Proposal “Bitcuners_meetup“ (Completed)Back

Title:Bitcuners - Help grow our local crypto user group!!
Monthly amount: 16 DASH (439 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 48 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2016-12-05 / 2017-03-20 (added on 2016-11-25)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 587 Yes / 172 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

Hello World!!
Bitcuners is a group of crypto enthusiast that runs a successful meet up for about 2 years bringing together people that want to share or get information about criptocurrencies and blockchain.

Bitcuners have been distributing knowledge at a local and national level by participating in Cryptocurrency events like LaBitConf in Mexico, and Anarchapulco.

It has also organized talks across different universities, workspaces and community centers in Cancun, Playa del Carmen and others.

It has successfully contributed to project such as Bitcoin, NXT, DASH, Solarcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

We have also helped users getting into trading, getting their first crypto and talking about the different coins in the ecosystem.

Have educated people to highlight private information, censorship resistant qualities of the blockchain and the decentralization of everything as well as talks for entrepreneur to build and design ICOs smart contracts and other blockchain properties.

We have 24/7 channels on Telegram and social media where we share articles, books and news for more information about the technology.

With a DASH sponsorship we can increase our reach and appeal to more people so we can carry the awesomeness of cryptocurrencies including DASH to more people locally as well as nationally.

We have detected there has been many crypto-based pyramid scams, where they have successfully acquired a large audience, also we do believe this audience is driven by greed and not knowledge however we want to educate people locally by dedicating time to do traditional media promotion of our group and the information of how cryptocurrencies really work.

We are asking for a small budget of 16 DASH a month to cater to our live meetings and be able to give attendees a more friendly and attractive environment.

Picking up our dinner tap will make our meetings which go from 7.30 to midnight a bit more enjoyable for the majority as well as see how cryptocurrencies are actually a living thing that have real impact in our daily life.

We also planning on using this money by sharing the dash directly to the attendees so they have to do trade in order to get the money to buy their drinks. So is a great exercise of how DASH can be used as digital cash.

Finally if there is a remainder from the budget, we can re-use that dash to run group promotion on local media through the print out of flyers, and such.

We will put the DASH logo on our landing page and link it to the DASH project.

Visit our group landing page:

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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1 point,7 years ago
hopefully y'all can participate in the dashforce meetup contest next month instead of doing a new proposal. if you do what you have been doing i can almost assure that you will win.
0 points,7 years ago
I see in the description "blockchain" and crypto". Do you promote Dash or some other coin on Dash's tab?
0 points,7 years ago
One thing to consider is that Dash can legitimately out-compete the vast majority of coins out there (may the best coin win after all); I believe the biggest roadblock currently is the adoption of crypto as a whole. It wouldn't bother me if Dash isn't the only coin promoted or discussed, so long as Dash is discussed at all. If people get enough interest to at least google Dash when they get home, I would call that a success (especially considering the reasonable price being asked, if they wanted the entire event's tab picked up it would be a different story).
0 points,7 years ago
congratz, looks like your budget proposal passed (it reached and passed the treshold of 10%)
1 point,7 years ago
Good one - i know JZA well, he is very involved in the Spanish speaking community , we are already doing a lot of PR stuff together. MeetUps / one on one are definitely the way forward and i think this is a great idea to push Dash further into South America / Spanish speaking countries - specially with the recent news from Venezuela and the likes ; )
1 point,7 years ago
It's nice to see you have a cryptocurrency meetup, but in my view, Dash is not likely to see any return on investment by buying you guys dinner.
0 points,7 years ago
For so little money, we are engaging with an already active group of people in a part of the world that seems ripe for using crypto currency. (Mexico). I would hope you all are already talking about Dash, but even if not, buying you a few drinks and dinners sounds like a great way for your group to get to know us :) I voted yes a long time ago, but hope this passes in the next few days :)
0 points,7 years ago
Also, JZA is part of the core team now, no? So you know Dash is being talked about!
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks @TanteStefana actually I am no longer part of the core team, however I am still the admin of the DASH spanish telegram group DashES, also helping with the DASHTalk moderator, and the current Spanish translator for the DASH related articles came from the Bitcuners community -- silvio, @tungfa is currently working with him.
From our group at least 5 guys are indirectly involved with DASH, or hold DASH.
0 points,7 years ago
Well supporting local crypto groups is the best way for people that doesnt have time to spend in reddit, to learn about cryptocurrencies from someone face to face.
0 points,7 years ago
Your website is exclusively about bitcoin - It would be good to see you promoting Dash on your site before asking for funds. For this reason I have to say no this time.
0 points,7 years ago
Actually, I didn't see that. Bitcuners have got a similar symbol for their group as Bitcoin, which might be the cause of the impression your getting? Anyway, I think this is a great way to introduce Dash to people, one on one, nothing better! Lets buy them some pizza and a soda once a month! I have no worries that Dash will be well represented there with so many Dash heads in their group :)
0 points,7 years ago
Well I mentioned that DASH logo would be added as a sponsor to the site, please read comment by Mastermined.
0 points,7 years ago
Easy yes. I like the price too.
1 point,7 years ago
The quality of the proposal is so bad that its not worth anything more than 16á•­ - so I voted 'yes' in hope to see some documentation and fotos or presentations on the events in the forum
1 point,7 years ago
they've already done a lot the last two years and i expect them to do more with funding. compared to other proposals i think the price is fair. however, i wish this was only for Dash, these sentences bother me a bit...

"It has successfully contributed to project such as Bitcoin, NXT, DASH, Solarcoin and other cryptocurrencies."
"We have also helped users getting into trading, getting their first crypto and talking about the different coins in the ecosystem."
"With a DASH sponsorship we can increase our reach and appeal to more people so we can carry the awesomeness of cryptocurrencies including DASH"

with dash funding hopefully dash will now take a more prominent role. i don't want to be paying for meetups where dash is not the focus at least 70% of the time. maybe the proposal owner could weigh in on his plans. either way i think it is worth giving them a shot but i would rather see this go month to month at first.

i also agree with you and would like to see photos and updates in the forums. too many times proposals get voted in and the marketing/community updates are severely lacking. i don't like having to ask/beg for updates when proposals are getting large amounts of funding. they should be actively engaged like amanda and like dashforce will be.
0 points,7 years ago
Excellent assessment and advice........thank you for your comments.
1 point,7 years ago
Well the way Bitcuners operate it's meetings are very organic, in other way there is no pre-planned topic on the meetings. So we can't choose a topic or currency of focus beforehand.
The way I see it, is not very different from supporting initiatives such as The Crypto Show, or Cryptoverse, where are crypto-focused podcasts (not only dash).
We could, however, put the DASH logo on our sites and list it as a sponsor.
You can see pictures and videos on your Facebook and groups (look for Bitcuners on both). But again, this is not a conference, so even if you see a video, there wouldn't be much to show since is just like a social gathering.
We could make a community video once if that's what's needed. Also IMHO I don't think you can classify this proposal as a 'large amounts of funding'. Is sort of an experiment at this point since I haven't seen proposals like ours that focus on a Crypto-User Groups. I hope more can come.
In the future if this works and the community grow we might ask for a larger funding pot to make a conference or an event that might have people traveling to it and rent a large hall, in that case, yes, I think the diligence of the event would increase as well as the marketing for it.
At the same time, I think is important to have at least 3 month of experiment because I dont think this budget would immediate produce results overnight. At the time of this proposal, we have that 16 dash will give us around 4-3.5 DASH per meeting.
0 points,7 years ago
"We could, however, put the DASH logo on our sites and list it as a sponsor."

good idea!
0 points,7 years ago
Great, added.
2 points,7 years ago
Yeah, JZA, This is not a killing budget proposal, having a good climate on the meeting, spreading a good news and awarness of dash is good as we know.
You`d get my votes, at least for the good start :) especially that this month still has some space to go.
0 points,7 years ago
Great! Thanks for your support.
1 point,7 years ago
Interesting budget proposal, please make a thread also here : and you will pretty much have my votes for at least this month's superblock. Depending on the feedback you provide there and in Dash Central, i will consider the other two months your budget proposal is requesting.
1 point,7 years ago
also please describe how you plan to promote Dash on these meetings, will you be using our Dash promotion material ? (
0 points,7 years ago
I gave an example on how sharing dash for people to order drinks they can not only see a sponsorship of their meal but they will actively have to hold and trade the dash for local good.
0 points,7 years ago
There is one here: