Proposal “CircusCity“ (Completed)Back

Title:Circus City Sponsorship
Monthly amount: 126 DASH (3410 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 252 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-05-20 / 2017-07-19 (added on 2017-05-17)
Votes: 595 Yes / 154 No / 53 Abstain

Proposal description

This is the final statement of work which will form the basis of the Circus City proposal. I am happy to sign a contract with the DAO that this statement will be carried out and I have included my name and business address as proof that I stand behind this.

Official website, I'm listed on the team there:
Tweet from official account about proposal:

Statement of Work

Edward Rapley On Behalf of Circus City 
The Brunswick Club, 
16 Brunswick Square, 
Bristol, BS2 8NX 


Circus City 2017 is proposing that Dash becomes the sole Commercial Sponsor of Circus City 2017, becoming the first blockchain to sponsor a major cultural and artistic event in the UK, we are seeking a total of 252 Dash across two payment cycles - June & July

The majority of the sponsorship will be spent covering the costs of the festival including paying additional staff, initially this would be in marketing and then by running a Dash sponsored bar. The wages of the core team are covered by the existing funding and any profit will go directly towards the artists who perform.

We will also promote Dash as a solution to people working within the international contemporary circus industry. As such part of the sponsorship will be used to run a Dash help desk and every artist in the festival who installs a wallet will be given their free drinks vouchers in the form of Dash.

The circus community is a culturally powerful network of first adopters and by supporting their festival Dash will be gaining the support and advocacy of people who work all over the world who will be carrying the message to the thousands of people they perform in front of just in time for the launch of Evolution.


Circus City is an international contemporary circus festival that happens every 2 years. The next festival happens from the 12th to 29th of October in Bristol, UK. In 2015 the festival sold 6000 ticket and hosted 50 events and performances across 15 venues in the city:

Bristol is the perfect city in which to promote Dash as it is a tech hub within the UK and it is also well versed in the existence of alternatives to fiat because it has a local currency, the Bristol Pound, with its own bank accounts and physical notes.

Being the first festival in the UK arts sector to be sponsored by a cryptocurrency will be a major talking point, Circus City already receives attention in the national press and this is likely to increase significantly as a direct result of the sponsorship.

Many circus performers work internationally and are faced with the problems and risks associated with being paid in multiple currencies. The circus community is one that could really be helped by adopting Dash because it provides a faster, cheaper and more private service than fiat or other blockchains.

Contemporary circus is very different from the world of the traditional big top. Inside the contemporary circus community the rapid adoption and creative adaptation of technology is commonplace. From programming through to hacking hardware there is a big first mover advantage, because being the only person who figured out how to do something can lead to years of work with that act. The circus community is a potent group of early adopters and vocal advocates for Dash.

Of course there are slight technical hurdles at present and a small amount of help is required for people to begin using Dash. This learning curve is far outweighed by the fact that Dash could solve everyday problems for artists who are already living transnational lives.

Austerity and the Arts

There has been a reduction in arts funding across the country including Bristol and this year the festival is seeking other sources so that it can reach a wider audience. In 2018 Bristol City Council funding for the arts will drop to zero and because the Arts Council uses a match funding system this will see Circus City lose £40,000 of its funding for 2019. We therefore need to explore entirely new ways to keep going.

About Me

I'm a theatre maker based in Bristol, where for the last 10 years I have worked to create and sustain artists’ collectives in the city, working with the local council and property owners to find buildings that are underused. I have been involved in creating and marketing 40 shows in that time and have helped establish 5 collectives that provide office and rehearsal space for artists.

I’ve been using blockchains since 2011 and I'm keen to bring the very clear benefits of Dash's technology and governance model to the communities I'm part of. I have been working with Circus City on their website and saw an opportunity for a beneficial partnership with Dash.

I can be contacted here or on the Dash Nation slack as syntheist.

Scope of Work

The festival has already received funding from the Arts Council England (£56,000) and Bristol City Council (£20,000), so it is guaranteed to happen.

All of the sponsorship would go directly towards paying the costs of preparing the festival, promoting Dash at the festival and then paying the performers. Circus City is executive produced by Theatre Bristol Ltd and due to the nature of the existing funding it is not run for a profit.

The timing of the cycles is related to the print deadline and festival launch in July.

We are seeking sponsorship from Dash in return for:
  • Primary placement of the Dash logo on all publicity
    Estimated audience reach in 2015: 100,000 people
  • The Dash logo will be visible on:
    • Video Trailer
    • Website (66,000 page views over Sept/Oct 2015)
    • Programme, flyers, posters (30,000 items produced in 2015)
    • 5 Vinyl Banners for roadside railings
    • 2 large static banners at the festival hub
    • 2 mobile banners for host venues
    • 2 commercial billboards on the M32 and Gloucester Road
    • Video documentary of the festival
In addition to the sponsorship we would like to actively promote and integrate Dash within the festival:
  • running a Dash info and help desk at the festival hub:
    • explaining the basics of Dash
    • Installing Dash wallets
    • signing up to exchanges
  • accepting Dash payments at the festival bar and merchandise stall.
    • offering individually limited sales of Dash at a 10% discount
    • offering a 10% discount on purchases using Dash.
  • helping each artist performing in the festival install a wallet and giving them 0.15 Dash as their 'drinks voucher' to spend at the Dash sponsored festival bar.
  • offering and supporting payment of ticket sales to artists in Dash (2015 sales: £60,000)
We will also conduct research into the use of Dash within the festival with a view to sharing this information at one of the largest gathering of circus producers in Europe:
  • Preparation of a detailed report on feedback gathered from the Dash info desk on first time user experience with Dash, wallet applications, exchange sites and as payments.
  • Assessment of the impact of the additional sponsorship on the festival’s marketing.
  • Recommendations for integrating Dash into future cultural events.
  • Presentation of this research to a seminar of 300 circus producers:
The Dash sponsorship money will be used for the following purposes:

Cycle 1: Marketing

16 Extra hours for part-time Marketing Manager
27 Printing an additional 10,000 12 page brochures
7 Printing an additional 500 A3 posters
16 Distributing printed material
13 Internet advertising campaign
6 Graphic Designer for logo integration
30 Film maker documenting the festival
6 10% discount for using Dash at the Festival hub
5 Proposal repayment

126 Total

Cycle 2: Dash Promotion & Integration

35 Dash sponsored Artists' Bar
35 Staffing the Dash help desk during the festival (17 days + training)
15 Ongoing support for artists to receive their ticket sale payment in Dash (30 Days)
8 Data collection for the Dash intergration research project
15 Creation and presentation of the Dash integration research in Sweden
6 Discounted purchases of Dash 10% below GBP market rate.
12 5% contingency funding for unexpected costs

126 Total

Period of Performance

Cycle one will happen in June with weekly updates by me and the rest of the team at Circus City on from June until the launch event in July

Cycle two will begin in July and extend until the presentation of the Dash & Circus integration research paper on November 17th with monthly updates outside of the festival and weekly updates during the festival.

Place of Performance 

The work will take place in Bristol, UK apart from the presentation of the research paper which will happen in Sweden.

Work Requirements 

Design Phase:
  • Integrating the Dash logo into the design of all print, video and online promotional material
Media Phase
  • A press release will be written and sent to all national press detailing the sponsorship and highlighting the benefits of Dash as digital cash.
  • Circus City core team available for interviews
  • Printing all promotional material
  • Distributing all promotional material
Help Desk Preparation Phase:
  • Gathering resources, including videos to help introduce Dash to people at the festival.
  • Email to all artists with instructions for downloading, encrypting and backing up a wallet.
  • Training other help desk staff
  • Creation of questionnaires and research metrics for the report
  • Sourcing POS/wallet solution for the festival hub
Festival Phase
  • Running the help desk daily
  • Distributing Dash to artists
  • Running a Dash wallet/POS system at the festival hub
  • Writing up daily research based on responses at the help desk
  • Filming documentary footage
  • Selling Dash at a 10% discount
  • Offering a 10% discount for using Dash at the festival.
Research Phase
  • Compilation of research data
  • Analysis of data
  • Completion of written paper
Presentation Phase
  • Presentation of research at Subcase
  • Publication of the research on the Dash Forum and reddit
  • Releasing the festival documentary.

The below list consists of the initial milestones identified for Circus City Sponsorship:

June 1st – Result from the DAO becomes clearance
June 7th – All design and print resources collected
July 1st – Printed material released and website fully updated
August 1st – Introduction to Dash email written and sent to artists
September 1st – All help desk resources and procedures in place.
September 14th - POS/wallet solution implemented
October 1st – Help desk team trained
October 12th – Festival opens.
October 29th – Festival closes
November 14th – Completion of report & Documentary Edited
November 17th – Presentation and publication of the Dash integration research & Documentary

Acceptance Criteria
The work will take place with weekly or monthly updates, including opportunities for the community to feedback on the process to ensure that it is clear the funds are being used correctly and the work is processing as detailed in this proposal.

If funded I commit to the fulfilment of this statement of work:
Edward Rapley

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,7 years ago
1 point,7 years ago
Latest update posted:
0 points,7 years ago
Helpful updates, thank you. Will proceed to review them.
2 points,7 years ago
I will be posting updates in the Circus City thread on

The first one is now up:
4 points,7 years ago
In light of Amanda's video about marketing I'm happy to confirm that the Digital Cash strap line will be used on all promotional material, including flyers. I agree that this line is an essential part of explaining what Dash is.

Also the Dash integration team at Circus City will be on hand at the festival hub and performances to help people install their first wallet and send them a usable quantity of Dash that can be spent at the festival hub on tickets, at the bar on discounted drinks, and at a local co-working space to rent a desk for the day.
2 points,7 years ago
I've changed my support on this proposal to YES. In the days following the posting of this proposal, Edward supplemented this proposal with lots of additional information.

The 200+ participating artists in this festival are a tight knit community that see each other over and over at various worldwide events. Poor banking solutions, and high fees are already on their mind.

Edward and Lina seem especially engaged in garnering this group's usership, including getting all 200 performing artists to download the app, and to give them chances in engaging with Dash.

Normally, I would not support the sponsorship of a landbased event for a non-maintstream online product like Dash, but if there were ever an exception to that rule, it would be with Edward and Lina.
4 points,7 years ago
Proposal update: Lina B Frank, the co-director of Circus City, sat down in Stockholm to give her thoughts on the festival, European circus, past attempts at working with alternatives to fiat currency, and why Dash is such a good fit for the circus world:
2 points,7 years ago
I'm quite surprised this proposal isn't getting more love. Finding it hard to shake the feeling that things might not be quite different were it located in the U.S. rather than the U.K.
2 points,7 years ago
I'm glad you think it deserves more love, I don't know if there is a geographical based bias.
If funding gets localised rather than globalized it's going to be harder to reach audiences.
In answer to your earlier question, Lina was thinking about the theme of the festival.
She decided that this year the underlying theme is "take a risk" if we want to succeed we all have to try something new.
1 point,7 years ago
Very comprehensive proposal. Voted yes.
2 points,7 years ago
Voted yes. Good luck with your budget proposal.
-2 points,7 years ago
Voting no.

Land based sponsorships for online products do not produce anything close to a positive ROI. This will lose tons of money and it won't get new Dash users.

I like circuses and the proposal owner sounds like a very solid guy, but I hate losing money and I want Dash to get to #1.
2 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the response, I want Dash to get to #1 too.

I'm seeing that you're worried about not getting a positive ROI and that this proposal won't bring in new dash users.

I respect your choice I just want to make sure I've communicated as best I can.

I feel I could have made it clearer why this proposal will bring in new users and convert them to long-term advocates of Dash.

Part of the process of artists performing in the festival will include them installing a wallet before they arrive. So in this respect around 200 new users will be created.

This is a small number initially but Dash solves a great many problems for circus artists most of whom travel internationally and find the traditional banking system does not serve them at all.

These are people who need Dash right now, because they are losing 15% of every transaction they send home. When i introduce Dash to people working in the circus sector it makes complete sense to them.

Because of this there is a very high chance of Dash being adopted long-term by the artists involved in the festival.

Circus is also a tight knit community so once a useful piece of technology comes along it spreads rapidly.

I'm also realistic, I will research and document what actually happens during and after the festival: learning who uses Dash and why. I want the DAO to have clear figures of who has signed up and what impact the sponsorship has.

I also want to share this information with other festivals who have expressed an interest. Circus City has a total budget of around £150k but across the EU there are several festivals in the range of €1m to €1.5m as such there is a great deal of room for growth and circus city could be the first of many to adopt Dash as their international payment solution.

I hope you feel like i've responded in a useful way, i do try to be a solid guy.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the useful feedback, Syntheist.

I think the tight knit community aspect to this is the play indeed, but it's all or nothing. Either the circus community embraces Dash, or it falls on the waste side, dismissed and incorrectly perceived as another impractical solution.

I like this angle a lot, though. Is there any indication that the circus community would be receptive to this? Unfortunately, to avoid banks, they'd need to capture nearly the entire vertical supply chain. I fear that the consumers are still going to pay with fiat toilet paper for a good long while.

The community aspect of this proposal does definitely differentiate itself positively from the airshow proposal, which has a disparate audience.
2 points,7 years ago
I feel like community is absolutely at the heart of why this proposal will bring value to both sides.

I think you're right that Dash needs to be embraced by the community if it is going to work and there is the danger that it gets dismissed.

To embrace it they first need to know about it and try it out 1st hand, that's the step this proposal takes: putting Dash centre stage.

To avoid it getting dismissed we can show them face to face the benefits it brings and the possibility it represents and having them use it. I know that once I understood I was hooked.

It is my opinion that the circus community is receptive.

Right now I only have anecdotal evidence for that: the people I've spoken with have been excited by the possibility of being their own bank, getting out of fiat and being able to send international payments for less than 1¢. That's why I've put the data collection and report creation in there, because Dash is still looking for the best way to encourage adoption and we need to get beyond anecdotes.

Capturing the vertical supply chain of value is the end goal. On the way to that it is certainly possible for Dash to become the internal currency of the circus community and that is a step in the right direction.

Circus is a autonomous world and having an autonomous currency makes perfect sense.
0 points,7 years ago
To quickly put the value of this sponsorship in perspective:

You are asking for roughly $25,000. You are pledging that all 200 artists will download a wallet (empty wallets). That's a cost of $125 per new user, decreased by any additional users that come in through logos, banners, etc.

Amanda's new proposal will be getting new users at roughly $10-20 each, which includes her labor/expenses AND $10 to each new user.

Just to even out with her well thought-out proposal, you'll need to reach 1000-2000 new users and even then, they'll be wallets without any coin in them. Wallets with zero coin aren't very useful.

My point is that this proposal is a big, fat gamble with the odds stacked against it. If there's not one monster coordinated action plan to get those artists to 1) buy coin on the spot 2) do more than have the wallet on their phone and chat about Dash, this is going to be a dog of a spend.
3 points,7 years ago
It is indeed a gamble but with the the odds shifted in our favour.

Because I'm glad to say there is indeed a monster plan, in fact the whole second half of the $25,000 is dedicated to it. Circus City gets the first $12,500 and the Dash integration plan get the rest.

Part of that plan is the Dash Bar: each of those 200 wallets will get 0.15 Dash which will be their free drinks for the festival. That will be getting used straight away.

There is also a 10% discount at the bar for anyone using Dash and a 10% discount for artists buying Dash with fiat (subject to limits) to get people buying.

To achieve this there will be a team of people getting paid in Dash who will be working before, during and after the festival. From installing wallets to making their first transactions and dealing with exchanges someone will be there to guide them.

The Circus City audience reach in 2015 was 100,000 people so if just 1% install a wallet we will be getting towards that $20 per person.

I can also see this being a national news story, the press officer has excellent connections and it's the first story of its kind in the UK.

Beyond that each of those 200 artists goes back to their country knowing everything they need to help their community, friends and family get started. That is something worth taking a risk for.
4 points,7 years ago
If I was a MN owner, I would definitely say yes and here's why:
The "arts" have a way of introducing regular people to new concepts in a stress-free, interesting way. You can sell a lot more of something if there's art or music involved. Why? Because humans are more receptive to things when they are not presented in a stiff, cold way.
I have experienced this myself, and this proposal goes along with the thinking that once you create a movement that involves creativity, there's no stopping it, and the normies will experience FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out. This is exactly the kind of thing that exploits this human frailty.
Vote yes, also because more artists need to be involved in Dash, in order to create a real "cool" factor.
I hope this passes.
4 points,7 years ago
Voted yes. I think its well presented and offers value. Also i agree that the timing will be perfect.
4 points,7 years ago
Update: The co-director of the festival has been having discussions in Finland with people who run some of the larger European circus festivals with budgets of around €1.5 million. They are interested in the possibility of using Dash in their events, most of then had never heard of cryptocurrencies so they are seeing this proposal as a test case for how it can be done.
3 points,7 years ago
I think the sponsorship proposal is very important for several reasons:

1) This event would be one of the first to be sponsored outside the USA, in Europe.
All events are being held in the USA, and we must take advantage of opportunities to INTERNATIONALIZE.

2) In this event, it will promote the use of Dash with discounts of 10% on incoming purchases. (Actual use case of Digital Cash)

3) This can be a great worldwide advertising in a sector (entertainment, which, if they use Dash, can offer discounts on their tickets, theater, cinema etc. Since this would be the FIRST case of success.

4) You can use Jaxx, Copay, etc, wallets it is not essential that you are already Evolution wallet.

5) It would be a proof of concept PoC, real use of Digital Cash.

6) Edward, it would be very interesting to review this proposal of Amanda:

Proposal "abj-global-market-outreach"
And your study modify yours proposal, trying to make synergies with Amanda's proposal,



Campaign = Get a friend who's never used Dash before to download her first Dash wallet
Reward = $ 10 in Dash. That's $ 5 for you, and $ 5 for you to send to your friend's new wallet.
Hashtag = #FirstDashWallet
Required action = Tweet / Facebook / Instagram a picture of you and your friend together, holding up your mobile Dash wallets on your phones. Include the week's hashtag and your DASH address! (Body of post can be in any language, only the hashtag must be in English)


- Post to Dash private key QR code somewhere in your town / city with instructions on how to download a wallet and claim the Dash, #DashScavengerHunt
- Get a small merchant in your area to accept Dash, #NowAcceptingDash
- Join the PrivateSend mixing party on such-and-such day between the hours of blah-blah and blah-blah, #PrivacyInPayments
- etc.

This activity would try to produce the largest sales flow in the event with Dash, and it would be a success, in its report that more than 50% of the payments that have been made were with Dash.

For all this I will surely vote YES.
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks for the detailed points of support, i can certainly see many ways to link up with Amanda's proposal or to share ideas and tasks during the festival.

Part of the job of the Dash help desk can be to run incentives like this, it could be a really fun part of the festival.
3 points,7 years ago
Voted Yes.
A comprehensive proposal. I feel this will add awareness and value.
0 points,7 years ago
The Dash logo on its own means absolutely nothing to people. With a new audience it really needs to be always accompanied by a slogan like Dash, digital cash or something.
3 points,7 years ago
I agree with this, I think the Digital Cash tag line should accompany the logo in all instances where design space allows, so everything bigger than A5 flyers.
4 points,7 years ago
Final Pre-Proposal: Circus City Sponsorship
3 points,7 years ago
Copypasta'd from the preproposal thread:

Syntheist said:
I agree that a general audience might struggle in dealing with Dash, however the circus community is not a general audience but one that is highly technical, focused on learning new things, practicing their application to perfection, and taking calculated risks that put their lives on the line, it is a world of early adopters who travel between countries for work on a regular basis.

I'm voting yes for the following reason:
I would agree with this. The "circus scene" is actually much more vibrant in modern times than many expect and it is a counterculture with a strong community. It is a good place for dash to be, similar to the skatopia proposal. There are lots of young folks involved for whom introducing an alternative to traditional banking would be an amazing opportunity.
-3 points,7 years ago
Voted NO.

I believe will need this kind of ads only after the evolution
-3 points,7 years ago
I agree, voting NO.
4 points,7 years ago
This is a well rounded proposal. Evolution isn't needed as customer and merchant of things are sorted out. It will be a good demonstration of what is to come. People are unlikely to use Dash until evolution anyway, but a good experience, like this one, will stick in their minds and when Evo is released they will be more likely to use it. We will get a few more joining the current community, also.
2 points,7 years ago
Because the festival takes place in October there is a chance a usable version of evolution will have been released.

Also the circus community is a highly technical one, these are people who will pick up the technology where it is and follow it through evolution. These are the people who will be the first adopters outside the cryptosphere. Every new piece of tech I've never heard of before I see first in the hands of someone from the circus.

The timing could be better but there is no other uk circus festival of the same size, missing this opportunity will mean the message about Dash won't reach them until the next Circus City in October 2019.
2 points,7 years ago
@syntheist I would agree that by second half of October there is at least a 50/50 chance of Evo being out in the wild in some form or other. Btw festivals like this one often have a theme for the year, kind of like a strapline? - is that the case with circuscity too and if so is there anyway to shoehorn a 'dash' into that too? 😁
2 points,7 years ago
There is no set theme for this year, but it's not impossible that there will be a strapline. If not the word dash then perhaps a - can be worked in there. Too subtle? 😁