Title: | DASH FOR THE WIN! |
Owner: | bchamz |
One-time payment: | 75 DASH (1924 USD) |
Completed payments: | no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining) |
Payment start/end: | 2017-08-18 / 2017-09-16 (added on 2017-08-02) |
Final voting deadline: | in passed |
Votes: | 466 Yes / 355 No / 127 Abstain |
External information: | www.dashtreasury.org/p-2985.prop |
Proposal description
Photos of DASH STUFF
Twitter Stats of impressions made
Day and Night-the DASH BUS IS ON
Photo from first Austin DASH MEETUP-2nd meetup next Wednesday
Store where DASH is accepted and we are hosting meetups
Many, many newbies getting hooked up with DASH wallets
This guy owns a gym in Austin and will accept DASH
One of about 10 stores that I have planted seeds
No group too big or small for my powerpoint
Will continue to use Fine Southern Gentlemen for further promotional items
201 responses from FACEBOOK POST 
This guy owns very busy head shop in Austin
Contact magazines like this about DASH 
Scene of BANK RUN from my powerpoint
So far given thousands of dollars of DASH away in ways that I felt would help further the cause! I see every person who gets on board as being a win!
My Twitter account
Excuse my shirt collar in this video I just uploaded
Financial Breakdown for what I am asking-
You give me the DASH- I find supporters and get the people interested!
Twitter Stats of impressions made
Day and Night-the DASH BUS IS ON
Photo from first Austin DASH MEETUP-2nd meetup next Wednesday
Store where DASH is accepted and we are hosting meetups
Many, many newbies getting hooked up with DASH wallets
This guy owns a gym in Austin and will accept DASH
One of about 10 stores that I have planted seeds
No group too big or small for my powerpoint
Will continue to use Fine Southern Gentlemen for further promotional items
201 responses from FACEBOOK POST 
This guy owns very busy head shop in Austin
Contact magazines like this about DASH 
Scene of BANK RUN from my powerpoint
So far given thousands of dollars of DASH away in ways that I felt would help further the cause! I see every person who gets on board as being a win!
My Twitter account
Excuse my shirt collar in this video I just uploaded
Financial Breakdown for what I am asking-
You give me the DASH- I find supporters and get the people interested!
Show full description ...
Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?
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Please help keep the Austin Meetup Group Alive! Please, that is a good proposal up there- he will do great!!!! The investors will come!
Either way, you got my vote.
Does this link work-my town's paper did a digital currency article-excellent work!
The Dash For The Win Administration sure does appreciate all yes votes. Check out the latest Dash For The Win! Campaign running on facebook that has caused two reactions the administration has taken note of- 1.) Venezuela is responding and getting ready for the upcoming Caracas Meetup!
2.) The American friends of the Administration are seeing the Venezuelans come enthusiastically asking for DASH!
The Administration feels this works as a sort of double advertisement-and many American friends have inboxed the Administration asking about Dash and how to buy it. The Administration feels this has been a very successful campaign. We are very pleased with the results.
The Dash For The Win Administration sincerely thanks all the yes votes! We are very proud of what we have done and will continue to do-regardless if funded or not. We have gone rogue quite frankly and can not be stopped.
We would love to see some of those no votes change their minds. It would mean the world to the Dash For The Win Administration.
I'd like to think DASH FOR THE WIN! is getting a good grasp on how it's Administration can be effective and Twitter may be one of it's strongest weapons.
Really appreciate that swing of YES VOTES! The continuation of massive amounts of DASH distribution has been this administration's Economic Policy secretly for some time now-perhaps we should have been more upfront with the level of our complete inability to line our own pockets. We are not good politicians at DASH FOR THE WIN-were more like soldiers-with one mission.
And I'd like to say this-if I go by the theory that with each DASH I have to use at my disposal that I have the ability-as verified by our administration's latest economic analysis reports that were faxed in from New York- to convert a guaranteed 5 new truly supportive Dash Ambassadors-then we are looking at a return of investment (in human terms) of welcoming 375 enthusiastic Dash Ambassadors on board.
If you would like to contact this administration at any point for a phone call or perhaps even a letter this can be arranged through either dialing 936-645-6428 or by messaging me on here for emailing instructions.
The Administration has been building great momentum for the cause and we look forward to growing into the numbers that I previously mentioned above that were faxed in from our economic analysis reports team in New York.
Dash for the Win.
Facebook given away thousand. No problem. Here to spread Dash. Public promotion next step.
Let's get some eyes on DASH DIGITAL CASH.
Over a thousand dollars given out to people on my Twitter in last 48 hours
Anyway, I've actually picked back up lately with good responses in real life while pitching DASH. It can just get hard when your doing this-getting rejected to some degree by the public and then also not getting love on here. I am not crying about it. I am simply pointing out what I think could help this community. Like I said, I don't need the money so I don't have to come on here and SAY THE RIGHT THINGS- my goal is to represent a somewhat ordinary digital currency enthusiast who is going through this process and expressing my thoughts.
Don't read too far into the posts- I am writing them in a very frank manner-I don't mean for them to be too jolting.... just pointing out how a proposal process feels.
Anyway, many good days ahead! I adjusted the valves on my bus and it's running much smoother. That was one thing that was bothering me. God this feels like a diary entry-this process is funny.
Is there where you guys would post your thoughts?
Blake Chamness
Best meetup I have had yet. Just real talk going on in the back of the store-miners humming in the background. Dude had a little fridge of beer in the back and we all drank and nobody was like how it can feel in the "big cities" where there REALLY just there for free whatever or to pitch their idea.... no, no..... this was a group that was on board for the cause. Really good stuff.
I gave a good DASH pitch I recorded, most of it, and took a few photos but some people don't like their photos taken at this kind of stuff, they were cool, and were gonna have another, I'll take more then.
First it's about establishing a reputation. I had three papers with me, one being my poloniex account spreadsheet to show where I stand on coins, 11 things to know about DASH paper, and my DASH flyer.
The owner is great. He will accept DASH. He was liking what I had to say, probably mid 40's, been selling gold and silver since he was 18 he says.
Good time.
if youre ready to give up, give up. if you want to be a hero get a group of people in a fucking room and give a speech to all of them and then do that again.
I posted a video in DASH NATION SLACK under Proposals explaining how I feel.
It will never be enough for some-like I said-I am under and this will be my second proposal to fail. I bet I am under by about 2 thousand...perhaps a little more.
How would you feel?
When I was getting my bus done a big part of me had thought "Just paint the bus a stock vw color and sell it. Don't get all excited about DASH." That idea would have made me about 25k now-selling the 1969 vw bus for 10k EASILY and then buying DASH with that last month.... but anyway.... why am I here once again having to explain myself. No more of that to people who don't even attach their real name to any of this crypto world stuff.
But whatever-all I wanted to do for people was give them 5 dash to put up their own proposal. And help them with DASH goals.
As for speeches I see the budget system has that covered in spades over the next few months- a few hundred thousand at least spent on conferences and speeches. And I am all for that. I am not a here to criticize the money being spent- I am here to say good go for it.
I am trying to help where I can.
But I honestly don't respond well to criticism-it shuts me down quick. Even reading this message shot my blood pressure up.
In fact, typing this out I realize- i do quit. Fuck you, fuck DASH. Be a hero? How about a dumbass working for free for a community that criticizes his efforts.
" we're not paying you to fucking hit on one or two slutty baristas each day and call that work. "
Think about how dumb that is... how totally wrong you are.
Fuck you.
I had one guy pull me in front of a group of older people, " Hey tell them about how all this digital currency stuff works."
By prefacing my speech that I was "actually tired of talking about it" the people responded better. People want genuine.
Just my notes. I'll post some pictures soon.
Got some Twitter followers.
But good conversations too-going to try to get these two people I met on film. I think it could come out good.
This is where I feel most natural approacing. Want to take my DASH BANNER down to Barton Springs and lay it out like towel. The hill is angled in such a way that many eyes will see.
Bus timing is bugging me, going to adjust that, only downside to the VW-adjusting valves and ignition timing. Easy fix though.
I understand if this one doesn't pass-perhaps I got over excited. It's all good.
I'm happy just to create dialogue and be a part. Still grateful one of mine passed and I'm spreading Dash.
-Blake Chamness-
Great book for Newbies! "How Money Got Free" by Brian Patrick Eha- everyone should have a copy to give to a friend that refuses to understand or see the way this all works and still after years of us talking about it still sees it as magic internet money.
I've had people say to that "give me $50 then."-and so I do. Rarely do I turn someone down.When I am selective in who I engage with I feel it hurts more than helps our cause. I really want to go into an Edward Jones office and speak with them. I think we should all visit an Edward Jones office. Be slightly condescending when speaking and ask several times
" So who exactly is above you...?" Leave articles from reputable sources when leaving with 20's bookmarking key pages..
I also want to tell everyone reading this an idea my sister came up with that's GREAT. There is a website in your state for unclaimed property-in Texas-
https://mycpa.cpa.state.tx.us/up/Search.jsp -look up friends and family. Use the money they didn't know they had to invest in Cryptocurency. An easy way to get someone into Dash! My sister has got several people in this way. So smart-her idea sets people on a 3 yr cash out plan. How funny! And she has got a lot of people now!
Digital currency should be a fun topic, money should be fun. Please join me today in visiting your local Edward Jones office and disrupting their whole thought process.
I'll say this-carry documents. The Economist, Wall Street Journal articles....thats what im printing more of to LEAVE with people...the older generation wants that....everyone does.
What I liked about today-the guy was asking questions.
To the older generation-when there ready to dismiss me off as a lunatic-I say "Do you think these kids today are going to be the ones who solve the debt problem...that there strong work ethic and discipline will push us out of this trillion dollar situation."
To me the sell is not a POS sale or about merchant adoption YET, it's a philosophical one. It's about erasing years upon years of brainwashing and saying "But now there is another way"
Just my thoughts....typing this from phone excuse typos.
And I don't believe you have good intentions for one second. I hate your posts, your negative thinking, and you have made my experience here one of bitterness.. I hate your attitude, I hate checking my own proposal...you've taken a fun thing and made it HELL.
So wherever I need to send the 30 Dash back I'll do it.
I'll sell the bus and move to something different.
Seriously man, plain and simple I don't waste time with people like you and if your apart of DASH THEN I DONT WANT TO BE ANYWHERE NEAR HERE. Your that negative.
I feel like returning my 30 Dash back to the Dash Treasury. Honestly.
All I can say is either fund the hell out of projects like this or get some former CEO of Blockbuster or Bed, Bath and Beyond to hire a team of 100 DASH Representatives.
Whatever you do-call out the negative glass half-empty people on here every chance you get and welcome and support every pre-proposal idea you see and get to know their vision. If you find a trustworthy individual on here that has good intentions-give them a chance.
I believe even if EVOLUTION were to have a built in GOLD CREATOR button that popped out little nuggets of gold from the screen that we would still have a heavy resistance and need people holding the general public hands through it.
You keyboard warriors would be surprised at the resistance out there I believe. But you'll learn.
Anyways, extremely frustrating process here. To all the naysayers-why don't you pose a solution?
I tried, and failed, what can I say, I accepted it. I didn't cry about it.
All my comments were meant to help you think to solve Problems within your proposal. You had no itemized list of where money was going at all. When I mentioned it to you , you respond saying 100% is going towards "creative giveaways". That Is the most general answer you can ever get. The answer I was hoping for was something like:
5 Dash to giveaway
10 Dash in promotial items such as t-shirts and magnets etc.
5 Dash in food for meetups
10 Dash for online giveaways
So you said 100% is going towards "creative giveaways" and after you receive funding you make a personal decision to give 20% to the person who funded you? When you already promised this and knew you needed to have 10 Dash proposal fee reimbursement instead of 5 but left it out. It only proves that I was right in my accusations and that you should have itemized more clearly. If you would have mentioned it beforehand I wouldn't have said anything about it. You had an opportunity to fix it, and declined to.
Solutions are on the way but it will be a few months to get everything running smoothly. So for now I am putting the Dash Force merchant adoption meetup program and my new non-meetup merchant adoption program on hold. After these solutions are ready we will put together written how to guides and videos to make it easier for the merchants to get going with POS software.
Solutions for Easily cashing out into fiat so merchants can pay their bills will take even longer. When that time comes we will put together those guides too, that will make it easier for people like yourself to on board new merchants.
In the meantime I will focus on online businesses where we do have working solutions for merchants but theses too need work.
Maybe things will be different.
As for accountability I have thought maybe at some point I could share my wallet transactions with a trusted member of the community and show my notes if it comes down to it-perhaps with DASH FORCE NEWS people or someone-but I plan to have quite a few photos and videos put up this next week.
Anway, it's downloading slowly to youtube-have a great Saturday!
Can you make an itemized list of how funds will be spent.
30 Dash proposal
-5 Dash proposal fee
25 Dash total
5/25 Dash "reimbursement to whoever funded you"
5 /25 = 20%
promotional materials and to new users."
Were you promoting Dash by giving him 20% of your funds? obviously no.
You can go ahead and try to play it off and make your jokes. There is a lot of other things you could have done with that $1000.
https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/karma-charity-fund-sponsored-by-dash-treasury.16111/ Nobody's laughing anything off-were getting stuff done.
Don't scare off positivity and expect a good outcome.
Good deeds done with digital currency shows liberty breeds lasting progress.
I look forward to putting all the DASH I get from this Austin proposal into whatever I can to get things going and if I get this next proposal I'll keep 20 out of it. I am more than happy with that. This is fun if I have the right attitude about it. Sometimes I get stressed thinking about how to be effective or if I know all the questions people will ask but at the end of the day it's simple-get out there-let people know the simple facts and the power of the 2nd tier system and get DASH wallets out there. If I can get a little merchant acceptance-bravo!
I had a long conversation tonight with my Dad on these matters about what it means to "work" for DASH (which blows his mind all the concepts going on) but the point we ended up resting on is that both parties are caught in a trust situation. I really want to be able to show you guys that every dash I get for this Austin proposal will be spent. I think I can prove that for the most part-which is why I like having someone else at any event to take a photo or film. When it's just me it feels akward going through all the steps and getting a picture. It's much smoother with two. I feel the next step maybe doing videos of events where I leave the camera running and edit it later. Perhaps that would be a good way to prove myself.
Anyway, I'll answer any questions put forth on here! Keeping no DASH from the AUSTIN Proposal and 20 Dash if the AMBASSADOR Proposal goes through. I am more than happy to just do the Austin thing but thought the Ambassador Tour could be fun and make an impact. As it is written, so shall it be done.