Proposal “Amanda-and-PMBC-JANUARY-Funding“ (Completed)Back

Title:Amanda & PMBC January Funding + December Update
One-time payment: 26 DASH (703 USD)
Completed payments: 1 totaling in 26 DASH (0 month remaining)
Payment start/end: 2017-12-18 / 2018-01-17 (added on 2017-12-20)
Final voting deadline: in passed
Votes: 0 Yes / 0 No / 0 Abstain

Proposal description

PROPOSED: To continue funding the efforts of Amanda B. Johnson and PMBC to achieve mainstream media coverage in consumer tech outlets. Commentary to focus on blockchain/monetary education and technology/industry opinion, with Amanda always billed as "spokesperson for DASH."

What's been done so far? Here's December's update:


Dash 30-day-moving average = $820 (high of $1200, low of $440)

PMBC fee = 11k USD
Amanda fee = 6k USD
TOTAL = $17,000 USD, or 26 DASH (21 + 5 fee reimbursement)

Kindly post any questions you have below, and I hope to receive your "yes" vote. Thanks!

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Discussion: Should we fund this proposal?

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0 points,6 years ago
UPDATE: When this proposal was made, I didn't yet have any published results to show.

That has now changed.

Here's the first of what we're working to make many:

Thanks for your 'yes' votes and support!
0 points,6 years ago
Nice one Amanda and looking forward to all the new year emotions coming into the space : ))
1 point,6 years ago
Big yes!
0 points,6 years ago
this link will take you to a crypto charting page it allows for SSMA I set it for 30 days. on Xmas night the 30 day moving average is $743.
0 points,6 years ago
Thanks for this link.
-6 points,6 years ago
what the initial proposal laid out was "an average person talking to average people" I am unaware of any average people that have 2-4 assistants in their personal staff to perform their job. I wish you had informed us to expect this departure before coming back looking for thousands and thousands more with no concrete results to date.
this update seems to suggest your initial proposal should have included all the on the job training you'd be requiring for this new field that you're assuring us "you're going to figure out".
I hope you haven't bitten off more than you can chew and have an unrealistic thought that money will flow endlessly to pay you, your new staff, your PR firm, etc.

If I was a cynic I might expect to see your relationship with your PR firm to require additional funding on more than one occasion in order to secure funding for distribution of the yet to delivered material you promised in your initial proposal. At this point many people with business experience are beginning to see a tactic that's well known. I call it "being lead down the garden path". You mentioned you had a fear, I do as well. My fear is your PR firm will continue to fill your head with the idea that you're well on your way to being a national TV personality and they'll continue taking you one step at a time. with each step costing the treasury 10's of thousands of dollars and the community ends up with the bill. at some point I expect they'll send you back to us to fund an actual "test show" you'll be told its a critical step that's esstional so it can be sent out to all the contacts the PR firm has developed for you. will it be aired in Chicago or LA with millions of eyeballs seeing it? Nope. That's all addressed under The Distribution phase!
guess where all the funding to pay to have your little video shown on cable TV? The DASH treasury for every single showing. Not a penny of what's been paid out so far has actually gone into the production of a show not a penny has been allocated to actually get the unmade show aired on a cable station anywhere at anytime.
Today you're seeking an additional 17K for your On the job training. To me the pay off so far on this project is NIL for DASH. I would suggest on your next update that you provide the community with a solid ROADMAP/milestones. Your initial proposal seems to be vastly different from the picture you're painting now. When I read your initial proposal I understood it to mean a series of shows over the course of a year.I think clarification is called for here.
I'd like to see the roadmap and a grand total it will cost the treasury to train you in your new endeavour and to have DASH being promoted on cable TV in the US. Please do a better job of communicating your intentions and provide a timeline for expected completion of the entire project. as it stands now this project seems to be running on an open checkbook with no termination timetable.
Thank you for your efforts.
6 points,6 years ago
Hi, Scott.

It sounds like you're frustrated with the Dash ecosystem and treasury right now. I understand that.

I'd encourage you to revisit my initial proposal, however, because it seems you didn't understand it.

As proposed in both my first proposal and this one, I've hired a PR firm to negotiate commentary within "consumer tech outlets" in which I'm billed as "spokesperson for DASH."

There is no "show," which you seem to misunderstand. I'll say it again -- there is no "show". My weekly YouTube-ing days are over.

I'm expecting results to come more-or-less how Ryan Taylor's did via Wachsman PR -- that is, gradually, and with paid training. And because I'm able to work on Dash PR full-time -- whereas Ryan can only do it in his spare time -- I expect to achieve even greater results than he has.

Regarding milestones -- because PR is entirely dependent on OTHERS wanting to talk to you, no concrete promises can be made, other than the ones I did make -- that is, to do my best, and to put an end to the project if it appears that it will not succeed within reasonable time and/or budget. I won't make promises that other people will do things I want them to do. We've already seen how that's worked out in past treasury proposals -- that is, poorly.

I'm sorry that you're upset right now. I encourage you to have a nice stiff drink and reflect on the 100x + gains you've experienced on your investment this past year. And maybe even to come up with a new proposal yourself that will address the shortcomings you perceive in others.

And by all means, if my above answer has not satisfied you, vote "no" on my proposal

3 points,6 years ago
Obvious yes.

Carry on Amanda.

1 point,6 years ago
Not a single MN voting no.... it shows how much support Amanda has.
0 points,6 years ago
Come on, at least someone play devil’s advocate here... :-p
3 points,6 years ago
Amanda's too cute, and she never asks for enough money, she is too much of a bargain. I say NO!
0 points,6 years ago
I wish all proposals would pass with that much confidence
5 points,6 years ago
I personally wouldn’t be an MNO without your priceless work thus far.
Absolutely yes, stick around and keep doing your thang :)
3 points,6 years ago
Amanda have been awesome and doing pretty good job for dash. Kudos to you Amanda and the fire burning. Dash will have no size in terms of currency soon. I don't need to tell masternodes to vote this
Cheers for now!
Keep it up Amanda
0 points,6 years ago
« high of $1200 »? Where have you seen that? 8-p
2 points,6 years ago
I will gladly vote yes just to have those updates and see those hands moves that I missed so much.
1 point,6 years ago
Approved 100% but can you please ask for more funds? This network has approved $1 million via airdrop to an exchange, $1 million for the airplane guy, thousands to sponsor soccer games and cyclists, you deserve way more than $6k for the services you provide to all of us.
2 points,6 years ago
" you deserve way more than $6k for the services you provide to all of us"

Yes I agree, if i'm doing the math right her monthly fee will be more like 12k at current prices.
1 point,6 years ago
Nice update. Can't wait to see new interviews.)
0 points,6 years ago
you rock
0 points,6 years ago
All day long...