Proposal “DASHDRIFT“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 53 DASH (1429 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-02-17 / 2018-03-18 (added on 2018-02-12)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 255 Yes / 270 No / 69 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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2 points,6 years ago
"That is, we are aiming very long term effects which ultimately leads (with the help of new projects) to implementing Dash as a cryptocurrency into our everyday life." - Any proposal that actually utilises Dash as a payments platform is much more likely to get my vote.

MNO, Australia. Yoted YES.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks mate! :)
2 points,6 years ago
Voted YES.
2 points,6 years ago
I really like proposals like this. Dash brand becomes associated with daring, competitive behavior. Risking and striving! There's a reason brands like Monster and Red Bull are so popular!

It pains me to see these type of proposals shut down, especially one like this with a reasonable price and a detailed breakdown.

The kind of Dash giveaways described here are working VERY well for Dash Aerosports. This approach creates new Dash vendor adoption, and PROVES to attendees through experience that Dash is useful and effective. This kind of exposure is the gold standard for creating engaged new adopters.
1 point,6 years ago
Nice to see more MNO-s having a similar opinion.

I think there are a lot of "no"-s because of missing 1 minute introduction video here.
2 points,6 years ago
You have my support
0 points,6 years ago
How do you.make an overly broad statement as "first step of implementing Dash in Finland, Estonia & Latvia"

You do know there is already significant traction in estonia..
-12 points,6 years ago
Maybe we can stretch out the DASH letters really wide so that people can read them when the cars go by. Or maybe we can just flush this $36500 down this shitter now so we don't have to wait until July to waste this money.
1 point,6 years ago
Funny but I am going to have to put out a Troll alert.
4 points,6 years ago
Fake, please ban
4 points,6 years ago
Voted YES
-9 points,6 years ago
I bet you like eating shit. Hot, steamy bowls of shit. Yummmmmy!!!!
8 points,6 years ago
(Re-posting as MNO)

I like this proposal very much, because it makes people actually use Dash as money.
I think this is very important.

Sad to see so much "no" votes. Why are those?
-9 points,6 years ago
because your a fucking pussy
3 points,6 years ago
Still no ability on this site to block cretins like this undash62 guy then?
-7 points,6 years ago
Dash is digital cash not physical cash i feel this is another proposal where we are overpaying for some paint.
0 points,6 years ago
1 point,6 years ago
so dash shouldn't be used outside of digital world? did you hit your head before writing this comment?
5 points,6 years ago
This actually gets people to try some Dash and spend it. I am willing to do the experiment. Good luck!

0 points,6 years ago
Many thanks :)
3 points,6 years ago
I like this proposal very much, because it makes people actually use Dash as money.
I think this is very important.

Sad to see so much "no" votes. Why are those?
-3 points,6 years ago
online marketing is way better. this is such a local ads.
-2 points,6 years ago
I dont see how much benefit will accrue from a logo on a car. Offline events dont do much for digital cash unless it is a conference.. Getting the caterer to use dash at is fine but I am looking for something that delivers longer lasting value. Abstaining for now, leaning no..

Thank you for the proposal nevertheless. I applaud the hard work that went into it..
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your opinion. I'd say a cogwheel may also seem useless on its own, but the importance becomes apparent when it's connected to the system. That's what we are proposing - a system, not cogwheels separately. Long lasting value is the main aim of this proposal, please see my reply to AnCapitol (although we might have a different vision).

I believe we have to start from the ground level and introduce Dash to people who are not yet involved with cryptocurrencies and show them what they are really about. By engaging more and more people on right grounds, we can start offering POS solutions on stores, etc., that will be used and which ultimately leads to everyday use of Dash, if done correctly. Once we have achieved that, it stays!

We really should aim that and plant the technology, not overload people with advertisements and get them in because they have an impression of getting rich or even have no idea what they are doing. A quick rise in a market cap may be good for holders, but that could be just a short term, because if we are continuing walking the same path then it's just causing a bubble, which is going to burst at some point. Then all users are going to have a baaad time (especially the holders) and afterwards it's even harder to get people into using cryptos. Also, people who get into Dash because of that realise at some point that there are coins with higher ROI and ditch Dash without even blinking an eye...
-2 points,6 years ago
I also echo the opinion of my fellow MNO that this is low on priority list and will consider it close to the last voting day for now ill Abstain.
1 point,6 years ago
hahahahaha. you really are totally jobless... How much can one person troll..
0 points,6 years ago
Hi andreash,

thank you for your proposal.

It's kind of the same with your and Chael_MMAs proposal. It's cool and all, but I want to see either direct online marketing or more business onboarding.
I will abstain for now and change my vote if there is enough budget left on the last voting day.

Best Regards and good luck from Germany

3 points,6 years ago
Thanks AnCapitol!

I think there are heaps of online marketing proposals here already and we took another approach on purpose, which in my opinion has more value in. I mean, the question is that what's our main goal? Do we want to increase the number of people who just bought some Dash because they spotted an ad online, but they really don't have a clue what to do with it or how could they even use it... and they end up holding it in a hope they will become rich or sell it at some point.

Or do we actually want to make the big leap and take cryptocurrencies into everyday use in the future? The latter one is my goal and I'm afraid we can't achieve it overnight and through plain advertisement. It takes time and people should actually try it, be engaged, interested in and educated in order to see the purpose of using that (especially if it's not an easy "thing" to understand). When they do, then they also spread the word to their friends, family, etc. so it may have a snowball effect. We have already seen that effect, but the message that still spreads is more like "buy cryptos and you will get rich" style. That's not what cryptos should be or look like and that view has to be changed.

Our project aims to tackle this issue and it's relatively small. I am especially interested in collecting data over all these events, such as how many new users do we get via giveaway, how many of them are going to hold it or spend it, how many are going to buy more Dash from elsewhere, etc. This could be done by tracking blockchain and that gives us important knowledge and hopefully a reason to plan a similar project on a big scale.

0 points,6 years ago
Can we get Ott Tanak aboard?! :P
0 points,6 years ago
Hehee...well, we should start on a small how about we knock on his door right after we have successfully delivered this project? :P
0 points,6 years ago
Greetings Estonians! Wish you big success :)
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks! We appreciate that! :) Cheers!