Proposal “Cracking_the_CannabisGenome_w_DASHDrive“ (Closed)Back

Title:Cracking the Cannabis Genome on DASH Drive
Monthly amount: 40 DASH (1078 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (6 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-09-14 (added on 2018-03-24)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 273 Yes / 220 No / 37 Abstain

Proposal description

Cracking the Cannabis Genome on DASH Drive

Benefits to DASH

•    This is a mechanism to leverage several already funded DASH proposals in the cannabis field that will bring DASH as the main sponsor to CannMed 2018. (
•    This will make DASH a permanent name in the Cannabis history and will better leverage the Alt36 presence at many Cannabis conferences, having DASH solve one of the largest scientific challenges in the cannabis field.
•    It will make DASH a household name in the Cannabis field and mark an unprecedented event; Cryptocurrencies driving scientific peer review and consensus in a field that can’t get government funding.
•    This will also showcase DASH as more than the other Potcoins or hempcoins flooding the cannabis markets.
•    It will demonstrate decentralized governance working more effectively than centralized forms of governance.  
•    It will demonstrate Peer Review and Scientific publishing utilizing the DASH notarizations now available with and crypto-bounty peer review required to move scientific publishing to DASH Drive.
•    And it will sequence and publish the most comprehensive Cannabis Genome ever created and for very little investment. We believe this is a unique and productive form of advertisement given recent google, facebook, and youtube bans.


DASH has the potential to transform scientific publishing with transparent timestamps, monetization, and censorship resistant publishing. There is a unique opportunity to showcase this potential by taking a highly visible scientific project and leveraging DASH to fund, review, and host the scientific publication of a controversial genome. The ideal genome is the most popular genome that continues to fail to get public funding despite overwhelming public support. We propose to have the DASH network partially fund, peer review and publish the most comprehensive (100X improvement) Cannabis Genome Map ever created and demonstrate why this is an ideal time to make such a move. The economic impact of deciphering the human genome led to a multi-billion dollar human genomics market. We believe the cannabis genome is the next most impactful genome to be completed and decentralized governance may be required to get it done. A better cannabis reference will assist in more rapid molecular breeding programs, better understanding of hermaphroditism, autoflowering genetics and genotype to chemotype predictive markers. It will accelerate more effective breeding and growth of the industry. Demonstrating crypto-incentivized peer review on the DASH network will showcase DASH as leader in the pursuit of truth and censorship resistant publishing. This will be historic.

40 DASH per month for 6 Months.

For best formatting and references use the full Proposal at this link:!8NZmCAzY!H2h_HfAN0JD6PoOIcoSnbyABwc6WRN8YwG5FehIXLAo

Video tl:dr!/v/lariat/svi0pqa9

In the past 10 years DNA sequencing technology has decreased in cost nearly 100,000 fold putting Moore’s law to shame. Despite the remarkable achievements in next generation sequencing, the Cannabis genome has remained mostly unreachable to mankind.

In 2011, Medicinal Genomics published the first draft of the Chemdawg Cannabis genome on the Amazon cloud1. Shortly after this publication van Bakel et al published another draft genome for Purple Kush and compared it to hemp and Chemdawg2. These genome references both ended up in over 100,000 pieces (contigs or contiguous sequences) as opposed to the 20 chromosomes it should assemble into. This nonetheless enabled cannabis fingerprinting, marker assisted selection, cannabis microbiome studies, and the hunt for novel terpenoid synthase genes2-7. Despite the progress enabled with a draft reference, a fully contiguous genome assembly is required to perform epigenetic studies regarding the mechanisms of hermaphroditism, autoflowering genetics, pest resistance and a better understanding of the expression of rare cannabinoids.

The cannabis genome assembly challenge is largely due to the fact that the diploid genome is 65% AT and over 1% polymorphic. For reference, the human genome is 56% AT and has a polymorphism rate 10 fold lower (0.1%). The polymorphism rate is the rate at which the maternal and paternal genomes differ. Each cell in the plant has 2 genomes mixed (one from the mother and one from the father) and the process of isolating DNA can’t tease these apart. As a result one is left with 2 near identical genomes mixed together for sequencing. Since one cannot read telomere to telomere (from the end of one chromosome to the other) with current DNA sequencing technologies, DNA molecules are randomly broken up into smaller but overlapping pieces and read redundantly. This is a process known as Shotgun Sequencing ( With enough overlapping molecules, the sequence can be read and reassembled computationally. This is where read length becomes critically important as the longer the read, the more signature you have and the more overlap can be found in repeat rich, entropy poor genomes like Cannabis.

To further illustrate the computational complexity, imagine a billion piece jigsaw puzzle where 65% of the pieces are Red and Green and where it has been mixed with another puzzle of near identical nature with the expectation of 1 puzzle piece out of 100 being altered.  DNA assembly is the job of sorting those two puzzles out into their own respective correct assemblies. For 800 Megabase (Mb) genomes it remains a computationally difficult task in 2018.

This extreme base imbalance combined with a highly polymorphic genome has evaded improvement since 2011. While a few attempts at using low coverage Pacific Bioscience sequence have been submitted to NCBI, those attempts appear to be missing 25% of the genome  (only 550Mb where 2011 assemblies point to 750Mb total genome size). These later assemblies do showcase longer contiguity as expected with the longer read length platforms employed. There have also been a few “science by press release” suggestions of other companies working on this but no data has been publicly released to verify these claims.

We believe the technical solution to this problem is to use multiple sequencing platforms to error correct and expand the assembly (PacBio, Illumina, MinION), but also higher depth Pacific Bioscience sequencing (50X) and multiple Dovetail libraries to span long chromosomal segments together. Medicinal Genomics owns both MinION and Illumina sequencing platforms and currently outsources the Pacific Bioscience sequence. DNA sequence data from all 3 platforms has already been contributed to the project (see links below). The Dovetail libraries have never been deployed on Cannabis and we believe these novel libraries combined with the more modern long read platforms will bring the highest resolution cannabis map ever created8, 9.

The failure to assemble a better cannabis reference has occurred despite the most exciting improvement in read length chemistry in DNA sequencing since its invention by Fred Sanger in 1977. Since the invention of DNA sequencing, read lengths have been limited to 1000 base (bp) reads for 40 years. In 2013, Pacific Biosciences and Oxford Nanopore began making revolutionary improvements with single molecule DNA sequencing by pushing the read lengths out to 40,000bp and 400,000bp respectively. While these read lengths were impressive, they were largely achieved by using noisy single molecule sequencing techniques (10-20% error rates). In 2018 these long read platforms are beginning to improve their raw read accuracy to a point where complex plant genomes are now within reach. The accurate long read sequencers have fundamentally changed the face of DNA sequencing. It is the most disruptive achievement in genomics history next to the sequencing of the human genome itself.

These longer read platforms do have some limitations. The most significant one relates to the length of DNA one can purify from a cell. Manual pipetting often hydrodynamically shears DNA into 30,000bp fragments. The most careful techniques have achieved 1Mb reads but to get 10Mb to 100Mb information from DNA, chromatin cross-linking libraries like Dovetail Chicago libraries are required (Figure 2B). The author has published experience generating nucleosome positioning maps with Nobel Laureate Dr. Andrew Fire10.

Applications of these technical improvements to cannabis genomics have been slow to mature primarily because most labs that can afford such sequencers have federal overhangs that prevent them from working on a federally illegal plant. Likewise, expensive projects that are simply put public don't always attract private businesses to fund them to completion. If start-ups don't see immediate commercialization of such a public resource, the investors usually tire of the academic trophy pursuit and ask for the entrepreneurs to focus on more immediate products. Private cannabis companies can also be difficult to fund in the cannabis space due to federal banking regulations making the cannabis genome project one that has stalled for 7 years during DNA sequencings most impressive improvements.

To date, Medicinal Genomics has funded over $300,000 worth of public genomic sequencing in Cannabis and we have been productively organizing others to contribute to the public domain. We have a very strong open source ethos and have even funded other commercial competitors in the space to make their data public. The Lynch et al paper is an example of multiple small and potentially competitive startups in the cannabis space contributing data, time and money to making many cannabis genotypes public. I personally funded the open access fee for this manuscript and many genomic sequences used in the study.

Today, the field of cannabis genomics is mostly utilizing the more affordable short read sequencers (Illumina) to perform “resequencing” of genomes to fingerprint the plants for defensive IP purposes. was built to leverage this. All of the data on would be vastly improved if mapped against a much more contiguous and complete cannabis reference sequence. We experimented with all public cannabis references available in 2017 and the references from 2011 still map the most reads and are what is currently being used in notarization was recently migrated to the DASH blockchain thanks to another DASH proposal and we hope to complete this migration by having the most complete reference genome be DASH funded and hosted. This DASH notarization migration occurred within 30 days of DASH funding and has been noticed in the cannabis community11, 12. DASH is the lead sponsor for CannMed 2018 and this will be a prime conference to reveal progress on the assembly.

To address this scientific challenge, we propose the utilization of the DASH network to drive the assembly of an improved Cannabis Genome reference in a manner that has multiple other parties with “Skin In The Game”. This Project will demonstrate DASH cryptocurrency can fund critical and popular medically relevant science where the political system will not. This will showcase cryptocurrency as being responsive to popular scientific demands and in a manner that demonstrates more distributed storage on DASH Drive than what is traditionally seen at NCBI and other tax run genomic databases. Current databases at NCBI are prone to government shutdown during budget ceiling debates and there is reasonable apprehension in the cannabis field using this as an exclusive store of Cannabis data. Databases that have a pricing signal are also more disaster resistant. While we don't object to using these public resources, we believe there is good reason to mirror these data in other places given the current administrations change in opinion on Cannabis. Given the genome sequence materializes faster than DASH Drive, we have placed contingency hosting funds on in the budget.

The project will also demonstrate that the scientific peer review process can be dis-intermediated with cryptocurrency. By utilizing crypto incentivized peer review (, we can dis-intermediate pay wall journals and the tired copyright system. These crypto-bounty based audits on the project also enhance transparency and accountability with the DASH network. We propose two such audits for this project where $1000 crypto bounty will be offered to run peer review diagnostics on the state of the assembly.

The project can be incrementally monitored for success or failure and will provide high visibility of the DASH DAO to the scientific community. We believe this is increasingly important as Facebook, Google, YouTube and other entities ban crypto advertisements.

The best advertisement is the work you stand up for. Leading by example speaks louder than ‘ad’ dollars on a surveillance platform. Instead of Crypto being blamed for the drug trade, turn the tables and demonstrate that crypto is actually on the right side of history funding the very science needed to advance the public discussion. Cannabis legalization has been more popular than any of the last 3 US presidents. When people see a currency that reacts to their opinion faster than the political system can react with fiat monetary policies, they may begin to question the legitimacy of their monetary system and look to DASH as a solution. The cannabis industry is a receptive audience to more just alternatives than the unconstitutional banking coercion they struggle with everyday.

Benefits to the Community
Recent genomic surveys on cannabis have demonstrated gene duplications in the genes of most medical interest. Single molecule sequencing of THCA Synthase implies 4-6 copies THCA synthase exist in many Type I cannabis genomes 13-15. Likewise, many of the genes in the terpenoid and cannabinoid synthesis pathway appear replicated and hyper-polymorphic. This is unsurprising given the intense selective pressure placed on these genes. Breeders have been selecting for increased terpenoid and cannabinoid expression since prohibition began prosecuting on total plant weight and this selection has resulted in plants with replicated gene content in these pathways. A perfected cannabis reference genome would resolve these duplication events into their precise chromosomal locations and enable the classification of variants that drive higher chemical expression.

The main economic benefit of a better cannabis reference is related to the price of DNA sequencing. Long Read technologies required to build the first map of cannabis can be 100X more expensive than shorter read resequencing platforms. Once the human genome was in less than 1000 pieces, cheaper short read sequencers could be used to scan for most of the clinical utility. This is reported to have created 310,000 jobs and over $796B of economic gain16. While this report suffers from some Kaynesian logic a more conservative estimate is the anticipated annual $26B DNA Sequencing market in 2025 growing with a 20% CAGR. The current DNA sequencing market is mostly human sequencing with Oncology, Clinical investigation, reproductive health and organ transplant HLA typing taking over 75% the total DNA sequencing market17.

This makes the much more affordable target capture and resequencing efforts available on the human genome, far more challenging and less effective in the cannabis genome today. Building a better public reference would bring all researchers in the cannabis space the capacity to more effectively utilize much cheaper short read sequencers and help to decentralize cannabis genetics. Likewise, resolving these medically relevant copy number alterations would help link genotypes to predicted chemotypes and enable many more researchers to better annotate these important medicinal pathways.

Strategy and Methods
High Molecule Weight (HMW) DNA purification is critical to enabling long read sequencers. Your DNA read length is limited to the size of the molecules you present the long read sequencers. We have perfected DNA purification methods in collaboration with New England Biolabs and they have already run ~10Gb of Pacific Biosciences sequence on the Blueberry Cheesecake genome (link below). This was a voluntary contribution to the project and demonstrates collaborators with substantial “skin in the game”. Another 35Gb of Pacific Bioscience sequence is needed and the DNA is ready to go once funding is in place.  These methods usually produce 10-30kb reads that need to be assembled into a draft assembly.

The Blueberry Cheesecake genome was selected as it is a hermaphrodite prone Type II cannabis plant that is Terpinolene and Beta caryophyllene dominant. To date, cannabis sequencing efforts have primarily focused on THCA dominant Type I plants (Chemdawg, LA Confidential, Purple Kush) and CBDA dominant Type III plants (Cannatonic, USO-31, Finola), while Type II plants have been the subject of controversial cannabis patents. Terpinolene has published benefits in anxiety and cancer18, 19. Beta caryophyllene is often characterized as a non-cannabis exclusive cannabinoid with CB2 receptor affinity20, 21. For more information regarding Cannabis plant type nomenclature see “The inheritance of chemical phenotype in Cannabis sativa L”.22.

The other critical factor in sequencing a plant genome, is access to milligrams quantities of purified DNA. We have this DNA already purified. The moment you run out of DNA, your sequencing project is over. As a result it is critical to have access to excessive plant DNA to make multiple long read libraries.

Additionally, small amounts of DNA are available from multiple siblings of this plant. These have been preliminarily sequenced with Medicinal Genomics StrainSEEK system. This test sequences 820,000bp – 3.2Mb in these plants to establish a fingerprint for phylogenetic comparison.  By doing so we can see that these lines are more homozygous than the average sample we tend to sequence for customers. Assemblies are most successful with less heterozygous genomes.

Draft Assembly

DNA assembly is a RAM intensive process. For complex plant genomes, over 512Gb RAM is usually required. To achieve this we utilize AWS x1.32xlarge memory optimized compute cluster at $13.38/hour. Each assembly attempt is expected to take 336 hours on this platform or $4500 per attempt. The Canu assembler was chosen based on its publish success but also simplicity in install and assembly monitoring features. It is important to have Canu real time feedback on compute jobs that run for days or weeks at $13/hour. Canu also enable “restart from” command line control of the process, greatly limiting Compute costs. Dr. Harkins is listed as an assembly consultant at $500/hour. We estimate 3 hours of work for every assembly setup and attempt. Five incremental assemblies are budgeted for.  Dr. Harkins can accept DASH directly. Dovetail will also be attempting an Assembly improvement with their HiRise software.

Dr. Harkins resume:
The Canu Assembler
Amazon Pricing

Assembly polishing
Single molecule sequencers often produce single nucleotide insertion or deletion errors (indels) that can be polished with highly accurate short read sequencer like the Illumina HiSeq. Medicinal Genomics will provide HiSeq data to help error correct the Pacific Biosciences long read data. In addition to indel polishing, repeat structures longer than the 30Kb readlength will leave branches or forks in the assembly graph. To resolve these repeat structures, Dovetail libraries will be made. These libraries leverage chromatin cross-linking and can scaffold genomes into Megabase sizes often providing full chromosome assemblies. These libraries are expensive to make and will be approached incrementally to constrain costs.

Dovetail Hi-C Technology

Project success and monitoring
Monitoring the success of DASH proposals can be challenging in highly specialized fields. To address this we propose a mid-project crypto bounty incentivized peer review be performed with the project. These RAID reviews ( can be completed in under a week and provide valuable independent insight to the DASH community on the status of a given project. In the case of the pilot review for the Kratom genome project, 0.1BTC was used to incentivize a 4 day peer review of genome assembly status. In addition to a mid project peer review, we plan to follow the spirit of the Bermuda Principles in adopting rapid public data release of all raw DNA sequence generated thus enabling even our competitors to pick up the data and compete with us. Pre-Print publications may be pursued in addition to full publication in a respected journal. Only open access journals will be considered and the Crypto-Bounty peer review process can be compared to the more traditional methods. Traditional methods may take 4-5 months compared to the weeks seen in the crypto-bounties projects. I will also be speaking at 2 or more conferences before CannMed and would plan to speak on this topic. One talk is at The Broad Institute in Cambridge MA. Another presentation is at the Society for In vitro-Biology.

The Broad Institute Meeting
SIVB Meeting

There is risk that this genome assembly is harder than we are anticipating but we have significantly derisked this after 7 years of experience assembling various cannabis genomes and other model genomes. We have more experience in Cannabis genomics than any team on earth and believe this is the right strategy and the technology is finally here to do it right.

There is risk others will publish an assembly first. There is evidence of 3-4 other small private laboratories attempting to improve the genome reference sequence (Phylos, Steephill labs, Anandia labs, SunRise genetics). All are placing their DNA sequencing efforts in government databases that go offline every time there is a government budget crisis. None of these labs have government funding. Very few own their own DNA sequencers. As a result, their efforts are likely limited by the capacity to move plant tissue to various service providers required to make this project mature. These labs are mostly focused on sequencing either Type I or Type III plants. No one to date is sequencing a Type II plant (expresses both THCA and CBDA).

Even if these labs succeed, the field will require more than one Cannabis reference genome and the cross comparisons of each dataset will be highly valuable. It is likely Type I-V cultivars will each need their own reference sequence. We suspect the industry will also sequence hemp cultivars for seed and fibre production.  Ruderalis and landrace sativa cultivars will likely be sequenced just to understand the historical genetics that may have been lost due to prohibition. Likewise, male, female and hermaphroditic genomes will eventually be sequenced. In summary, the field is so young and desperate for data that there is limited risk of being ‘scooped’. A collaborative comparison study is more likely to emerge than a zero sum game.

The process of having this funded, reviewed and stored by a cryptocurrency blockchain is unique and will make a resounding impression in public opinion regarding cryptocurrencies delivering the truth in scientific fields where the political process has failed us.

Pilot Goals
  • Improve the Cannabis Genome Reference contiguity 100 Fold (N50s of 2Kb to 200Kb)
  • Pacific Bioscience sequence coverage of 50X should deliver 50-100Kb N50s.
  • Dovetail Chicago Libraries should increase contiguity beyond 200Kb.
  • Presentation of project status at CannMed 2018, Oct 22-24 (DASH is a Sponsor).

For major item we have provided links to the quotes from various providers.
35Gb of Pacific Biosciences Sequel data ($31,300)
PacBio Quote

HWM DNA Purification Amplicon Express ($3,550)
Amplicon Express Quote

Dovetail Chicago and HiC Library generation & High Rise Assembly($11,450)
Dovetail Quote

Dovetail Illumina Library Sequencing at Medicinal Genomics ($25,000)

DNA Assembly using Canu at AWS ($30,000 or $6,000 x 5 attempts)
Amazon Pricing

Optional Oxford Nanopore scaffolding with MinION 1D^2 reads ($10,000)
RAID review (2x $1000)
Final Peer Review and Publication ($3500)
Contingency Data Hosting Fees in the event DASH Drive isn’t ready ($1500)
5 DASH Proposal fee ($2550)
Travel and consulting ($550)

$122,500 At $510/DASH = 240 DASH or 40 for 6 months.

We propose a DASH price that is halfway between the DASH Mayer Multiple of $600USD/DASH and current day price of $420 to derisk currency volatility.
DASH Mayer Multiple

Future Directions
We envision a future proposal to encompass the build of a more scalable genome browser than Upgrades to this would include more decentralized store of the data, with higher searchability and better genome annotation viewers. Until more information regarding the finished genome size and DASH Drives architecture are in hand this is difficult to price into todays work. Preliminary estimates are in $60K range but we are still scoping and quoting this aspect of the work.

Donations already made by collaborators with Skin in The Game

This proposal marks the first time this Cannabis genomic data has ever been placed public. We have also attached a Case Study where this strategy was used to improve a more complex genome than Cannabis (Plantain genome). This case study implies a very high likelihood of success for the strategy selected.

10Gb of Pacific Biosciences sequence from NEB!dZpHECbQ!MQGCf0AcQ3g-LyzlnmWsjdbLWgLeg_X0x1Q8CAvB2B0!4Mx0mDLb!_FQ2CA13nmzu8w4ieK7MEgbtcMqwMp8MYkWCCAcF4Y0

6 StrainSEEKs of Blueberry Cheesecake siblings

[b][i]1 flow cell of Oxford Nanopore MinION data (1Gb)[/i][/b]

[b]Case Study on the Plantain Genome Project[/b]

Recipient track record
Medicinal Genomics was a fortunate recipient for a small DASH grant that has successfully been used to enable to migrate its Genomics notarization service over to the DASH blockchain. This was achieved with in 30 days from funding. The other DASH funds are being successfully utilized in CannMed 2018 sponsorship. These funds have enabled successful organization of an outstanding speaker list and further recruitment of interested sponsors. We currently have a track record of being very responsive to DASH inquiries and delivering on goal.

DASH-CannMed 2018 Headline Speakers

The lead organizer of this proposal was the Team Leader for R&D at the Whitehead Institute/MIT center for genome research. He is an author on the Human Genome Project23 and well published in the DNA sequencing field having invented and developed two of the Next Generation Sequencing platforms (SOLiD and Ion Torrent)24-26. Tim Harkins, PhD. is an assembly adviser to the project and is equally well published in the genomics field with focus on long read DNA sequencing technology development and utilization.

[b]My biography can be found here:[/b]

1.    Stafford. Sequencing the Cannabis Genome: Impact, History, and Future. American Botanical Council. 2011;8(10).
2.    van Bakel H, Stout JM, Cote AG, Tallon CM, Sharpe AG, Hughes TR, et al. The draft genome and transcriptome of Cannabis sativa. Genome biology. 2011 Oct 20;12(10):R102. PubMed PMID: 22014239. Pubmed Central PMCID: 3359589.
3.    McKernan K, Spangler J, Helbert Y, Lynch RC, Devitt-Lee A, Zhang L, et al. Metagenomic analysis of medicinal Cannabis samples; pathogenic bacteria, toxigenic fungi, and beneficial microbes grow in culture-based yeast and mold tests. F1000Research. 2016;5:2471. PubMed PMID: 27853518. Pubmed Central PMCID: 5089129.
4.    McKernan K, Spangler J, Zhang L, Tadigotla V, Helbert Y, Foss T, et al. Cannabis microbiome sequencing reveals several mycotoxic fungi native to dispensary grade Cannabis flowers. F1000Research. 2015;4:1422. PubMed PMID: 27303623. Pubmed Central PMCID: 4897766.
5.    McKernan KJ. The chloroplast genome hidden in plain sight, open access publishing and anti-fragile distributed data sources. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, DNA mapping, sequencing, and analysis. 2016 Nov;27(6):4518-9. PubMed PMID: 26486305.
6.    Booth JK, Page JE, Bohlmann J. Terpene synthases from Cannabis sativa. PloS one. 2017;12(3):e0173911. PubMed PMID: 28355238. Pubmed Central PMCID: 5371325.
7.    Lynch. Genomic and chemical diversity of cannabis. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences. 2016;35(5-6).
8.    Research signals arrival of a complete human genome. PHYSORG.
9.    Jain M, Olsen HE, Turner DJ, Stoddart D, Bulazel KV, Paten B, et al. Linear assembly of a human centromere on the Y chromosome. Nature biotechnology. 2018 Mar 19. PubMed PMID: 29553574.
10.    Valouev A, Ichikawa J, Tonthat T, Stuart J, Ranade S, Peckham H, et al. A high-resolution, nucleosome position map of C. elegans reveals a lack of universal sequence-dictated positioning. Genome research. 2008 Jul;18(7):1051-63. PubMed PMID: 18477713. Pubmed Central PMCID: 2493394.
12.    Scott. Bitcoin 'Too Slow' for cannabis industry until block size changes. Bitcoinistcom. 2017;
13.    Weiblen GD, Wenger JP, Craft KJ, ElSohly MA, Mehmedic Z, Treiber EL, et al. Gene duplication and divergence affecting drug content in Cannabis sativa. The New phytologist. 2015 Dec;208(4):1241-50. PubMed PMID: 26189495.
14.    Onofri C, de Meijer EPM, Mandolino G. Sequence heterogeneity of cannabidiolic- and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid-synthase in Cannabis sativa L. and its relationship with chemical phenotype. Phytochemistry. 2015 Aug;116:57-68. PubMed PMID: 25865737.
15.    Kevin J McKernan YH, Vasisht Tadigotla, Stephen McLaughlin, Jessica Spangler, Lei Zhang, Douglas Smith. Single molecule sequencing of THCA synthase reveals copy number variation in modern drug-type Cannabis sativa L. BioRXIV. 2015.
16.    Tripp. Economic Impact of the Human Genome Project. https://wwwbattelleorg/docs/default-source/misc/battelle-2011-misc-economic-impact-human-genome-projectpdf?sfvrsn=6. 2011.
17.    Research GV. Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Market Size & Forecast By Application https://wwwgrandviewresearchcom/industry-analysis/next-generation-sequencing-market. Jan, 2017.
18.    Aydin E, Turkez H, Tasdemir S. Anticancer and antioxidant properties of terpinolene in rat brain cells. Arhiv za higijenu rada i toksikologiju. 2013 Sep;64(3):415-24. PubMed PMID: 24084350.
19.    Okumura N, Yoshida H, Nishimura Y, Kitagishi Y, Matsuda S. Terpinolene, a component of herbal sage, downregulates AKT1 expression in K562 cells. Oncology letters. 2012 Feb;3(2):321-4. PubMed PMID: 22740904. Pubmed Central PMCID: 3362481.
20.    Legault J, Pichette A. Potentiating effect of beta-caryophyllene on anticancer activity of alpha-humulene, isocaryophyllene and paclitaxel. The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology. 2007 Dec;59(12):1643-7. PubMed PMID: 18053325.
21.    Gertsch J, Leonti M, Raduner S, Racz I, Chen JZ, Xie XQ, et al. Beta-caryophyllene is a dietary cannabinoid. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2008 Jul 1;105(26):9099-104. PubMed PMID: 18574142. Pubmed Central PMCID: 2449371.
22.    de Meijer EP, Bagatta M, Carboni A, Crucitti P, Moliterni VM, Ranalli P, et al. The inheritance of chemical phenotype in Cannabis sativa L. Genetics. 2003 Jan;163(1):335-46. PubMed PMID: 12586720. Pubmed Central PMCID: 1462421.
23.    Lander ES, Linton LM, Birren B, Nusbaum C, Zody MC, Baldwin J, et al. Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome. Nature. 2001 Feb 15;409(6822):860-921. PubMed PMID: 11237011.
24.    McKernan KJ, Spangler J, Helbert Y, Zhang L, Tadigotla V. DREAMing of a patent-free human genome for clinical sequencing. Nature biotechnology. 2013 Oct;31(10):884-7. PubMed PMID: 24104751.
25.    McKernan KJ, Peckham HE, Costa GL, McLaughlin SF, Fu Y, Tsung EF, et al. Sequence and structural variation in a human genome uncovered by short-read, massively parallel ligation sequencing using two-base encoding. Genome research. 2009 Sep;19(9):1527-41. PubMed PMID: 19546169. Pubmed Central PMCID: 2752135.
26.    Rothberg JM, Hinz W, Rearick TM, Schultz J, Mileski W, Davey M, et al. An integrated semiconductor device enabling non-optical genome sequencing. Nature. 2011 Jul 20;475(7356):348-52. PubMed PMID: 21776081.

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
2 points,6 years ago
Voting yes. This was a dense proposal, but I think I have the gist of it. It is widely agreed that the current peer reviewed scientific publishing industry and the research grant process that feeds it, if not actually broken, is expensive and clunky and inefficient if not actually dishonest. Dash could totally short circuit that whole process and make the data widely available and free. This would disrupt the industry trend to try to (unfairly) attain broad patents to entire classes of cannabis pharmaceuticals.

This is all about censorship resistant decentralized information distribution. It may also change how research is funded, which opens interesting ROI possibilities.

If this does not pass in this budget cycle, I think a better, clearer, more concise presentation could do it in a future cycle. For what it accomplishes, this is pretty cheap.

0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
0 points,6 years ago
Back to the drawing board. How does one calculate the available DASH for April? Trying to gauge wether I re-apply with a sharpened story but I see many large multi-month funded projects that may make the odds too slim?
1 point,6 years ago
Great advice and thank you for the support.
Here is an interesting Cannabis strain sequence that was recently notarized on the DASH Blockchain. This creates defensive prior art for plant patents.
0 points,6 years ago
Here are a few more that got stamped onto DASH.
1 point,6 years ago
It's cheap because its not only use who is sponsoring it. We are only a small part of it.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
1 point,6 years ago
voting YES. This project kind of delves away from payments though. DASH - Digital Cash. PAYMENT platform first...rather than showing our ability to simply fund things. Due to the potential get my support.

Side note - I am not fond of cannabis as a recreational drug personally, and know recognise that it can be detrimental to some peoples health. Yes, I have used it as a medicine (similar to Rick Simpsons oil).
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for your support. The plant is very Yin and yang.
Oral ingestion is very safe. CBD is very different than THC and has shown no addiction potential. CannMed 2018 (DASH sponsored) will have several presentations that showcase using CBD to get people off of alcohol, opiates and nicotine.

THC has shown some addictive potential but no physical addiction (withdrawal syndrome).

CannMed is being held at UCLA in October and there will be a crypto track.

Agree payment is first but this 20B-200B market needs to learn trust first. There are dozens of coins lobbying for the cannabis market attention span and I think cracking the genome will get the most attention and separate DASH from the other coins.
1 point,6 years ago
I still dont understand this fully but I am willing to take a punt. Voting yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you.
Here is another point to hopefully bring some comfort and potential discussion on how to make this more win-win for DASH given the split vote that is appearing.

Mark Roberge has a great book and video on how to ramp sales.

His technique is one of capturing mind share through providing users with valuable and sticky information and from there you can gain their trust and adoption of your platform. This is very important to consider given Twitter, Google, Facebook and YouTube are all banning crypto-ads. Marketing DASH has to move away from these surveillance and filtering platforms towards more intelligent marketing. People willing to provide an email address for a topic they are interested in are enriched for likely adopters. If you want the attention of people in the cannabis industry, sequencing the cannabis genome will get many eyeballs. Those people hungry for the data are likely involved in the better funded companies in the space. It wouldn't be much to ask for an email to access to the data given the size of and bandwidth of each download. This small anti-spam measure is probably a good idea or the download costs could become unmanageable.
1 point,6 years ago
I don't want to sound awful, I haven't voted either way and have no opinion yet. I simply do not understand this proposal. What do you want to do, and how does this benefit Dash/etc... Can you simplify this?
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
3 points,6 years ago
1)Sequence the cannabis genome to the fullest extent possible and place it public on DASH Drive. I was the first person to do this in 2011 with worldwide news coverage. The technology in 2011 left 100,000 holes in the genome but the technology today can actually make a 100X better genome.

2)Run a crypto bounty peer review (like done at and for the project to demonstrate crypto-based Scientific publishing can disintermediate the copyright prone parasitic journals. Demonstrate DASH as the tool that enables decentralized scientific publication and trustworthy notarizations. Our last proposal got to enable DASH blockchain notarization which we currently use at

Disrupt 4 overly broad Cannabis patents that make claims to all CBD+/THC+ plants by providing a public sequence for growers to compare their pre-patent (2013) strains to. We are sequencing a CBD+/THC+ strain that these patents claim but cannot enforce until federal prohibition ends. The patents don't claim DNA. They claim plants so we are not violating patents by doing this but we are challenging the ones that exist by making this resource public and enabling growers to challenge these patents with any strains they have that match this sequence and predate the patent dates. This is a freedom play that the cannabis field will cheer on.

Why Should DASH care? DASH is spending millions to crack into the cannabis industry by sponsoring conferences. For fractions of that sponsorship money, DASH could crack the hardest problem in the cannabis field and be speaking about this at those conferences as opposed to having just a booth.

DASH would be shown to not only solve the monetary issues in the field but also the research funding issues, the peer review and publication issues and the scientific challenges that will be key to seed to sale tracking and the seed verification tools being built around genetics.

This greatly differentiates DASH from potcoin, hempcoin, and a dozen other alt-coins pushing into the cannabis market as DASH would be money, peer review, science, and a publication platform.

DASH is a sponsor of CannMed 2018 (I started this conference at Harvard Med School 2 years ago). This 1500 person conference is the premier scientific conference in the field and we could have this project complete for presentation at that October timeframe.
1 point,6 years ago
OMG, NOW I understand! I'm sorry it doesn't look like this is going through, but if you should resubmit this proposal, I would put that ^^^ as your first few sentences then add the details later. I really got bogged down and my head hurt and I didn't/couldn't see the point :) Thanks for clearing that up. You got my vote, for what it's worth!
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback!
Ive been torn on resubmission if I don't change something to capture more votes. Most of the feedback is in line with yours.
1)Sharpen the message with a better executive summary regarding why DASH should care.
2)I may try to reduce the scope a bit as well.
3)submit it much earlier for people to have time to really dig into it.
4)Make a creative commons license with DASH attribution
5)Perhaps capture an email when accessing the data to drive more DASH marketing.

Open to other suggestions.
2 points,6 years ago
will this Data be public ?
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
2 points,6 years ago
Yes! ~10 billion based were put public with this project proposal.
Hoping to generate 50Billion more.
4 points,6 years ago
Voting yes for this month but I will need to see lots of updates on progress if it is to continue to get my support.
I also like what QE said about "funding innovation where the Dash trust holds equity in the innovations".
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
0 points,6 years ago
I like that model. We are courting several groups for another equity round in October. When does this "funding innovation where the Dash trust holds equity in the innovations" model mature?
4 points,6 years ago
I'm reposting my comment from the pr-proposal forum here at the request of Kevin:

I personally think this is an important project to fund. Many people in this community voice their libertarian tendencies and use that as justification for huge proposals that fund different media outlets. Advancing science and storing that data in a public place like the Dash blockchain is far more important than any media outlet we can possibly fund. Furthermore, this is an opportunity to more fully embed ourselves within the burgeoning cannabis industry. A definite Yes from me.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the support. This is the time to make news for 4-20 and the cannabis industry is young and explosive. These foundational pillars will be remembered for decades.
The human genome project spawned a 20-769B economy. The cannabis genome is the next most impactful genome one could sequence. The story of DASH getting this done speaks volumes to power of decentralized governance. This is Historic when you consider Lyle Cracker and others that have tirelessly tried (with no luck) to get cannabis funding through centralized governance.
1 point,6 years ago
More information on the Cannabis Patent front- Link: //
1 point,6 years ago
One more Teaser- Biotech LLC was recently awarded 4 cannabis patents on ALL TypeII plants. These patents cover the plant. They do not cover the DNA as per Myriad vs ACLU. By putting this sequence public all someone has to do to invalidate those 2013 patents is sequence a strain they have from before 2013 and show that it matches this genome. This is a Freedom issue
1 point,6 years ago
I think this is a no-brainer especially if we want to continue the work that alt36 has set out to do. If we want to push adoption in the Cannabis industry then we have to show we're willing to do more then just offer a point of sale platform.
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for the support. DASH is more than Point of Sale. Having cracked the genome, the seed to sale tracking systems and strain certification systems will take notice. The entire scientific community will take notice as Cannabis Funding has been notoriously difficult and everyone knows Peer Review needs a reboot. They just haven't put together the pieces that require blockchains to do this right.

Think about how often government funded white lab coat scientists are paraded out to declare what is true and what is not true? How is their funding influencing their depiction of truth? What self selection bias occurred in the grant review and study section when deciding on which grant application get funding and which do not? What if your work didn't fit the administrations agenda? The funding system we have today is entirely political and it should be 100% apolitical for it to be truth seeking.

The gov funded white lab coat is the modern day priest reading scripture of "truth" and we need to strip the power of this societal-con from coercive institutions and place it on a blockchain and in the hands of vested parties to vote on its worthiness. This is the 1st step in many required to achieve scientific neutrality again.
4 points,6 years ago
I see you also have another proposal running right now giving you 10 Dash/Month. From reading your explanation of that one, it would seem our work there is finished? Where is that 10 Dash/Month going now?

My phase 4 goal of governance is centered on funding innovation where the Dash trust holds equity in the innovations it. If we become big enough we can fund massive projects where other sectors have failed and be another vector for the betterment of mankind while showcasing our model.

Sadly we are still on phase 1 in my mind. I deep down really do want to fund this (abstaining till I think some more about it) even though it's one of the most risky proposals to date because it might potentially lead to breakthroughs. If it did and we were recognized as the source of that breakthrough it might be pretty amazing.

Also some more questions how will the data be showcased? Are there any types of licenses available where users of this data would be forced to give attribution to Dash?
0 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the feedback.
We have sharpened our message and re-posted this project on the pre-proposal board for more discussion.

Several suppliers have now read the proposal and have now offered discounts to have skin in the game. Please weigh in and see how we can best sharpen the story in this exciting and very competitive environment.
3 points,6 years ago
85% of that proposal is a sponsorship of CannMed2018 and we spread those payments out over 10 months to hedge volatility but also to reflect our burn rate on organizing the conference between now and October. We have two people on staff pushing for more sponsorships and more exhibitors while organizing speakers, bios, abstract submissions and conference center details.

The other 15 DASH are covering 2 projects.
1)get DASH notarizations working in place of Bitcoin. This is mostly complete with but we want to better automate that process.

2)get a webstore that accepts DASH into our Netsuite ERP. We are still quoting this out to various developers and our buying power on this has decayed since we started quoting it out. So we are contrinuing to negotiate and look for more tools that more off the shelf mature than contracting a roll your solution.
The webstore side is easy. The netsuite integration is a bit more specialized.

There are always ways to tier the data access and the field will celebrate any improvement. I personally think that special access won’t last long as other will push to do this. It’s like that Henry Ford quote- “progress happens when all the factors that make for it are ready, and then it is inevitable”.

But the attribution to DASH for use of the data would be timeless. When scientists don’t reference other people’s work, they called out for their immaturity.

Here is an example of that in this field.

When the editor learned of this omission they gave me Carte Blanche on correcting the digression. It augments your case if you apply some level of peer review.

We could add a Creative Commons with attribution license to the data pointing to DASH. I would be happy to do that to get this done!
3 points,6 years ago
I'm happy to vote yes now because of that "Creative Commons with attribution license".
2 points,6 years ago
I will make that happen. If you have MIT or other boiler plate licenses we can emulate...we are all ears. This has to be win-win.
2 points,6 years ago
Here is the link to the CannMed 2018 speaker list. It’s maturing nicely. Top notch speakers lining up.
It would be a great forum to showcase a better genome reference. There is always a chance Jon Page or others might present an improved version as well but I suspect most are struggling with funding. While public valuations are impressive, it’s important to realize that the market is still very nascent.

Here is a excerpt from an Ackrell Capital market report.

“It is important to note, however, that most of the cannabis-related companies that are raising cap- ital—even publicly traded companies—are in early stages of development, have de minimis revenue and are not profitable. More than 85% of the publicly traded cannabis-related companies have annual revenue of less than $5 million, and less than 5% have annual revenue greater than $25 million.“
1 point,6 years ago
First all I think it's a bad timing all around for this project. Alt36 seems to have delay after delay, MNO really want start seeing something more first from them, and we have already have allot of spending on our plates as well.

1) I am not sure how much hearts and minds this will win for Dash, by the average user/merchants would they really care more about Dash after funding this.

2) I would be more interesting if Dash could fund some research but than become owner of it, to the point that is exclusive to Dash for a couple of years or something, or better yet, free with Dash, a mark-up with any other currency.
Making the Dash and cannabis link that much more powerful. Is their anyway something like this could be done instead
1 point,6 years ago
I cant speak to Alt36 progress other than there is considerable investment in getting DASH seen at Cannabis conferences and we think this project would strengthen all of those attendances as DASH could highlight their sponsorship of the solutions to such tough problems. There is certainly a way to have the first assembly public but the refined final assembly require a DASH signed address to access. I think we would need a bit more clarity on DASH Drive to be able to forecast that implementation cost today but it wouldn't be hard to hold back some super curated version of it for only those who can prove stake in DASH much like many airdrops are managed. Open to ideas here.
2 points,6 years ago
Been contemplating this tiered data topic more. Several parties have already contributed data and have skin in the game on a public release. This proposal can’t change what is done with data it didn’t fund. This is property rights 101.

As a result, nothing DASH funds will change what can be done with the already donated data. The links to that data are already public in the DASH proposal without any ties to DASH but this is only raw unassembled data and the project needs more data and more assembly.

If DASH chooses to take this on with us then creative common DASH attribution licenses are justified and can be easily managed with the assembled data and such derivative works. DASH funding would have catalyzed that work and any such authors deserve the attribution for seeing the future and making it happen.

The concept of exclusive data or airdrops for DASH owners seems fun but probably a pain in the ass for limited gain. This is practically and philosophically cumbersome. We are only looking for funding that is aligned with our open source ambitions. If that’s not DASH, we respect that and will find other funding.

We appreciate your attention and suggestions to improve this proposal for the DASH community.
1 point,6 years ago
Sounds interesting but I dont see the link between Dash and this project. Could you explain a bit more, why it makes sense for us to fund this?
1 point,6 years ago
I have added a Tl:Dr to sum up these points up front given the proposal is a long reads and needs some context to understand the field. Hope this helps clarify things for your support.
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you for pointing that out. I probably should not assume everyone has read about our current work with DASH in the Cannabis field: DASH is placing an strong effort to get into the Cannabis Industry. They are funding Alt36, CannMed 2018 and various conferences in the field as the cannabis field needs a monetary system. But the Cannabis industry needs more than monetary system and DASH is unique next to other cryptos trying to court the field. One way to stand our and differentiate DASH in the Cannabis field is to derive the definitive reference genome for the species while showcasing that DASH can be used for more than just money. Its an IP tool with Notarizations now done with It could become a publishing tool as DASH Drive matures. It could become a means to fund a variety of projects in the cannabis space that push DASH as the leading tool for seed to sale tracking etc. We were trying to expand on that theme and showcase multiple aspects of DASH from decentralized governance and funding to Notarization and potentially even scientific publishing on DASH Drive. Does this help clarify the connection?
1 point,6 years ago
This sounds interesting but I have not found any reason why das should fund this. The only thing was: "Demonstrating crypto-incentivized peer review on the DASH network will showcase DASH as leader in the pursuit of truth and censorship resistant publishing. "

That's not enough especially with the budget as tight as it is.
1 point,6 years ago
My apologies, I should have linked our concurrent project where DASH is the lead Sponsor of CannMed 2018.

This is the lead scientific conference in the Cannabis space and I think DASH would make a much bigger impact at such an event with a story to tell regarding how the technology platform not only helped to finance the genome but provided the notarization tools required with and the Crypto-Bounty peer review mechanics with its monetary function. Given DASH Drive is live it would also demonstrate DASH as much more than the other potcoins in the industry.

The Draft Genome paper is 'highly' cited and scores in the top 5% of papers in Altmetric. The tools are available to make this 100X better today.
1 point,6 years ago
As part of this submission we are thrilled to publicly release over 10Gb of Pacific Biosciences long read sequencing data on the cultivar known as Blueberry Cheesecake. Many thanks to our friends at NEB for the assistance. Lets make this 4-20 an epic one.!dZpHECbQ!MQGCf0AcQ3g-LyzlnmWsjdbLWgLeg_X0x1Q8CAvB2B0!4Mx0mDLb!_FQ2CA13nmzu8w4ieK7MEgbtcMqwMp8MYkWCCAcF4Y0