Proposal “Amazon-Advertising“ (Completed)Back

Monthly amount: 117 DASH (3001 USD)
Completed payments: 3 totaling in 351 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-08-19 / 2017-11-16 (added on 2017-08-22)
Votes: 742 Yes / 157 No / 35 Abstain

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,7 years ago
Let such friends make an Amazon giftcard purchase on this site According to it is part of you and until now I have not received. nothing. Can you tell me what I should do? Thank you very much
-3 points,7 years ago
I find that the problem is if the gift card sold was black card,how bitcart teem to fixed this isue.
1 point,7 years ago
I'm glad that Bitcart chose Dash for their business, but based on many reports and my own recent customer experience, I have decided not to support continued funding from the Dash network until many of these basic glaring customer-experience problems are resolved. The medium article was one step in the right direction, but honestly my impression of the business as a customer was so poor that I think we should re-evaluate our support for this.
I do not think this proposal is likely to be de-funded at this point, but Bitcart's performance will inform my votes on future proposals as well.
1 point,7 years ago
Thank you for your comment Troy. We hope that by hiring a new customer service agent for an upcoming live chat integration will change your vote and make you reconsider. Your feedback is always welcome.

Bitcart team
0 points,7 years ago
In the past month I've bought a several gift cards from bitcart, two of them were bad. One was "locked" (whatever that means) and the other had already been redeemed by another user. Their support team made it right, but it was not a good experience. Amazon has banned accounts for using shady gift cards before, and I'm concerned that this site is not vetting their sources well enough. We really need this service, but it needs to be done well, so I'm changing move vote from yes to abstain for now.
3 points,7 years ago
BitCart released an update on performance:
0 points,7 years ago
Happy with this - keeping my votes to yes. Communication and willingness to improve is a big tick in my books.
1 point,7 years ago
So many complaints have made me switch my votes to no.
0 points,7 years ago
And now to abstain.
0 points,7 years ago
Still haven't got mine sorted out. They asked for screenshot of my code not working on thursday which I sent, and still no reply. Keep in mind they still dont even give you a way to contact them unless you hound them on twitter. Amazed that this is funded by masternodes.
0 points,7 years ago
I've just gone through every email from Thursday and I do not see any problem pertaining to an invalid code like you describe. Please forward us that email today and we will look into it.
0 points,7 years ago
I don't own a masternode but just throwing in my 2 cents as a customer. The service isn't very good. Usually the code comes after 24 hours and sometimes takes days. That really doesn't bother me and I'm patient. My last order the code didn't work, and there is no support contact on the website. People have told me that I should join twitter and hound them with my problem and that (usually) works. This isn't a very good business model and I dont think its a good idea to fund this sort of behavior. I'm also not sure they have a way to make sure code sellers don't use their code after getting their dash. This is why I assume, some gift codes do not work. Again not a very good business model. I'm not the only one that has this problem, there is a reddit thread with lots of complaints.
0 points,7 years ago
Also the length of time to make the dash payment, looks like three hours or thereabouts, is way too long in terms of the market could have moved significantly in that time leaving bitcart with potentially great exposure to the downside. Anyone placing an order would be incentivised to wait the full duration before actually paying as they may get a better deal on the exchange rate! If buying gold, you would have a three minute settlement window max!
0 points,7 years ago
Hummm.... so I can't copy the send to dash address from the website page but I do get an email where I can copy the address, only problem is I got two emails with different dash addresses suggesting I made two orders? Which I am unaware of if I did!
0 points,7 years ago
So am trying this out to see how and if it works after the much reportedly negative feedback and yes I can confirm that the website is far from slick, in fact quite unprofessional. A number of crappy user interface observations but the first major hurdle and where I stop going any further is that the address to send the dash to can NOT be copied for subsequent pasting when sending dash! How error prone is that going to be? So as much I support the project in principle, this is far from complete and should not be live until the user experience is a smooth and enjoyable one, proven to work on a test site. I agree with Amanda B Johnson that this looks bad for and very bad for Dash. I will monitor this for the remaining time of the proposal but will certainly be voting this down if these poor user experiences don't improve pronto!
0 points,7 years ago
Good luck getting a new code if you get one that doesn't work.
1 point,7 years ago
Glad you passed! Now, pull you socks up and rock us with amazing new levels of service. If these are legitimate complaints and not some kind of user error, please straighten this out. Thanks!
2 points,7 years ago
i will vote "no" temporary.i saw many delay send gift card.i thought that it should not advertising before the service you provided good enough.
2 points,7 years ago
it is the last day to change vote,the delay send gift card has not been received.So i say “no” to this proposal.Never change.
1 point,7 years ago
I want test your service but have some problem: (1) in sale service I cant enter my #dash wallet. I see my #dash wallet without last 2 symbols. (Dash wallet lengths - 34 symbols, in your form only 32 symbols) (2) text area for code have extra symbol. Amazon claim code - 14 symbols, your text area 15 symbols. I receive error code ... :(
Bad user experience. Please inform me when you fix this bugs.
1 point,7 years ago
So I tried the site last night, it was broken (actually got a php error) in the checkout process. I sent a support email, 24 hours later, no response. This is not encouraging...
0 points,7 years ago
Hey zeal, the website should be working. Sorry for the late reply, we are up the walls with orders. I've forwarded your message to our lead developer. If you're still receiving the order please let us know.
0 points,7 years ago
What's the status of the website update?
-1 point,7 years ago
Bitcart v4.0 is live already!

You can visit or you get the beta version and is the old version. We would like people who test the beta version to please report feedback to us on

A huge thank you for your support!
1 point,7 years ago
login on the beta site is not working. registration not working. As far as I can tell Bitcart v4.0 is not live
-1 point,7 years ago
Hey zwolf, beta was buggy. Now we have gone live. You can login on and make orders!
3 points,7 years ago
I was really hoping you'd have the new site live on "main net" because every GC I've purchased in the last two weeks has required me to follow up about not getting the codes.

This needs to be automated ASAP.
0 points,7 years ago
The new site is now online, which means we are coming to the end of Phase 2 of our roadmap. Next up: Automation!
0 points,7 years ago
Update Day 4:

A huge thank you for your overwhelming support for our proposal! We will continue to answer any questions by the community daily and continue to work 24/7 for the Dash community!

As promised, Bitcart v4.0 is here!

Here's an exclusive link:

This is a login for access to v4.0 and we invite you to try it out and let us know what you think.

We will enable the sign in/ register button once the backend is connected which will be the end of the day. You can get a feel for how the website will look.

Notable features:
1. You can see we have added and a list of other gift cards and a walkthrough will be on v4.0 explaining how you can avail of these using Bitcart.
2. No bitcoin in the logo (complete Dash exclusivity)
3. Updated the login member area (available in beta-only)
4. Updated contact information
5. New frontend design and customer journey

There are a number of backend updates which are detailed in our Trello which we are working on connecting now. This will connect the backend to the frontend and will be ready for people to login.

You can find the Trello updates as we go along:

Thanks for your patience and continued support!

1 point,7 years ago
I'm looking forward to the launch of Bitcart V4 and i'm giving you my support for this advertising and marketing campaign
0 points,7 years ago
So has your v4.0 site rollout been delayed? Seems like you are now past the time you stated this would happen by?
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Meth, we are due to bring v4.0 online very soon. It will be released with another video so stay tuned!
0 points,7 years ago
I voted with a yes but I want to see a re branding in the future. Dashcart! Drop the Bit.
1 point,7 years ago
Day 3: Video Update Big Annoucement

Thanks to everyone who's voted and given feedack. This feedback is invaluable to us improving our service. Today around midnight Pacific time we will launch Bitcart v4.0 Beta for you to try.
3 points,7 years ago
Graham, does your business require complete trust in your employees? I suspect you have to watch the funds closely, and thus everything depends on you getting card codes out. So I'm worried about the scalability of your business. Can you honestly handle more work? Where are the log jambs in the system? I suppose this isn't really the time or place, but still, I'd like to hear what you have to say about this before approving funding for advertisement ;) I really love Bitcart, but it's so inconsistent. If people expect to be paid in 24 hours as it says on the website, they're going to get irate when it takes days or a week even, to get their codes. Please at least under promise and over deliver. Say on your site that it will take (longest expected wait time) to receive your codes. You will have fewer irate people bugging you :)
0 points,7 years ago
Tante, thanks for your suggestions. Our new website v4.0 will launch at midnight Pacific timezone later today. Since May we've been cleaning bugs in the backend and now we are ready to begin scaling the business. We wouldn't be proposing this if it wasn't for the timing of launching v4.0 which we believe is a prime opportunity to promote Dash and Bitcart to the masses.

Bitcart is ready to begin scaling and we have a very strong development team composed of experts in Amazon, automation and AI who are working on our development roadmap:

As we develop we need the resources to bring our service to the top and seriously contend with and other competitors in the space who refuse to switch to Dash. Bitcart only accepts Dash and all our capital stays in Dash. We want the best for Dash and Bitcart together. With your help we can achieve great things for v4.0

I will be on video again today answering any questions that will help earn your support.
0 points,7 years ago
Well, I am going to support you on this, as I think you are one of the smartest and most energetic young people here. I just hope you're not getting too far ahead of yourself :)
4 points,7 years ago
Start rant:
As a masternode owner and a customer of BitCart I have to say that you currently have a poor website, poor customer service and a poor delivery time frame. It generally takes about a week before one gets their cards numbers. No communication on status ever occurs, and response to support emails is non-existent. Currently, you are not running your business very well.
End rant.
Having said all that, I believe in your vision and I want it to succeed, but I worry you are damaging your brand with a poor customer experience.
So, will this money also go to improve your business operations/website/communications/delivery?
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for your message, zwolf. Our service has had some issues recently with delivery time and replies. Please allow me to explain some of these issues which you have rightly mentioned.

Since we dropped bitcoin in June in favour of Dash, we've withstood hundreds of DDoS attacks and hack attempts on our website. We've never been hacked, however each time the attack is made our automation processor goes down and we have to manually go through thousands of transactions to find paid orders. This is causing slower than usual delivery times for certain orders. In most cases we are under 24 hours. Therefore the attacks are not successful but they have slowed our service.

Bitcart v4.0 is going live today at midnight Pacific time and we are developing better automation to speed up order delivery and communications. Please take a look at the new updated website tonight.

This marketing plan will be huge for attracting more customers and therefore we can buy and sell more gift cards. By investing money from the supernode, Dash will be getting 3 months of full-time marketing for the 15% off Amazon discount to millions of people. We are determined and confident to make this extremely successful for the Dash ecosystem.
1 point,7 years ago
Hey grams. Thanks for the communication. Having rolled out a start-up myself, I know its hard (like, five-years-of-no-life hard). However, sometimes, the best thing you can do is to communicate the issues and the plan that is in place to resolve them. Right now, your company lacks a professional feel (cryptic emails from phones doesn't come off as professional). Right now, you're dealing with a supportive community, who wants BitCart to succeed, so take this a friendly advice, as constructive feedback. I look forward to seeing the new version.
0 points,7 years ago
Absolutely, I agree. We're working on these issues with 4.0 and I hope you'll like the changes we've made :)
4 points,7 years ago
Video Update 24th August

Hi everyone, here's the second video of the Proposal. I will answer questions everyday until the proposal has ended.

Thanks for voting!
1 point,7 years ago
Still waiting on my $100 gift card. Order #6467 submitted on Aug 16. ~8 days ago...
1 point,7 years ago
This was my fault, sorry. I was under pressure and sent the $400 of the $500 order and had the remaining $100 pending my outbox. I've sent the $100 balance now. I should have been more thorough and double checked the code had been delivered.

Tomorrow is the launch of v4.0 which will begin automating this process to make delivery more instant and hassle-free. With a new front-end and back-end we will scale the business to ensure no mistakes such as this one are made again.

With this budget we can focus on our brand and marketing and with the current development roadmap we will scale the business:
0 points,7 years ago
I just got it now. Thanks.
1 point,7 years ago
When the reports of un-delivered codes and un-answered support emails stop getting posted online -- for several months -- then I'll consider voting 'yes' on a proposal like this for Bitcart.

Love the idea -- want it to succeed. But execution of simple business thus far has been embarrassing.
1 point,7 years ago
In case you missed it, here's a video update of the proposal:
2 points,7 years ago
Could you commit to adding analytical systems and metrics in the follow-up of the proposal?
It would be interesting for the community to see the impact of their marketing campaign

Thank You
0 points,7 years ago
Yes, absolutely. We will transparently show the analytics and metrics that influence what adverts we go for. In addition, we will release analytics showing the effectiveness of the campaign afterwards. This will be useful for our community to know where ads are most effective and we want to give back as much as possible.
4 points,7 years ago
You won't get my vote until you at least remove bitcoin as a payment method on your website. If you stopped accepting bitcoin why does it still appear as an option after all this time? It looks very unprofessional and does not inspire confidence in your company. Also you have no link on the site to contact customer service if there is a problem and don't say to contact you on twitter. I don't have a twitter account and don't plan to open one just because you guys are too lazy to have a customer support link. I really like the service you provide but I will never use it or recommend it until it is run in a professional manner. You are trying to expand before you have even addressed some very basic issues. Learn to walk before you start trying to run.
2 points,7 years ago
Hi DashRiprock,
Bitcart does not support bitcoin. We only accept Dash. If you try and pay with bitcoin on our website it will tell you that we don't support it. Our next update v4.0 is on Friday. This is for a new frontend design to clean up bugs and to remove the bitcoin logo from the website. We are 100% Dash exclusive.

The website has our email address listed on the bottom. It's which is working fine so people don't need to use Twitter. This is another frontend design which is being changed with the v4.0 update.

If you have any questions let me know, thanks.
2 points,7 years ago
I will check out your website on Friday and if it is as you said you will have my vote.
1 point,7 years ago
I'm in the same boat. Before $100k in unspecified advertising, there are basic updates on the website that could be made. The title and meta tags still say that this is a bitcoin service:

<title> - Buy Amazon gift cards with bitcoins and save 15%.</title>
<meta content="Spend bitcoin on Amazon and save 15% fast, cheap, easy." name="description">
<meta content="Bitcoin, spend, marketplace, buy, sell, btc, gold amazon bitcoins, golden" name="keywords">
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks for reporting this. We've resolved this issue with the 4.0 update
0 points,7 years ago
That's fair! I'm glad to take your feedback on board and pass it onto the team.
0 points,7 years ago
> We are currently trading in the region of $100,000 per month in Dash
which circulates within the Dash ecosystem.

> Expected Outcome: The outcome of this is to turnover of more than
$100,000 equivalent in purchases with Dash.

So you have already reached your goal? Or am I understanding this wrong?
0 points,7 years ago
Yeah, we've currently stagnated in the region of upwards of $100,000 per month and now we want to go beyond $100k by bringing Dash and Bitcart to the masses.
1 point,7 years ago
Have voted Yes, but just want to request that bitcart works with ... its the same language and format as, and the UK is a big market. ... (how hard can it be?) :-)
2 points,7 years ago
Living in Ireland, I share your pain. I get to give people discounts but I can't spend them myself by living outside the US. We've tried to add but because each Amazon is like it's own company, it requires starting all over again with each region. We will commit to opening talks with to see if they can be added in the future.

Additionally, you could use a drop shipper like if you really want to shop on

1 point,7 years ago
Good to hear that. Thanks.
1 point,7 years ago
Voted yes.

Cant you just rebrand Dashcart
1 point,7 years ago
Do it. Get that volume through the roof. This is an integral part of the pre-Evolution runup for Dash.
0 points,7 years ago
Yeah! We love the intensity!
3 points,7 years ago
yes, a name change from bitcart to for example dashcart is a must for me.
after that you will have my votes.
0 points,7 years ago
Thanks Bossie. Included in this proposal is $5,000 for brand development. With this budget we would like to explore every possible option for branding. I hope you can see the utility for Dash in our exclusivity deal that already exists.
1 point,7 years ago
Your plan is appealing to me. Let's say it passes, and let's say it is very very successful. What are your plans to scale quickly to service that much business? I am ready to vote yes...

solarguy on the forums
1 point,7 years ago
Very good question, Solarguy.

Scalability is the most difficult thing for any startup in my opinion. We have addressed this under our development roadmap already. On Friday we will launch v4.0 which is the beginning of Phase Two: Scaling Up. You can see exactly how we plan to scale here, which includes rewriting the codebase and backend. It's important to note that we already have allocated a budget for this development so we don't need to include it in this proposal.

Does this make sense?
1 point,7 years ago
Very cool, very exciting, you have my votes!

I was not aware that South Korea was able to use your Amazon GC's. People in Europe can't use them, right? Can you list all the major places where you can use the cards, or not use them.
3 points,7 years ago
Thanks for your support Mastermined, it means a lot to us!

South Korea is interesting because our customers there are crazy for shopping on for a wider selection of items. They will generally drop ship their orders using for example, who then ship the items to them.

Drop shipping is popular in China especially, where there is a 40% luxury tax on top of VAT for certain items.

We want to also announce that our Amazon gift cards can be redeemed for the following stores:

A full list of stores can be found here:

We've been hinting for a while that we can service more stores and finally now that we are on Phase 2: Scale Up we are ready for the increased demand this news will bring.

Full instructions on how to exchange your Amazon for these stores will be included on the new website update on Friday.
2 points,7 years ago
This is pretty epic, folks.
I can understand why people would like to see the new website before voting.
Great work, Graham!
2 points,7 years ago
You are independent and successful business entity, aren't you? Thus, you should fund your ads by yourself.

With all the respect and love.
4 points,7 years ago
I understand how this can be the intuitive reaction to any Dash proposal. However if you break it down, you'll find almost all proposals are made by independent companies. Take for example the POS systems that have recently been funded and the "Dash card". These are independent companies processing cryptocurrency payments and not only Dash. The last such company we funded was Cryptogroup based in East Europe for 85 Dash and the payment processor will accept Bitcoin, Litecoin and Dash. The Dash card as it turns out will accept 50 other crypto currencies. These proposals only indirectly benefit Dash, if the consumer chooses to use it.

In my case I am asking for Dash to be spent on my company which only accepts Dash. Dash will be featured in all my ads. The distinguishing feature is that we only accept Dash!

These ads will be placed in Seattle where Amazon is headquartered for the purpose of bringing loyal Amazon customers into Dash to get their 15% saving. The ads will of course benefit my company but it's not so independent when we have an exclusive deal with Dash. Dash paid us for exclusivity to get our service out there because they see the return. If Dash only advertised the word "Dash" around grocery stores nobody would look twice. The purpose for our ads is "Save 15% on Amazon when you shop using Dash" and you can instantly see the hook. This is far more effective advertising and I want Dash to use Bitcart for this end goal.
3 points,7 years ago
Well, ok. It makes sense. "Yes" from me.
1 point,7 years ago
Any chance your gift cards could ever work with ebay?
1 point,7 years ago
With Amazon gift cards you can purchase other gift cards, however eBay isn't currently listed. You can find the list here:
1 point,7 years ago
Easy Yes bitcard Rules
1 point,7 years ago
You say in your proposal " Dash has exclusivity on Bitcart so it is the only cryptocurrency that is accepted."
In your trello board of things to do "Add Ethereum Payment method for selling gc" - please explain?????????????????????????????
1 point,7 years ago
Sorry, this roadmap was created before we partnered with Dash. Since May, Dash secured a 12 month exclusivity deal with Bitcart and we deleted Ethereum from our payment methods. I've removed the card from the Trello to prevent confusion. Thanks for pointing this out.
0 points,7 years ago
So when this exclusivity ends, you will be adding other cryptocurrencies?

When does the 12 month exclusivity come to an end?
1 point,7 years ago
We hope to extend our exclusivity after the 12 months is up in May 2018. This will depend on the Dash Supernode and what the community vote. We are really serious about this partnership working. I've hosted Dash core members at the company headquarters in Ireland and I've visited the team in New York. The whole Bitcart team will go to London to see them again in September. We are constantly working together and finding new ways to develop the relationship between Dash and Bitcart to it's full potential.
1 point,7 years ago
Thanks for the clarification - you have a yes from me, and I hope Dash continues to be exclusive well beyond the 12 months!
2 points,7 years ago
Do you have any examples of the Ads you plan to release?

I see the entirety of your company runs on Dash, maybe you should change your name to Dashcart (:
3 points,7 years ago
I've reserved so no one else could steal it. Let me know if you'd like it.
0 points,7 years ago
Hi Mizzy, for this campaign we are dedicating part of the budget to a marketing strategy which will guide us to make the best strategy. In the 3 month time allocated in the proposal, we will conduct the research first in partnership with Google EU to check for keywords and SEO. We will then advertise on news websites, grocery stores in Seattle and Forbes Korea. We feel 3 months is therefore a good timeline to achieve all this and make the right decisions for the investment.

Watch our video for more specifics:

You can see examples of previous adverts such as the racer jet at Oshkosh, which I've linked in the proposal above for your viewing. Thanks!