Proposal “DASH-E-AIR“ (Closed)Back

Title:DASH-E-AIR the Electric airline run entirely on DASH and Electricity
Monthly amount: 850 DASH (29913 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (24 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-06-03 / 2019-06-13 (added on 2016-08-28)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 25 Yes / 433 No / 0 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,8 years ago
0 points,8 years ago
vahapey - They have an electric airplane on the market:

I wonder if the DASH community would support's about 100,000 Euro and that'd be pretty easy eh?
0 points,8 years ago
KiwiCodger - Thanks man, that's kinda what I was thinking! hit me up if you're in California or Nevada (or the next time you're there) maybe we can go up!
1 point,8 years ago
Hang in there bro, if you get the funding, all the best. No plans on visiting the US in the near or distant future. Good luck.
1 point,8 years ago
Well, it is nice to see that MNO's can now spot an obvious scam/joke and are not 'rubber-stamping' all proposals any more.
-1 point,8 years ago
Not sure if this post adds to the discussion?
0 points,8 years ago
We have this section on the forum that you can feel out the support you may likely get from a proposal
Just to test the water and see if it is worth spending 5 dash on.
Have you checked out this site I think that would be a perfect platform for your project :)
0 points,8 years ago
Thanks! I didn't know about either of those. I'll check them both out.
0 points,8 years ago
Its stuff out there on the edge that gets the media. Voted yes just because this is strange enough to work!
3 points,8 years ago
How is this project supposed to help Dash? I'm sorry, but Dash Budget funds, in my opinion, of course - as there are no "laws" - are to be spent on the needs of Dash. Or, at the very least, crypto adoption in general.
0 points,8 years ago
I do not think that this proposal will be successful ... but
- can you give some details about yourself
- Elon Musk stated that the current generation of batteries is to heavy for airplanes - why do you think different
- is there a basic calculation on weight, battery capacity, power consumption and expected flight time in numbers
0 points,8 years ago
Dworf - Thanks for the post man...sure thing.

Me - I went to the Air Force Academy 2001-2005 and have been flying C-130s/MC-12s with the AF since then. I'm leaving the military in November and will have some more time for this project very soon. I'm obsessed to an unhealthy level with all things: bitcoin (moving everything over to DASH now), Tesla, and flying. When I'm not flying airplanes for work I like to fly gliders, paragliders, skydiving parachutes, kitesurfing kites(yeah...that's a wing as well). So I'm quite excited about this thing.

Elon Musk - I must respectfully disagree with you. Checkout this video from Nov 2014: I'll transcript a bit here:
"To have a compelling electric aircraft you only need about 400Whrs/kg. Provided the percent of cell on the craft is high...If it's sort of at the 70% level at 400Whrs/kg you could do very decent range." So as I understand his interpretation is that you need to go BIGGER not SMALLER with the're not going to get 70% batteries on an aircraft that looks like an overgrown mosquito.

Furthermore, here's a video in which he's talking about Vertical Takeoff/Landing:
...and it takes way more power (and batteries) to hover than it does to accelerate along a runway. He also talks about getting rid of the tail and using ducted gimbal electric fans...but I'm not Elon Musk, nor do I have his bank account so when I do this on a shoestring budget, the range will be limited, but it will work.

Here's some napkin math:
Empty weight: 2,850 lb (1,293 kg)
Gross weight: 4,600 lb (2,087 kg)
Powerplant: 2 × Continental O-470-B horizontally opposed piston engines, 240 hp (180 kW) each

So...That should leave you with 1750lbs of batteries with the current/normal configuration...which equates to roughly 125kwh of these guys: 42lbs and 3kwh apiece. Roughly 1.5 times an 85kwh pack from a Tesla Model S. Since this is napkin math...I figure you can drive a Model S 200 miles (3hrs) nonstop...but that doesn't account for continuous max acceleration so cut that into 1/3rd (that's what it is when I go like hell on my Zero) I'm thinking we should be shooting for about a 30-40 minute flight. VFR flight requires (normally enough fuel to go to destination PLUS 30 mins) so you'll have to go to the bathroom before you get on my electric airplane so that we can squeeze the last 10 mins of batteries on.

Charge a couple hundred bucks for the novelty of riding on an electric plane, and bring a REALLY long extension cord ; )

Everyone loves talking about batteries, here's another amazing quality US product:

You didn't ask about the motors, but this is the next hardest piece after the weight and balance as the currently available electric motors are either extremely underpowered or weigh tons (no more than one)...So for this reason I think we need to buy/build a test stand and start figuring out that piece first.

So hit me...where'd I miss the mark?
0 points,8 years ago
thank you -
there is another compilation of talks about it:

I think its possible to gear up an old Cessna with some batteries and exchange the fossil engines with electric engines.

But even if you would get the money (all 7650 DASH ~ $100,000 ) you just would have achieved to turn an old airplane into a electric propelled old airplane with reduced specifications. That showcase would be enough to go some big investor to claim 100 Mio USD to design a modern electric airplane - probably you will need more money if you go into production. And to achieve this goal you will need an unbreakable will and a very convincing personality. Then why should anyone buy an electric airplane with reduced specification (which nobody knows today).

Another point is that the marketcap of DASH today is < 100 Mio USD. That is way below of what you will need to fund your project.

Maybe you can try to make a request to TheDAO to claim some funds there.
0 points,8 years ago
Elon's the man.

The budget was for 850X24months, and you're right...that's WAYYYYY too much for such a small community. I was overestimating how big/powerful DASH is currently...but hey, we've got 10 months for 1 DASH to be $1M...then I'll resubmit for a single DASH ; )

I'd really just like to operate it. I wouldn't want to sell the aircraft or the company. I'd rather carefully structure it as a DAO. Some kind of employee owned/operated thing...SW like.

What would be the best tool for making the ledger of this kind of organisation public?
0 points,8 years ago
Thank you for taking time to submit this proposal. Unfortunately I must vote no. I don't believe that this proposal gives enough value for money.
0 points,8 years ago
i think your budget proposal would have got more support if you proposed to convert a re-usable rocket to full electric, i hear Elon Musk has a few of those laying around that you can maybe buy from him and convert to full electric ?
2 points,8 years ago
I might fund an EMdrive :)
0 points,8 years ago
I was all in until this part, "actual purchase of the aircraft would come later.". Actually, no I wasn't. An electric plane not currently possible, along with 2 years of fixing before it can be used = bad x bad.
0 points,8 years ago
Solarminer, maybe I misunderstood...did you mean that any electric plane is not possible?
0 points,8 years ago
The development for those cost a little more than $11,000 USD. lol
0 points,8 years ago
Ah - per month! lol
-1 point,8 years ago
TanteStefana - Also, wouldn't it be helpful to have a logistical DAO up and running as a test bed?
-1 point,8 years ago
TanteStefana - The idea was that a project outside of the space would attract more people into it, but it's probably way too early in DASH's life cycle to be able to fund this project in much the same way that Doge's projects brought a lot of people into Doge.

I've been wondering if the response would have been different if it was just an air carrier setup as a DAO? ie No electric planes, just a single 'normal' aircraft...
0 points,8 years ago
Better yet, perhaps start with, let's say a car, perhaps a Tesla taxi run as a DAO or something? Work your way up from there or something. "Fucking Insane" can attract media I suppose, but not if it is so fucking insane it is considered literally fucking insane.