Proposal “DASH-CONFERENCE-2024“ (Active)Back

Monthly amount: 2000 DASH (47529 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (6 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2024-06-16 / 2024-12-20 (added on 2024-06-16)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 16 Yes / 435 No / 44 Abstain
Will be funded: No. This proposal needs additional 747 Yes votes to become funded.
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Proposal description

Cross-posted from here

This proposal will fund our second Dash-dedicated conference that WAGMI Events (formally Keynote) has made. Our last event was in 2017, with resounding success. ( (
In 2024, as the blockchain landscape evolves with DeFi and NFTs, Dash has experienced incredible growth, standing out in an ever-growing market. The Dash community remains a grassroots movement dedicated to reinventing money and empowering people globally. It’s the perfect time to unite our community to share ideas, inspire, educate, and celebrate our collective vision. We propose to hold the first Dash Conference on October 21st in Miami.

Who will organize this event?

WAGMI Events (formally Keynote), the longest-running event company in crypto since 2012, will organize this event. With a history of successful conferences, including the North American Bitcoin Conference in Miami and the World Blockchain Forum, WAGMI Events has the experience and connections to ensure a successful event. We've been working alongside Dash since 2014 at The North American Bitcoin Conference with Evan Duffield, later on with Ryan Taylor, and many friends in the Dash core team. We are producing on October 21-24, and the Dash Conference would run the day before the event.

What will the event be?

The Dash Conference will be a one-day event. The venue rental is at The James L Knight Center in Miami. There will be a main hall for speeches, panel discussions, and demos on broad-audience topics and smaller breakout rooms for specialized content (e.g., technical discussions, working sessions, and product demonstrations). We will offer business partners or other interested parties the opportunity to host booths in an exhibitor area outside the main hall. The event will also be fully catered, including breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch.

  • Structure: Main hall for speeches, panel discussions, demos, and smaller breakout rooms for specialized content. An exhibitor area will also be available. The event will be fully catered, including breakfast, coffee breaks, and lunch.
  • Content Ownership: AV services, including projectors, microphones, media walls, videographers, photographers, and LCD screens, will capture and brand the event.
  • Networking: A separate conference networking event the night before and the night of the event.

WAGMI Events will also provide full event branding, including a web ad campaign, a MailChimp campaign, banners, lanyards, cards, and brochure printing.

Dash will be the Premiere sponsor of the WAGMI Miami, granting a speaking slot and complementary tickets.
Discounts will be offered for purchasing tickets to both events, encouraging a mix of attendees.

To encourage potential attendees to attend both events, Keynote and Dash plan to collaborate to offer discounts for purchasing tickets to both in a package. This will help infuse more Dash attendees into WAGMI Miami and encourage attendees outside the Dash community to attend our event.

What services does this proposal fund?

Services include:
- Staff costs for developing and executing the conference, including staff on the day of the event for the organization, manning the reception desk, etc.
- Venue rental for the main hall, exhibitor hall, and breakout rooms.
- Marketing, design, and printing costs for all conference-related materials
- Catering
- Audio / visual equipment and staff
- World Blockchain Forum sponsorship
- Conference networking event, including venue rental and organization
Total: ~$350,000 USD

However, note that much of these funds will be recuperated through ticket and sponsorship sales. The exact amount will depend on discounts offered for dual-purchased tickets and strategically gifted booths or tickets to select business partners for which we want to encourage attendance. Any conference revenue will be applied toward the next Dash Conference or used for other conference-related expenses.

Where can I find more information? What is the schedule/agenda?

More information on WAGMI Miami can be found at

If you have any other questions, please direct them to me here or email

The requested funding is as follows for the next four cycles, starting with the June 24th budget cycle:
  • 12,000 Dash for sponsorship and expenses for Dash Conference and Premiere sponsorship of WAGMI Miami ($350,000 USD @ $30 per Dash) split into 6 cycles.
Total: 12,000 Dash

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
4 points,4 months ago
You're proposing that we spend a quarter of our total budget for 6 months on a conference?
1 point,4 months ago
The price tag is a bit rich for me, otherwise, I love the idea especially given we will have Platform (Evolution) on mainnet by then.
2 points,4 months ago
Let me work on it, and in the next few months, I can look at resubmitting. Thanks!
6 points,4 months ago
This is cometely unnecessary at the moment. Maybe once we have Platform launched and are trying to generate moment to have people build on top of it something like this might be a value add. Right now is definitly not the time from my perspective.
2 points,4 months ago
Good point, and I think some others agree with you. Let's have a think and review.
2 points,4 months ago
I think proposal owner has a few things working against his proposal :

* proposal gets released to the network just 4 days before the voting deadline, with a proposal startdate for this budget cycle. That is very late, proposal should have been released at the start of this budget cycle or at the start of the next budget cycle, or should have a start date for next budget cycle, to leave room for discussion
* as much as i like to see a Dash Conference organised again, the timing for this proposal is just really bad. Dash is still in a very strong bear market and that put pressure on existing budget proposals who need to request higher amount of dash, this budget proposal is requesting a lot of dash over a lot of months (6 months).
* DCG will be pretty occupied the next 3-4 months, with the upcoming release of Dash Platform to Mainnet. I am not sure DCG has the time to either visit 21st of October 2024 and possibly the 3 days after.

I hope someone from DCG comments as well, because we do need promotion of Dash Platform after release and activation. A Dash Conference or Dash Presentation could be helpfull with promoting Platform. But like i said, bad timing if you ask me.
4 points,4 months ago
I think you're right on a few fronts. Maybe I will do it in a couple of months when the platform is ready and resubmit something similar. It was a lot easier when we did it a few years ago and dash was near ATH and had support of dash core.
2 points,4 months ago
Hi guys - I'd love to get the discussion going here - I'm dealing with issues submitting this proposal and duplicating it. Please vote for the 2000 DASH proposal.
2 points,4 months ago
With regards to your duplication issue (the incorrect 1500 DASH proposal), pls contact rango through
2 points,4 months ago
Thanks @qwizzie! I have sent Rango a message.
1 point,2 months ago
The duplicate proposal has been hidden.