Proposal “DASH-LATAM-DRONE-RACE-SERIES-2018“ (Closed)Back

One-time payment: 136 DASH (3488 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-04-18 / 2018-05-18 (added on 2018-04-09)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 47 Yes / 399 No / 39 Abstain

Proposal description 

Promoting the use of Dash through FPV Drone Racing.
Organize a series of FPV Drone Racing competitions represented by Dash that complies with all the characteristics to qualify as a Chapter MultiGP and attracts the attention of all LATAM.

• The first cryptocurrency to a series of FPV Drone Race competitions
• Connection with sports channel to broadcast TV events nationwide.
• DASH will obtain about hundreds of readers via our promotion work within 3 months
• Adding 750 well informed members (Downloaded wallets) to the DASH Network.
• More than 28 merchants accepting DASH payments, using it as a currency and sticking with it.
• Prepare FPV community for a new and better economic system, helping them become massive DASH adopters.
• Globally watched event with branding and significant B2C reach Opportunity to engage DASH community as FPV pilots, FPV racing team and event competitions owners / supporters
• Opportunities to forge long-term strategic partnerships among co-sponsors of drone FPV merchant.
• New DASH members will be qualitatively informed and prepared for upcoming DASH Evolution.
• Supported by our enthusiasm, these people will become active DASH followers. They will also influence business and make it use DASH payment system.
• Positioning of DASH as an alternative payment method in the region Achievement of national development through large-scale events.
• Branding and brand identity development Training for new regional leaders nationwide with the help of Dash drone FPV ambassadors

This proposal is cross-posted at the Dash Forum here: 


Hello Dash Community! We are excited to introduce you the proposal for a DASH LATAM DRONE RACE SERIES 2018.

Important links:
Pre-Proposal document:
 Official Document

Full Budget


Dash needs to increase the exposal of its strengths as an innovative payment system to attract the attention of potential users who take advantage of its versatility, hence we aim to include Dash to the emerging market of FPV Drone racing eSport, which is a sport with growing interest in the society and with excellent projections.

Accordingly, Dash must create its own ecosystems where the use of this payment method is encouraged. A series of Drone races where all the vendors, sponsors, participants and fans accept Dash, will increase the trust the public has on our cryptocurrency promoting adoption and financial freedom.


Dash’s Blockchain technology will become the first cryptocurrency in the world to do a series of FPV Drone races competitions and a certified MultiGP Chapter.
This eSport has gained popularity in U.S.A and several places of Europe, however, it is beginning to show great growth in Latin American countries, and in consequence we want to make the first Dash track in Venezuela, where all the LATAM pilots and teams can participate.

To be part of the MultiGP Organization and be a certified Chapter, the following parameters must be followed:

·        Construction and designing of a Dash FPV Drone racing track.

Once selected the place where the race track will be recreated, we will proceed to condition and structure the space according to the international standards established by the MultiGP organization. This includes the installation of all advertising material and information points concerning Dash.
In this track will take place all the events related to the races and meetups about Dash. Also, we will open commercial spaces in the track for vendors and manufacturers who wish to contribute to the events and adopt Dash as the main payment method.

·        Training of Dash team for International and national competitions.

With the support of the Venezuelan drone league it will be organized new teams that comply with the guidelines established by the MultiGP.
The best pilots in the region will be chosen to be part of the team. They will represent Dash in local and international competitions. All the members will be trained to talk about Dash to the community.

·        Organization of 6 FPV Drone race events in the Dash track.

These events (4 official races and 2 fun fly events) are to take place in a estimated time of 3 months. Each event will have media coverage and a digital marketing campaign.
There will be made entertaining videos about the competitions to attract international attention and to show how Dash is innovating in emerging ecosystems.
These events will be promoted in international and national levels, targeting the Latin American teams and pilots. During the events it will be shown in a interactive way the simplicity of the Dash payments.
The prize of the competition and different commercial services and materials offered as food and consumables in the race event will be paid in Dash.

·        Execution of 2 monthly meetups for the community.

Through the meetups we will raise awareness of Dash to a great volume of people targeting spectators, fans and drone racing members, we will advertise Dash as a technological and financial solution for the consumption of supplies of their teams.
During these meetups we will provide detailed information about Dash and promote the inclusion of the community to increase the adoption and development.

·        Make the first program of Dash ambassadors in the LATAM FPV drone community.

Consists in the formation of people capable to spread their knowledge towards the Latin America communities about the Dash technology through different organizations of Drone racing.
Also, they will offer logistic and informative support during the events, their tasks include creation of Dash’s wallets, uses explanation and assistance during the payments.
These people will be responsible of promoting the Dash integration as a payment method to big manufacturing companies and sponsors of Drone races.

The funds will be managed by:

DASH Escrow Managed Operations: DEMO

DEMO Incubator Inc.
cold storage wallet address:

Management of funds based on Milestone.

  • APRIL   -------   82.58 Dash
  • MAY      -------   41.76 Dash
  • JUNE    -------   11.67 Dash
TOTAL 136.01 Dash

Full Description
[b][/b]ROAD MAP

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
-1 point,6 years ago
This is so affordable! And FPV racing is such an un-crowded space!
I'm pretty sad that this is likely not getting funded this cycle. I like it.
0 points,6 years ago
We would like to enter this voting cycle again! Thanks for your support!

But the truth is we do not know clearly that we should improve. Since we did not get many feedbacks from the MNOs;
-2 points,6 years ago
Abstaining vote ! Obviously this proposal is crashing hard. Hmmm.. Maybe due to the tight budget? Not much feedback here from MNOs.
Novel indeed> The racing is actually impressive:
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you very much we would like to have your support to return to the voting cycle. Now the Budget is a little better for proposals.
1 point,6 years ago
Dear andresfpv,
You use 2 differents place in the forum as your link said in the proposal. Can you link in proposal part preproposal part.
As i said in Preproposal its a no.
-2 points,6 years ago
A big greeting to the entire Dash community!

I am Andres Larez, founder of ARAtechnology, a startup dedicated to the adoption and development of disruptive technologies.

I present our proposal "DASH LATAM DRONE RACE SERIES 2018." We want to include Dash and his entire community in the world of drone racing Dash is the perfect cryptocurrency to be part of a community of so much renown at the level of technological consumption

I am here to answer any questions, we hope to have your feedback to continuously improve and carry out our best effort to raise the level of adoption of Dash
0 points,6 years ago
We are confirming that DEMO Incubator Inc. will be providing escrow services for this project. DEMO will represent the interest of the Dash network, releasing funds based on deliverables. DEMO will not receive funds from the escrow service.

Scott Farnsworth
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for your validation, Scott.
Let's keep in touch for future steps to follow.