Proposal “BuildingaDashyAfricaPhase1“ (Closed)Back

Title:Building a Dashy Africa - Phase 1
One-time payment: 182 DASH (4921 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 182 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2018-03-19 / 2018-04-18 (added on 2018-03-15)
Votes: 702 Yes / 195 No / 22 Abstain

Proposal description

  #BADA - Phase 1

Proposal Highlights Include: Sponsorship and representation at CoinFest Sierra Leone, DASH Ambassadors Program,
establishment of DASH Exchange Centers, integrating businesses and schools and opening thousands of new wallets in 7 countries.
Pre-Proposal Link
Detailed Plan

This is a proposal to be executed by Nathaniel Luz, leader of the #Dash4Nigeria project, with escrow by Instantkarmafund. This proposal will make a big push in Africa to impact 7 countries, including: Cameroon, Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Sierra Leone and will provide long-term gains for sustainable, organic growth of the Dash economy in Africa.

This proposal will achieve the following and more:                 
  • Establishment of the DASH Africa Ambassadors Program Academy
  • DASH sponsorship of the annual Coinfest event in Sierra Leone
  • DASH conferences in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon                                    
  • Introducing DASH to Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Sierra Leone and organizing outreaches there.
  • DASH Marketing and Education in Universities in Ghana                 
  • DASH as a means of payment of dues, organizations
  • DASH partnerships with events and competition organizers to pay the winners in DASH and purchase tickets with DASH
  • DASH Campus Promotion in Cameroon                                           
  • Establishment of DASH Exchange Centers in Cameroon
  • Local bitcoin traders to begin trading DASH in Cameroon
  • The raising of DASH Ambassadors in Cameroon
  • Integrating more businesses to adopt DASH as a means of Payment in Nigeria     
  • Continuous DASH Meetups and Ambassadors Drive across Africa
  • Seek to make DASH the most adopted cryptocurrency in the countries this proposal concerns
The objective of this proposal is to take Dash from a “speculative asset” to a “cryptocurrency with utility” in these 7 countries in Africa. (The plan, including needs assessment, is detailed in the linked document.) Once more businesses and schools are on-boarded and conferences are
completed, benefits will be obvious and demand will grow. People of Africa will
demand Dash for their transactions as it solves many problems with their
national currency, including portability, security, and inflation. This team
will then roll out Phase 2 in a proceeding proposal to satisfy the demand,
which will address the fundamental problems of liquidity and accessibility of
Dash in Africa with POS systems to those merchants who wish to accept Dash. We
will make Dash ubiquitous in Africa with high utility and velocity - with its
greater security, medium-of-exchange and store-of-value properties than legacy
currencies. See highly-developed plans at link above and budget at end of
Toknormal has this to say: ”If DASH transaction count doubled overnight – for whatever reason
– you’d soon see price, specially BTC ratio, skyrocket cos it’s what all the market observers watch.”

What is very much needed now in the DASH ecosystem is the use of DASH in daily transactions.
It’s good to hold DASH, but better to spend it as a currency. African nations
targeted in this proposal need ambassadors, exchanges, businesses and exposure
to DASH in order to adopt it.

This proposal is a perfect fit to make DASH the currency for daily transactions in Africa.
Budget - to be paid out in tranches based on deliverables below
A. DASH Africa Ambassadors Program 
Website $750
Content Creation $500
Outreaches in 3 countries = 2 * 3 = 6 DASH
Total 9 Dash

B. Coinfest Conference Sierra Leone 
DASH sponsorship fee $3,000
Air ticket and accommodation for 1 DASH Ambassador =     $2,000
Tokens to participant $5 * 400 participants =$2000
Meetups $200 * 5 = $1000
Radio talk show $300 * 3 = $900
TV talk $400
Media coverage $400
Ambassadors Training $600
Logistics $250
Total 26 Dash

C. Introducing Dash to Secondary Schools in Ghana 
Transport in each region $2000
Accommodation and for a month $1000
Conferences $1250
Media coverage $450
Radio talk show $350
Tokens to participant $800
Total 14 Dash

D. DASH marketing and education in Universities in Ghana 
Camera to record our activities $105 * 4 = $380
Sponsoring SRC program $300 * 3 = $900
Giveaways $5 * 300 = $1500
Air time on school radio $300 * 4 = $1200
Conference $570
Total 11 Dash

E. DASH Campus Promotion in Cameroon 
Meetups $200 * 5 = $1000
Radio talk show $320 * 3 = $960
TV talk $500
Media coverage $450
Campus promotion $360.4 * 5 campuses = $1802
Total Dash 11

F. Establishment of DASH Exchange Centers in Cameroon 
Liquidity of 4.5 DASH for 4 exchanges 
Total Dash 18

G. DASH Ambassadors Training in Cameroon 
Travels / accommodation, feeding and Logistics of 2 facilitators $2,000
Giveaways by new ambassadors $5 * 50 = $250 * 10 ambassadors= $2,500 for 500 new wallets
4 Day DASH Ambassadors Training Event = $2,325
Venue $800
Sound, Projector $200
Refreshment $600
DASH branded writing materials $400
Logistics $325
Total 17 Dash

H. Businesses adoption of DASH as a means of Payment in Nigeria
Incentive of $70 per business * 30 = $2,100
Transportation across 3 states in Nigeria = $600
Conference for Business owners in the 3 states = $700 * 3 =$2100
Publicity for DASH Accepting businesses = $1,000
Total 14 Dash

I. Prints
T-shirts $13 * 450 $5,850 
Banners 50 * 15 = $750
Stickers $2 *400 = $800
Wristbands $2 * 400 = $800
Total 20 Dash
Proposal Fee 5
Escrow Fee 5
Risk Fee 4

Funding Requested = 140 Dash (Dash @$420) + 20% contingency buffer for price volatility = 168
Proposal Fee + Escrow Service + Risk = 182 Dash* 

Payment Schedule
Payment 1 ABCI - April 4
Payment 2 EFG - ETA April 15
Payment 3 DH - ETA April 29

*If Dash price goes down more than 20%, funds will be exhausted and deliverables will be scaled back
If Dash price stays above $336 ($420*.8), excess funds will be held for Phase 2.

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
Kindly visit for updates of this proposal.

Thanks again for your support.
1 point,6 years ago
VOTING YES ..... African nations vs education regarding Dash. We need people with Dash wallets.
1 point,6 years ago
Thanks greatly for your support.

We'd be the opening of new wallets from hundreds to thousands monthly.

Stay tuned for updates.
2 points,6 years ago
This is a project that will make more impact in the African continent, Africa needs dash and #rotc is more than capable of working the talk. Looking more deeper into the project, If well executed is capable of sending dash to a destination we have never thought of. Dear MNos give him a chance for massive Africa transformation into a home of dash.
Africa needs dash
Cheers bro
0 points,6 years ago
I really plead with the MNO to vote for this proposal because it will help the grass root work we doing in Africa. Nathaniel Luz have been representing Dash with passion for years now his Dash4Nigeria work inspired us to do more in Nigeria. He took Dash to Cameroon with is own found just for the passion. He want to do more. Let all give him the support he needs so as to get Dash to the un-bank. Africa needs Dash the more. Please VOTE YES
3 points,6 years ago
After taking critical look at this proposal, I foresee the position this would take DASH to in Africa, @nathanielluz is the mind behind Dash for Nigeria now expanding its Outreach to another countries in Africa.
Also, this proposal have got escrow, so with that I believe transparency and accountability will be certain. A plead is that we give him a chance to put DASH on a first class look in Africa.
More Yes Votes Needed
0 points,6 years ago
Looks very promising I hope MN can help the proposal, to be able to tap into the rest of africa. This is really about banking the unbanked. I think this is our best chance at it.
1 point,6 years ago
Special appreciation to all MNOs who have voted for our proposal. We appreciate.

We also plead with other MNOs to vote YES to see a widespread adoption of DASH across 7 African countries.

For MNOs who have voted NO, kindly voice out your questions and concerns.

Thanks for your support.
1 point,6 years ago
@cryptolib is well known in the Dash community and has proven himself repeatedly - a solid guy and a true libertarian!
1 point,6 years ago
Hi @DashingDude, this is not my proposal and should not be tagged as so. I support it but i am in no way associated to it and MNOs should not be made to think so by this comment. Good luck to team behind this. cheers.
1 point,6 years ago
I hope the lag in getting this project passed is due to it's early submittal, and thus low placement on the page. Another serious flaw of this site it seems! Please vote for these grass roots efforts! They might turn out to be more important projects for getting Dash on the world map than any other! We must not become "Western centric"!
1 point,6 years ago
One of my favorite things about this proposal is how well it is presented. I get the idea in a few minutes and can see that it will do a lot for Dash in Africa. The price is in line with reality. I want some Dash Africa Stickers! Make sure to create videos of the events! Voting YES.
0 points,6 years ago
Good stuff. Yes from me.
0 points,6 years ago
Voting Yes, looks promising and well priced
0 points,6 years ago
Nice and comprehensive plan. Voting Yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Looks great! Very detailed escrow plan, love it.

What is the risk fee? I guess that is to cover if the price goes down?
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Mastermined,

Instantkarmafund is required to front the 5 Dash fee to bring this opportunity to the Treasury. The "risk fee" is to offset the risk of losing that 5 Dash fee, should the proposal not pass, such as what occurred last month with this proposal.