Proposal “CMORecruitment“ (Closed)Back

Title:Hiring of Top-level Dash Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
One-time payment: 5 DASH (119 USD)
Completed payments: no payments occurred yet (1 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-15 / 2017-09-13 (added on 2017-06-19)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 652 Yes / 789 No / 61 Abstain
External information:

Proposal description

This is a survey proposal asking the question: Should the Dash DAO seek recruitment and hiring of a high-level Chief Marketing Officer?

Why do we need a CMO?

Dash currently has a $1.3MM monthly budget to spend on marketing and R+D. Due to the structure of the DAO, no unspent portion of this fund can be saved or carried over to the next month. Effective utilization of this budget is the key to Dash's continued growth and success. The budget must be deployed, but it must be deployed in a sensible, strategic, and profitable manner. We believe that the most effective way to accomplish this goal is to hire a full-time CMO, just as would be expected in any conventional company of Dash's size.

What will this cost?

According to and our own research, to attract top-talent, we believe this position should be paid somewhere between USD $200,000-$450,000 per year, depending on experience and location of operations. The salary will be paid out on a monthly basis using a multi-month proposal, and the monthly contract can be canceled by MNO vote at any time if the CMO fails to perform to the MNOs' expectations.

What would this CMO's duties be?

The duties of the Dash CMO would be very similar to the duties of a CMO at any other company. He will provide a constant, fresh stream of good marketing proposals to the DAO to be put before a vote of MNOs. He'll be in charge of pricing the various aspects of each of his proposals, lining up subcontractors to complete the tasks, and presenting a cohesive marketing strategy for everyone else in Dash to plan around. He'll be working full-time, often getting his own hands dirty until he has built a team.

How would this work?

This new Chief Marketing Officer would answer only to the MNOs by way of vote. He would be paid entirely in Dash just like any other proposal owner, at a competitive rate for top-level talent.

Would he receive a discretionary fund or would all his proposals go up for a vote?

Included in his salary would be a nominal amount of Dash that he could use to make proposals to the board. He would be responsible for putting up effective proposals with well thought-out execution plans. An experienced CMO of this caliber will likely have his own trusted team to subcontract to, or he may hire from within current Dash proposal owners, or both.

Shouldn't this wait until after Evolution is out?

No. Dash has a product right now, and it has a budget right now. Although there is plenty of room for improvement, it's a better product than any of the competing currencies, and people are already buying it. We need to market what we have so that when Evolution does come out, Dash will be in a much stronger position to competitively market and grow that product as well. Every company continually improves upon their products, but that does not prevent them from going as far as they can with the products currently available.

How will this magical CMO be found?

With Dash's $1.3 million monthly budget, Dash can afford a top-level CMO and it should accept no less. Dashdisciple, in combination with the team, will volunteer their time, money, and other resources to help locate potential candidates. In addition to press releases, we will initiate head-hunting at well-known online companies who have demonstrated impressive growth in a variety of competitive industries. Combined with our efforts, we would ask that everyone in the Dash community call upon all of their connections and resources to spread the word that Dash is hiring for a very unique, well-paid CMO position. We are not opposed to also calling on professional recruitment services, but that would have to be funded in a separate proposal.

Would this CMO then control 100% of Dash's marketing?

No. The Dash DAO was built to be decentralized, and it already has some marvelous proposal owners working for it. Anyone outside of the CMO's team will be encouraged to submit their own independent proposals. Once their proposals are approved, the CMO and his team will make themselves available to helping the independent proposal owners in any way they can, incorporating them into a general strategy, if applicable.

Can you give us an example of who this CMO might be?

We envision this CMO having been the CEO or CMO of an already successful and recognizable online company. Perhaps he's from an industry with a lot of carryover or maybe he's the CMO of a successful tech startup. Whoever he is, he'll have success under his belt, and he'll come equipped with a vision for Dash that the MNOs can get behind.

Who decides who eventually gets hired?

Once eager and competent applicants have been discovered, they will be required to post proposals to the board. They will post their credentials, their vision for Dash, and how they plan to execute on them. Just like with any proposal, the MNOs will look for a logical, detailed plan. The MNOs will elect this new CMO, and they will pay him the amount that he has asked for in his proposal if they approve.

You mention that the CMO would propose a series of marketing proposals. Can you give us an idea of what they might be?

Yes. Dashdisciple has donated his time to put together a sample list of marketing initiatives that the CMO might choose to pursue through full proposals. Please note that each of these proposals has their place and time, and the CMO's job would be to determine the best fit for each. The CMO would be in charge of creating his own proposals but would likely end up choosing some or many of the proposals below.

Here is a list of the types of individual proposals this Chief Marketing Officer would be in charge of proposing, pricing, implementing, and managing:

Search engines
1) Paid ads – Google, Bing – search, display, graphic/text/video, mobile/desktop/tablet
2) SEO – optimizing use of content and keywords on new/existing sites to rank highly in
competitive organic crypto terms

Social Media
1) Paid Ads on FB, track/AB test
2) Paid Ads on Reddit, track/AB test
3) Paid Ads on Twitter, track/AB test
4) Paid Ads on LinkedIn, track/AB test
4) Guerrilla Marketing – ie. $10 Giveaway promotions by region, industry type. Scalable, trackable, evolving strategies similar to #firstdashwallet.
5) Official Press distributions – Announcements going out systematically to each site/group.

Land based
1) Organized worldwide city meetups with structured, goal oriented, metric heavy agendas. (e.g. Bitcuners scaled worldwide, with trackable metrics. Consider the concept of a franchise, where meetups are delivered an agenda packet with budget.)
2) Sponsorship of organized campus Dash/cryptocurrency groups
3) Conference attendance with actionable goals: new investors, new integrations, press
interviews (Yes, Dev Core is already doing these very well, but there are many more to hit than they can handle.)
4) Regional cryptocurrency seminars
5) Hiring of project manager(s) to engage with proposal owners with funded proposals. Increase benefit derived from
proposals by offering extra tools, guidance, and by working with them in a cooperative manner.
6) Scalable regional business group involvement. Placing Dash people in each city's small business owner group, equipped with an agenda and budget.

1) Commercial production of a 30 second spot – buy in small pieces on late night, fiscally
conservative shows, gold/silver investor demographic, CNBC, Bloomberg. Testing first on
specific youtube channels.
2) Production of low-budget videos for specific landing pages used in other
promotions/advertising channels. (ex: several paid campaigns could lead to the same high
converting landing page with video, perhaps integrating with a Dash specific exchange promo)

1) Find fiscally conservative/sound money radio hosts. Buy advertising and get interviews. (ex: Work with DJs
to give away $10 of Dash to listeners or greater amounts to callers. Use blockchain analysis to measure effects.) Requires radio website
banners, links, actionable goals. Direct action required.

1) Establish Amanda as official spokesperson (if she wishes). Provide her supporting resources so that the interviews come to her and her workload on tedious activities decreases.
a) Receives, then delivers messaging coordinated with marketing director.
b) Outgoing pitches to CNBC, Bloomberg, CNN, Yahoo Finance, etc.
c) Runs promotions on social media such as $10/person Twitter promo.
d) Gains outreach through doing interviews on other shows, gaining email/newsletter
e) Pitches to other nests of highly qualified audiences.
f) Solicits blog posts, sponsors prize amounts to closed memberships.

Guerrilla Marketing - General
1) Establish positive presence anywhere discussion can occur. Use supporting membership to
deliver most compelling message and defuse negative messaging by competitors. (without engaging with trolls)
2) Use creative one-off ideas to push Dash's message into the news. (ex. When Dash funds something
massive and exciting, leverage that.)
The above list are example ideas. Ultimately, the CMO would exercise his own discretion in what should be done, how it gets implemented, and at what time.

We would like the Dash DAO to begin the immediate search and recruitment of a high-level Chief Marketing Officer, to be paid entirely in Dash, by the Dash DAO. Vote in favor of this proposal if you agree that the Dash DAO should begin this recruiting process.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
$300K could pay for a year of 3 full time actual marketing people rather than a highly paid executive pencil pusher. Managing proposals does not seem to be all that demanding or creative. 1 full time person can handle it and other tasks, and they don't need a pompous officer title.
1 point,7 years ago
Hi. I'm new to DASH and wanted to jump in the fray. Forgive me if this is already taken care of, but I was wondering if the Dash DAO has a legal entity established in the jurisdiction where the CMO will be hired. What legal entity will actually hire the CMO? Who will ensure that proper payroll taxes are witheld? Hiring & firing needs to be handled properly to avoid problems.

If this is already covered somewhere else please point me to the documentation. I'd like to learn how this is handled for DASH. Thanks!
0 points,7 years ago
Well currently the Dash Core team would fill such a function but they are also working on a legal entity with the sole purpose of representing the Network.
5 points,7 years ago
An Open Letter From Evan and Ryan Regarding Dash Marketing
4 points,7 years ago
As much as i appreciate this letter, i think we should live up to your DAO title and have more teams working for us , instead of just relying on CORE , i hope MNs realize that sooner than later
3 points,7 years ago
Excellent response! This demonstrates why marketing efforts must be run *through* not *around* our highly-capable team! You have my every confidence.
3 points,7 years ago
Am I the only one getting sick and tired of this shit? Biltong and Dashdisciple are acting like children.

Biltong. I actually really like you, but you are doing more harm to your reputation than anything else. You are clearly threatened by this clown, and the way you are acting on that is down right embarrassing to watch. You need to stop and think for a second before you go on one of your "friendly" tirades. I have noticed on the other platforms how easily you get worked up and lash out while remaining "friendly". Smiley faces don't fix everything just like that.

Dashdisciple. Just get out dude. No one trusts you, and no one ever will. You are rude, immature, and disingenuous. You are wasting your own money and everyone else's time.
5 points,7 years ago
DashDisciple is honestly a community member that we should follow by example. He has came out of the woodwork and has volunteered his time to dedicate it towards moving Dash into a better direction.

He has pointed out that Dash central isn't as safe/secure as it could be and a week later we finally see an effort to improve upon the system.

We have no (Legit) marketing team and he is offering to dedicate time, effort ,and resources FOR FREE to find us what we are missing.

I must emphasize he has not asked for any money from the community. He has dedicated time, money, and effort into Dash to point out the weak points and make Dash stronger.

In the end, the MNOs can decide wether or not the CMO that is chosen is a good one or not. And can always choose to not pay the CMO. Dash will always have control of its funds, and if the CMO seems unfit then you vote against the CMO.

For now we need someone, to take charge and become the marketing lead. A real professional, that has years of experience on his belt and can turn Dash into a symbol of meaning. just like when we see McDonald's, Nike, bud light, Apple, we all feel a certain emotion when we just think about these brands. That's because they conveyed a story to the audience, of what their brand is about. The brand may make you feel joy, happiness, freedom, relaxation, healthy, and so on even though it is the same product as the one next to it, it brings you that emotion and you buy it.

It's time for Dash to tell its story, and convey a meaningful message that describes what we are about. show the world the emotions we feel when owning Dash. We all have an emotion that brought us here, maybe you feel financial freedom now, or you feel security, maybe even happiness especially when watching Dashs price (: Iv bee very happy Il tell you that haha!

DashDisciple is the type of person we should be thankful for, not criticizing. He comes from a marketing background and sees Dash has a marketing problem. I suggest we take his offer up with extreme willingness to break open the marketing barrier we have. This is an opportunity that may not come again until a long time from now so I suggest you vote wisely because time is of the essence.
4 points,7 years ago
You don't seem too friendly yourself.
-3 points,7 years ago
I'm not trying to be.
2 points,7 years ago
I agree that we need a separate autonomous group for marketing. Eventually, we will also need a separate autonomous group for business development. These "departments" shouldn't be so heavily influenced by the "programming / development" department. I think that the core's insistence that we are not ready is harmful and lacks understanding. It makes us uncompetitive and will cause us to take longer to build our market cap. Market cap is more than for early adopters to make money and get rich, it's needed to handle lots of transactions without moving the price significantly. Holding back on letting the world know Dash exists and has a plan is in fact a form of manipulating the market. It's kind of like "keep dash a secret".

Doing so, and not reaching out to the world is in fact taking the "natural growth" away from Dash. I feel that the core team's idea is that if they don't encourage adoption until Evolution is in full swing, there will be less volatility and that's good. But at best, it's only going to slow adoption and at worst, it will make Dash lose out to a more popular product who will improve their product later - probably on Evolution technology. But they will win due to popularity - being known and trusted. Hell, people don't even care that web wallets require complete trust! And THEY DON'T CARE! They have no clue! They think the Lightening network is just fine.

There are so many amongst us here that really don't understand what Evolution is, what makes it revolutionary. It's as revolutionary as Bitcoin's birth. But nearly nobody understands the implications. THIS IS WHERE MARKETING CAN HELP. I frankly don't know how we'll find a willing CMO, but if we can find a leader that would take this on, it would be sorely needed.
0 points,7 years ago
What I see is that Dashcore goes the same wrong path as Bitcoin's does. A few persons with a great influence are doing their best to keep Dash away of progress, silently trying to keep it their own sandbox.

That proposal is about new stage of Dash - becoming truly global open decentralized corporation, with all the essential divisions it needs, not only coders on board and a pack of IT-geeks. This stage will come true or we will lose the market, there is no third option.
3 points,7 years ago
Though, recent open letter from Ryan and Evan makes things almost clear to me. It's not so bad. The current issue is mostly about lack of communication.
-1 point,7 years ago
I absolutely agree with you , shame on those who are trying to keep just to the core like the bitcoin which is a recipe for failure
-1 point,7 years ago
To all NO Voters , Just to be clear , the YES vote won ,which means MNs are interested in getting a CMO , it doesnt matter if the VOTE passes through the 10% filter

CMO should be brought into dash because thats what majority wants

I want to congratulate and thank those who have selflessly made this proposal

i just hope that we can all put the hate behind us start looking out for a CMO
0 points,7 years ago
Not a very impressive 'win,' presuming it even holds.
9 points,7 years ago
This is one of the reasons I worry about the governance model for DASH. So much disagreement about how to hire a key member of the DASH management team. Many of you have never hired a C-level executive, and they are mostly done through recruiting firms that match company requirements to the backgrounds of these executives. This is not something you list on craiglist and 'search' for them. The rest of the C-level executives are placed through networks of people they already know. Everyone here that is an MNO is asking about who and what will be done, and this is the area where the MNOs shouldn't be involved. MNOs should be relying on the core team to get the job done. If priorities are not happening, then yes the MNOs should then do something about it, but trying to control what is placed into proposals (you must say this or say that or I will vote no) is completely ridiculous. There needs to be more dialogue rather than threats regarding this process. If you have a question about how the proposal owner intends to get things done, then ask those questions and don't demand anything from them, especially if the core team is already involved. You either trust them to get the job done or you don't. If you don't trust the core team, then vote down all proposals to support them, otherwise stop trying to micromanage the processes that are going on. I think the entire idea that MNOs would be so involved in the minutiae of what is going to happy is far beyond what is efficient or reasonable. Instead what our current MNO system has given us is a lot of 'marketing' that makes us happy. Put DASH on planes...put it on a this person and that person. We will never win this war through such marketing efforts. If you have never run a sales and marketing organization, then ask someone who has. You need to build a brand through messaging, and you need to focus all monies toward your sales/marketing goals. There needs to be strategic alignment with all company elements, and you do this through your C-level executives and their marching orders. This is something the DASH CEO needs to lead and this proposal should be driven by him, not some random person or element. It's time to step up to the plate and get control of our funds toward DASH's current and future priorities. MNOs stop arguing with everything going on, and stop thinking that somehow because you have control of funds that this makes you a business expert in crypto. It doesn't. DASH core team, Ryan Taylor, time to take control of what's going on here and pushing for the company vision with the MNOs. Describe what needs to be done and actively implement it. Ask for funds, and make it happen. If the team can't get this together, then this would be why I would sell my MN and step into a different project. A governance system cannot work if people don't understand their roles.

Just my two cents.
0 points,7 years ago
I voted no the other day, reasoning has some context with your comment (and blockchaintech's), hence posting as a reply here.

I think CMO function is needed, but it's too hard to know from the off: 1) what we're asking for, 2) whether some person at interview is the right one and 3) whether they're performing or underperforming on-going basis.

Instead a prior step to outsource to a single work-item to a an experienced marketing company: develop a cohesive marketing strategy & KPIs that it could be measured against.

Proposal to recruit a CMO to implement that strategy (whether a person, or outsourced co) then validates the strategy with MNOs before we start executing on it.
1 point,7 years ago
Well no there should not be this 100% reliance on a core team. This is a decentralized organizations and so we need to experiment with how it can work decentralized.
-1 point,7 years ago
Exactly , we should have multiple CORE teams , else DASH is not DAO , its just copy paste of bitcoin , its that simple
0 points,7 years ago
Agreed, but even with Core this is barely passing. So if it was a solo job you can guess how it would have ended :/

but totally agree!
3 points,7 years ago
That is a very well described vision to show MNOs what a CMO is.

It is beyond important that we make this step and brand ourselves, become a symbol that people regonize rather then just another coin on the market. The level of professionalism will push Dash to the next level, no other coins have the branding power we do so let's take advantage of it.
2 points,7 years ago
This has never been in question in this proposal...the issue is if this should be done *through* or *around* the present team and their well-conceived roadmap.
0 points,7 years ago
I'm sympathetic to your point. Just notice my comments all around this thread about not trying to hire a CMO around our current team. Very problematic.

My only thought for you here about your comment would be to avoid judging too quickly or too harshly how all the various MNO opinions actually come together into actions. Sometimes message boards devolve into echo chambers that chase out dissenting opinions such that things appear much more dramatic than they really are.

It is good that we have a resolving mechanism. By this, we have managed to put together a very capable and well-funded team, and MNO's as a decentralized governing body can speak into with some weight...that's pretty impressive for crypto's. Some tension is both healthy and unavoidable.
-3 points,7 years ago
In a week, this money will just burn. Why do not we want to give even a chance to this idea?
2 points,7 years ago
This is grossly inaccurate, Bitlong: "We would like the Dash DAO to begin the immediate search and recruitment of a high-level Chief Marketing Officer, to be paid entirely in Dash, by the Dash DAO. Vote in favor of this proposal if you agree that the Dash DAO should begin this recruiting process."
0 points,7 years ago
You know very well - that is not the problem: The devil is in the details; You guys doing the selection - remove that from the proposal and it will sail through - that has been said over and over
-1 point,7 years ago
You aren't even a MNO, Biltong. I may suggest you take your PEC proposal campaigning to its own thread. It's 5 Dash to post a proposal.
0 points,7 years ago
Those who voted NO, can you explain your reasoning why you voted NO ??? This is such an important role to fill , it hurts me to see that it might not pass
-3 points,7 years ago
see above
1 point,7 years ago
where sorry ??
-1 point,7 years ago
As this proposal stands now: “" Dashdisciple, in combination with the team, will ... locate potential candidates. "
It will mean a couple of anonymous guys will choose one of the most important positions in Dash.
Dashdisciple promised to “ I will not interfere or get in the middle.”, but the proposal has not changed. He has been asked a number of times to change it, but has still not done so.

Some implications:
If it passes as is, the community and Core can hardly let them go ahead and choose a $200, 000 dollar person who will have immense power in shaping the future direction of Dash.
Which means they will have to ignore a valid MNO vote.

This will open a can of worms:
Our governing system will become a joke and if this gets into the press…?

All that daschdisciple has to do is amend “How will this magical CMO be found?” and the problem will disappear, but so far he’s ignored this request.
2 points,7 years ago
"A couple of anonymous guys.."

What you want their names? Addresses? Home phone numbers? List family members and associates?

Please tell me what that does?

know that it does not matter if someone provides this info. There are members we hired and pay still that are anonymous and just go by a code name.
-2 points,7 years ago
Proposal Evaluation Committee
Link to Categorized and Prioritized List of Proposals here:
4 points,7 years ago
I think we should take this step already.
But we must study if a CMO
Or a marketing company that would be better.

I vote yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Yes a company would be much better
2 points,7 years ago
Think we need this, the acrobat airplane sponsorship costs similar to yearly wages for CMO and he could put a cork into such frivolous spending of the budget.
3 points,7 years ago
A CMO could weigh in but can't stop the MNs from funding other things
-1 point,7 years ago
...or triple it. Be careful what you ask for.
4 points,7 years ago
I think people should vote Yes to this. We also need to experiment with how a DOA can function, if it fails we adapt and progress but let's get some movement going, voting yes.
1 point,7 years ago
My fear is that we end up paying someone a full time pay for sitting around and doing nothing month after month. How do we hire, fire, and make sure he or she is producing?
0 points,7 years ago
We don't. That's the point. We are not managers. We govern. That is, we set priorities, establish direction and vision, determine performance metrics, provide resources, hire an *integrated* management team (which we have) to do the things you mention.

In fact, I hope they will engage here and share their thoughts about the timing and readiness for a marketing rollout, which is, in fact, a good idea. I just don't think this proposal is how to achieve that most effectively.
0 points,7 years ago
Suppose this passes.... who interviews, hires, and oversees the work of this person?
1 point,7 years ago
The downvotes suggest that nobody cares about this. That's a mistake - your point is good, and it is why any CMO hire ought to be run *through* our team, not *around* them.
7 points,7 years ago
I like the idea of the CMO but I don’t think it should be run by a “board” of unknown newbies.
This (CMO recruitment and management) should be run by either a longtime known member of the community with some expertise or basic knowledge in this area or by the core team themselves, as they will need to coordinate with said CMO and not constantly fight about the direction of the project, long-term and short-term.

We should be very careful about giving a small but vocal group of new people total control over the direction of our project in the form of review committees and marketing and eventually replacing the whole core team as that is the direction it will go if there are major disagreements.

So yes for a CMO, but no for it being run by DashTreasury/dashdisciple/abob54, whoever they are.
I do thank them for broaching the subject though.
4 points,7 years ago
Thanks, Mastermined. This has been an opinion shared by several long standing members of the community. We haven't had the time to build the level of trust we would need to spearhead something like this and we respect that fact. So for that reason, myself, and /u/abob54 will completely remove ourselves from this process.

We will have our MNO votes like all other MNOs, but aside from the proposal already filed and the marketing outline already provided, our involvement in this CMO process can end right here.

It's the idea of top-level marketing talent that we care about, so we are happy now to step aside knowing that Dash users with more reputation will head up this CMO recruitment process.
-3 points,7 years ago
All you have to do is amend your proposal and remove the " Dashdisciple, in combination with the team, will ... locate potential candidates. " as you promised and this proposal will fly through. IMO
2 points,7 years ago
Great answer, this proposal has my yes votes!
0 points,7 years ago
I would be more comfortable with the Core Team heading that endeavor
4 points,7 years ago
We definitely want a top level CMO but we dont want individual positions running on their own individual series of proposals, we want teams.

Why not just add whatever this person's salary would be to the dash core payments and have dash core hire and integrate a CMO?
-2 points,7 years ago
We should, when the overall team thinks the timing is right. I'm sure they won't be shy about proposing when they think it fits in sync with everything else, say Evolution.

The "in sync" part is important, however, which is why I vote no to this isolated idea.
1 point,7 years ago
I voted yes, and I am agnostic whether the CMO works for or answers to the Masternode community directly, or if the CMO is hired by and joins the Core Team and answers to Ryan, and the Masternodes indirectly.
0 points,7 years ago
MNO's hiring a bunch of isolated executives and trying to 'manage' them individually will be about as effective as herding cats.
3 points,7 years ago
There are about 4500 MNs but hardly any show up for voting :(
This is a crucial Vote , please Vote , Dash needs you :)
1 point,7 years ago
I think a lot of the MNOs show up near the end of the voting period. I often hold off on my undecided votes till the last day.
3 points,7 years ago
And yes, the new CFO can, should and will work very closely with the Core Dev. team in a cooperative and productive fashion. That seems obvious.
3 points,7 years ago
Yes. Marketing has to improve, both in quality and in amount. Amanda B. Johnson has played a critical role, and will continue to play a critical role, but even she recognizes and advocates that we need to go to the next level.

And yes, part of the relationship with the new Chief Marketing Officer is that juicy pay bonuses should be tied to well defined measurable improvements. Hmmmm, let's see, what would be the most direct and well aligned incentive......

Every time we pass another token on coinmarketcap, the CMO gets another fifty grand in Dash.
5 points,7 years ago
If I may add... we definitely need alignment in our branding efforts. It would be nice to have a cohesive direction that coordinates development releases and marketing campaigns all branded neatly.
1 point,7 years ago
'alignment' and 'cohesive direction' are exactly why I'm suggesting the CMO position should be run through, not around, our current team. Good luck getting these with isolated executives all talking to MNO's.
5 points,7 years ago
I get the need. It would probably be helpful. Maybe this could be better handled by appointing someone from existing team members? That's how it worked with our other "C" level positions, right? Why not this one? How much we pay someone doesn't guarantee their performance. How much *they care* does. If someone is brought in and is abrasive to the team and is more focused on marketing numbers and campaigns rather than community and collaboration and the principles of being your own bank, well then - I think we're going to have a bad time.
4 points,7 years ago
That is why it is important to recruit somebody who has the capacity to understand this. People who are the most successful marketing directors for big companies in the real world aren't going to be the kind of people who are abrasive and unable to work with teams or unable to grasp the business they are in. I agree with n00bkid that no one in our current team or community has the kind of experience needed for this (if you think someone does, I'd like to see their LinkedIn/resume and compare it to top level individuals in the field).
4 points,7 years ago
There is no one currently working for Dash who has the vision, desire, and qualifications to fill this role, Chuck. Hence, merely "appointing" someone is a moot point. This person needs to be recruited.

True -- results are not guaranteed. It is possible that this may not turn out roses. But the risk of trying it is so low -- and the potential upside is so incredibly high -- that we'd be fools not to attempt it.

Our much-less-wealthy competitors are out-advertising us. We cannot afford for that to continue. The more investment we can acquire before Evolution, the better chance it will have of launching well.
0 points,7 years ago
I leave it to the network to decide. I have fears, but I'm willing to work with the network's decision. I also have hopes, and this could turn out awesome.
0 points,7 years ago
Voting yes, although it seems like a huge salary to be voting for without knowing who/what it will look like. However, clearly, if it isn't working out I can vote down on any month. But surely this is a double edged sword. How are we going to find a top Marketing Executive who will take a job where he can (and probably will) be kicked out without notice?
3 points,7 years ago
This proposal. It's exactly what we need.
2 points,7 years ago
This proposal is what we do NOT need. (My reasons for this otherwise meaningless statement were given just a bit bellow.)
5 points,7 years ago
i believe all of MNs need to be a bit more active in voting , else the guys with 100s of MNs will have lot more say in the final result
2 points,7 years ago
Decentralization of nodes helps solve that problem, allowing more people to vote lessens the direct power of someone with say 100 nodes.
1 point,7 years ago
Setting up and rolling a position with such an exquisite talent demand, finding such a person, its successors, and paying for all this to provide a mere hint to MNOs?
That very well might be just a waste of resources combined with frustration of the talent.
Maybe we do not need a CMO for that.
It is an attempt to steer essentially democratic mechanism based on votes in a supervised manner, which is problematic per se.
To avoid the problem we need to replace supervision with automation that can be coupled with the mechanism.

Even if a proposal seems perfect for one's vision a big problem is evaluating its accountability - the likelihood that what's written will be realized, or at least that the money will be spent for the specified purpose.
Some tools for that would be nice before putting CMO in place.
6 points,7 years ago
How would this potential CMO interact with the Core Team? I believe this is an important question.
3 points,7 years ago
I would hope this CMO would interact quite closely with the Core Team. They'd need to coordinate with R&D on strategy, launch dates, and many other issues. I believe this CMO would run an independent team, but he'd work very closely with the current Core Team. Of course, these are issues that would be tackled in the interview process where all the MNOs meet the CMO candidate through the pre-proposal and proposal process.
10 points,7 years ago
As a retired sales person I would like to add the importance of incentives.

Instead of guaranteeing a stash of dash and wait for promised results I suggest that part of his revenue should come from approved proposals, as a commission based salary, besides a modest base salary.
5 points,7 years ago
Good thought. Bonuses based on measurable benchmarks is a good idea, and something the correct CMO may suggest himself.
4 points,7 years ago
I agree with this one
2 points,7 years ago
This is absolutely needed and a yes from me. The strategic marketing of DASH across the globe is the one thing I've said to others in comments that DASH is lacking. Other top cryptos are working with some of the industries finest talent that they've attracted. DASH will be left behind if it doesn't attract talent that can can help create a market for our coin for what will ultimately be an industry consolidation at some point in the future (There is always a consolidation). There are tons of options out there now, and there will only be a future for those cryptos that can position and market themselves better than the others. DASH has a lot of potential, but if we don't effectively leverage this potential, others will simply copy and then do the marketing better than us and DASH will be left behind. And please don't get the idea that the technology sells itself. There are plenty of business examples of great technology that lost to better marketing.
2 points,7 years ago
One question: " Dashdisciple, in combination with the team, " will find this extremely expensive CMO.
This is maybe the most important Dash job to be performed in years. I would like to know who we are entrusting this to:
Names/Surnames/academic qualifications/work experience: companies they worked for in what positions?
Just normal questions that any company in the world will ask when they entrust complete unknown entities to hire their most expensive & important recruit ever!
2 points,7 years ago
I've offered to assist in recruiting, but you will notice that the proposal also asks any and all MNOs to do the same. Perhaps Core would also be willing to deploy their retained HR company for this recruitment process as well. I've offered up my own resources without asking anything in return because I believe very strongly in the potential benefit that a professional marketing team could bring to Dash.

The MNOs will choose the CMO, and the CMO will have the responsibility of earning the MNO's trust, and convincing the MNOs of his marketing vision and execution plans.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for all the explanation and being so selfless about dash
2 points,7 years ago
This is an obvious yes. The proposal funds need to be used for Dash to grow. If we can recruit a professional marketing team on board for ourselves we will create a lot of investments flowing into Dash. Given that almost no one has ever heard of Cryptocurrency we could be the first to touch this untouched market.

And if it's a huge success, this could lead for the discovery of more professional teams in the future as well I'm sure!

Great proposal good luck!
4 points,7 years ago
Yes from me. The fact is, even though we have some good people working on marketing, we simply don't have someone of the caliber that is being sought here. Bringing in an industry-leading expert who has major experience in this area will benefit our project. And better to get the process started now to hire the right person and onboard them now, than to wait until the last minute to get them up to speed. I am sure there are many improvements that can be made to our marketing even here and now, and I expect that this individual would help guide our existing teams as well as work on their own projects.
2 points,7 years ago
Why are so many MNO voting "no" for this?
-1 point,7 years ago
I've provided some answers as a 'No' voter. We'll see if they are engaged or just downvoted.
-2 points,7 years ago
A few people with a lot of MNs are voting "no".

A lot of people with not very many MNs are voting "yes".
0 points,7 years ago
i suspect its the core :(
2 points,7 years ago
looks like one person with around 95 mn's voted against it, but the rest are smaller node holders.
-1 point,7 years ago
Unless you have some proof that one person with 95 mns voted no then your just spreading fud
9 points,7 years ago
When 95 nodes all vote the same way at exactly the same time, it's most likely one person...
1 point,7 years ago
Ok well that was exactly the data I was asking for, looks like Dash has a problem on it's hands.
2 points,7 years ago
I will agree that we have a problem. Not only are we downvoting proposals like this, but we also struggle to get enough people who are willing to risk the $1000 (ish) that it costs to make a proposal, so a lot of the dash that could be used to further the cause is simply thrown away. If this fails someone has to save up another wad of cash to try something else, which could also fail. I am amazed anything gets done.
0 points,7 years ago
Nice graph. Bookmarked. Thanks!
-1 point,7 years ago
How is it that you question me and accuse me of FUD but not dashdisciple and his unproven claim that "A few people with a lot of MNs are voting "no". "

The double standards around here are getting old. See troyDash's post for the proof of my claim.
1 point,7 years ago
Voting yes. I don't know a ton about marketing but I know that a CMO would be a big step towards having a cohesive, well-oiled marketing machine.
-2 points,7 years ago
I wonder about the oversight of such a person. Their wage really needs to be broken down into weekly installment with details of the week's work in order to put in place some oversight. I will vote yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Sounds good. Voting Yes.
1 point,7 years ago
Seems to me that something like this ought to come from our existing team when necessary. Personally, I disagree with this statement: "The budget must be deployed..., " and I see no reason to doubt that the following statement is already being done effectively by our team: "...but it must be deployed in a sensible, strategic, and profitable manner."

Part of 'sensible and strategic' is the decision to balance the use of funds between marketing vs. development vs. business relationships, vs. whatever else we're not thinking of currently.

We are not helpful by trying to overdrive the bus from the cheap seats. We are a governance body, not a management arm. Voting No.
1 point,7 years ago
Right now the biggest issue we are facing is lack of a cohesive marketing strategy akin to the development strategy we have.

This new CMO and his team form a parallel company aking to the core and it will be good to see them compete once in a while

yes we are governance body and thats exactly why we need a new marketing team to work along with us
-1 point,7 years ago
'cohesive marketing strategy' - I don't see how this is achieved by hiring a CMO separated from an existing CEO/team. Whose 'cohesive strategy' are we using? What if they differ? Hiring a CMO outside of our existing team is problematic and hasty.
1 point,7 years ago
Just voted yes , i believe we should absolutely hire an CMO , anyone who thinks otherwise is basically confused about Dash and the DAO.
When you call yourself an DAO and have a tech team working for us, why is it so difficult to have marketing team ??

Amanda is doing a wonderful job, but shes alone and needs a solid team and vision to go along

In terms of product the next stop is Evolution , in terms of marketing what is it ? please ask this question

if we dont have a solid marketing plan , we will absolutely waste our marketing money on ad-hoc proposals without a strong ROI and long-term focus , thats the biggest issue we are facing right now
0 points,7 years ago
And if we have a patchwork team rather than an integrated team, the next biggest problem we will have will be lack of coordination. When the independent CMO 'rolls out' a program that is inconsistent with the devs and business developers, all meaning well, the mis-steps will be the MNO's fault for breaking team 'cohesiveness,' not creating it.

I've said enough.
0 points,7 years ago
"I've said enough." -> just meaning I've probably already tried to press this point more than I should have. Not intended to be snarky.
0 points,7 years ago
voted yes! well, i agree with the opinion of other masters; amanda is doing a wonderful job, but shes alone and needs a solid team and vision to go along. and more, i would also like to see a monthly update in amanda's show
1 point,7 years ago
Voted yes. Can we also track his/her progress using performance KPI's?
0 points,7 years ago
For a start I would like to see a monthly update in Amanda's show.
1 point,7 years ago
Will this position need a support staff? Something to consider including if/when this passes and the actual proposal is drawn up.
0 points,7 years ago
Scratch that, I only saw the first section of the proposal.
1 point,7 years ago
I like it. I don't like all of it but we have to start somewhere. When I have more time I will offer some in-depth suggestions.
0 points,7 years ago
to take a look on what Ripple did with hiring Karl T. von Guttenberg (former German defence minister) - it must be carefully choosen if DASH needs a door opener celebrity or an unknown but professional sales manager
-1 point,7 years ago
Needed anyway ^^ very good @abob54
-1 point,7 years ago
Yessen from me.

I would also like to add that he could take on the roll to insure that DASH has proper Corporate Identity, preferably on the level of Apple. (this very big part why Apple is seen a the brand it is, very few company's come even close to there well written and maintained Corporate Identity)

How they do it look here:
1 point,7 years ago
After realizing that the funds well be run by i changed to no's.
0 points,7 years ago
The funds wont be run by dash treasury this is just to see if we are interested in CMO or not

The CMO will come from a solid marketing background and will engage in strategic marketing intiatvies that will help dash in long term as well short term

Right now all proposals only give limited or short-term benefit