Proposal “Bring-Dash-to-Global-Community“ (Completed)Back

Title:Bring Dash to Global Community - updated
Monthly amount: 44 DASH (1194 USD)
Completed payments: 2 totaling in 88 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-12-18 / 2018-02-16 (added on 2017-12-10)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello everybody, HuiChi here. Thanks Mark for setting me up with my first Dash wallet! I just wanted to introduce myself for my proposal. My background is in management, I managed my own startup from a young age, moving onto managing larger tech conferences for designers and developers. I have ran major tech events in Dublin. I am well involved with the startup community being involved with mentoring startup businesses and is well connected to C-Level executives of multinationals here located in Dublin.

I recently joined the Opera Incubator team as a project co-ordinator as I see huge value in hosting events for the community to learn more about Dash. My team are heavily focused on the development with one of Opera Incubator's product Festy. From a business perspective with Opera Incubator, I see huge opportunities with Dash - My plans to help bring Dash to a wider audience is noted below. Thanks :)

Budget Proposal Discussion Forum

There are currently 680,000 members in blockchain meetups with nearly 3,000 different meetups (last updated on December 2017) all across the world (see map) according to the website which has over 24M members (last updated December 2015)

These 3,000 meetup events are predominantly focused on a specific area such as Bitcoin for example. There is a tidal wave of hype across this industry and if you analyse some of these events for yourself you will see that organisers are generalising events based on their own subjective opinion, or creating groups based on fleeting trends such as crypto kitties that have a limited scope.

We would like to bring a series of blockchain events to the Dash community, with partners and speakers of Dash all over the world. We will begin in Opera’s home in Cork, Ireland on the 30th of January 2018. Our aim is to work with multinational companies such as the likes of Deloitte. We have already establish a relationship with Deloitte for our Dublin event. I have establish strong relationships over the years with C-Level executives in multinational corporates such as IBM, Microsoft, Accenture to name a few. We want to bring these events and establish a good understanding of Dash to these companies.

Our blockchain events will be purely professionally focused. It has been noted that in relation to some meetups/events, they have been organised very informally with the spotlight being on drinking, socialising and gaming. There is nothing inherently wrong with setting up this kind of event and in certain ways it can be a good approach, however our vision is to take Dash to the unconverted and skilled population. Our goal is to help people who are in the industry to learn more and to educate those who wish to be involved in this evolution of blockchain.

The events will be held in the evenings after working hours for most people which is usually after 5pm. We will start with a short networking session which allows people to get to know each other in the community. It will then commence with speakers embedded in various positions within the industry depending on what topic the event is focused on. There will be roughly 2-3 speakers each night, ending with a panel debate between the industry topics. There will be a finishing networking break where there will be light snacks and refreshing drinks.

All our blockchain events will be sponsored by Dash. There is a huge opportunity here for Dash, to get people signing up to using Dash or branding awareness to everyday people. Most people who join these events are here to learn and will most likely have only ever hear of bitcoin because of the trending hype for example.

Proposal for Dash:
  • Blockchain events focused on Dash’s emerging and existing technologies with a strong Dash team presence - preferably at least one member of the development team and one from the business development team
  • Dash sponsored marketing materials including Dash branded chocolate coins, t-shirts, pens, notebooks etc
  • Each participant at the meetup will be prompted to download a Dash wallet
  • Dash listed on our website and as sponsors
  • Special thanks to Dash at the start of every meetup sponsored by Dash
  • Promotion on our website, social media
Benefits for Dash:
  • Brand awareness to the everyday people
  • New signups to Dash 
- Dash payments for everyday merchants
- Dash Evolution
- Dash Governance
- Dash in the Media
- Dash Products
- Dash at Events

  • Cork, Ireland (January) - University College Cork - Event Link - Updates
  • Dublin, Ireland (February) - Deloitte Ireland - Event Link - Updates
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands (April) - Blockchain Workspace - Event Link
  • London, UK (May) - Consensus, UK
  • New York, USA (October) - IBM NYC
  • Lausanne, Switzerland (December)
The goal for these community gatherings is to bring awareness of blockchain and Dash. Our proposal is to fund the cost of hosting these such as venue hire, catering, travel and accommodation and marketing materials.

Suggested Speakers:
  • Members of Dash Core Group (Fernando and Ryan)
  • Developers of Dash Evolution (Alex Werner and others)
  • Members of the Dash community (Amanda B. Johnson, Joel, etc.)
Confirmed Speakers:
  • Chuck Williams, Lead Developer of Dash Evolution
  • Alex Werner, Lead Backend Developer of Dash Evolution
  • Amanda B Johnson, Dash Community
  • Oleg Girko, Developer, Dash
  • Joel Valenzuela, Dash Force News
  • Mark Mason, Dash Force News
  • Bradley Zastrow, Head of Business Development, Dash Core team
  • Venue Hire
Approx. €500 per night for 6 events = €3,000

  • Food and Drinks
Catering company will provide canapes and light refreshments per head
Approx €20 per head - the capacity for our events will be for 80 people max = €1,600 x 6 events = €9,600

Overall Cost: €50,112
€25,056 per month x 2 months

From an organisation perspective, we have a very strong team on board. Graham de Barra, CEO of Festy is well connected within the blockchain industry and HuiChi Man who previously worked in organising large tech conferences is well acquainted with the wider tech industry networks (Deloitte, Accenture, Microsoft etc). This is a perfect combination to amalgamate both industries at our events.

Opera Incubator team consists of mainly full stack software developers and blockchain specialists who are working on Dash-related projects. The full team at Opera are industry professionals who each have ample experience speaking at events and will conjoin with our best colleagues in the space who are also working on viable products and services within the industry. Our reason for this is that in order to preach what we practice, we strongly believe in actions are better than words. We are hosting Dash Core developers and Dash speakers from the community at each location, to ensure effective communication on Dash Evolution updates and other upcoming features in the pipeline.

The events referred to here are for promoting our blockchain workshops which are held before our annual conference.  

The workshops will be exclusively designed for attendees who have a real desire to learn more about blockchain technology and its potential to reshape industry as we know it. These are open to keen individuals, students and corporates.

With these events in place, it will give Opera a huge opportunity to work with the Dash community on revamped branding and increasing international awareness around the blockchain industry. 

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

Submit comment
1 point,6 years ago
Worth a go. Good luck. Keep us posted how things go please.
1 point,6 years ago
Hi pn0,

Thank you and I will do. Hope to see you at the events.
1 point,6 years ago
Seems a bit expensive but i'm willing to give it a shot and see what happens. Yes
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Mastermined.

As mentioned costing are broken down for 6 blockchain events for 12 months. Look forward to seeing you at them.
0 points,6 years ago
The proposal perspective is clear.. Cost is also moderate. You have my Support. Masternode owners please Vote Yes
1 point,6 years ago
Hi Ultimatecrypto

Thank you for your support. I hope to see you at our events.

2 points,6 years ago
Escrow the funds and you've got my vote.
2 points,6 years ago
For 88 dash split into 2 months you want an escrow?
1 point,6 years ago
Hi dashed,

The funds are split for 2 months, if we don't deliver what we say, you're open to vote again.

I promise you with no doubt these will be great events from my experience of organising larger events than this. I hope to have your support.

2 points,6 years ago
Are there any future plans to include Berlin or Germany at all? I would love to see (and attend) a DASH Conference in my country. I think @essra would be a perfect speaker for a german audience.

Even if you're not going to host one in Germany, I'm also voting yes. Reasonable pricing and I just like detailed tables of costs ;)
We need to bring the businesses in, and this seems to have a lot of potential.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi AnCapitol

Of course! Berlin is a huge market for tech. We don't have plans to host our annual conference there BUT we will be hosting blockchain workshops in the coming year in Berlin. These will be a full day of practical training with the best people in the industry.

Keep an eye out on us over the next few months and thanks for your support :)

0 points,6 years ago
Great proposal, hope it passes. Also have more long term vision and continuation of this events.
1 point,6 years ago

Thanks for your support. My passion lies in organising events for people to learn. With no doubt, I can assure you this will be long term visions for Opera Incubator. I have proposed with the team many events for the community in the coming year so keep an eye out for it!

3 points,6 years ago
you got my support.
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you qwizzie, I hope you will make it to our events :)

3 points,6 years ago
This is a great proposal in my opinion-very good budget covering a lot of territory. Proposals like this are what will help push DASH to the front. Excellent game plan!
3 points,6 years ago
Hello bchamz,

Thank you for your kind words, I hope that the Dash community will think the same.

The proposal will really help the team push these events within the boundaries of the current existing industry who are aware of Dash and blockchain. It's about not only getting people to learn more about Dash but understand how to use it!

3 points,6 years ago
Hi HuiChi, thanks for the excellent proposal! I would love to attend the February session. How do I qualify for a keen individual, student or corporate? Or in other words, what is your strategy to target the select audience?

And also echoing Mark's question.. I did not see the budget, but it would be great to have professional video registration. Would it be possible to include, maybe in another proposal?
3 points,6 years ago
Hi paulkuit,

These events will be posted for the public. I understand what you mean by targeting the audience. But from my own experience of runnings events and having understood the tech market, it's very important not to limit yourself to a specific audience/industry.

The industry is technology moves quick and rapidly changes. There are other people in the space looking to learn more and delve deep into the understandings of blockchain and Dash. Therefore, it's a reason why I strongly feel we should partner with multinationals such as Deloitte or Microsoft. These companies are currently sinking their teeth into this new technology.

We have a media guy on our team who can shoot the videos in high quality so there's no need to put in a funding for that in the proposal, the funding from Dash will be spent on things that are more important :)

2 points,6 years ago
Looking forward seeing your results HuiChi!

Thank you,
Paul Kuit
3 points,6 years ago
Thank you Paul, I look forward to seeing you at our meetup.

6 points,6 years ago
I personally really like this proposal. HuiChi's resume and history with major tech events is impressive. I'm all for upping the ante in terms of direct outreach. For 2018 we should be using the treasury budget to be the main sponsor of as many events and conferences as possible.

I believe it is essential to have a multi-pronged outreach strategy working in unity with other marketing outreach initiatives. We should be using or treasury budget first mover advantage to full effect.

80 people max per event x 6 events = 480 attendee potential

Cost of outreach to each attendee: €50,112 / 480 = €104.4 per attendee

I think Masternode Owners will want to know upfront who the speakers at each event are or what speaker list will be like? I appreciate you haven't been funded yet but it would be great to clarify if possible so we know what to expect.

If people for example like Chuck Williams? or other Core members would be willing to speak at events, then this proposal is no brainer for me. If this is the case then proposal is a big YES for me. Amanda B. Johnson as a speaker would be great as well. Not sure Amanda would do it for free though?

Hopefully Chuck or other Core members that would be happy to participate can comment and show us they would be happy to speak at events?….
3 points,6 years ago
Hi Mark,
Thanks for your support!

Our speakers will be from Dash Core for these Dash community meetups. Chuck Williams has confirmed so far and I'm waiting for other prospective speakers to get back to me. We have a budget allocated for speaker expense, so it won't be a problem to fly people to these locations. I'll be updating the proposal with speakers once confirmed.

4 points,6 years ago
This sounds good so far.

I think this will be money well spent. Going to vote YES.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi flyingwalrus,

Thank you for your support :)

3 points,6 years ago
Thank you for the reply HuiChi, very much appreciated.

That sounds DASHtastic. I will definitely swing by the London meetup if this passes to rally the troops.

Considering what we have paid previously to sponsor / attend blockchain conferences. Having dedicated Dash meetups of this calibre will be a very welcome addition.

You have my support. One last thing…..

Are you going to record video footage of the meetups and speakers? It would be great content to publish and share.
2 points,6 years ago
Hi Mark,

Thank you! We'd also love to have you as a speaker at one of our events, perhaps on "Dash in the Media".

It will definitely be recorded. This is not only good for marketing, but for the audience who may have missed the event.

2 points,6 years ago
I like the idea of targeting meetups to be professionally focused. This may be worth funding just to explore and see what can be accomplished. But I'd like to hear input from more MNOs before making a decision.
3 points,6 years ago
Hi TroyDASH,

Professionally focused is what we're aiming for, we could set up stalls at a shopping centre and get people to use Dash. But that would not be as effective as hosting an event. People can not only learn but understand how to use Dash. It's also good to have the support of the Dash Core Team at the event to answer any questions individuals may have.

I look forward to having your support.
