Proposal “DASH-GLOBAL-News-Sites“ (Completed)Back

Title:DASH Global News site
Monthly amount: 80 DASH (1901 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 240 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-19 / 2017-11-16 (added on 2017-08-20)
Votes: 815 Yes / 70 No / 32 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello Masternodes,

First we want all to thank you on our past proposal that help us start our news platform for the Spanish market. Having your support allowed us to bring news to a massive market that wanted to learn what DASH in a timely manner with a great depth of information. We understood this, and we launched the following:
You can check out our efforts on our site:

What Now?
We have been very succesful on these efforts and have got great feedback from this massive community that wants to learn more about DASH. I think DASH has a bright future on the spanish speaking community with this premier content. In our group we have a very diverse group and doesn't limit to age, we have people from all over the world and we want to take advantage of this by creating Language Teams and can also get from the DASH people from other communities like Korean, Italian, French and others. So we are extending our proposal to 4 language teams. To create more articles and more content on different language.

This is a great opportunity for us to extend the vision and make the DASH community more global and more knowledgeable.

DASH Global sites will have their own identity and their own style, even their own templates. So we want to spur the swarm mentality of having independent teams working on the same goal with their own styles and workflows. We want this to grow and flourish and also cross polynate thanks to the conversations we hold at our local teams.

So we are asking the Masternodes to renew our proposal and extend the funding. We are working on bringing premium content in Spanish but also now have teams to also ignite the DASH conversation and ideals on different sites.

We are asking for 80 DASH having the recent price adjustment we reduce the funding from the original 120 given in the Forums. We think we can do this with 80 DASH and also achieve what we need. We want to also be more dinamic and follow the DASH team on their presentations and be able to have a budget to interview the DASH team on their next events:

  • DASH Reinbursment: 5 DASH
  • Journaling team: 36 DASH
  • Videos and Production: 10 DASH
  • Marketing, SEO/Youtube: 4 DASH
  • Development and technical support: 5 DASH
  • Journaling expenses: 20 DASH

We want to thank you once again to fund us and be able to support us for the following 3 months and have a consolidated multi-month roadmap. With more support we will have more long term infrastructure like be able to rent set for a medium term and also hold contracts to journalists that need some sort of security for more than 30 days.

We believe this proposal achieves that and also will be able to have better metrics as we gain viewers and subscribers.  Please give us your feedback and we will be able to answer all questions.

Forum pre-proposal: Click Here

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
This is the latest update regarding our news site project. We have detected and fixed some SEO issues on the DASH Español site, as well as creating more art for all the DASH News sites. You would see that we have done some 3D 'DASHMAN' graphics all around the news site. Thanks to our designer for that.
We are more comfortable into our set and our latest podcast now have some more effects and improved camera work. We will keep improving as time goes by. We are working with a new recording team that has more experience with studio recordings.
We are including DASH channel from Rodrigo Digital on our DASH Brasil site, we hope to launch that before the end of the month, this will improve traffic on the site.
New social media channels has been created for the different domains and is starting to gain followers. We are looking into the opportunity of creating new media for those channels.
0 points,7 years ago
Excelente propuesta, soy participe de ella porque gracias a DASH y JZA hacemos nuestros meetup en República Dominicana, con la aprobación de este presupuesto muchas personas mas en el mundo y en latinoamérica conocerán a DASH y su adopción.
0 points,7 years ago
This is an update on DASH Global efforts, we havent missed a beat. Still producing our weekly DASH news podcast on youtñolube. DASH Podcast en Español, with interviews, proposal reviews and news reported and documented on our news site, DASH Español.

Our global sites have published a total of 800 articles across different languages, and are moving into improving usability of our websites specially on mobiles.

Jombotron bugs and menu visualization has been fixed, and other bugs are being worked on.

Social media channels for DASH Brasil, DASH Italiano and DASH Korean have been activated.

Global RSS feed has been implemented as well, and also our new set fully equiped with monitors, portable laptop handlers, furniture and green and black screen.

We want to thank the masternodes, as well as the team of contributors that have make this huge push for DASH Global news sites.
0 points,7 years ago
Please check our week 4 update on the forums:
0 points,7 years ago
Oops is actually this one...
0 points,7 years ago
Please check our week 2 update on the fourums.
0 points,7 years ago
Great work, especially the news show.

I just do not watch traders with charts and triangles, promote holding instead.

Hope you'll get the views.
0 points,7 years ago
First week of DASH Global has concluded we have generated an stunning amount of articles in different languages. Will generate a more indepth report soon. But want to thank publically the team that has been hard at work and making inroads in our goal. Make sure to check out the new videos from DASH Español and please be patient for the new International Sites for DASH, coming soon.
0 points,7 years ago
easy yes from me, good luck.
0 points,7 years ago
cool we even have koreans here ^^ it possible to contact Yuky Lee somehow?
0 points,7 years ago
안녕하세요! 혹시 이메일이나 카톡, 왓츠앱, 텔레그램, 슬랙, 트위터 중 편하신 걸로 연락처 하나 주시겠어요? :) 관심 감사드립니다! 답 느려져서 죄송해요.
0 points,7 years ago
yes she is here, reading the comments...
2 points,7 years ago
We want to thank all masternodes for getting us here. Our team share the vision of having a healthy and diverse DASH community and create a globalized currency.
1 point,7 years ago
Me encanta ! Excelente propuesta ! Así la información llegara a más personas !
Traspasemos fronteras 💪🏼
0 points,7 years ago
This is great! We need that momentum to keep going. So glad JZA took the reins and ran with them!
0 points,7 years ago
Great proposal. There's very few resources in Spanish and we need content out there for every non English speakers to build up the community.
0 points,7 years ago
This isn't a bad proposal but you really need to work on getting an audience. Your videos are mostly below 100 views.
0 points,7 years ago
Well is a catch 22, DASH is not popular enough in spanish speaking countries due to the lack of content in the language. So we are trying to make quality content so it can generate an audience. Fortunately we'll get there in a few weeks.
0 points,7 years ago
The proposal looks good, than is gonna help to make grow the mexican dashmunnity
4 points,7 years ago
voted yes! good luck, we need more multilingual projects
3 points,7 years ago
I love the idea of being able to continue helping people to understand the latest news from Dash, this coin is growing every day, and good that people to know it will encourage you to invest in it. I support the proposal and I want to continue being part of this community.
1 point,7 years ago
I think jza proposal it's great I'm personally learning alot on Dash en Español, and sharing with people that don't speak English. New language open more frontiers for Dash hope he get the support he needs.
2 points,7 years ago
It is an excellent proposal to bring Dash closer to a greater one to look for adoption from knowing what it is and how it is used, besides being a means where they can be convinced that it is the evolution of the economy, great proposal, Masternote I go with a yes Is proposed for Dash benefits and what more people know and report about it
1 point,7 years ago
Hello, i belive its a great and indeed a necesary proyect for LATAM. We really need a pleace where we can find information and education about DASH, and not just this if this proyect can help to a new investors and new bussines to adopt DASH as a main currency!!! What a great deal!! I truly trust in the proyect and i hope more people than me can see how far this will help to the DASH community
2 points,7 years ago
This is an excellent project. I am so proud of being part of it!! :) Hope we can get more people involved in this amazing Dash community! :)
1 point,7 years ago
This is potential for local growing crypto-community in various part of the world. At the same time to bring us together on an amazing project which is DASH.

More people has responded to past proposals, this would be a few times even better. An organized project, with purpouse, structure and organization is the way to go.

Luckily DASH native governance system supports this kind of projects, which community has responded great too. However, mis-information and misleading information has not been great. This proposal would eliminate this kind of barriers.

2 points,7 years ago
Are these two proposals now combined or are they separate proposals?

DASH Español, spanish news and podcast show
Owner: JZA
One-time payment: 57 DASH (16767 USD)
2 points,7 years ago
We wanted to do this from the start, but we thought that many people will ask for experience doing this so we descided to wait a month to have something to show and prove. Now we can start wtih the international sites, and make it a conglomerate of teams contributing on their own language. So far we have pitch it in different dash communities and people seem excited on getting high quality content like Market reports and Tutorials on acquiring DASH.
1 point,7 years ago
That was last month, we are continuing the DASH Español efforts with this proposal, PLUS adding new sites-languages-teams to the project.
1 point,7 years ago
As part of the Spanish Team of writers in I encourage you to vote yes to this proposal. Not only will help us continue for the rest of the year in our spanish and latino community (we are working everyday now, creating new content), but will help the proyect go Global and give all the team the opportunity to have more projection in the cyberspace.
4 points,7 years ago
Hi JZA - your work so far has been excellent. The number of people you have touched with the Dash message is a real accomplishment!
I have enjoyed your Dash News videos on YouTube:
The website you created at is a great start. I would like to suggest that you get an SSL certificate for the website. This will improve its results in search engines. Reach out to me on Slack if you need any help with it!
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you ec1warc1 I really appreciate your comment your efforts with are also remarcable. I would love to have you featured on our site.
3 points,7 years ago
The reason why this project is great is that it is breaking language barriers, posting the plan of work including the specific writers profile. Also it is aiming main platforms for internet users. JZA has showed his professionalism, experience and passion on developing and increasing the community on Spanish, after this project we will realize the magnitude in more languages. Have a great day and I hope you will take the right decision and support this great proposal.
2 points,7 years ago
Spanish has a lot of appeal - I'm learning a little Spanish on duolingo and noticed that it's by far the most popular language on that site. I've also been reading some of your Steemit posts - well done.
2 points,7 years ago
I think this propousal will help DASH have a organic growth, with diferent people suporting DASH with their one view and opinion. I think DASH Golbal News will make synergy with DFN instead of competing against DFN.
2 points,7 years ago
What's the difference with Dash Force? Why it should be funded separately? Do you cooperate?
1 point,7 years ago
They are very different projects, the site Dash Force News has some similarities dough. I'm working for the team of writers for Spanish and have had contact and colaboration with memebers of DFN, such as Mark Mason -who I interviewed-, but as I said we are different projects, we colaborate or comunicate openly if that helps Dash. This proposal will take our effort further in taking Dash News and Creative Content to much bigger audiences.
2 points,7 years ago
Furthering a bit more, I want to take Evan for example as he create more development teams to focus on hardware and leaving core to make new things flourish. I think this is the same idea here. We have certain advantages as we all live in the the same city (for the most part) and we collaborate on DASH and share information. So it's also have advantages just like producing new shows or such.
1 point,7 years ago
Exponential growth vs linear growth. Basically we believe in different groups to work on their own thing on their own way. We want to provide a platform for the teams but we wont tell them what to write or do. This will make them build their own identity regardless of a 'master plan'. We do believe in cross polination but having their own identity under their own domain and flag is also what we think that will get us there.
I think this is a different strategy and angle. For example if you see our shows, they are different from the DFN shows, and not only because of the language.
0 points,7 years ago
Guy I don't like when make a confuse dfn and dashespanol community , so I think that dash is something for the world something global, so look for Bitcoin have a lot of news website, cointelegrah, and a lot in others languages so diversity is a key to put anything in another level, so don't compare dfn and dashespanol global, so they are making great thing for the dash community.
-2 points,7 years ago
i'm definitely supporting this. Dashforce is great and all, but its a ripoff and theyre barely trying to improve. having jza up the game is a breath of fresh air. bring on the competition and thanks for not overcharging nearly as much as brian freeman.
4 points,7 years ago
"Dash Force News is only one part of what Dash Force does, probably about half of the total operation, just the most visible.
Please read the whole proposal to see everything that DF does."