workers know the lazy one vs the hard worker, the boss usually doesn’t know until he is told by another worker. In the structure you are setting up, I believe it’s similar to what I described, the MNO’s being the boss and your DAO being the workers.

If you’d like me to show you what my outline of what I set up just give me a way to contact you, I’d be more than willing to help you out on this concept. It’s a very easy way to start allowing anyone to work for Dash along with bringing great efficiency.
1 point,6 years ago
hi mizzymax, thanks for your reply. you can reach out to me on discord (@essra) or send me an e-mail to the shown mailadress in the video (

Our idea is about a Sub-DAO, so the masternodes will not need to vote for every single step we take (or am I getting you wrong with this?).

The biggest part of our costs is for the education tool and the agencies and partner we are working with, so a free website will not be able to cut 3/4th of the costs.

I´m looking forward to read more about your activities and ideas. where are you from?
-1 point,6 years ago
Poorly drafted proposal with no clear deliverables. The laziness and lack of effort in making this shines through..

Sample this

"The timings aren´t finished yet, because we are waiting for some external information and timings might change over time, "

"The legal structure of this DAO has yet to be cleared by our tax accountants and lawyers .."

If you havent been able to do the necessary groundwork why put this up at all?

I have upvoted many of your projects in the past but this one will really set the bar low. Request you to come up with a better formed plan..

4 points,6 years ago
Hi Wixamlee!

Thank you for your concerns. I am sure i can sort that out with you. I am the division leader of BALD, which is the division which is also responsible for our juridical work. I am by myself now in the law business for over 7 years and i know the law space in the german speaking european countries very well. Especially from the side of employment, self-employment, founding companies and the related costs regarding to the laws in the according european member states and related issues like regulation and taxes.

Currently we are working together with an expert in european trustee relationship and a lawyer for economics, who is also specialised in blockchain-technology in vienna. I am not sure, if you know how much these people are taking for an hour as fee. The trustee costs me 180 € per hour and the lawyer 300 € per hour and these prices are very friendly, because they know and understand what we are trying to achieve here and that it will take a lot of time and juridical work to discover the founding of a DAO in europe. We want to keep these costs as low as possible for the masternodes, because the founding a company in europe is a very expensive task. So we are only starting to build a real legal entity when this is absolutely clear and without any risk four us personally too. You must also think about the side, that we as team could easily get in trouble if we don´t act accordingly to the related laws of the european member states in which we are starting to get DASH up and running.

Furthermore we are deeply in contact with the responsible juridical persons of DASH Core to clear these questions and issues as fast and cheap as possible. If you have any suggetions or questions please just pm me on discord.
1 point,6 years ago
Have you watched the video?
1 point,6 years ago
Hello Wixamlee,

thank you for your reply and your support in the past. There are reasons for both of your concerns.

Timing: in every project timings change during the process. You can not setup a working plan without it, because there are always issues that will influence your processes. The missing timings are connected to some of our partners,so we thought being honest with you about this and not pretending that timings will definitely happen as planned will be the best way.

Legal structure: we worked on this proposal for several weeks now by getting partners for all the things we want to do. This was time consuming but never cost any money. We can´t pay a lawyer for creating a legal construction for this project before we know if we will receive the funding or not.

In conclusion I think we are as much prepared as possible at the current state of the project. The groundwork is done. Now we need to take the next step. You decide if we should or not.