Proposal “DASHGlobalNews-2nd“ (Closed)Back

Title:DASH Global - News site, 3 month extension
Monthly amount: 107 DASH (2890 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (3 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-11-18 / 2018-02-15 (added on 2017-11-18)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 151 Yes / 615 No / 62 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

After this past 3 months DASH Global has helped major projects as well as minors around the DASH ecosystem. Has been able to promote initiatives, development and other news through different channels, writing, and media. There are still improvements to be done and quantified. From frontend development as well as editing and writing in additional languages.

DASH Global will be adding new languages including German on this iteration of DASH Global News cycle, we will double down on efforts to adopt our other 2 target languages Russian and Japanese. We are still looking for people to fill that roll, but we hope we can make this through the second cycle of the proposals.

The DASH Podcast has gotten better and now use more technology and better production. The set has been working for a few weeks and even though there still some gear to get on our list, we are giving a very professional look.

DASH Global will also merge with the meetup budget, a meetup budget that got a pretty good feel from last month proposal and hopefully we'll still have this current month. We have to recognize that there hasn't been as many meetups as originally predicted so we will not include such a budget on this 3 month cycle, as at the moment we have only covered 10% of the desired budget.

Another point is that the DASH price has been down these past months which cause our budget to overtextend and still need to reward the language team managers as well as pay some bills for past gear that hasn't been payed to the day.

- Weekly show: Dash Podcast Español
- 3 times a week: Dash Technical Analysis
- Weekly show: Financial tutorial

- Spanish News: 15 post a week
- Italian News: 5 post a week
- Portuguese News: 20 post a week
- French News: 15 post a week
- Korean News: 15 post a week
- German News: 5 post a week TBA
- Japanese News: 5 post a week TBA
- Russian News: 5 post a week TBA
With the following budget we expect to have an ongoing development of communities as well as associating with other efforts like DASH Germany,
DASH Caracas DASH Brasil and DASH Africa development projects. We hope with this, the community has a strong infraestructure to develop the projects across the world with a solid community oriented backbone.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
I have just spent little time in going over delivered work. JZA is a cheat, there are no other words to describe his work. Videos have no view, have been translated with google translate and he has stolen the money.

Will never be voting for this fraudster again..
0 points,6 years ago
How exactly you define me as a cheat? I have delivered every video that was promised for the expected timeline. I dont think we have a video with 0 views and you can check out the published date. So please actually link to whatever video you are watching because I dont think you are watching ours.
I dont think you can Google Translate any video. Maybe close captions. But that wasn't part of the work.
1 point,6 years ago
Voting yes with my MNs. JZA has been a great asset to this community.
-1 point,6 years ago
thank you GCleveland hope more masternodes can see through the FUD created around this proposal.
0 points,6 years ago
Changed my vote to yes after listening to TAO’s show.
4 points,6 years ago
Great job Joel for bringing things to light. I didnt have a reason to vote against this project and had supported it all along. Never once did I venture beyond reading the proposal. Thank you for investigating them and looking beyond obvious, Very selfless work on your part.

Also For all the fake comments here, deceit, lies, trickery and poorest quality of work, this team is perma no.
0 points,6 years ago
Nice interview on Tao's show. I don't know where all the hate comes from, but I suggest everyone watch the interview linked above now. I hate to see this project dropped.
-4 points,6 years ago
Thanks for the interview Tao.
@TanteStefana, not a hater here!

JZA, I do hope you will continue to bring plans, but with better statistics to back them up. I am willing to lend you the next proposal fee if you allow me to critique the plan on forehand. As I understood that might be a hurtle.

General rule of thumb: quality over quantity. For now it seems to me you continue to focus a lot on the amount of content produced, starting to polish the 200+ already published articles. Publish one great production at a time. If only we had just one globally localized landing page for all of Dash, with vertical scroll :)

A 4-eyes pre-publishing process enforced by an -existing- Content Management framework will improve quality and reduce implementation time and costs. I am still not sure if this coincides with your strategy. Each localized site can maintain its own style and identity independently (although I don't think that is as important as having a cohesive image) but at least the publishing process remains under supervision.

It is difficult to discuss a subjective matter like quality of content, besides grammar, without hard numbers. - As much content as possible and some editors - do not indicate how much was spent for each team/author/website. Please provide #productions, #views, #shares etc.

I hope this helps current or future initiatives.

And we certainly do not want zombie-sites having a bad impact on Dash, of course.
1 point,6 years ago
After thinking about it, I'm still supporting Dash Global. True, the price has just skyrocketed, making this project even less likely to pass, but I'll say why here:

Complaints I hear:
DG's videos don't have a lot of views: They started from scratch and have to build a viewership. Sure, if a known entity, like Amanda or someone decided to build a Spanish speaking show, it might get more views, but nobody like that has stepped up to the plate. I prefer to at least have something, even if they're unknown and just starting out.

I can see the point of TA analysis being something that shouldn't be something we pay for. It's sort of a conflict of interest, but I can see putting it in for drawing interest into Dash. Explaining how the market works, etc... a lot of people in South America aren't exposed to market trading, so a little explanation with no recommendation may be a safe zone? So maybe an educational segment instead of recommendation segment?

The top reason I would like to see DG funded is that they are a hub where people go to get funding for small projects that could never afford to pay the 5 dash it takes to put up a proposal.

I know they're unlikely to get funding this time around, but I want to show support for all they've been doing.
6 points,6 years ago
Voting No. This team does not offer an attractive package to the MN network. Collaboration should be discontinued until a greater package is offered along with some proof of that package beforehand.
5 points,6 years ago
As promised, here is the in-depth investigation into the Dash Global news sites:
-2 points,6 years ago
Deep? really? Man, you just only share what you want us to see, thats its manipuation, you dont investigate deep just justify your point if view. Poor man.
-2 points,6 years ago
Agreed. Iv consistsly said that there should be no paid organization to inform Dash users. We saw the mistake it made last month with core and festy. Although I know the proposal is junk, I’d rather it just be discovered by masternodes themselves.

This article clearly shows a one sided opinion on the matter, as it should because they are competitors to Dash Force. Dash force is incentivized to talk down about this group, sad part is we are paying them to do so as well. They should stay out of this arena and just focus on informing new users instead of current users.

Point being, do your own research, if you don’t know spanish or whatever langueage this group translates to, simply abstain from voting and let the people who can read and listen to content from the group vote.
4 points,6 years ago
How can you demand from all voting MN owners to understand all offered languages, or to abstain otherwise? You probably wouldn't get any vote, agree?

Instead we should rely on the opinions of honest and openly communicating MNO's (with green label) and some hard statistics, which you didn't supply. DFN did, thanks Joel.

Again, I really like the idea and I believe current problems are caused by a lack of process within the organization and I hope you are able to fix that.

You got my support, for another month. Show some results soon. Doesn't matter if they aren't great yet, as long as I can see progress. Now I couldn't.
-3 points,6 years ago
If the proposal doesn’t obtain enough votes because of abstaining, obviously not many Dash users speak those languages. Given the amount of views on the videos as well as others who have tried to reach the same audience with low view counts means this market is a DEAD market. So abstaining from proposals you don’t understand is always the correct way to go.

Btw trusting people with “green labels” ,Joël does not have a green label(MNO), so your point is completely invalid.
1 point,6 years ago
My point was - I am not not listening to the opinion of so-called paid shills. I have to rely on MNO's opinions to judge the quality of an author's work in a foreign language I do not understand. And some hard stats.

I really would like to ask all MNO to turn on their green label. In the end we will be dealing with thousands of individuals owners here, all spending their time to make a valuable evaluations, no? How will we be able to distinct one from another?

Unfortunately all others points were misunderstood too. Retracting my support.
1 point,6 years ago
I have 250 Dash but because I don’t have 1000 I’m completely irrelevant? I just hate hearing this, everyone who comments or makes an effort to make sense of a proposal should be recognized. This idealism that you are more superior and smarter is non-sense, this is exactly why MN shares needs to come sooner then later so I actually have a vote to show for my thoughts
3 points,6 years ago
I like meetups, news, community education.

However, I do not like "price analyzation" or "technical analysis" (TA) - rather, I do not like *paying* someone to do this. Why would we pay someone to manipulate the community's ideas about the price trading patterns? That makes no sense. Accurate prices are found when a large varied group of people make decisions independently (wisdom of crowds).

Should the U.S. government be funding analysis on USD/EUR currency speculators' past trading patterns, and give its recommendation on what they *might* do in the future? That sounds ridiculous!

Even more ridiculous, why would our community fund someone to do this, just because so many cryptos in this space are so speculative? Please, TA might be useful to guide traders on having fun while trading and even making profits, but it seems disingenuous for the network to be funding someone to comment on price fluctuations and "predict" (even if indirectly) what the price might be. This doesn't benefit a local community, nor the greater community. I have no problem with anyone making TA analyses on his own time, but don't fund that network-wide. It makes the network look bad, and may be an example of a "negative-ROI investment" - one that more likely destroys value rather than just having a poor return or no return.

Please, talk about the technology. Talk about the philosophy. Talk about how Dash can change the world... but "price analysis" - leave that out, or do it on your own time.
3 points,6 years ago
0 points,6 years ago
DASH Global is promoting initiatives all around the world, the price of Dash is reaching new records, I it is great, but at the same time is making the new proposal very expensive, not everybody have 5 Dash. Thats the reason we support Dash Global. I believe The Dash Nation is for everybody so that's my goal and that's why I joint to the Dash Global. We have to much to improve of course, but initially we want to make some noise, then we care about the "prettiness" of the website.

Our result are limited, yes, our passion is not, is very difficult to reach people's minds, we latin-americans have been scammed too much by almost everyone, it is normal to be precarious where we put our two dollars a day of average daily salary.
17 points,6 years ago
I have voted no on this proposal and it pains me to have done so, but I think it is the right thing to do. I have visited the YouTube channel that this project has funded and I have counted the views and subscribers of the videos. Subscribers: 390. Viewcount of most recent 10 videos: 67 views, 53 views, 88 views, 74 views, 68 views, 47 views, 27 views, 43 views, 47 views, 56 views.
Most of the videos have 0 comments.

I have visited the website that cost the Dash community 240 Dash, which even in August must have been over $60,000USD and I just cannot believe the poor quality. The podcast page, for example, does not properly link to a single podcast.

Also, I am considering the escalating costs of JZAs proposals:
Feb 2017 - Bitcuners meetups: 32 Dash, passed
Apr 2017 - Marketing happening and business event: 240 Dash, Passed
Jul 2017 - Dash Espanol, spanish news and podcasts: 57 Dash, passed
Aug 2017 - Dash Global news site: 240 Dash, passed
Oct 2017 - Dash Global meetups around the world: 120 Dash, passed

Since July, we have paid 417 Dash for these projects, at a conservative average price of $300 per Dash, this totals $125,100.

My decision has nothing to do with comparing one project to another and deciding which one is better. There is no need to compare this with DFN. I didn't look at this until yesterday, and I was alarmed by so many comments from people who are almost certainly not MNOs. That was to me the first sign of trouble. Then I saw that some people asked for an investigation by DFN which worried me too. I don't see that as necessary. You can do your own investigation in about 5 minutes.
1 point,6 years ago
Glad to see a well explained reason on why to not fund these guys as I have been saying for almost every proposal that was put in. It’s just a very poor quality job with little to no productivity. I hope the community recognizes this is just a fire pit that will burn Dash Treasury funds.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi ec1warc1, I am Juky and I am one of the members of Dash Global. I am not a MNO either but I own some Dash and I am working for Dash to get better, too. And I believe Non MNOs also can have opinions here. Please allow me to give my humble opinion below.

1. Dash Global does more things than just videos in Spanish. We have 5 blogs with different languages trying to reach different people in the world including myself and Yujin in the Korean team. And as far as I know we are the first Dash focused Korean website. We have been working for only 3 months so it is hard to show some results but we can and we will improve.

2. I know that Dashenespanol(Youtube Channel) does not have lots of views yet. But please aware that Spanish market is still small and actually videos about Dash in general does not get lots of views in youtube yet(please see links below). I am not attacking any people or group working for Dash. I admire all of their work and I also dont want to compare with them. I am just pointing out that we gotta be realistic. As you know, reaching out people to use or buy Dash is not easy and it takes time.
(Bitso is #1 exchange in Mexico, their view is still low like 1k-3k, and please consider that they are uploaded a year ago or older)

3. Thank you for letting us know your opinion about the quality of the websites. We have been expanding to other languages and busy launching each one of them, but we will try to make the qualities of the website better from now on. Not just the image but also contents. But please dont judge us with just the design of the website. What we are spending more budget is for the contents, we are producing 10-40 articles per person per month and we are 15 people writing/translating.

4. The budget for Feb and Apr were for an event and the group in Cancun, so it is not related with Dash Global even if Jza was the owner. You mentioned clearly 'since July' in your comment, but I just wanted to mention this so that people are not misled with above numbers.
2 points,6 years ago
Hello Juky, thanks for your opinion, very welcome.

I had a better look at the Spanish podcasts and most I liked quite a lot (I commented before on the unseen trader guy).

But we need someone to gather statistics. As much as I love to watch youtube I prefer to analyze some data first:

Who produced what for how much. Include things like #uploads, comments, shares, likes, etc.

Also a global CMS showing conformity would be really useful to everyone.

Can you guys do that?
4 points,6 years ago
I don't know why people are comparing this project to Dash Force News. First of all, the last thing we want is one entity dispersing funds to projects. This will only lead to corruption. We need to have many, many many! hubs that support smaller projects. And they need to do it independently. We don't want to have one "core" team doing everything either. It's like that now for efficiency, but eventually, I know we will need multiple marketing firms covering different parts of the world, because one size doesn't fit all, multiple legal firms, and eventually, we may fund other development groups servicing different sectors of use cases. Each beholden only to the network, and autonomous.

I see DG and DFN as being the first two hubs in what will hopefully be a healthy spiderweb of distribution. And I feel a little horrified that it feels as though DFN is consistently on the attack against their one competition here, though I fully support their work as well. If this is not the case, my apologies. I this is the case, I sincerely hope DFN will rethink what they're doing because centralization will kill the Dash DAO.
3 points,6 years ago
I am not sure a central guiding institution will lead indefinitely to corruption, especially under the eyes of all MNOs. In the end we will evaluate individual content producers on their clickstats, right? Right DN? Everyone fed has to show his KPI.

I prefer one central institution to do the administrative handling of those 10s or 100s of local movements, which I will trust if i see good hard results and feedback from other MNOs.

Just think about it, the biggest global news organization ever, loosely coupled. I hope they can one day soon bring forward a globally CONSISTENT image and message in every language - each country with its own regional content producers! Never has been done before.. Go DG.

But I would like to see who will run this organization and how are they going to do this. With the current results I'm not sure if this team is up for that. Again, not talking about the individual content creators here, just the organizational part of it,

To start (my 1st question earlier) I would like to see some results, per team; amount written/recorded, shared, liked, commented, etc... amount paid. And ooh, almost forgot... bot is d-death-penalty.
-1 point,6 years ago
So you are in the same way with me, so i will ask DFN guy to help DG if they see that are something bad not for only commenting about bad thing. So we must decentralization, and i think that MNO will understand that and will vote for the project.
3 points,6 years ago
Disagree here, although we mostly considers ourselves a community, they are getting paid good rates to do a job. If they are under delivering, it is not DFN's job to help fixing that.
3 points,6 years ago
I am part of DASH global support made all Meetups at colombia and venezuela side in my area the impact of this meetup thank to the support of JZA was a surprise becouse many of the actual cripto user dont know nothing abouth the DASH and when you show to the new user the power of send any amouth of Money for altmost nothing is soo useful special for the venezuelan people were 1 USD is a salary of 8 Day hard work them for use cripto like bitcoin now is impossible i think we are put time in help dash but all is in the hands of the dash for help us in this proposal. Iam ready to help put part of my time and me group of workers to help DASH if you decide to say yes to the proposal.
4 points,6 years ago
I think the price is way to high for this quality of content. Especially seen this content delivered into country that have much lower incomes, than Western places.

*I would really like to advice other masternode owners to always take into account, that different country have different costs.
For example, an starting Engineer earns less than 300 dollar per month in the Philippines but would earn about 10x times that in most western country.
-4 points,6 years ago
Our proposal I believe is very competitve, and DG is not all in one country we hire people from the community which can be in Europe, Asia, and other places. Myself I live in Netherlands which is not cheap.
7 points,6 years ago
I like the decentralization in several scenarios, but I don´t see the need of creating a copy of DFN, basically Dash Global is trying to do the same work, instead focus their efforts in other kind of tasks.
Also, I was trying to read your site from my phone.... no responsive design, not good designed... I closed it.

You guys don´t need to ask desperately to follow your YT channel, Just need numbers? where is the quality?, Sorry but you only are looking for reputation and ego, like you JZA, that always seems so polite in the Social Media where there are MN owners, but rude and impolite with other people, like your ugly critisism to Venezuela Dash Team.

Sorry, I don´t like your work, nor site, nor attitude. What about your meetups (How does it works? where can I find info?)
-7 points,6 years ago
Dash Global is not a 'copy' of DFN, we generate a lot of original content, including consecutive Technical analysis on the price of DASH versus Bitcoin and the US dollar. We produce comprehensive articles and tutorials on using the DASH on exchanges, wallets and websites as well as a weekly show about the DASH news. From our comments a lot of the community has thank us for making efforts to keep the community informed about what happened in DASH in spanish with no need of Google translate or reading it from second hand users.
We have also worked with communities that produce content like DASH Brasil and integrate it into the DASH ecosystem. If we think DG is a copy of DFN, you can argue that DFN is a copy from
About the meetups you can go to and find the requirements and everything you need to get started.
0 points,6 years ago
Bueno creo que no es justo medir el impacto de nuestro trabajo el cual hemos venido haciendo desde hace mucho, antes que Dash realmente tuviera la importancia que tiene hoy, cuando nadie se animaba apostar por DASH, Yo soy un Bitcoin maximalista y muy influyente en el mundo latino americano y creo nosotros y JZA hemos venido haciendo muy buen trabajo en la calle y no solo sentados desde un PC y pues no le veo sentido a decir que nos han dado millones por que DASH esta Hoy a 300 USD recuerden que cuando comenzamos a trabajar aquí DASH solo valía 14 USD y pues ahí si nadie se metía a esto, yo pienso que la comunidad debe estar unida no por que pensemos que ahora como las criptos nos mantienen todos tiene el tiempo para estar pegados aqui nosotros hemos hecho trabajo de calle y mucho tenemos un grupo trabajando para eso y pues no veo justo que se mida los rendimientos por lo que esta en Youtube y si nos ponemos a ver nuestro canal con JZa que tenemos mucho tiempo haciendo pues solo tiene 940 Subscritos y claro la razón es por que nosotros no estamos dando esperanzas falsas como la hacen miles de canales de ponzi o pirámides que hay en latinoamerica entre ellas miles de clicksero rehabilitados que ahora se creen los gurus en criptomonedas. No es facil en latinoamerica hacer algo sin dar falsas promesas y pues nosotros hemos estado llevando la verdadera revolucion a todos, Pienso que si DASH tiene un presupuesto para hacer estas cosas, que salen a la calle a tocar la gente no solo de estar sentados haciendo clic y pasa hacer algo por la gente de la calle pues se debe apoyar, también debemos recordar que cuando comenzamos los dash café nadie apostaba nada por nosotros ahora todos nos copiaron y creen que es idea de ellos, yo pienso que eso se debate hoy que DASH vale mucho dinero pero Quienes estuvimos aqui desde el principio aquí fuimos nosotros y eso que yo soy 100% Bitcoin. escribo esto en español por que mi ingles es demasiado malo y estamos discutiendo algo que afecta mucho al mercado latino. Todo esto parece que fuera como atacándonos unos a los otros si estamos en el mismo barco se supone que somos juntos. No vaya hacer que pase lo mismo luego que lo que pasa con los BITCORE y sus egos.
3 points,6 years ago
I am concerned about seeing four consecutive comments from people that are neither MNOs nor the proposal owner. I think MNOs are capable of making a proper decision without being influenced by outsiders. The question is what motivates them to show up and leave their comments? I think that MNOs should consider this when voting.
7 points,6 years ago
I would guess some of those people are motivated by money and not having it cut off. The 120 Dash meetup proposal thread was full of comments like that. I gave advice about my experience with running meetups for Dash Force and I advised against weekly meetups because I saw a lot of waste and stopped doing them. The comment had 4 upvotes at first until the brigade came and downvoted it, seemed organized. Here is what I wrote....

"Mastermined -6 points, 29 days ago
The biggest challenge with the meetups is preventing misuse of the programs while at the same time trying not to limiting them.
I found that weekly meetups were not the best allocation of money as it basicly just pays for a group of friends to get together every week and have Dash buy their food and drinks. Nothing really wrong with that but i think it is a waste of budget funds to do it every week. This was one of the main changes i had to make to the Dash Force meetup program.
Once a month seems sufficient to get the job done, which is supposed to be about bringing in new people and getting them started with Dash, not throwing weekly parties for the same old members. Weekly parties can work to bring in new members but i think monthly meetups are a wiser use of funds. Groups can still do weekly meetups but would just do it themselves like all other meetups do. Are you still planing to do weekly meetups?

Feel free to copy the Dash Force rules as you will need something in place to prevent abuse of the system.
Do you have any rules in place? How much was spent on meetups so far? How many meetups? How many people attended? Are they listing all them on or places like that so new people can Discover Dash and join?

If this proposal passes it should be kept as its own DAO for transparency and accountability purposes. This is not a 5 Dash a month meetup program like Dash Force but a 120 Dash proposal which needs its own DAO.

Do you have any budget documentation showing how all the money from the DASH Global proposal was spent? A full accounting of funds.
I'm looking for a breakdown of expenses like I do for Dash Force. How much was left over/rollover, How much and What was the money spent on? Meetups, monitors, portable laptop handlers, furniture and green and black screen etc etc.
Who is the treasurer?

Here is how I do it every month for Dash Force "
-1 point,6 years ago
Nobody make it for free, for example you. People always are motivated by money. I'm agree with some of you comments, but you are overreacting, please not undervalue my effort, tellme how to improve, because talk is cheap.
1 point,6 years ago
I worked for Dash for free for many years. A lot of other people did too and still do to this day. I will be honoring several of them tomorrow with the Dash Force MPV award.

Last month's winners....
1 point,6 years ago
Actually, I think grass roots efforts like meetups are one of the few ways we can spend our budget with at least the knowledge that the funds are being slowly distributed to a future "army" of Dash enthusiasts. New people undoubtedly get pulled in from previous attendees who spread the word, and knowledge, what is a crypto, how to use your wallet, how to buy,, etc... need to be disseminated over and over again for people to really understand well enough to spread the knowledge. So I disagree with mastermind below, I think this is one of the few ways our money is being well spent.
2 points,6 years ago
I think the question is how much is being spent on weekly meetups and how are they being managed. Most people won't bother hosting weekly meetups unless they get paid quite a bit and can make money. How much do you think should be spent on weekly meetups? Should Dash be buying their beer and steaks or paying for pizza parties or whatever every week? That's what we are talking about.
2 points,6 years ago
And meetups are where people can keep getting their questions answered and feel involved and motivated from the interaction.
2 points,6 years ago
I just realized that comments appear on the top because they have been voted up. I didn't know you could do that. How sincere are the up votes and who did them?
-2 points,6 years ago
I think every DASH GLOBAL member in this area agrees that MNO´s are able to make their decision without any kind of influence by "outsiders".

This is an open space for discussion on both ends: critic and commandation.

DG is a global community, not everyone has a MNO, but many can contribute to the proposal discution in a significant way, even why many of then act in DG and become in this sense a part of the proposal itself.

Anyway, we expect MNO´s make their mind based on the bennefits the actions can do for the network, and not because of how many "outsiders" comment ou upvote or downvote comments in this space here.

0 points,6 years ago
Why would "ezekielgomes" feel the need to jump in here and make his opinion known? What benefit does he receive from this proposal? He is neither a MNO nor the proposal owner, and that is exactly my point. We cannot be sure of his motive for being here and the fact that he is here is suspicious in my opinion, even more so because so many non-participants in the voting process have left comments on this proposal and added points in favor of said comments.
0 points,6 years ago
Because he is the author of the article that is being scrutinized.
1 point,6 years ago
Hello ec1warc1! My name is Ariel Varela and I would like to speak my reason to "jump in" in the discussion and the benefit I get from this proposal. What I get is the look in peoples eyes when I tell them that -I work for a Decentralized Autonomous Organization- every time someone asks me what I do for a living, and I am proud to say that my job is to help spread the word. I have been writing for the Dash Español news site for almost two months. I decided to quit my job and dedicate full time to this project as I have been a Dash holder for almost a year and I believe in the DAO and its potential to disrupt the current system. I also saw much potential in Jza´s idea. He might be the owner of the proposal but there are other people working on this project and of course, they are also participating in the discussion. You are right, there is still work to be done, but keep in mind this is a fairly new endeavour, and every single day there are new articles added to the site, every week there is a new video on youtube and every week, new people come to the meetups and go back home with a Dash wallet in their phones. You have to understand that the biggest exchange in Mexico, has a 24-hour volume of around 300 btc. That is in a country with over 120 million people. Nobody knows about Dash down here, but when they do, there will be a site in their language where they can get the info they need.
-1 point,6 years ago

There is no "need" to "jump in here", but there is always the possibility of making a normal conversation un the light of the things you said, isn´t?

As i said before, DG is a world team that involves a lot of people and the bennefit i make from these is to spread DASH and se the network gainning more structure and price as a normal investor and worker fot the team.

This kind of "we cannot be sure of his motives" can be applied to anyone, even to you, in here. Oh, let´s not hear ec1 because we cannot know his "motives".

By the way, i was the second person to upvote your comment...

Have a nice day!
7 points,6 years ago
At the request of several masternode owners, Dash Force will be conducting an in-depth investigation into Dash Global. We will post our findings here once published. Thank you for your patience, and please feel free to get in contact with me if you wish to assist.
4 points,6 years ago
Fluently in Portuguese too i focused on the Brazilian site.

The layout is horrible. I can't read any of the headlines in the carousel. And they don't click either.

I gave the following viral title a shot:
Is Dash an illegal currency?

The title might suggest - maybe - that only Dash is illegal? Let's read...

A point about the message spread: first 1000 words are pure negativity. Critics, Lack, can be illegal, irresponsible, complete ignorance - are some of the terms used. I believe this is called FUD.

Then I have to read through many spelling errors like: "As moedas digitais são serão um dia consideradas ilegais" or ¨dão contam a história de que essa tecnologia" to finally reach the conclusion Yes you can buy Dash, Go Dash.

You must do much better this this.

Not judging content on the Spanish site for not being fluent, but at least layout and graphics looks much more professional. I would like to see some sample podcasts in Spanish before funding such team there.

All other sites are white/notfound. Show me what you can do first before funding. Thanks!

Also I don't like so much the part "Another point is that the DASH price has been down..." .

You are responsible for price volatility.
1 point,6 years ago
Brazilian here. The Brazilian website is poorly formatted and disorganized. Something I would disregard on the first minute because it looks too amateur, like literally the first website someone builds when they discover can host something online.

I agree with Paulkuit that the content of that particular article is also poor, doesn't give much confidence to the reader about getting into DASH.

I quickly read some other on the Brazilian site, some are poor and some not so poor, but their content is also questionable. Definitely not convincing that DASH is great. More like legal information about cryptos, general bitcoin article translations, etc. A big NO from me.
1 point,6 years ago
Just verified myself here.
6 points,6 years ago
Dash Force has been asked to investigate this proposal, and your findings are important to the investigation. Would you be willing to assist? If so please get in contact with me, thedesertlynx on Discord, Twitter, Reddit, Keybase, and anywhere else. Thank you!
0 points,6 years ago
Sorry Joel, talking to me? I don't use any of those.. Do you have email? My name @gmail
1 point,6 years ago
Hello paulkuit, thanks for your comments and bringing this to our attention. DASH Global news site have a lot of writers and we encourage them to create content including opinion columns. These opinions might be legit or not, however I don't think you can judge the work of the many writers because you disagree with one isolated article. Like you, I also don't believe in clickbait and will try to be more vocal to our teams in the future. But I can tell you that from what I have seen, the content volume has been consistent on all languages that we support and think this is something important to consider.
I've just verified and the sites are running right now with no issues. And as you said, Spanish has had most of the mobile part done, but there are still many bugs to correct on the other sites. That's why we are budgeting development even though the sites are up and running. The mobile versions can be improved as well as the overall theme for them, and some are already being worked upon. We have been functioning since July and I think is important to recognize what we have achieved since then as we have built an even larger community across latin america, africa, and europe.
We have been able to bring some of the community members that are doing meetups, other proposals and major events on their own and provide them a platform for their initiatives.
2 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your response!

This clearly wasn't an opinion column, it is a so-called informative article with a questionable click-bate title with a lot of scary words, which in the end told me that - things are unsure, nobody knows..... Did not like reading it and I doubt if it will help anybody to convince going into Dash. They sure don't know how or where after reading it. But I think we agreed on that already.

I also did not judge all writers,

As I said I read/write fluent Portuguese, (and Dutch) not Korean. A little Spanish, French, German but not enough to judge grammar.

Besides, I am not going to read all the articles, especially if the first one I try is of this poor quality.

Before you publish material someone sent in an editor or 2 should proofread, twice. And have some policy guidelines like; no FUD, or click bate. Just verifiable news and facts. Your like the GlobalDashNews right?

Sites coming up and going down... You should prepare a staging environment for your content publishing and testing, please. Still did not see the Italians, andiamos!

Now I could see a podcast in Spanish, the one with Miguel Angel and liked it very much. This guy just hit the nail!. Great team, congratulations. I saw you before and wished you well already. Good luck again!

TLDR; fix staging, proofread and no FUD or clickbate, just news and facts.
-1 point,6 years ago
This is the te content in english of the criticzed article on this comment:


The lack of "regulation" in the crypto-coins market raises criticism that they may be illegal, but this is not a responsible deduction from the technological innovation involved in the existence of this new class of financial assets.

It is true that digital coins raise many questions that will lead to legal discussions that are still unknown to many people even in the economic and legal area. Hence to conclude that such coins are illegal is a gigantic and irresponsible step.

Important decisions in several countries around the globe, however, do not tell the story that this technology will definitely be considered illegal, but indicate that it is being closely monitored by regulators who are keeping an eye on what is happening.

Be that as it may, one thing must be clear. Digital coins will only once be considered illegal if the banking/financial system and government decree it in the name of "private" interests and not for any intrinsic illegality of technology, but this has not yet occurred anywhere in the world.

People who try to throw on the crypto-technology the label "illegal" demonstrate profound ignorance about this technological innovation, and about the current discussions in terms of regulation and legal discussion as well, although the concepts around crypts are admittedly complex by nature of innovation.

Today it is fully legal to buy and sell DASH in Brazil and there is no wrong involved with it. The revolution is only just beginning and the DASH is still ahead! Go DASH!

Simply no FUD on my point of view. It is a simple article that relates to a very complicated discution, but it is fine specially for newcomers who might fear to invest because of "legal" issues.
0 points,6 years ago
Hello Ezekiel,

I agree very much with you this uncertainty is a very complicated discussion, especially in South America were many people lived or are still living under an oppressive regime.

But this is even more reason to explain to people we are not doing anything wrong here and make people feel safe, show them the way where and how to buy! The Dash team is here to help!

But I doubt anyone reading this article felt any more assured getting into Dash.

Please remind that the uncertainty in society could very well be caused by the way the media is presenting and we react on the media. You are the media now. Use this power!
1 point,6 years ago
Thank u for your opinion on this article, Paulkuit!

Certainly i took all you said into consideration, even not agreeing with all your critics. Okay, i guess.

I am able to agree with some things that you said, but i would like to say a few things about what i considered as an somehow unjust evaluation of this article by you.

I am the writer of this article and i am not here to justify myself or to say that the article is "great", it is not. Okay, but also it is not FUD, definitely.

Every sentence of this article revolves around a positive view of DASH in view of "legal critics" that some might have, and it contains information about possible problems and discussions in the future, in terms of legal aspects, but always in a way of telling people that THERE IS NOTHING ILLEGAL IN DASH TECNOLOGY OR TRADE IN BRAZIL, even that are and will be discutions about it.

The "negative" questions are normal questions that people may have in mind before investing (and this is the main target audience for this simples text) and i think they are answered with a positive view on DASH, on my view. If they are not in your view, forgive me, but i am sure some readers could disagree with you on this.

I accept the critic that i could have written a much better article on this complex discution, but my point was adressing the hard issue in a short way was to try answer allready existing critics for cryptos just saying to brazilian investors that that thay are not entering in anything illegal buying os selling DASH. Period.

In anyway, thanks for your words, they help us to make better content for brazillian audience for the bennefit of Dash community all around the World, that is what Dash Global is all about.
0 points,6 years ago
It is very easy, after you finish writing, look for any ugly words like "negative, illegal, critics". Try to bend those phrases to something more pleasurable to read.

Let's publish only great articles then. And let somebody else be the judge of that, please.
1 point,6 years ago
The "ugly words" create the context for one simples assertive in the whole article:

DASH IS NOT ILLEGAL, wich is, by the way, the response to the title of the article.

But i understood your point and will be more attentive on the things that you said to make positive and clarifying statements on DASH, wich is not a capitulation on my behalf that this article was FUD, it was not.

Let´s move on!
Sucess to you and to DASH!
1 point,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
I think MN should keep supporting this proposal because each day it is getting more and more formal, its is a complex but ambicious project, wich mission is to show the world what is DASH, I'm telling the world because of the multiple languages involced. In addition in spanish we have the first DASH PODCAST. We are having the Global Meet Ups supporting Dash enthusiasts, I hope Masternodes will see the efforts by JZA and all DASHGLOBAL memberd around the world.
2 points,6 years ago
So i think that these source of news are good for community around the world, to keep people inform and educate about Dash, and with the add of new website, so MNO give your good vote for this proposals, and many people will get notified about the latest news about Dash and Dash Global news will contribute to make Dash Adoptive by people around the world.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash Global has evolved in an extraordinary way, with the creation of content and sharing the knowledge of Dash to the whole world; and more with the integration of more languages, it's wonderful.
2 points,6 years ago
Do you have some clickstats from your sites, please?
-2 points,6 years ago
Our Google adsense hasn't been that great but you can see our Youtube numbers. We have grown solidly and even if its not as big as the English shows it has generated a avid community throughout latin america. We are striving to become the premier place to get DASH news on the target languages.
-5 points,6 years ago
guy, you that write negative comment about the proposal. The point is that Dash Global help grow the community in his way. So I don't like when you are making comparison between Dfn and Dash Global. So that isn't good. I say it again Dash Global will not take the place of DFN, but they both are working to grow the community in news, podcast and more. So I don't know why you are doing that. So let see Dash Global in His way and don't compare with others. So what you want that Only Dfn that are giving news, making podcast and doing all ? and where is the non governance, where is th decentralisation that we are promoting in crypto world. so in your city how many Radio station ? How many Channel TV ? have a lot and all are doing a specific work in his way. And togheter this will be complete. So Dfn ppl must be support Dash Global team to work togheter and share their experience with Jza to make Dash global better not for come and talking about negative thing.
5 points,6 years ago
I personally have no problem with more news sites. As long as they are efficiently run and provide value for the money spent, that helps my investment as a masternode owner.
I want what is best for my investment first and Dash Force second. If another organization can do what we do and do it better and more efficiently I will gladly retire and live happily ever after on my masternode payments. Until then I will stick around and keep doing my thing simply to protect my multiple masternode investment.

Same goes for meetups, it would be great to have someone start a top notch stand alone meetup DAO. When I see that happen I will shut down the Dash Force meetup program, as I always intended that program to have its own DAO run by someone else. I started the program because it needed to be done and no one was doing it. I know of at least one maybe 2 other meetup type DAO pre proposals that are being planned right now, so that is good. Same goes for the testnet contest and other projects DF helps with. Hopefully one day they will grow big enough to support their own DAO. In the meantime DF is happy to help these projects get going.
0 points,6 years ago
DASH GLOBAL is not only a news website, we can see the compromise on keeping updated the community in many languages, interacting directly with the final consumers on discord and telegram channels, sponsoring meetings around the world. Now aiming
3 more languages but more in the future, I'm sure. I know the masternodes will vote according to the facts and actions.