Proposal “Bring-Festy-to-Irish-Pubs-Global-Market“ (Completed)Back

Title:Bringing Festy & Dash to the public - Irish Pubs Global Market
Monthly amount: 198 DASH (5377 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 594 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-11-18 / 2018-02-15 (added on 2017-11-23)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 1 Yes / 21 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Title: Bringing Festy and Dash to the public - Irish Pubs Global Market

We are asking Dash for an early stage investment in Festy in exchange for providing utility to Dash. The proposal will fund development of integrating Dash cryptocurrency on Festy for select concerts in the upcoming months.

In return for the investment of Dash we are giving 12 months integration of Dash on Festy. So when users try to withdraw their funds, they will have to withdraw in Dash. This will provide genuine value for Dash as all of these hundreds of thousands of transactions (hopefully millions in due course) will be withdrawn to Dash by using it as the primary currency for everyday merchants that accept Festy.

Festy is a contactless crypto payments startup expanding the utility of Dash among everyday people and everyday businesses. This proposal is to bring Dash to 10 music venues around the world with integration to allow customers spend their Dash.

Dash has the capability of revolutionising day to day business as we know it and we are committed to developing technologies and businesses that help in achieving this goal. We want to make it possible for the Dash community and the wider population to live 100% in Dash, making payments in all aspects of their day to day life, from retail and festivals to transit and tourism, using Festy as the payment system.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

This level of demand for Festy requires a full team of highly skilled developers dedicated solely on this project in order to scale effectively so we can launch our MVP for beta testing. Currently we are unable to realise this opportunity for major adoption of Dash and Festy as our 2 junior developers and 1 senior developer are finding it difficult to manage the workflow of both Festy & Bitcart. We spent the last few weeks recruiting a team that will work exclusively on Festy, allowing the current team to focus on Bitcart and divide the development team at Opera Incubator in two clearly defined groups so that both companies can flourish as they should.

As our strategic business partners, we hope the Dash community will help us to acquire the resources and materials we need to take Festy to the global marketplace and capitalise on all of these developments. We believe we have shown what we can accomplish with a slim budget as the fruits of our labour during the IPG event are clearly evident, and therefore feel we are justifiably taking the logical next step in asking for a larger sum this time around.

With a strong belief in the importance of education, we are assigning tasks to our CTO and senior developers relating to training our talented junior developers to fulfill the role of full stack blockchain specialists and this requires a lot of time and energy.

[img width=612 height=399][/img]

Festy customer journey to Dash by adding a side-chain layer to be additional to the broker model.

Festy Updates
Recent business developments for Festy have created the urgency for a committed and refined strategic business partnership with Dash. We have carefully selected 10 locations to integrate Festy as a priority. These areas have been chosen due to predicted traffic and adoption of comparable technologies from our market research. 

Imagine a time when it will be possible to travel to these locations and use Dash to create a new era of tourism free of conversion rates and withdrawal charges! No more dealing with massive fees from ATMs and converting from dollars to euros - Festy is initiating a transference from a ‘Cash is King’ paradigm to a ‘DASH is KING’ paradigm. We have strategically made these relationships with Irish bars in order to get us setup with a base in these locations and tap into local contacts to spread Dash among the tourism industry. Festivals and conferences have already been added to our list and contractual agreements will secure Festy as a payment processor at these events.

Each time a bar integrates our beta POS system, we will hold a launch night whereby Dash & Festy will be used exclusively by the local community and any members of the Dash community that reside in the locality! For launches we will supply top quality music through our many contacts in the music industry and make these parties a night to remember. This will be pivotal to training the staff and interviewing the pub owner for endorsing Dash. These will go out on the Dash social media and Dash Force News. The bar will be able to announce their loyalty card programs that have been made possible by Festy and will only apply when Festy is used for payments. This will lead to huge adoption rates of Festy as a payment processor and massive increases in the usage of Dash as a currency.

Concerts and Festivals
We feel it is important to describe what is also on the horizon for Festy in 2018 following these integrations and completing our beta phase so that the Dash community can also share our vision in full:

In addition to this, we have been engaged in talks concerning integrating Festy in the following festivals for the upcoming 2018 season. This list includes but is not limited to:

  1. Boomtown, Winchester, UK (60,000 capacity)
  2. Body and Soul, Ireland (15,000 capacity)
  3. Reno Air Race Championships, NV (200,000 capacity)
  4. Porcfest, New Hampshire, US (2,200 capacity)
  5. Atlantic Songbook, Ireland - this is a new festival that is launching in 2018 and will be the longest running music festival in the world (potentially 10.5 million people using Festy over 9 months according to Irish tourism statistics in 2016 - 2017 was even higher)
  6. St. Patrick’s Day Festivals in Boston, New York and Dublin ($5.3 billion is estimated to have been spent during the 2017 festival)
  7. Deichbrand, Germany (50,000 capacity)
  8. Wacken, Germany (75,000 capacity)
  9. Rock Am Ring, Germany (75,000 capacity)
  10. Electric Picnic, Ireland (55,000 capacity)

The budget intends to satisfy the costs of equipment and recruitment allowing Festy to scale and reach the next phase of development.

Development breakdown

  • Development Budget for Festy

3 months working with a new fully equipped development team will align perfectly to ensure Festy are fully prepped and ready for the festival season which begins in May 2018, enabling us to fulfill our dream of bringing Dash and Festy to major festivals all around the world.

  • Wristbands & cards (design and printing)
  • POS Systems, NFC readers and devices to give to venues free of charge for initial integrations 

Marketing and Business Development
  • Create and secure business development leads for Festy integrations
  • Effectively market & promote the Dash and Festy partnership globally
  • Business Developer 
  • Events organiser

  • Promotional Merchandise for use at events ie stickers, beer mats, giveaways.
  • Staff / Representative uniforms for use at events.
  • Information packs for Merchants and consumers.
  • Photo and videography for event documentation and website 
  • Dash Branding
  • Graphic design
  • Dash giveaway redeemable for one drink at the bar at locations, giving customers a chance to spend Dash

We will answer any questions you may have

Show full description ...

Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
0 points,6 years ago
5 points,6 years ago
I am looking for a follow up from your team and a solid proof that this works (main net) and can scale to what is needed (on live events ).
my fear is if this fails - the backlash will be coming for Dash - not for Festy ! so please provide proper updates, proof of Tests on main net before going into the Festival Season !
(I know this is feisty and not bitcard - but I am still receiving messages after messages about bit card problems - do NOT burn your reputation with bitcard problems in the community ! remember this is all reputation based - it is down to you guys to proof us all wrong (bad bitcard experience) and deliver 150% on feisty ! )
1 point,6 years ago
4 points,6 years ago
It looks like both our proposals might pass. Shortly we will see. Darren and I have discussed in the past utilizing festy at airshow events. Currently, we are planning ATM centric dash implementation for Reno. Will we be able to discuss festy within the USA? If so, great. If not, please let me know so that I can concentrate on existing plans.

Thank you for your time and good luck,
0 points,6 years ago
Hi Scott,

Apologies for the delayed reply on this. The whole team has been directing all of our usable energy towards our first commercially viable deployment that is estimated to be fully ready in the coming months. I'd love to pick up on where we left off at the Dash conference in London surrounding the Reno and Brazil airshows. Let's set up a call in the next few days. I'll email you shortly to check your availability.

Congratulations on your proposal passing - I was thoroughly impressed with your hunger to create a partnership with us and it's that community spirit that is imperative to the success of cryptocurrency.

All the best,
0 points,6 years ago
Darren, I will try to bring you (festy) back into the conversation with Reno. Without a response, I had to pivot for completion of our own proposal's deliverable. Currently we are in conversations with ETix, however we have not signed as of yet. Best Regards, Scott
3 points,6 years ago
Please make sure that Festy can deliver what you need, it would bad for both dash and you if you get into problems because festy can't deliver (not trying to troll here, I hope that bitcart and fest both become successful, but I don't want other great working parts of dash to be negatively be influenced, by others that are not (YET) on pare )
1 point,6 years ago
Thank you. We need to all row in the same direction. 1 month ago we invited the Bit to Byte crew to our Major airshow in Florida. We would host them and provide the structure to present and teach kids attending the airshow. We can provide everything minus the mentors, knowledge and computer equipment.
2 points,6 years ago
That's impressive, Scott. Working to vet and cross-integrate other Dash proposals/works. We could use more of that!
1 point,6 years ago
yes , lets replace all the negativity with synergy building between dash teams
1 point,6 years ago
That there is exactly why your proposal passed. Congrats to both of you!
0 points,6 years ago
Glad to see this pass , All the best guys
1 point,6 years ago
Our latest video answering questions from the Dash community :)
9 points,6 years ago
I'm voting yes, even though I have mistrust about this team, so deliver guys. If you don't deliver 100% what you promise here you will never have my votes again.
5 points,6 years ago
I agree, I have a slightly unsettling feeling about these guys, but I still want them to succeed... I’ve changed mine to yes as well and I am also hoping for the best... We’ll have to see what happens, but I won’t get fooled again.
0 points,6 years ago
Me too. That cross-support from Scott is helpful.
1 point,6 years ago
Same here, don't let us down guys.
1 point,6 years ago
Also agreed. I will lend my support, for now.
3 points,6 years ago
I agree with the above. It's a narrow yes from me. I really want this to work, but the jury is out on this one. It's an ambitious project and I don't mean to sound disrespectful but I remain to be convinced that there's enough experience within the team, largely when it comes to the logistics and operational aspects of scaling this business, especially in the manner & speed at which they wish to accomplish their goals.

I've voted yes, good luck, and I hope we see this project funded and developed through to completion.

2 points,6 years ago
I have also switched my votes to yes. As others, borderline, have my reservations but we'll see..
2 points,6 years ago
Hi quantumexplorer, DashRedWhale and TroyDASH,

We understand your apprehension but encourage you to suspend your feelings of disbelief.
We look forward to showing you what we're truly made of and thank you for your votes.

All the best,
2 points,6 years ago
(MN0) On the fence but I'll go Yes. Dash exclusivity for only 12 months is not long enough IMO.
3 points,6 years ago
You got my support
1 point,6 years ago
I am concerned with the only 12 months of Dash Exclusivity. That being said I am voting a hesitant yes.
-1 point,6 years ago
I have concerns about the underlying incentives that are driving festy forward. The ideal entrepreneur to drive Dash forward is this; Entrepreneur is heavily invested in Dash, the entrepreneur does everything they can do to help Dash expand and grow, the gains realised from the growth in Dash >> the gains realised from the business profits. The business also has a much higher chance of succeeding in my opinion aligning incentives like this; it would seem they are not.

Throwing in caps on exclusivity indicate a hedge of sorts in case another cryptocurrency comes along and is more suitable to use than Dash as a form of payment. The goal of Dash is to offer the best, most user friendly experience payment option on the market for the general consumer. If there was 100% conviction that Dash was going to become this, the Dash exclusivity of festy should be engrained in the business model and a “no compromise” policy.

Can you please comment on where the underlying incentives lie for the major stakeholders of festy? I would like to make sense of why the exclusivity is capped. Thank you.
-2 points,6 years ago
Too much money for some "100-1000 transactions". Voting no, sorry.
3 points,6 years ago
The assertion is "100s of 1000s (hundreds of thousands) of transactions".
NOT 100-1000 transactions.

Please reconsider your vote as we strongly believe this to be a golden opportunity for Dash & Festy combined.

Thank you,
2 points,6 years ago
Easy Point Of Sale systems will be a critical part of making Dash functional in the real world. Let's get on with it.

Carry on, have fun, win!

5 points,6 years ago
Based on the exclusivity agreement, I have changed my votes from NO to YES.
0 points,6 years ago
The exclusivity is for 12 months only. In the forum, they have questioned dash's ability to cope with high volume traffic, thus only 12 month exclusivity. I disagree with their assertion and it appears they have no evidence to backup their claim. Thus, I feel, their reasons were solely used to limit exclusivity. With that in mind, I voted no.
0 points,6 years ago
Do you have a link?
Is festy now ready to be deployed if the proposal passes? When will the 12 month exclusivity begin and end? A 36 month exclusivity deal like alt 36 would be much better.
1 point,6 years ago
We respectfully disagree with you GrandMasterDash about not having evidence to backup our assertions for the need to develop a payment technology with Festy to help Dash go to everyday merchants and your claim that the current Dash network is currently sufficient at doing this. You're welcome to rebut our reasoning for building a Festy side chain with Dash but please educate yourself on the on-chain/ off-chain debate before you speak with authority because you are attempting to mislead MN holders who are smarter than to react to your comments. The discussion on the forum thread is very productive and we appreciate your comments, however, to say there is no evidence to backup our assertions for developing our technology is invalid.

I recommend for MN holders to read Chuck Williams' comments on our proposal thread to get a real insight into payments on the blockchain.

Mastermined, thanks for your comment. We don't actually know what Alt36 are building and when this will be released, therefore a 36 month exclusivity with no clear roadmap is ambiguous. I checked their website and since their proposal it still says "Coming soon" without any content whatsover. So I would say that having a 36 month exclusivity (34 months left) for essentially a blank web page isn't very useful for Dash. They do have one developer working for them who we had a call with once, so they are at least developing something, whatever that might be is still unsure without any roadmap or whitepaper.

On the other hand, we have a clear roadmap and whitepaper on

Our 12 month exclusivity begins if and when the funding begins, which would be 2nd December hypothetically. We are by no means limiting Dash exclusivity to 2nd December 2018. Far from it. We are here for the long-term and we want to work with Dash. With the release of Evolution next year we may need to pivot in this ever-changing industry. Who knows what resources that we will require after this MVP is developed and what we can deliver to Dash so we would like to see how 12 months goes and like Bitcart keep going from there.
8 points,6 years ago
Highly recommend MNOs listen to this week’s 3 amigos episode especially if they haven’t voted yet or if they are on the fence. Graham answers a ton of questions pertinent to this proposal starting right at the beginning of the show. Bitcart is discussed as well. Finally, as a bonus, there is good info about Evo as well.
5 points,6 years ago
Yes, second that. It seems Graham is better in live conversation than through text, definitely watch the above linked video to educate your voting choice (whichever that may be).
5 points,6 years ago
Great to have you guys check that. Big Yes then.
3 points,6 years ago
Your proposal seems very attractive to me.

The detail of 'exclusivity' with the Dash network (12 months) no longer seems attractive
if we observe that the money you request amounts to (300,000 eur. + -) seems a bit limited.

Would you be willing to extend that exclusivity to 24 months?

The arguments are obvious:

a) Dash is subsidizing you to fund lost, your venture without apparent ROI.
I monitored the TP / day on the day of the Pub party in Ireland where Festy was used, and I did not see a significant increase.

b) Dash, has the lowest commission of its competition.

c) If Dash were Dash Inc. we would simply exchange that money for shares of the company ('Capital venture'). And at the moment we can not do it ..

And remember how I told you in the previous proposal to appear in successive bracelets the phrase:
Powered by Tech.

What is your response?

Thank you for you proposal
5 points,6 years ago
As outlined, this sounds like a solid proposal, and with Dash exclusivity this seems like a fairly no-brainer move. From what I discovered of reasons behind BitCart's service disruptions, it would seem that this proposal would prevent similar problems from happening to Festy. I'm excited to see this here and hope it does well!
2 points,6 years ago
voting yes and I hope that we can help bring festy as an option for our events. Darren and Graham's conviction is very impressive.
4 points,6 years ago
Congratulations on this great project.. Yes from here..
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Wixamlee,
Thank you for your continued support!

Festy team
6 points,6 years ago
Given that Dash exclusivity has been explicitly added and the potential scope of this project I am voting YES.

Also, to MNOs on the whole, please don’t conflate this with Bitcart as that is a different product with a mostly different team. Punishing Festy for Bitcart’s failures is shortsighted and not the type of behavior that will increase Dash’s value going forward —which is something all MNOs should want.

Let evaluate Bitcart if and when another Bitcart proposal is made... and look at this proposal in terms of cost vs ROI for the rollout of a Dash exclusive Festy product.
2 points,6 years ago
Q1) Is this exclusivity enforced in anyway ?

The whole debacle with bitcart going public, and bitcart still not running 100% optimally (do it seems get better every time). Has left me with a bit of a bad taste, and I really don't get why you wouldn't wait 1 or 2 month's than present how well bitcart is running ?, I am certain the chance for getting your proposal funded would be allot more likely.

@JGCMiner, thanks for posting this out

Q2) May you can also explain, to what extend bitcart and festy work together (and which team members are shared). Because I don't know if your any more compent than bitcart is (at this point in time).

Maybe it's just me and please don't get me wrong, I think your passion is great, but it seems like you want to much to soon and run into problems.
4 points,6 years ago
Hi A_node,
Thanks for your questions.

The exclusivity is enforced by you, the Masternode holders, by the fact that this is a month-by-month proposal on a rolling basis, dependent on the votes of masternode holders. So it is certainly enforceable and our funding rests on our performance month in and month out.

If you would prefer us to go directly to Dash Core and sign a contract with their law firm like we did with Bitcart and get funding from them, then we are up for exploring that too. We wanted to give the masternodes control over this as we feel you are capable of making business deals with the Masternose fund and not just marketing ones. If you prefer we get involved with Dash Core and you vote accordingly then we can explore this possibility with Core. On the other hand this would be a good use of the MN vote for the business development of Dash. It would be standard when voting for a proposal that the author is bound by what is in writing which enforces them be under said obligations. In our case exclusivity.

On your second question, about half of developer's are split between Bitcart and Festy. You can see the different developer's on the website. Bitcart has a former Amazon employee and a blockchain developer. Festy has a more business oriented team with developers in gaming and entertainment with two blockchain developers. This is double the size, proportional to the size of the undertaking and potential. Each team adds a great diversity of skills and contributes well to each project. To sustain the developers for Festy which is undergoing a 3-month roadmap as proposed, in order to bring us to market to a large network of business clients. With exclusivity this will bring value to Dash as we will be integrated in 1,000 businesses by giving out free POS systems and wristbands.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you for detailed answer, it's
2 points,6 years ago
I also would demand a Dash exclusivity agreement before I vote for this. Too easy to add others on Dash’s dime.

I’m still a little off-put by the responses to my comments in the last proposal. I will need some convincing.
7 points,6 years ago
Great idea! We have now added Dash exclusivity to our proposal!

Users and merchants will only be able to cash out to Dash as the sole cryptocurrency supported.

We can put water under the bridge and carry on with business like professionals. Dash services need to be built still :)
2 points,6 years ago
Will this work through an escrow or does it directly fund Festy? I am very optimistic about this one nonetheless.
3 points,6 years ago
It is funded over 3 months so we do not get funded everything immediately, unlike some of the other large proposals passed over the last couple of months. Therefore only upon completion of work in one month with a report, will we be able to get funded for the next month.

We strive to be the most accountable and transparent project in Dash and this is shown by our Medium blog, our Rocket Chat, sharing our sensitive google documents and providing constant updates to the community. So Masternode holders and Dash users can visibly watch our progress and interact with us as we work.
4 points,6 years ago
I liked it last time. I still like it. Voting yes.

3 points,6 years ago
Thanks solarguy!
1 point,6 years ago
As others have said I would like to see a Dash exclusivity agreement then I will happily vote yes.
4 points,6 years ago
What a great idea! We met today on our dev call and we will now make Dash exclusive on Festy! How this will work is customers and merchants will only be able to withdraw their funds in Dash.

This is a great idea because it guarantees Dash will be central to Festy and it reinforces our partnership in a transparent way. I have edited the proposal accordingly. I hope we have a yes :)
0 points,6 years ago
Is the dash exclusivity means that you wont do any promotional event with another cryptocurrency, even with the intent of "poaching devs" and not allow deposit and support of any other cryptocurrency? For how long this exclusivity will be valid and what contract or bounding will assure the respect of that engagement? If you have outstanding answers to those questions i will vote yes.
0 points,6 years ago
Reluctantly promising a 12 months exclusivity (most of this time will be devellopement phase) and let anyone use the product we funded after that period is not a deal we should take IMHO. Theres nothing wrong with making a buisness who wants to serve the cryptospace, but you have no commitment to dash and I still vote no.
1 point,6 years ago
Bitcart doesn't work always,I vote no.
4 points,6 years ago

This is a proposal for Festy - not Bitcart. Please do your own due diligence and read the proposal.

Thank you.
1 point,6 years ago
trust a proposal also include the ppl where come from.i am very dispointed to the behaving that the ppl have done in the bitcart's sevice.
2 points,6 years ago
I'm done with festy, bitcart... perma-no. Ethereum on festy at devcon. Never responsible of their poor service on bitcart. All the false claims about core. Dont want to restart the drama but enough for me.
5 points,6 years ago

First off - please do not conflate Bitcart with Festy any longer. If you read the proposal you would know that we now have two distinct development teams working on each company. I would also urge you to read the joint statement between Dash Core and Bitcart in order to make accurate statements about that mutually unfortunate situation. This has been resolved and Bitcart has already fixed 16 inherent issues on the back end and front end which were the main contributor to the faults within the system. We are now in the final process with Core regarding the completion of our exclusivity contract with Dash in exchange for the development funding that was agreed 6 months ago

The Festy team are entirely focused on building blockchain technologies that work, can scale and can be used by everyone in day to day scenarios. For that to happen we need to hire the best developers we can find and learn from experts in the space how scalability for our company may be achieved - hence why we attended Devcon 3. If poaching Ethereum developers to work on Dash exclusive projects doesn't appeal to a Dash maximalist like yourself then I'm not sure if you can be reasoned with my friend.

While we were in Cancún, the business development team managed to successfully pitch Festy to Mandala Club and now have the opportunity to integrate with the largest group of nightclubs in all of Mexico - is this business that you want to be apart of or would you rather focus on criticizing Bitcart which no longer has any team members simultaneously working on Festy?
0 points,6 years ago
Just realised its 3 times 200 dash! Cant beleive it.
4 points,6 years ago

Let me add that I do fully acknowledge Bitcart's poor performance in the past and I sincerely empathise with you regarding your unsatisfactory customer experience. We are embarrassed by this and have been doing everything in our power to change it.

This is a proposal for Festy - the Bitcart issues are currently being resolved and we have had excellent relations with Dash Core over the past few weeks. Bitcart will be a fully functioning service very soon, I assure you.

Opera Team
0 points,6 years ago
Will the ATMs, bars and festivals only work with the Festy app? Or will other apps also be supported? Eg "Dash Wallet" on Google Play and iTunes.
2 points,6 years ago
Dash wallet currently does not support a POS for merchants, which is why we have developed Festy :)
0 points,6 years ago
Sorry I mean for users, not for merchants.
3 points,6 years ago
Yes, absolutely, customers will be able to use their favourite Dash Wallet or Jaxx wallet, etc. etc.
1 point,6 years ago
2 points,6 years ago
This sounds great, glad you're trying again. One question, and pardon if I've missed it: What does the Dash community directly get out of this? Is there some kind of Dash exclusivity agreement included with network funding? I get the sense that it's implied, but not clearly stated.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi Joel,
Thanks for asking - clearly this wasn't made explicit enough so we have added a section to the top entitled "Exclusivity" which outlines our exclusivity agreement.

To answer you directly, Dash will benefit from being used within our network of 7,000 Irish pubs and music festivals and venues that we have signed up. This will allow Dash truly become Digital Cash for everyday merchants.

Based on your comments, my developers and I have come up with a way to benefit Dash further. When users withdraw from Festy they will only be able to withdraw in Dash. They will setup their own Dash wallet and will have to move their funds there. This will keep the funds of merchants and customers in Dash when an event has finished. This will increase adoption for using Dash in everyday as well as a storage of wealth after, so people for once will get both utilities of Dash.

We have outlined what exclusivity means in our document because it's not enough for a proposal just to state that it is exclusive. We are transparent and we explain in fully our plans and we even share our internal Google docs with our system architecture and designs. We believe we are showing our value to Dash by proving that we are doing what we claim we are doing by showing you and not just promising it.

This is why we have welcomed Fernando from Core and Mark from DFN to Ireland. We are holding a Christmas party on 16th December to invite the Dash community to come to Cork and see our system and our lab for themselves. You are due a visit, Joel ;)
1 point,6 years ago
I will show up at some point, thanks again for the invite! :) Regarding the exclusivity, apologies if you've already answered this more specifically in another document: Does this mean that Dash will be the exclusive cryptocurrency that Festy will use for payments (similar to BitCart)? If so, for how long? Permanently, a set amount of time, or permanently provided that the Dash network continues to fund future Festy proposals (if any are planned)?
1 point,6 years ago
The question of exclusivity was not answered when I raised it in the comments on the last proposal. I hope you are able to get a reply from them @the_dessert_lynx
4 points,6 years ago
The exclusivity question is now addressed in the first paragraph of the proposal. If there's anything about it that you have queries about please do not hesitate to ask!
0 points,6 years ago
I read in the proposal you will REMOVE the current support for smart-contract and other crypto, is that right?

(Too bad we already paid for implementing smart-contracts)

Dash exclusivity guaranteed, does this mean we will see something like - Sponsored by - on the finished products, please?
4 points,6 years ago
Hi Paul,
You are linking to a prototype event for Festy which we held in Cancún during the largest blockchain developer's conference in the world, where we stress tested our technology, so I assume your question is in relation to this.

I will start by saying the event was extremely successful for us, as we met developer's and CEO's from loads of different startups and large corporations that have now been exposed to Festy. The large corporates included people from Gardner, who work with Visa and Tesla. These were contacts entering the blockchain space and were seeking out payment startups such as ours. Corporates like this were looking for Ethereum startups and they found a Dash one. That's called good poaching ;)

The developers were great to detect bugs in our code and provide us with faults that we have since been able to fix. It is essential for us to speak with developers from blockchain technology to keep us on the edge of innovation and competitive with other flagship technologies in this space.

We did develop a smart contract use case to allow Ethereum users be automatically reimbursed their deposit at the door of the nightclub when they swiped their Festy to the ticket NFC reader. This was to add a non-payment use case to Festy to be a ticket processor and this was not paid for by Dash like you somehow claim. The exclusivity for Dash payments will prevent Festy users from being able to withdraw in Ethereum, or any cryptocurrency other than Dash. So this use of Festy would not be possible in the future.

Finally, as a result of our launch at the Mandala nightclub, we have secured a meeting with the owner. This is the largest nightclub chain in Mexico, with 64 of the largest nightclubs across Mexico, serving tens of thousands of clients every night. We are committed to Dash and want to bring Dash to these businesses.
0 points,6 years ago
Yes I've seen Devcon... But I still don't understand. You stress tested using the ethereum blockchain? Will that be useful to us?

Also I did not find any reference to Dash on the wireframe. Wouldn't that be nice since we help you to acquire the resources and materials you need to take Festy to the global marketplace and capitalize on all of these developments?

Congratulations with your progress in Mexico, I am loving all the results I've seen so far! Sorry for my critical note. Hope you understand.
5 points,6 years ago
Hi Paul,
We understand that it is usual for Dash enthusiasts to stay within the Dash community when seeking validation, like similar movements. Mathematical code however, must be tested by blockchain developers all the time in order to validate for us what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong.

The ticket processor at Cancún was one use case and payments was the second which ran on our own technology and so this is what we went there to test. We feel that it's best to keep in close contact with the blockchain developer community in order to get blockchain development right. I hope you understand our point of view. We are agreeing that our exclusivity will prevent us from withdrawing from Ethereum again.

1 point,6 years ago
Thank you Graham for your answers and the interview!
0 points,6 years ago
good stuff keep it going , i think you should be able to submit your code dash bug bounty guys instead of just dash core , have a word with the team about this
3 points,6 years ago
That is a good point. Hopefully our code will also be tested by the bug bounty consultancy firm as well. Great idea! I'll pass it onto Fernando :)